"You didn't get there on your own"

They do? Really? Then why of all of you parasite liberals here crying your little eyes out about the evil rich who won't give you money??? :lol:

You're parasites - you're too fucking lazy to work, much less start your own business...

says the internet troll who lives on the internet(s)


oh no! he was a contract negotiator in finance, that's one of his many talents.
I'd take his ass to work with me, and laugh when he walks home cause the job is too physically demanding, and it's my own business, been running it 30 years.


everyone knows liberals don't work
So, has anyone 'splained how it is that Big Daddy Big Gubmint is pivotal in business success, but never ever to blame for business failure?
Nothin' yet, huh?

They can't explain that because they'd have to deal with some rather unpleasant facts, first and foremost that government gets IN THE WAY of commerce more often than not.

But that's not really the point of Obama's comments, which were misleading even before we deal with the socialistic nature of the gaffe. He KNOWS that they could confiscate every cent from "the rich" and maybe.. maybe fund Washington's spending for a year, leaving nothing for any subsequent years. He also knows, and hopes desperately that we will forget... that Democrats had A BULLET-PROOF MAJORITY in 2009. THE BASTARDS COULD HAVE PASSED ANY LEGISLATION THEY LIKED AND THERE'S NOT DICK REPUBLICANS COULD'VE DONE TO STOP THEM.

That's how we know this whole class warfare gambit is just a political game. They had ample opportunity to raise those taxes... but they didn't. And they didn't because they KNOW that raising taxes in a down economy isn't smart and that they'd be crucified in the polls when the bottom fell out. That situation hasn't changed dramatically, as the "recovery" is a bust and the "fiscal cliff" is before us.

Obama is playing games. There's REAL suffering in this country and REAL danger that we'll fall off that fiscal cliff. But Obama's priority is Obama. He's running for a job that he could be doing today, right now... and chooses not to.
Let's look at just one small paragraph of your Wiki C&P, shall we? You'll see it highlighted above, assuming you know how to scroll. Nevermind, let me help you out.

Notice how the traffic increased BEFORE the 'planners saw a need'? How does that jibe with the meme that government was first, BEFORE the need?

I just don't see it, can you clear it up for me? :dunno:

I was rather caught by the notion that the government paid someone for the land grants that it issued people. Aren't these the same liberals who are always bemoaning the way the United States "stole" all the land from the Indians? NOW, though, we're being told that they, in fact, had to pay for it in order to issue land grants.

Not that it matters, because the idea of the federal government during that time going to the homesteaders, out there breaking their backs and risking their lives just to scratch out a decent living, and telling them, "You couldn't have done it without us" just makes me laugh. :lol:

what was the name of the private enterprise that bought the Louisiana Purchase? heck back then we(US govt.) had to keep rich people from raising armies to invade smaller nations.

So the United States DIDN'T steal the land from the Indians? Well, damn, son! Remind me to point this post out the next time you or one of your leftist butt-buddies tries to bemoan the "poor Native Americans" and how our evil nation screwed them over.

Meanwhile, what was the name of the government body that went out and built homesteads, planted crops, fought off raids and outlaws, started businesses, built up frontier towns, etc., and thus made the settlers successful? Oh, and that wonderful paved road the government built for the covered wagons to take west, what was that called again?

Don't think you're going to wander off down tangents and avoid the main topic, which is that PEOPLE built this country by starting businesses and engaging in commerce and busting their asses; GOVERNMENT didn't build it, and those few occasions - far, FAR back in the past - when government did something helpful - because it rarely does anything of the sort NOW - are a long, sad cry away from entitling Obama to claim any sort of share for the government in people's success.
They do? Really? Then why of all of you parasite liberals here crying your little eyes out about the evil rich who won't give you money??? :lol:

You're parasites - you're too fucking lazy to work, much less start your own business...

says the internet troll who lives on the internet(s)


oh no! he was a contract negotiator in finance, that's one of his many talents.
I'd take his ass to work with me, and laugh when he walks home cause the job is too physically demanding, and it's my own business, been running it 30 years.

I'm suddenly a "contract negotiator in finance"??? Clearly you are confused. I've never done anything even remotely similar to that.

And congrats on being one of the few liberals who actually works. There's an exception to every rule. Now explain to us why you support an ideology that wants to punish you for your hard work and effort?
Romney said Obama’s remarks were not just “foolishness,” but “insulting to every entrepreneur, every innovator in America.” He said he found it “extraordinary that a philosophy of that nature would be spoken by a President of the United States.”

“And by the way,” Romney continued, “the President’s logic doesn’t just extend to the entrepreneurs that start a barber shop or a taxi operation or an oil field service business like this and a gas service business like this. It also extends to everybody in America that wants to lift themselves up a little further, that goes back to school to get a degree and see if they can get a little better job, to somebody who wants to get some new skills and get a little higher income, to somebody who have may have dropped out that decides to get back in school and go for it. People who reach to try and lift themselves up. The President would say, ‘Well you didn’t do that.’ You couldn’t have gotten to school without the roads that government built for you. You couldn’t have gone to school without teachers. So you are not responsible for that success.”

Well, there you go. Thank God he didn't give us any of that incredibly irritating "He's really a nice guy; we can't attack our opponent" temporizing that the GOP so often puts out.
Twitchy.com collected a tidal wave of Twitter messages from small business owners firing back at the President. One business owner asked the President, “so who exactly built MY business? You mean I could have just slept all those late nights while someone ELSE built it?” Another, colder response: “I reject your assertion that others built my business and resent your cavalier attitude toward my efforts.”

A few respondents drove home the point that Barack Obama knows absolutely nothing about running a business of any size, and apparently thinks entrepreneurs spend their days reclining on couches and sipping chardonnay while counting their profits: “If someone else built my business, why am I the one who lays awake at night wondering how I am going to make payroll?” asked one disgusted businessman, while another declared, “Feel better now that I know the government built my business for me. I’ll let them stay up nights worrying about it.”

Dan Danner, president of the National Federation of Independent Business, issued a scathing statement in response to the President: “His unfortunate remarks over the weekend show an utter lack of understanding and appreciation for the people who take a huge personal risk and work endless hours to start a business and create jobs. I’m sure every small-business owner who took a second mortgage on their home, maxed out their credit cards or borrowed money from their own retirement savings to start their business disagrees strongly with President Obama’s claim. They know that hard work does matter.”

David Chavern, chief operating officer of the Chamber of Commerce, said that in Obama’s eyes, “success is apparently a collective effort – but where was that ‘collective’ during the periods of risk-taking and failure? The vast majority of businesses fail, period. Every day millions of people put their lives, savings, houses and families on the line and work 20 hours a day just to grab their small slice of the American dream. Where is the collective when all of this is going on? And if the collective is really responsible for success, how come everyone isn’t successful?”

By the way, all you lefties who are desperately backpedaling and trying to claim that Obama didn't REALLY mean to take credit for the government building people's businesses? He really screwed you out of that argument when he added THIS line: “I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart.” There's really no way to spin that away from him telling business owners that they aren't responsible for their own success.

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


having just watched the piece in your link (something I should have done at the outset), I see it ressembles nothing you say in the OP...just partisan hackery on your part...
I was rather caught by the notion that the government paid someone for the land grants that it issued people. Aren't these the same liberals who are always bemoaning the way the United States "stole" all the land from the Indians? NOW, though, we're being told that they, in fact, had to pay for it in order to issue land grants.

Not that it matters, because the idea of the federal government during that time going to the homesteaders, out there breaking their backs and risking their lives just to scratch out a decent living, and telling them, "You couldn't have done it without us" just makes me laugh. :lol:

what was the name of the private enterprise that bought the Louisiana Purchase? heck back then we(US govt.) had to keep rich people from raising armies to invade smaller nations.

So the United States DIDN'T steal the land from the Indians? Well, damn, son! Remind me to point this post out the next time you or one of your leftist butt-buddies tries to bemoan the "poor Native Americans" and how our evil nation screwed them over.

Meanwhile, what was the name of the government body that went out and built homesteads, planted crops, fought off raids and outlaws, started businesses, built up frontier towns, etc., and thus made the settlers successful? Oh, and that wonderful paved road the government built for the covered wagons to take west, what was that called again?
intercontinental railroad was financed by the governemnt, making it easier to travel west and to increase produce shipping for markets. then in your imagination, business built up all infastructure and if there was no infastructure business in the US would not suffer.
The Erie canal was the first govt. project to help transport goods. then came the military to help protect settlers and control the native poulation. The people back then wanted govt. to help establish themselves in hostile areas.

Don't think you're going to wander off down tangents and avoid the main topic, which is that PEOPLE built this country by starting businesses and engaging in commerce and busting their asses; GOVERNMENT didn't build it, and those few occasions - far, FAR back in the past - when government did something helpful - because it rarely does anything of the sort NOW - are a long, sad cry away from entitling Obama to claim any sort of share for the government in people's success.

No one has said that government did it all for business but you twisted fanatics. The main topic of the statement was collective commerce assistance to businesses for greater success.
And yes the land was forcibly taken by the US many times. Happened in many parts of the world back then, should we still be doing it to other nations,no, manifest destiny had to stop at some time.

but you may fly off any tangent you would like. it's just a discussion thread, don't have a cow, man.
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says the internet troll who lives on the internet(s)


oh no! he was a contract negotiator in finance, that's one of his many talents.
I'd take his ass to work with me, and laugh when he walks home cause the job is too physically demanding, and it's my own business, been running it 30 years.

I'm suddenly a "contract negotiator in finance"??? Clearly you are confused. I've never done anything even remotely similar to that.

And congrats on being one of the few liberals who actually works. There's an exception to every rule. Now explain to us why you support an ideology that wants to punish you for your hard work and effort?

every liberal I know works, and we work hard. i had a black tranny at a night club I bounce at tell me that she was suprised that a white man would be in construction. I told her/him/it that it would be an even bigger suprise to see a black man working at a job and not hanging on da curb selling dope.
I've never done anything even remotely similar to that.

I find that so easy to believe....I'm thinking - burger flipper? Stop/go signage holder at roadworks? Tire kicker at the Firestone factory?

Says the Australian parasite who mooches off others and has them pay for his wife's surgery. Seriously, why don't you get the fuck off the US Message Board and make your ignorant, uneducated comments on an Australian site? What, do you suffer from American envy or something? You don't live here, you don't understand the issues, you don't understand what is going on - just go away.

Also, leave it to a liberal idiot to demean working. You mooch off the Australian government like the parasite you are while having the audacity to demean a person who works at a restaraunt, at a construction site, or at a factory? Unfuckingbelievable. What an asshole...
I've never done anything even remotely similar to that.

I find that so easy to believe....I'm thinking - burger flipper? Stop/go signage holder at roadworks? Tire kicker at the Firestone factory?

Says the Australian parasite who mooches off others and has them pay for his wife's surgery. Seriously, why don't you get the fuck off the US Message Board and make your ignorant, uneducated comments on an Australian site? What, do you suffer from American envy or something? You don't live here, you don't understand the issues, you don't understand what is going on - just go away.

Also, leave it to a liberal idiot to demean working. You mooch off the Australian government like the parasite you are while having the audacity to demean a person who works at a restaraunt, at a construction site, or at a factory? Unfuckingbelievable. What an asshole...

Australia has universal healthcare.And mandatory voting.
oh no! he was a contract negotiator in finance, that's one of his many talents.
I'd take his ass to work with me, and laugh when he walks home cause the job is too physically demanding, and it's my own business, been running it 30 years.

I'm suddenly a "contract negotiator in finance"??? Clearly you are confused. I've never done anything even remotely similar to that.

And congrats on being one of the few liberals who actually works. There's an exception to every rule. Now explain to us why you support an ideology that wants to punish you for your hard work and effort?

every liberal I know works, and we work hard. i had a black tranny at a night club I bounce at tell me that she was suprised that a white man would be in construction. I told her/him/it that it would be an even bigger suprise to see a black man working at a job and not hanging on da curb selling dope.

So is club "bouncing" actually a career choice?
what was the name of the private enterprise that bought the Louisiana Purchase? heck back then we(US govt.) had to keep rich people from raising armies to invade smaller nations.

So the United States DIDN'T steal the land from the Indians? Well, damn, son! Remind me to point this post out the next time you or one of your leftist butt-buddies tries to bemoan the "poor Native Americans" and how our evil nation screwed them over.

Meanwhile, what was the name of the government body that went out and built homesteads, planted crops, fought off raids and outlaws, started businesses, built up frontier towns, etc., and thus made the settlers successful? Oh, and that wonderful paved road the government built for the covered wagons to take west, what was that called again?
intercontinental railroad was financed by the governemnt, making it easier to travel west and to increase produce shipping for markets. then in your imagination, business built up all infastructure and if there was no infastructure business in the US would not suffer.
The Erie canal was the first govt. project to help transport goods. then came the military to help protect settlers and control the native poulation. The people back then wanted govt. to help establish themselves in hostile areas.

Don't think you're going to wander off down tangents and avoid the main topic, which is that PEOPLE built this country by starting businesses and engaging in commerce and busting their asses; GOVERNMENT didn't build it, and those few occasions - far, FAR back in the past - when government did something helpful - because it rarely does anything of the sort NOW - are a long, sad cry away from entitling Obama to claim any sort of share for the government in people's success.

No one has said that government did it all for business but you twisted fanatics. The main topic of the statement was collective commerce assistance to businesses for greater success.
And yes the land was forcibly taken by the US many times. Happened in many parts of the world back then, should we still be doing it to other nations,no, manifest destiny had to stop at some time.

but you may fly off any tangent you would like. it's just a discussion thread, don't have a cow, man.

Actually, Sparkles, as hard as you leftist twits are trying to spin it, your beloved President/Messiah very much tried to claim an equal share of credit for building businesses with their owners.

As to the land, you need to make up your fucking mind. Either the government paid for the land that the settlers settled on, making them partially responsible for the settlers' successes, or they stole the land, in which case they didn't pay shit for it, and did nothing to contribute to the settlers' success.

You can't have it both ways, sonny.
oh no! he was a contract negotiator in finance, that's one of his many talents.
I'd take his ass to work with me, and laugh when he walks home cause the job is too physically demanding, and it's my own business, been running it 30 years.

I'm suddenly a "contract negotiator in finance"??? Clearly you are confused. I've never done anything even remotely similar to that.

And congrats on being one of the few liberals who actually works. There's an exception to every rule. Now explain to us why you support an ideology that wants to punish you for your hard work and effort?

every liberal I know works, and we work hard. i had a black tranny at a night club I bounce at tell me that she was suprised that a white man would be in construction. I told her/him/it that it would be an even bigger suprise to see a black man working at a job and not hanging on da curb selling dope.

So I have to ask again - why would you support an ideology that punishes hard work and rewards unproductive parasites?
I'm suddenly a "contract negotiator in finance"??? Clearly you are confused. I've never done anything even remotely similar to that.

And congrats on being one of the few liberals who actually works. There's an exception to every rule. Now explain to us why you support an ideology that wants to punish you for your hard work and effort?

every liberal I know works, and we work hard. i had a black tranny at a night club I bounce at tell me that she was suprised that a white man would be in construction. I told her/him/it that it would be an even bigger suprise to see a black man working at a job and not hanging on da curb selling dope.

So I have to ask again - why would you support an ideology that punishes hard work and rewards unproductive parasites?

I believe that able bodied people receiving help should work for it. Even if you have to leave your family to do it. Like during the Great Depression.
I have a question if a teacher makes that much of a difference, how come all their students dont succeed?
I have a question if a teacher makes that much of a difference, how come all their students dont succeed?

many do succeed, but it is up to the individual to make a success with the education provided.
i believe that more votech training should be included in school and a work study program to give youngsters training and experience.
here in our county the high school actually builds houses and sells them to support the votech section of the school. The jr college down the road builds houses that are alternative energy and takes them on tours to show to prospective buyers. The school was originally an engineer prep school for the NG engineer battalion attached to the college.
these kids get out of school with a trade and can build houses for a business.
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I've never done anything even remotely similar to that.

I find that so easy to believe....I'm thinking - burger flipper? Stop/go signage holder at roadworks? Tire kicker at the Firestone factory?

Says the Australian parasite who mooches off others and has them pay for his wife's surgery. Seriously, why don't you get the fuck off the US Message Board and make your ignorant, uneducated comments on an Australian site? What, do you suffer from American envy or something? You don't live here, you don't understand the issues, you don't understand what is going on - just go away.

Also, leave it to a liberal idiot to demean working. You mooch off the Australian government like the parasite you are while having the audacity to demean a person who works at a restaraunt, at a construction site, or at a factory? Unfuckingbelievable. What an asshole...

Well, what can I say, the internet has made the world smaller. And if you don't like it here, leave...shrug. I ain't going nowhere any time soon..

No, the govt paid for my wife's surgery using our tax dollars. I have no problem with it, and dont' call it mooching. I call it getting my money back. Between us, my wife and I have paid about $250,000 in taxes since arriving here 4 years ago. Her operation cost about $9500. We have not received any other form of govt assistance since arriving. I would say that the govt is more on the positive side of the ledger than us, no?

We don't call them restaurants down here. They're fast food outlets. Sure, the marketers and ad agencies like to call them a restaurant, but they don't qualify IMO. Next thing you'll be saying those that fry chicken at KFC are chefs.

And if you're only ambition is to kick tires or hold a stop/go sign, then you deserve any derision that comes your way Chihuahua Boy....

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