"You didn't get there on your own"

So, has anyone 'splained how it is that Big Daddy Big Gubmint is pivotal in business success, but never ever to blame for business failure?
Nothin' yet, huh?


What on earth are the insane rightists whining about – no one gets anywhere on his own; business owners are products of public education and graduates of public colleges and universities.

Without government there’d be no modern business, no employees to work in those businesses, and no consumers to patronize those businesses.

Any ‘argument’ otherwise is ignorant idiocy.
Sorry, but that is not always so, Mr. Jones. A number of youthful business owners quit school to start their businesses, and examples are everywhere. They had great ideas and just couldn't sit still any more, held back by pedants.. They employed a lot of people, made innovations like no one else ever did, and it was carpe diem for the rest of their lives.

Entrepreneurs just know where they're going at a certain point, and they know how to cut their losses in other areas, namely public education, to get started on those goals they have developed.

America has always encouraged this until recently. It now encourages people to go on the dole for support rather than work for it.

15 Successful Entrepreneurs who Didn't finish school

That doesn't even include the most famous school drop-out who made his own way and affected many industries by furnishing a cheap source for lights: Thomas Alva Edison.

We have him to thank for this:

Edison's Work:



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The fact that businesses have to adjust their prices to accommodate the taxes they pay for the services you want them to thank government for in no way changes the fact that they ARE paying taxes for those services, and thus owe government no thanks at all.

Businesses are free to start a country of their own..you know..if they are so unhappy.


They DID. THIS one. And I see no reason why they should leave it to greedy, freeloading sacks of shit like you just because you've decided you want it and they haven't done anything to deserve their success.

businesses started this country?


you might want to lighten up on the butt plugs, elvira, your brain seems to be running down your leg.
Business provides jobs and generates tax revenue which keeps government running which keeps politicians in power.

Government should thank businesses for everything they have stuffed in their pockets over the years.

How dare the President mock the backbone of this country.
Shame on him...:mad:
Whaddaya want?...He's a dick.

Well, since you asked, I want him voted out of office and replaced.
Businesses are free to start a country of their own..you know..if they are so unhappy.


No the hell with that...most of us like businesses...You liberals should move and start that utopia of your own..see how long you last:lol:

The hell with what?

Liberals started this government. Got everything essentially up and running.

I'd like to see a country started by businesses.

It'd be kind of fun..it's never been done.

We can see how well "proprietary" material works when you are trying to establish a workable government.

"Liberals started this government" . . . if you subscribe to the theory that anything people like must, by definition, have been liberal.

Meanwhile, as to "countries started by businesses", who do you think paid to send the early settlers here, and supported them once they were here? Who do you think paid for the building of the first roads and towns and infrastructure here?
Idiot liberals believe Govt existed before people moved to an area and set up their farms and businesses. In ther fucked up minds, the taxman was there waiting for people before they even created a town with their businesses out of nothing.
I don't think any of us can even begin to comprehend what the government has built in the United States, the railroads, TVA, Panama Canal, dams, dams that no private company would even look at.
But take just one little unit created during the depression, the CCC. They built 125,000 miles of roads, 46,854 bridges 300,000 dams for erosion, planted 3 billion trees, and the list goes on. For years I traveled over one of these CCC bridges. Business needs government and government needs business. Maybe what we don't need is politicians always trying to split the nation into two political camps.
Businesses are free to start a country of their own..you know..if they are so unhappy.


They DID. THIS one. And I see no reason why they should leave it to greedy, freeloading sacks of shit like you just because you've decided you want it and they haven't done anything to deserve their success.

businesses started this country?


you might want to lighten up on the butt plugs, elvira, your brain seems to be running down your leg.

You'll excuse me if I take the fact that I'm being disagreed with by a fucking moron as proof that I'm CORRECT.

Meanwhile, why don't you get your babysitter to look up who funded the various groups of settlers who came to what became the United States. And then contemplate who paid for the building of roads and towns and infrastructure, and how.

I know you lazy leftist twits, sitting in Mom's basement and eating Cheetos, want to believe that business and commerce are somehow separate and divorced from "regular" human activity and existence, but the truth is, they're part and parcel of it.
They DID. THIS one. And I see no reason why they should leave it to greedy, freeloading sacks of shit like you just because you've decided you want it and they haven't done anything to deserve their success.

businesses started this country?


you might want to lighten up on the butt plugs, elvira, your brain seems to be running down your leg.

You'll excuse me if I take the fact that I'm being disagreed with by a fucking moron as proof that I'm CORRECT.

Meanwhile, why don't you get your babysitter to look up who funded the various groups of settlers who came to what became the United States. And then contemplate who paid for the building of roads and towns and infrastructure, and how.

I know you lazy leftist twits, sitting in Mom's basement and eating Cheetos, want to believe that business and commerce are somehow separate and divorced from "regular" human activity and existence, but the truth is, they're part and parcel of it.

you get more vapid by the post, dear.

try harder.
I don't think any of us can even begin to comprehend what the government has built in the United States, the railroads, TVA, Panama Canal, dams, dams that no private company would even look at.
But take just one little unit created during the depression, the CCC. They built 125,000 miles of roads, 46,854 bridges 300,000 dams for erosion, planted 3 billion trees, and the list goes on. For years I traveled over one of these CCC bridges. Business needs government and government needs business. Maybe what we don't need is politicians always trying to split the nation into two political camps.

Hey, regent, perhaps you could tell us where the government got the money for all their lovely little make-work programs, before you start singing paeons to the "glories" of government.

Human beings create government to perform those functions that are best accomplished as a community. No one has ever argued that there's a valid reason that government exists, so please don't even try to pretend otherwise.

Nevertheless, there's a big difference between "society needs an organized structure" and "you owe your success to government", just as there's a big difference between a basic, rudimentary government which builds roads and dams and the godawful, bloated, micro-managing monolith we actually have, intruding into every aspect of our lives, getting in the way much, MUCH more often than it helps anyone, and then expecting applause and gratitude in the person of our narcissistic, hubristic "community organizing" President.
The Federal Govt built all those roads, bridges, etc thanks to taxpayers giving their money to the Federal Govt. Those taxpayers got their money and jobs from businesses, farms, etc.

The idiot in the White House believes the Federal Govt just has magic money and can produce things left and right, then anyone that benefits from those things owes it all to the Federal Govt. He is so fucking stupid that he doesn't realize if businesses quit operating, it would be hard to get the taxes needed to build those roads, bridges, etc.

Oh, businesses and their owners pay their fair share in taxes to benefit from the roads, bridges, etc. The idiots that were in Obamination's crowd during this speech most likely don't pay their fair share in taxes, so it is bullshit and hypocrisy as usual from liberals.

I don't think any of us can even begin to comprehend what the government has built in the United States, the railroads, TVA, Panama Canal, dams, dams that no private company would even look at.
But take just one little unit created during the depression, the CCC. They built 125,000 miles of roads, 46,854 bridges 300,000 dams for erosion, planted 3 billion trees, and the list goes on. For years I traveled over one of these CCC bridges. Business needs government and government needs business. Maybe what we don't need is politicians always trying to split the nation into two political camps.
businesses started this country?


you might want to lighten up on the butt plugs, elvira, your brain seems to be running down your leg.

You'll excuse me if I take the fact that I'm being disagreed with by a fucking moron as proof that I'm CORRECT.

Meanwhile, why don't you get your babysitter to look up who funded the various groups of settlers who came to what became the United States. And then contemplate who paid for the building of roads and towns and infrastructure, and how.

I know you lazy leftist twits, sitting in Mom's basement and eating Cheetos, want to believe that business and commerce are somehow separate and divorced from "regular" human activity and existence, but the truth is, they're part and parcel of it.

you get more vapid by the post, dear.

try harder.

In other words, you have no response other than personal attacks. Gosh, I love that liberal "tolerance". Do please tell me more about how "respectful" you are of alternative lifestyles. :lol: You liberal hypocrites tolerate differences the way the Pope tolerates religion: Only the ones who agree with you.
I got this one binky.

As a former truck driver..most of that cost gets spread to the consumer.

It's a theory called "Spreading the Cost".


The fact that businesses have to adjust their prices to accommodate the taxes they pay for the services you want them to thank government for in no way changes the fact that they ARE paying taxes for those services, and thus owe government no thanks at all.

Businesses are free to start a country of their own..you know..if they are so unhappy.

Christian businessmen and their associates already did. This one.
You'll excuse me if I take the fact that I'm being disagreed with by a fucking moron as proof that I'm CORRECT.

Meanwhile, why don't you get your babysitter to look up who funded the various groups of settlers who came to what became the United States. And then contemplate who paid for the building of roads and towns and infrastructure, and how.

I know you lazy leftist twits, sitting in Mom's basement and eating Cheetos, want to believe that business and commerce are somehow separate and divorced from "regular" human activity and existence, but the truth is, they're part and parcel of it.

you get more vapid by the post, dear.

try harder.

In other words, you have no response other than personal attacks. Gosh, I love that liberal "tolerance". Do please tell me more about how "respectful" you are of alternative lifestyles. :lol: You liberal hypocrites tolerate differences the way the Pope tolerates religion: Only the ones who agree with you.

i'm not a liberal, dearie.

try harder.
Idiot liberals believe Govt existed before people moved to an area and set up their farms and businesses. In ther fucked up minds, the taxman was there waiting for people before they even created a town with their businesses out of nothing.

:clap2: thank you for sharing one of the most ignorant and uniformed opinions to grace these boards in quite some time. I was just discussing with a friend, the sad state of education in America today. Your post is a classic text book case of what I wanted to posit as proof of America's education system as a broken down relic, akin to America's sad health care system pre Obamacare.

One thing you may want to know: there is a class action lawsuit pending of Americans like you who have a case against the education establishment. You should easily be able to prove their liability in your case, and collect most all the monies either you and/or your family have paid into your supposed education.

peace out
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No the hell with that...most of us like businesses...You liberals should move and start that utopia of your own..see how long you last:lol:

The hell with what?

Liberals started this government. Got everything essentially up and running.

I'd like to see a country started by businesses.

It'd be kind of fun..it's never been done.

We can see how well "proprietary" material works when you are trying to establish a workable government.

"Liberals started this government" . . . if you subscribe to the theory that anything people like must, by definition, have been liberal.

Meanwhile, as to "countries started by businesses", who do you think paid to send the early settlers here, and supported them once they were here? Who do you think paid for the building of the first roads and towns and infrastructure here?

Who paid? I seem to remember something about the government offering homesteads and land grants to people that could make it there.

The Oklahoma Land Rush of 1889 was the first land run into the Unassigned Lands and included all or part of the 2005 modern day Canadian, Cleveland, Kingfisher, Logan, Oklahoma, and Payne counties of the U.S. state of Oklahoma.[1] The land run started at high noon on April 22, 1889, with an estimated 50,000 people lined up for their piece of the available two million acres (8,000 km²).[2]

The Unassigned Lands were considered some of the best unoccupied public land in the United States. The Indian Appropriations Bill of 1889 was passed and signed into law with an amendment by Illinois Representative William McKendree Springer, that authorized President Benjamin Harrison to open the two million acres (8,000 km²) for settlement. Due to the Homestead Act of 1862, signed by President Abraham Lincoln, legal settlers could claim lots up to 160 acres (0.65 km2) in size. Provided a settler lived on the land and improved it, the settler could then receive the title to the land.[2]

Land Run of 1889 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's just one example of how the government helped to foster the settling of the West.

And..............as far as who provided the infrastructure? Well, up until Eisenhower, the roads kinda sucked and there were towns that didn't connect up with the rest of the country. His highway system changed that.

The Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways (commonly known as the Interstate Highway System, Interstate Freeway System or the Interstate) is a network of limited-access roads, including freeways, highways, and expressways, forming part of the National Highway System of the United States. The system is named for President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who championed its formation. Construction was authorized by the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956, and the original portion was completed 35 years later. The network has since been extended, and as of 2010, it had a total length of 47,182 miles (75,932 km).[2] As of 2010, about one-quarter of all vehicle miles driven in the country use the Interstate system.[3] The cost of construction has been estimated at $425 billion (in 2006 dollars),[4] making it the "largest public works program since the Pyramids."[5]

The Interstate Highway System had been lobbied for by major U.S. automobile manufacturers and championed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was influenced by his experiences as a young Army officer crossing the country in the 1919 Army Convoy on the Lincoln Highway, the first road across America.

Initial federal planning for a nationwide highway system began in 1921 when the Bureau of Public Roads asked the Army to provide a list of roads it considered necessary for national defense. This resulted in the Pershing Map.[6] Later that decade, highways such as the New York parkway system were built as part of local or state highway systems.

As automobile traffic increased, planners saw a need for such an interconnected national system to supplement the existing, largely non-freeway, United States Numbered Highways system. By the late 1930s, planning had expanded to a system of new superhighways.

In 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave Thomas MacDonald, chief at the Bureau of Public Roads, a hand-drawn map of the U.S. marked with eight superhighway corridors for study.[6] In 1939, Bureau of Public Roads Division of Information chief Herbert S. Fairbank wrote a report entitled Toll Roads and Free Roads, "the first formal description of what became the interstate highway system," and in 1944 the similarly themed Interregional Highways.[7][8]

Eisenhower gained an appreciation of the German Autobahn network as a necessary component of a national defense system while he was serving as Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe during World War II.[9] He recognized that the proposed system would also provide key ground transport routes for military supplies and troop deployments in case of an emergency or foreign invasion.

I-55 under construction in Mississippi, photo from May, 1972
The publication in 1955 of the General Location of National System of Interstate Highways, informally known as the Yellow Book, mapped out what became the Interstate System.[10] Assisting in the planning was Charles Erwin Wilson, who was still head of General Motors when President Eisenhower selected him as Secretary of Defense in January 1953.

Interstate Highway System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yep..............that's right..................the government built the roads too (at the request of the auto manufacturers btw........)
you get more vapid by the post, dear.

try harder.

In other words, you have no response other than personal attacks. Gosh, I love that liberal "tolerance". Do please tell me more about how "respectful" you are of alternative lifestyles. :lol: You liberal hypocrites tolerate differences the way the Pope tolerates religion: Only the ones who agree with you.

i'm not a liberal, dearie.

try harder.

Yeah, because I'm going to take your word for it. Dipshit, I wouldn't believe you if you told me the sky was blue, and I SURE as fuck don't trust or respect the word of anyone so childish as to neg-rep for "revenge". :badgrin:

By the way, shitforbrains, what makes you think someone who mocks every word out of your mouth in the thread is going to be the slightest bit interested in reading private messages from you? Keep 'em to yourself and stop humping my leg. Nothing short of a traumatic injury to my brain is going to make your drivel appear worthy of respect at this point.

You're a liberal, a hypocrite, and a bigot. The fact that you delude yourself about it means nothing to me. Deal.
I don't think any of us can even begin to comprehend what the government has built in the United States, the railroads, TVA, Panama Canal, dams, dams that no private company would even look at.

But take just one little unit created during the depression, the CCC. They built 125,000 miles of roads, 46,854 bridges 300,000 dams for erosion, planted 3 billion trees, and the list goes on.

For years I traveled over one of these CCC bridges. Business needs government and government needs business. Maybe what we don't need is politicians always trying to split the nation into two political camps.

:clap2: God Bless America and it's people, and government.

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