"You didn't get there on your own"

if you don't want responses, don't rep me, dearie.

have you considered numismatics?

you must be good at something, and you surely suck at this.

just some food for thought, twat.

No, "dearie", you don't understand. I DON'T CARE if you "respond" or not. That's the point. You're ignorant vermin in my eyes, and your puerile "responses" only make it worse. That's the point I'm trying to make here, and you're too stupid to grasp: if I'm telling you what an object of ridicule I consider you to be in the thread, why in God's name would you think I'm even going to READ your private messages? You're just mindlessly humping my leg, looking for some validation of your existence, and all it does is convince me that your thread posts deserve more contempt than I was already giving them.

"Food for thought"? You seriously think anything dribbling from you makes people think about anything except the possibility that forced sterilization might not be such a bad idea, after all? :badgrin: Keep flattering yourself, loser. In the meantime, if you really want to waste your time composing incoherent private messages I'm going to delete so that you can pretend you matter, go ahead. Far be it from me to sever the last tiny line between you and suicide.

stop calling del "ignorant vermin" he's a good egg. del, stop humping Cecille's leg.

with all due respect, i'd rather hump concertina wire.
1) he Federal Govt built all those roads, bridges, etc thanks to taxpayers giving their money to the Federal Govt. Those taxpayers got their money and jobs from businesses, farms, etc.

2) The idiot in the White House believes the Federal Govt just has magic money and can produce things left and right, then anyone that benefits from those things owes it all to the Federal Govt. He is so fucking stupid that he doesn't realize if businesses quit operating, it would be hard to get the taxes needed to build those roads, bridges, etc.

Oh, businesses and their owners pay their fair share in taxes to benefit from the roads, bridges, etc. The idiots that were in Obamination's crowd during this speech most likely don't pay their fair share in taxes, so it is bullshit and hypocrisy as usual from liberals.

1) :clap2: Thank you Captain Obvious. The nation owes you a debt of gratitude. The chow line forms outside next to the latrine. As with earlier experiences with you, we must again insist you avoid drinking the latrine water.

2) Question: Do you know who the President's economic advisers are? Here's a clue: The President's Council of Economic Advisers 2a) No one outside your imagination argues the government produces things the way you insist it does. 2b) Governments print money. It's one of the reasons we have a Central Bank No reasonable, rational, and sane person argues getting rid of the Fed. 2c) Nobody with any credibility argues the President and his economic team wants to get businesses to stop operating.

3) Lower income people pay their fair share. The tax breaks go to people like Willard Mitt Romney. It is one of the reasons I suspect he doesn't want to release more tax records. They will show how little he pays.

Lots of lower income people are totally exempt from paying certain taxes simply by reason of their income. Talk about a tax break....
you get more vapid by the post, dear.

try harder.

In other words, you have no response other than personal attacks. Gosh, I love that liberal "tolerance". Do please tell me more about how "respectful" you are of alternative lifestyles. :lol: You liberal hypocrites tolerate differences the way the Pope tolerates religion: Only the ones who agree with you.
del, USMB Liberal Extraordinaire!

added to Dante's collection :clap2:
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No one has ever argued that there's a valid reason that government exists?

I was going to respond to more of your post, and then I realized...

this is your brain on auto pilot

They've argued it, but their arguments all suck ass.

In all fairness, there HAVE been some decent arguments for the validity of the existence of government.

Unfortunately for the leftists, they've all come from people who want to seriously shrink government.

The fatal flaw in all their arguments is the fact that once government exists it will continue to grow like a cancer until it consumes all of society. Our society is doomed. I hold out no hope for it. This election is capitalism's last stand. Even if Romney wins, it's only a matter of time until the parasites drag us down the sewer hole with them.
They've argued it, but their arguments all suck ass.

In all fairness, there HAVE been some decent arguments for the validity of the existence of government.

Unfortunately for the leftists, they've all come from people who want to seriously shrink government.

The fatal flaw in all their arguments is the fact that once government exists it will continue to grow like a cancer until it consumes all of society. Our society is doomed. I hold out no hope for it. This election is capitalism's last stand. Even if Romney wins, it's only a matter of time until the parasites drag us down the sewer hole with them.

They've argued it, but their arguments all suck ass.

In all fairness, there HAVE been some decent arguments for the validity of the existence of government.

Unfortunately for the leftists, they've all come from people who want to seriously shrink government.

The fatal flaw in all their arguments is the fact that once government exists it will continue to grow like a cancer until it consumes all of society. Our society is doomed. I hold out no hope for it. This election is capitalism's last stand. Even if Romney wins, it's only a matter of time until the parasites drag us down the sewer hole with them.

Drama queen much?
Asking US leaders to define communism is similar to asking posters to define communism. Better and more accurate definitions might be found by asking political scientists, perhaps those that teach subjects like comparative economic systems, and even better than that, to read what Marx had to say about the political and economic facets of his system.

Seriously, you're making about as much sense as a stoned donkey right now. You have no idea what you're talking about, but it appears you're working very hard to convince people you do - and it's just coming out as nonsense.

First of all, Communism was just the term they used - nobody asked them to "define it" and claiming a "political scientist" (hilarious term by the way) can better define a term coined by leadership 50 years ago is absurd. It's like saying naming Microsoft Windows was the wrong name to use for Bill Gates product and he should have waited 30 years until he could ask YOU what to call it.

Did Marx believe that a dictators would force capitalistic nations into communism?

Almost certainly. Because only an asshole would voluntarily enter into the philosophy of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need"

How was that transfer to take place?

Same way it always does. Same way it has through 10,000+ years. Through force.

What was the political system that Marx envisioned for his system?

Probably dictatorship as we already established.

I'll ask you another question one that I have asked numerous times, can you name a nation that has or is now practicing Marxian communism?

Also as we already established, Marxism is a part of the blanket term Communism, so this is like saying a Democratic Democracy. However, many nations are currently employing Communism and all are failing miserably. One must only look off the coast of the US at Cuba to see it.

And still another question, if our founders were liberals and used liberal ideas in the Constitution does that make the founders communists? They certainly advocated a political system that was pretty radical for its time and based on liberal ideas.

Well, if you sucked cock, would you swallow every time? Why ask a hypothetical question about people who have been dead for 200+ years? The reality is, our founders lived oppression first hand (not like the priviliged, spoiled, lazy, greedy liberal of today) and thus created a small government of limited powers to protect against the tyranny they knew all too well.

However, if they hypotheticlally HAD implemented the Communist policies of the left, then yes, they would have been Communists. But they didn't, so asking that question makes zero sense and seems like a desperate attempt to start framing a debate at some point that our founders did do somethign that stupid. Typical of the left.
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1) he Federal Govt built all those roads, bridges, etc thanks to taxpayers giving their money to the Federal Govt. Those taxpayers got their money and jobs from businesses, farms, etc.

2) The idiot in the White House believes the Federal Govt just has magic money and can produce things left and right, then anyone that benefits from those things owes it all to the Federal Govt. He is so fucking stupid that he doesn't realize if businesses quit operating, it would be hard to get the taxes needed to build those roads, bridges, etc.

Oh, businesses and their owners pay their fair share in taxes to benefit from the roads, bridges, etc. The idiots that were in Obamination's crowd during this speech most likely don't pay their fair share in taxes, so it is bullshit and hypocrisy as usual from liberals.

1) :clap2: Thank you Captain Obvious. The nation owes you a debt of gratitude. The chow line forms outside next to the latrine. As with earlier experiences with you, we must again insist you avoid drinking the latrine water.

2) Question: Do you know who the President's economic advisers are? Here's a clue: The President's Council of Economic Advisers 2a) No one outside your imagination argues the government produces things the way you insist it does. 2b) Governments print money. It's one of the reasons we have a Central Bank No reasonable, rational, and sane person argues getting rid of the Fed. 2c) Nobody with any credibility argues the President and his economic team wants to get businesses to stop operating.

3) Lower income people pay their fair share. The tax breaks go to people like Willard Mitt Romney. It is one of the reasons I suspect he doesn't want to release more tax records. They will show how little he pays.

Lots of lower income people are totally exempt from paying certain taxes simply by reason of their income. Talk about a tax break....

And many wealthy people are exempt in ways that would embarrass them if word got out: Romney doesn't want Americans to see what he really pays after exemptions and shelters.

If you want to argue tax policy is legal .. D'Oh! The matter of the fact is many wealthy people and corporations complain about taxes they NEVER pay.
I've noticed that Cecilie1200 hasn't answered my post that is backed up with facts as to how the government actually built the roads and fostered the settling of the West.

Oh yeah...........that Lewis and Clark thing to find out about the Louisiana Purchase? Government funded as well.

dummie,, how did the govermnet do that? that's right,, because 50% of we the people support the government with our TAX dollars. the precious government couldn't make jack shit unless 50% of we the people sent them our hard earned money.

The federal government runs on more than federal income taxes. Poor people pay taxes to the federal government. Some wealthy people and corporations take so many exemptions they pay a fraction of what they publicly claim to pay. It is I suspect one of Romeny's main objections to releasing his tax records.

What does Romney really pay? :lol:
Fuck a basket, I demand PROFIT-SHARING!!!

And yet a forward-thinking, intelligent CEO would include some form of profit-sharing with his or her employees....

That's exactly why forward-thinking liberals should start their own damn company and profit-share with their own damn employees of their own damn free will!

They do. You really need to get out more. Does your Scooter have new batteries? If not after 5 years I hear your privately funded Medicare will pay for a set.

They've argued it, but their arguments all suck ass.

In all fairness, there HAVE been some decent arguments for the validity of the existence of government.

Unfortunately for the leftists, they've all come from people who want to seriously shrink government.

The fatal flaw in all their arguments is the fact that once government exists it will continue to grow like a cancer until it consumes all of society. Our society is doomed. I hold out no hope for it. This election is capitalism's last stand. Even if Romney wins, it's only a matter of time until the parasites drag us down the sewer hole with them.

That's only if we let them. If we force them to take personal responsibility and fend for themselves like big boys and big girls, then they won't be able to collapse our nation. If we keep pandering to them, then you are correct...
i'm not a liberal, dearie.

try harder.

Yeah, because I'm going to take your word for it. Dipshit, I wouldn't believe you if you told me the sky was blue, and I SURE as fuck don't trust or respect the word of anyone so childish as to neg-rep for "revenge". :badgrin:

By the way, shitforbrains, what makes you think someone who mocks every word out of your mouth in the thread is going to be the slightest bit interested in reading private messages from you? Keep 'em to yourself and stop humping my leg. Nothing short of a traumatic injury to my brain is going to make your drivel appear worthy of respect at this point.

You're a liberal, a hypocrite, and a bigot. The fact that you delude yourself about it means nothing to me. Deal.

if you don't want responses, don't rep me, dearie.

have you considered numismatics?

you must be good at something, and you surely suck at this.

just some food for thought, twat.

She got me, too. Devastated. Simply heartbroken. I swan.

WTF does that mean, anyway; I swan? I should go Google.
And yet a forward-thinking, intelligent CEO would include some form of profit-sharing with his or her employees....

That's exactly why forward-thinking liberals should start their own damn company and profit-share with their own damn employees of their own damn free will!

They do. You really need to get out more. Does your Scooter have new batteries? If not after 5 years I hear your privately funded Medicare will pay for a set.


They do? Really? Then why of all of you parasite liberals here crying your little eyes out about the evil rich who won't give you money??? :lol:

You're parasites - you're too fucking lazy to work, much less start your own business...
Yeah, because I'm going to take your word for it. Dipshit, I wouldn't believe you if you told me the sky was blue, and I SURE as fuck don't trust or respect the word of anyone so childish as to neg-rep for "revenge". :badgrin:

By the way, shitforbrains, what makes you think someone who mocks every word out of your mouth in the thread is going to be the slightest bit interested in reading private messages from you? Keep 'em to yourself and stop humping my leg. Nothing short of a traumatic injury to my brain is going to make your drivel appear worthy of respect at this point.

You're a liberal, a hypocrite, and a bigot. The fact that you delude yourself about it means nothing to me. Deal.

if you don't want responses, don't rep me, dearie.

have you considered numismatics?

you must be good at something, and you surely suck at this.

just some food for thought, twat.

She got me, too. Devastated. Simply heartbroken. I swan.

WTF does that mean, anyway; I swan? I should go Google.

As dumb and brainwashed as you are, you should Google a LOT of things... :lol:
if you don't want responses, don't rep me, dearie.

have you considered numismatics?

you must be good at something, and you surely suck at this.

just some food for thought, twat.

No, "dearie", you don't understand. I DON'T CARE if you "respond" or not. That's the point. You're ignorant vermin in my eyes, and your puerile "responses" only make it worse. That's the point I'm trying to make here, and you're too stupid to grasp: if I'm telling you what an object of ridicule I consider you to be in the thread, why in God's name would you think I'm even going to READ your private messages? You're just mindlessly humping my leg, looking for some validation of your existence, and all it does is convince me that your thread posts deserve more contempt than I was already giving them.

"Food for thought"? You seriously think anything dribbling from you makes people think about anything except the possibility that forced sterilization might not be such a bad idea, after all? :badgrin: Keep flattering yourself, loser. In the meantime, if you really want to waste your time composing incoherent private messages I'm going to delete so that you can pretend you matter, go ahead. Far be it from me to sever the last tiny line between you and suicide.

stop calling del "ignorant vermin" he's a good egg. del, stop humping Cecille's leg.

Sorry, Willow, but I don't stop calling 'em like I see 'em for ANYONE.
That's exactly why forward-thinking liberals should start their own damn company and profit-share with their own damn employees of their own damn free will!

They do. You really need to get out more. Does your Scooter have new batteries? If not after 5 years I hear your privately funded Medicare will pay for a set.


They do? Really? Then why of all of you parasite liberals here crying your little eyes out about the evil rich who won't give you money??? :lol:

You're parasites - you're too fucking lazy to work, much less start your own business...

you should really stick to the words on the screen and not the voices in your head.

otay? :thup:
Idiot liberals believe Govt existed before people moved to an area and set up their farms and businesses. In ther fucked up minds, the taxman was there waiting for people before they even created a town with their businesses out of nothing.

:clap2: thank you for sharing one of the most ignorant and uniformed opinions to grace these boards in quite some time. I was just discussing with a friend, the sad state of education in America today. Your post is a classic text book case of what I wanted to posit as proof of America's education system as a broken down relic, akin to America's sad health care system pre Obamacare.

One thing you may want to know: there is a class action lawsuit pending of Americans like you who have a case against the education establishment. You should easily be able to prove their liability in your case, and collect most all the monies either you and/or your family have paid into your supposed education.

peace out

And out of the OTHER side of your mouth comes the pronouncement that without 'government education, America's businesses wouldn't have such worthwhile employees...

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