"You didn't get there on your own"

Damn, you must really be retarded. Try this: Buy a large section of raw land and build your own business - including all infrastructure. Build and pay for your own defense, transportation (roads/highways/ports/shipping), education, research & development, energy, police, courts, etc. without help from anyone else - including the government.

There is much more, but surely you get the drift by now. Good luck...

They never will. They just can't see where both govt and business can be good for each other. The interstate sytem was built for trucks to move products more efficeintly than having to stop in every town and go where the road led instead of a direct route.

Moonbat, the Interstate system was built by Eisenhower for national defense, moving troops and supplies more efficiently. It had ZERO to do with moving trade goods, that was and is an ancillary benefit.

Except..it was one of Eisenhower's shining achievements in terms of making the US an economic powerhouse and superpower.
Actually, the primary incentive for the interstate highway system was national defense. Ike came back from Germany after WWII and saw how effective the autobahn was in moving men and materials

In 1950s America, it was not a question of if there would be a nuclear attack, but when. We needed a way to rapidly move evacuees, troops and supplies to affected areas. The interstate highway system was the key

The economic benefit of the highway system was ancillary to its purpose.

That benefit was undeniable but like any other system in existence the benefits of new roads is subject to the laws of diminishing returns.

I don't care how many new roads you build, the effect will not be the same as it was when the original interstates were built.

And mainlining roads does not add to the economic benefit it just costs money and actually slows the flow of people and goods.

Face it people our road system will never return the benefits it once did which is why roads are not as important to the success of businesses as they were.

You use an outhouse, I take it.

Oh, now that roads have been shown to not fit your narrative, you're going to try to pretend that sewer systems aren't paid for by taxes, which are ALSO paid in much larger amounts and proportions by businesses than by individuals?

Give it the fuck up, already, BDPoop. Anything you can possibly list as a "benefit being provided for businesses to profit off of" is going to fall under the heading of "more than paid for by their taxes".
They never will. They just can't see where both govt and business can be good for each other. The interstate sytem was built for trucks to move products more efficeintly than having to stop in every town and go where the road led instead of a direct route.

Moonbat, the Interstate system was built by Eisenhower for national defense, moving troops and supplies more efficiently. It had ZERO to do with moving trade goods, that was and is an ancillary benefit.

Except..it was one of Eisenhower's shining achievements in terms of making the US an economic powerhouse and superpower.

But that wasn't it's PURPOSE.

Like I said, ancillary benefit.

Thank you for agreeing with me.
I wanted to thank everyone for their contributions to the success of my business. But I want to thank appropriately, so I need to know just how much you contributed. Shall I send a mere thank you card or did you contribute enough for a gift basket thank you?
I wanted to thank everyone for their contributions to the success of my business. But I want to thank appropriately, so I need to know just how much you contributed. Shall I send a mere thank you card or did you contribute enough for a gift basket thank you?

Fuck a basket, I demand PROFIT-SHARING!!!
I'm sure YOU think it sounds wonderful now matter how it's quoted, because Obama said it, and because you're a leftist retard.

Unfortunately for your little plan, your allegedly "ignored" context makes it sound no better whatsoever to anyone who's ever accomplished a damned thing in life besides cash a check.

It still says, "You need to 'give back' more, because you're not contributing enough to compensate for all the effort everyone else put into your lucky break."

is that the only way you know how to converse with people?

Yeah, she thinks we're her clients and want to be told how naughty and worthless we are.

Mistress Cecile is pretty pathetic that way

Bah, she's just too moronic, pathetic, [insert derogatory adjective here - she meets all criteria after all] to converse with well-informed, educated people...

Uncivil discourse is the last bastian of the feeble, weak-minded and ill-informed...
I wanted to thank everyone for their contributions to the success of my business. But I want to thank appropriately, so I need to know just how much you contributed. Shall I send a mere thank you card or did you contribute enough for a gift basket thank you?

Fuck a basket, I demand PROFIT-SHARING!!!

And yet a forward-thinking, intelligent CEO would include some form of profit-sharing with his or her employees....
What on earth are the insane rightists whining about – no one gets anywhere on his own; business owners are products of public education and graduates of public colleges and universities.

Without government there’d be no modern business, no employees to work in those businesses, and no consumers to patronize those businesses.

Any ‘argument’ otherwise is ignorant idiocy.

I would much rather discuss who signs treaties.

Macon Phillips
April 08, 2010
10:17 AM EDT

Earlier today, President Obama and President Medvedev of Russia signed the New START treaty and its protocol.

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


You were wrong about it flying into the rights' strengths. You've bought their bullshit for so long you believe it too.

Whether Obama wins the argument or even the election, he has changed the dynamic of the conversation for the first time in decades. Even Bill Clinton sucked up to Conservatives bullshit on economic and finance and business issues. He had to.

To me, Obama is looking more and more like a great President. He may not change much with legislative initiatives, that's Congress's turf anyway, but Obama has been changing the national dialogue and with it the American psyche.
I think maybe the President is flexing his muscles a bit...sensing a big win in Nov...
It's like a new pet owner getting a puppy from the pet shop and he's training it.
The first time the puppy poops in the house the owner puts the dogs nose in it to teach it to go outside.

Well Obama just wants business to know that he is the big dog in the house and he and his government
will rub businesses nose in the you know what anytime he feels like it.

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


I certainly think that he could have worded it better. In my opinion, it laves a lot of room for the dishonest conservative talking heads to lie and misrepresent his statement. While they are not his "target market" so to speak, it gives his opposition a rallying point.
is that the only way you know how to converse with people?

Yeah, she thinks we're her clients and want to be told how naughty and worthless we are.

Mistress Cecile is pretty pathetic that way

Bah, she's just too moronic, pathetic, [insert derogatory adjective here - she meets all criteria after all] to converse with well-informed, educated people...

Uncivil discourse is the last bastian of the feeble, weak-minded and ill-informed...

omg...YOU SHOULD TALK...go back and look at some of your post..
The foundational issue is that Democrats are economically to the left of the Vietnam Communists who have embraced Free Enterprise

The foundational issue is that you are a liar. You know damn well that Democrats aren't calling for socialism. What they are calling for is what they believe would be a more healthy balance within our MIXED economic system. The fact that you can't address them on that front that not only are you completely ignorant and intellectually deplete, but that your own position is as weak as wet spagetti holding a ton of feathers.

Do you get this? FIRST he denies Obama is advocating socialism THEN HE ADMITS IT!

This is typical liberalism.

Look "IN the Middle of lies" All you are saying is we have "a little socialism" going on.

But socialism is SOCIALISM, whether you call it a "mixed economy" or not.

Obama is demanding that "MIX" get a little stronger, and you libs are trying to shut up anyone who says that really means.

IT'S SOCIALISM. That's NOT a lie. The LIE is coming from you libs denying the obvious, while you still try to admit it (and justify it).


Stupidity is so amusing. It has never been a question of whether we will have capitalism or socialism. Neither can function in their pure form. The question is exactly what the mix of the two will be.

Both unrestricte capitalism and socialism wind up at the same place. Statism!

We are fairly down the road to a statist capitalistic society. Right now we have a plutocracy. An elected plutocracy but a plutocracy nevertheless.

Clsss war? Hell that ended a decade ago when the rich won.
I think maybe the President is flexing his muscles a bit...sensing a big win in Nov...
It's like a new pet owner getting a puppy from the pet shop and he's training it.
The first time the puppy poops in the house the owner puts the dogs nose in it to teach it to go outside.

Well Obama just wants business to know that he is the big dog in the house and he and his government
will rub businesses nose in the you know what anytime he feels like it.

Then again, maybe he is saying to small businesses that employ people "Hey, you didn't get there on your own" and nothing more...

And it is true. Not talking one-man band's here. Even McDonalds started out as a single store. You think the McDonald bros were the only ones making burgers, cooking the food or tending the till? Is Obama saying "you must give your employees all your profits etc"? No, he appears to be saying "well done, but just remember the guys and gals who got you there too"...Nothing wrong with that IMO...
Those who profit off it benefit more.
And they often end up paying more.

Ever paid commercial truck apportionment, tolls, fees and/or commercial real estate taxes?

Next red herring, anyone?

I got this one binky.

As a former truck driver..most of that cost gets spread to the consumer.

It's a theory called "Spreading the Cost".


The fact that businesses have to adjust their prices to accommodate the taxes they pay for the services you want them to thank government for in no way changes the fact that they ARE paying taxes for those services, and thus owe government no thanks at all.
Yeah, she thinks we're her clients and want to be told how naughty and worthless we are.

Mistress Cecile is pretty pathetic that way

Bah, she's just too moronic, pathetic, [insert derogatory adjective here - she meets all criteria after all] to converse with well-informed, educated people...

Uncivil discourse is the last bastian of the feeble, weak-minded and ill-informed...

omg...YOU SHOULD TALK...go back and look at some of your post..

With the grand exception of Cesspit (and possibly the T), I rarely start it - and even then I only wade in after theyv'e fired shots at others with their exceptionally fluid way of posting nice - I mean you've seen how conducive their posting is to civil debate, right? Now YOU go back and read those posts...I fight fire with fire, there is no denying. Starting it? Hardly....
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Leftist thinking:

If that doesn't drive it home about Obama's belief system, nothing else will get through either, Zoom-boing. :rolleyes:

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