You know why I like being a conservative?

i get to call it like it is. I'll give you an example. Jeremiah Wright is a racist. I know this, you know this, and believe it or not - liberals know this, but they cannot say it because truth goes against liberal orthodoxy, which is anti-truth. Another example is George Dubya. He wasn't a good president in my humble opinion, but he wasn't the sinister character the left made him out to be. He is a good man who made mistakes. Liberals know that, but yet they pretend he is some sort of mad man. Mike Brown is another example. It's clear the guy was a thug. Liberals know this, but they must pretend he was some sort of victim. I could provide more examples but you get the point. Maybe if you're a liberal long enough you start to believe your own bullshit. Because that's what liberalism is.....bullshit.
There are only 2 good reasons for being a "conservative", to wit:

1 - you are a trust baby and you are getting stung paying taxes on your corpus;

2 - you are a complete anarchist.
Please, don't confuse 'conservatives' with 'Conservatives'. The conservatives tend to be a bit old fashioned, but are open to reason. They appreciate science, and do not deny the obvious reality. They are far more fiscally conservative and tend not to want to take chances, and serve as a good brake on liberals that fail to consider costs. The 'Conservatives'? In denial about reality, scientific and otherwise. See ideology as far more important than reality. Fiscally, don't give a damn as long as the wealthy get the money.

Wow, someone that sees there are more than one type of Conservative. What I see is a huge number of Social Conservatives while the Fiscal Conservative gets over shadowed.

Now, here is a test. How many of you can explain the difference?
OP- Because you like being in the dumb white dupe party?
And Putin, Comey, and the giant RW BS propaganda machine, dupe. As long as Trump believes the bs, nothing good will happen from him, but at least people, and the world, will learn what crap the chumps believe. Maybe. Learn, Trump, learn. I see the UE rate is magically real again...
There is a difference between a Capital C Conservative and a small c conservative just as there is with a Capital L liberal and a small l liberal.

But I refrain from calling myself liberal or conservative because in fact I am either depending on the issue and I don't like being mistaken for a Republican or a Democrat because I am neither

I can't be either.

i get to call it like it is. I'll give you an example. Jeremiah Wright is a racist. I know this, you know this, and believe it or not - liberals know this, but they cannot say it because truth goes against liberal orthodoxy, which is anti-truth. Another example is George Dubya. He wasn't a good president in my humble opinion, but he wasn't the sinister character the left made him out to be. He is a good man who made mistakes. Liberals know that, but yet they pretend he is some sort of mad man. Mike Brown is another example. It's clear the guy was a thug. Liberals know this, but they must pretend he was some sort of victim. I could provide more examples but you get the point. Maybe if you're a liberal long enough you start to believe your own bullshit. Because that's what liberalism is.....bullshit.

You like being a Conservative because....? You didn't answer the question.

Bush W. might not have been the sinister character made out to be, but he allowed sinister characters to control his presidency, and ultimately, he was the guy in charge.

He made ISIS and much more Islamic terrorism. Hardly a great thing on your CV, not that he needs a CV the amount of money his friends made during his presidency and beyond.... he doesn't want for anything.

There ARE two proofs that Obama actually made ISIS... I mean really? Obama called ISIS the JV?

A) Comments encouraging terrorists were according to this Harvard study contribution to a 10% increase in violence directly after statements made like this:
Now here is what Obama said as a cheerleader for ISIS: "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians," Really Obama? That statement HELPED the JV!

B) In the view of those who see Obama as primarily responsible for the rise of ISIS, the original Bush strategy had been sound and was working until Obama’s full military withdrawal from Iraq opened up an avenue for the ISIS invasion. And that invasion was launched from ISIS’ foothold in Syria only after Obama had paved the way for its rise there by refusing to support moderate anti-Assad forces, which could have blunted the rise of ISIS, even as they fought Assad.
Who Is More Responsible for the Rise of ISIS? Bush or Obama?
NO military victor in HISTORY has ever withdrawn from areas where their enemies were vanquished...EXCEPT the USA!
We won in Vietnam... but withdrew!
We won in Iraq... But withdrew!
Proof that we should have never withdrew from either Vietnam/Iraq?
Armed forces in Europe--- 99,451
Armed Forces in East Asia-- 63,444
Total 162,895 Troops still after 70 years since WWII was over!
United States military deployments - Wikipedia
But idiots that withdraw allow something to fill the vacuum and in Iraq.... ISIS!!
i get to call it like it is. I'll give you an example. Jeremiah Wright is a racist. I know this, you know this, and believe it or not - liberals know this, but they cannot say it because truth goes against liberal orthodoxy, which is anti-truth. Another example is George Dubya. He wasn't a good president in my humble opinion, but he wasn't the sinister character the left made him out to be. He is a good man who made mistakes. Liberals know that, but yet they pretend he is some sort of mad man. Mike Brown is another example. It's clear the guy was a thug. Liberals know this, but they must pretend he was some sort of victim. I could provide more examples but you get the point. Maybe if you're a liberal long enough you start to believe your own bullshit. Because that's what liberalism is.....bullshit.
GWB made mistakes?? Starting a bs war is one of the greatest mistakes a president can make and the nitwits in the repub party want to downplay it
"You know why I like being a conservative?"

Because you hate thinking for yourself and you need someone to blame for your poor life.
You just described the modern media fed liberal.
i get to call it like it is. I'll give you an example. Jeremiah Wright is a racist. I know this, you know this, and believe it or not - liberals know this, but they cannot say it because truth goes against liberal orthodoxy, which is anti-truth. Another example is George Dubya. He wasn't a good president in my humble opinion, but he wasn't the sinister character the left made him out to be. He is a good man who made mistakes. Liberals know that, but yet they pretend he is some sort of mad man. Mike Brown is another example. It's clear the guy was a thug. Liberals know this, but they must pretend he was some sort of victim. I could provide more examples but you get the point. Maybe if you're a liberal long enough you start to believe your own bullshit. Because that's what liberalism is.....bullshit.
GWB made mistakes?? Starting a bs war is one of the greatest mistakes a president can make and the nitwits in the repub party want to downplay it

So I take it you have no problem with 3,600,000 children dying from starvation I guess right?
i get to call it like it is. I'll give you an example. Jeremiah Wright is a racist. I know this, you know this, and believe it or not - liberals know this, but they cannot say it because truth goes against liberal orthodoxy, which is anti-truth. Another example is George Dubya. He wasn't a good president in my humble opinion, but he wasn't the sinister character the left made him out to be. He is a good man who made mistakes. Liberals know that, but yet they pretend he is some sort of mad man. Mike Brown is another example. It's clear the guy was a thug. Liberals know this, but they must pretend he was some sort of victim. I could provide more examples but you get the point. Maybe if you're a liberal long enough you start to believe your own bullshit. Because that's what liberalism is.....bullshit.
GWB made mistakes?? Starting a bs war is one of the greatest mistakes a president can make and the nitwits in the repub party want to downplay it

So I take it you have no problem with 3,600,000 children dying from starvation I guess right?
if it's not a republicans child they could give a sheet
In December 1998 relations with the UN broke down and the inspections were halted – further proof, for the outside world, of Saddam’s guilt. By the time inspections resumed in the autumn of 2002 the overwhelming consensus was that Iraq possessed WMD. ‘In my guts I believed that,’ says Dr. Blix.
What Did Happen To Saddam’s WMD? | History Today
i get to call it like it is. I'll give you an example. Jeremiah Wright is a racist. I know this, you know this, and believe it or not - liberals know this, but they cannot say it because truth goes against liberal orthodoxy, which is anti-truth. Another example is George Dubya. He wasn't a good president in my humble opinion, but he wasn't the sinister character the left made him out to be. He is a good man who made mistakes. Liberals know that, but yet they pretend he is some sort of mad man. Mike Brown is another example. It's clear the guy was a thug. Liberals know this, but they must pretend he was some sort of victim. I could provide more examples but you get the point. Maybe if you're a liberal long enough you start to believe your own bullshit. Because that's what liberalism is.....bullshit.
GWB made mistakes?? Starting a bs war is one of the greatest mistakes a president can make and the nitwits in the repub party want to downplay it

So I take it you have no problem with 3,600,000 children dying from starvation I guess right?
if it's not a republicans child they could give a sheet

Remember donating blood is strictly personal.

Conservatives also appear to be more generous than liberals in nonfinancial ways.
People in red states are considerably more likely to volunteer for good causes,
and conservatives give blood more often.
If liberals and moderates gave blood as often as conservatives, Mr. Brooks said, the American blood supply would increase by 45 percent.
Bleeding Heart Tightwads
I agree with a lot of what you're saying above about the thugs! Brown and Traythug were in fact thugs...

Not being a hard core conservative doesn't stop me from saying it.

Right, what you can't say is "illegal immigrant' or "Islamic terrorist" cuz it's hate speech.

We know all about you.

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