You watch. Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

Any day now Trump will announce his clothing manufacturers are closing overseas operations in China and Mexico and begin production of his products in the USA. He may even turn over the production of his ties to one of the twenty tie manufacturers here in America instead of China.

This dog failed to hunt. Time to move on.

Haven't seen a Jobs Boom, yet.
Why would you obummer is president. We know there never was one! Congrats, you admit it!
Why do you need evidence? You ain't asking the prez for any! You know about that fake Russians news and never asked?

Because I see people going "Trump's going to bring back jobs" but I've never seen anyone back up this claim. I mean, I could say that Santa's going to be the next president, do I have proof? "Why do you need evidence? I just fucking said it so it must be true"

Come on, this whole thread is just bullshit, people claiming something and backing it up with nothing.

Trump putting tariffs on cheap goods made in places where people don't earn much money will only bring back jobs if the tariffs are high enough for the costs of making the things in the US are cheaper than abroad. That'd have to be quite a high tariff. If it's that high then people won't want to buy the goods at such a high price. This will cause inflationary problems in the US as poor individuals will suddenly find their dollars don't go very far. Chances are a lot of companies would go bust, a lot of people would suffer. This doesn't solve any problems.
You've been asleep

And what kind of shit response is that? What does it take to get evidence backed opinion out of people these days?
Exactly, so post the evidence Russia influenced the election! Oh wait you can't. Well you don't get to ask for any fk!

If you need proof russia and Comey influenced our elections with fake news then you're just a Republican who will argue anything and could never be convinced you were wrong similar to how you probably still deny Bush lied us to war even though everyone knows that now. Compare yourself to OJ defenders.

Did Russia pick the president?

America was influenced with fake news too. For example Hillary had a stroke. Did she really? Probably not but that was one piece of the narrative. You don't care because your side won.

And I say the poor and middle class get what they deserve falling for it. I might suffer too but I'll survive.

This is awesome... repeat after me.... "President Donald J. Trump, Democrats lose more governorships, the house and the senate and the next 2 supreme court picks".


You've been kicked to the curb... deal with it.

We are dealing with it. Now we get to arm chair qb you for the next 2 years. Can't wait to see your results be they positive or negative.

Not very well you aren't. Most of you folks are whining like petulant children.

Any day now Trump will announce his clothing manufacturers are closing overseas operations in China and Mexico and begin production of his products in the USA. He may even turn over the production of his ties to one of the twenty tie manufacturers here in America instead of China.

This dog failed to hunt. Time to move on.

Haven't seen a Jobs Boom, yet.
Why would you obummer is president. We know there never was one! Congrats, you admit it!
i haven't heard of any actual details for a Jobs Boom, either.
Any day now Trump will announce his clothing manufacturers are closing overseas operations in China and Mexico and begin production of his products in the USA. He may even turn over the production of his ties to one of the twenty tie manufacturers here in America instead of China.

This dog failed to hunt. Time to move on.

Haven't seen a Jobs Boom, yet.
Why would you obummer is president. We know there never was one! Congrats, you admit it!
i haven't heard of any actual details for a Jobs Boom, either.
Why would you? Trump isn't in office! In race terms you've committed a false start
Zingers tho...plenty of those. I hope they can put those zingers in the social security fund once it gets slashed.

I got about 20 more years to go...but the average age here is going to feel it.
I'm 46 I think my SS will be cut drastically.

The American people don't realize how bad they fucked themselves in 2010, 2014 and this year.

Sheesh, you're a youngster compared to most of the buck here. Most of these guys are like 60 - 70 range. And when their SS checks get cut, or they get there Medicare fucked up they can always remember the awesome zingers they gave those darn leftys
Ain't happening. Fk, why do you have such trouble with facts?
Oh yes they will cut your social security and you will hardly even notice

Three Ways Trump, GOP May Cut Social Security, Medicare
I already looked into the proposal stupid fk! They ain't touching anyone's. over 55! Dude fking learn to research
I'm 46 you old bitch.
I'm 46 I think my SS will be cut drastically.

The American people don't realize how bad they fucked themselves in 2010, 2014 and this year.

Sheesh, you're a youngster compared to most of the buck here. Most of these guys are like 60 - 70 range. And when their SS checks get cut, or they get there Medicare fucked up they can always remember the awesome zingers they gave those darn leftys
Ain't happening. Fk, why do you have such trouble with facts?
Oh yes they will cut your social security and you will hardly even notice

Three Ways Trump, GOP May Cut Social Security, Medicare
I already looked into the proposal stupid fk! They ain't touching anyone's. over 55! Dude fking learn to research
I'm 46 you old bitch.
And? How much is taken out of your paycheck for SS? Why can't you invest that yourself?
And what kind of shit response is that? What does it take to get evidence backed opinion out of people these days?
Exactly, so post the evidence Russia influenced the election! Oh wait you can't. Well you don't get to ask for any fk!

If you need proof russia and Comey influenced our elections with fake news then you're just a Republican who will argue anything and could never be convinced you were wrong similar to how you probably still deny Bush lied us to war even though everyone knows that now. Compare yourself to OJ defenders.

Did Russia pick the president?

America was influenced with fake news too. For example Hillary had a stroke. Did she really? Probably not but that was one piece of the narrative. You don't care because your side won.

And I say the poor and middle class get what they deserve falling for it. I might suffer too but I'll survive.
See no evidence!! Thanks for continued fake news

We all know Russia "attempted" to interfere in our elections and we know they didn't like Obama or Hillary.

I find it funny that if Russia didn't like the GOP candidate, the GOP candidate would wear that like a badge of honor. Russia thinks Trump is going to be good for the Russian economy. They didn't think Hillary would because the fact is, Obama/Hillary put sanctions on Russia for the shit they've pulled the last few years. So Obama and Hillary were actually hurting the Russian economy because of Russia's power grabs and interference in other countries. I would call that being tough on Russia. So why do Republicans call Democrats pussies?
We do? Post that proof . I know I don't know so not sure how you are a 'we'
We know how you guys are. Remember the election was rigged until Trump won and then it wasn't rigged anymore? Pathetic. The American lower middle class and poor deserve shit heads like you running the country. Because lets be honest you aren't going to help those people out one bit.
Sheesh, you're a youngster compared to most of the buck here. Most of these guys are like 60 - 70 range. And when their SS checks get cut, or they get there Medicare fucked up they can always remember the awesome zingers they gave those darn leftys
Ain't happening. Fk, why do you have such trouble with facts?
Oh yes they will cut your social security and you will hardly even notice

Three Ways Trump, GOP May Cut Social Security, Medicare
I already looked into the proposal stupid fk! They ain't touching anyone's. over 55! Dude fking learn to research
I'm 46 you old bitch.
And? How much is taken out of your paycheck for SS? Why can't you invest that yourself?

I could if it weren't taken out of my paycheck. But the fact is most won't and then we will have to deal with them when they get older. SS is a great idea. You are trying to sell us on an idea no one likes. But you guys will make cuts to the program either way so I don't know why I bother arguing.

And hopefully the people you make cuts to will punish you at the polls but they won't. This election proved you can do whatever you want to the American public as long as you have the corporate media pushing your message.

The media should have been non stop talking about how the Republicans obstructed and a GOP governor poisoned the citizens in his state with lead poisoning but hardly a peep about these things form the so called liberal media?

Gov. Rick Snyder target of RICO lawsuit over Flint water crisis

Did you know that? I didn't and I live in Michigan. Hardly a word about this from the "liberal" media.

Any day now Trump will announce his clothing manufacturers are closing overseas operations in China and Mexico and begin production of his products in the USA. He may even turn over the production of his ties to one of the twenty tie manufacturers here in America instead of China.

This dog failed to hunt. Time to move on.

Haven't seen a Jobs Boom, yet.
Why would you obummer is president. We know there never was one! Congrats, you admit it!
i haven't heard of any actual details for a Jobs Boom, either.
Why would you? Trump isn't in office! In race terms you've committed a false start
My Point is, that I have heard nothing but social plans and no capital plans regarding a jobs boom, even during the campaign.

All i heard, was pandering to the right wing.
Ain't happening. Fk, why do you have such trouble with facts?
Oh yes they will cut your social security and you will hardly even notice

Three Ways Trump, GOP May Cut Social Security, Medicare
I already looked into the proposal stupid fk! They ain't touching anyone's. over 55! Dude fking learn to research
I'm 46 you old bitch.
And? How much is taken out of your paycheck for SS? Why can't you invest that yourself?

I could if it weren't taken out of my paycheck. But the fact is most won't and then we will have to deal with them when they get older. SS is a great idea. You are trying to sell us on an idea no one likes. But you guys will make cuts to the program either way so I don't know why I bother arguing.

And hopefully the people you make cuts to will punish you at the polls but they won't. This election proved you can do whatever you want to the American public as long as you have the corporate media pushing your message.

The media should have been non stop talking about how the Republicans obstructed and a GOP governor poisoned the citizens in his state with lead poisoning but hardly a peep about these things form the so called liberal media?

Gov. Rick Snyder target of RICO lawsuit over Flint water crisis

Did you know that? I didn't and I live in Michigan. Hardly a word about this from the "liberal" media.
23 other states with worse conditions than flint, did you know that? Look it up on google!
This dog failed to hunt. Time to move on.

Haven't seen a Jobs Boom, yet.
Why would you obummer is president. We know there never was one! Congrats, you admit it!
i haven't heard of any actual details for a Jobs Boom, either.
Why would you? Trump isn't in office! In race terms you've committed a false start
My Point is, that I have heard nothing but social plans and no capital plans regarding a jobs boom, even during the campaign.

All i heard, was pandering to the right wing.
Then you didn't listen
Sheesh, you're a youngster compared to most of the buck here. Most of these guys are like 60 - 70 range. And when their SS checks get cut, or they get there Medicare fucked up they can always remember the awesome zingers they gave those darn leftys
Ain't happening. Fk, why do you have such trouble with facts?
Oh yes they will cut your social security and you will hardly even notice

Three Ways Trump, GOP May Cut Social Security, Medicare
I already looked into the proposal stupid fk! They ain't touching anyone's. over 55! Dude fking learn to research
I'm 46 you old bitch.
And? How much is taken out of your paycheck for SS? Why can't you invest that yourself?

If you gave every person making $12 an hour a $5 raise, do you think they would save it?

Then you have to consider what would happen if everyone stopped spending and started saving

The Paradox of Thrift - The Simple Dollar

if everyone saved more money then demand for goods will fall. If demand for goods falls, then economic growth will stall, causing all sorts of additional economic problems (lost jobs, failed businesses, etc.).

But then the con says when demand falls, prices fall. When prices fall, people are more likely to spend money. But then are the small business owners doing better? And are people saving? Seems like we need people to spend but tell them they need to save.
Ain't happening. Fk, why do you have such trouble with facts?
Oh yes they will cut your social security and you will hardly even notice

Three Ways Trump, GOP May Cut Social Security, Medicare
I already looked into the proposal stupid fk! They ain't touching anyone's. over 55! Dude fking learn to research
I'm 46 you old bitch.
And? How much is taken out of your paycheck for SS? Why can't you invest that yourself?

If you gave every person making $12 an hour a $5 raise, do you think they would save it?

Then you have to consider what would happen if everyone stopped spending and started saving

The Paradox of Thrift - The Simple Dollar

if everyone saved more money then demand for goods will fall. If demand for goods falls, then economic growth will stall, causing all sorts of additional economic problems (lost jobs, failed businesses, etc.).

But then the con says when demand falls, prices fall. When prices fall, people are more likely to spend money. But then are the small business owners doing better? And are people saving? Seems like we need people to spend but tell them they need to save.
What exactly is your point?
Exactly, so post the evidence Russia influenced the election! Oh wait you can't. Well you don't get to ask for any fk!

If you need proof russia and Comey influenced our elections with fake news then you're just a Republican who will argue anything and could never be convinced you were wrong similar to how you probably still deny Bush lied us to war even though everyone knows that now. Compare yourself to OJ defenders.

Did Russia pick the president?

America was influenced with fake news too. For example Hillary had a stroke. Did she really? Probably not but that was one piece of the narrative. You don't care because your side won.

And I say the poor and middle class get what they deserve falling for it. I might suffer too but I'll survive.
See no evidence!! Thanks for continued fake news

We all know Russia "attempted" to interfere in our elections and we know they didn't like Obama or Hillary.

I find it funny that if Russia didn't like the GOP candidate, the GOP candidate would wear that like a badge of honor. Russia thinks Trump is going to be good for the Russian economy. They didn't think Hillary would because the fact is, Obama/Hillary put sanctions on Russia for the shit they've pulled the last few years. So Obama and Hillary were actually hurting the Russian economy because of Russia's power grabs and interference in other countries. I would call that being tough on Russia. So why do Republicans call Democrats pussies?
We do? Post that proof . I know I don't know so not sure how you are a 'we'
We know how you guys are. Remember the election was rigged until Trump won and then it wasn't rigged anymore? Pathetic. The American lower middle class and poor deserve shit heads like you running the country. Because lets be honest you aren't going to help those people out one bit.
It was! Didn't you hear the results of the Michigan recount? 48 precincts had more votes than registered ballots handed out by almost thousands! One city in the country! That's rigged proven. It's called double counting. Democrats cheated
Zingers tho...plenty of those. I hope they can put those zingers in the social security fund once it gets slashed.

I got about 20 more years to go...but the average age here is going to feel it.
I'm 46 I think my SS will be cut drastically.

The American people don't realize how bad they fucked themselves in 2010, 2014 and this year.
Been collecting for more years than most and hope to for as many more as god gives me But those younger are going to have problems Don't count on SS Start a non taxable Roth IRA
Depending on living on SS was always a mistake - unless you like living hand to mouth.

The idea wasn't to do more than keep people afloat based on their own earnings over their career.

The catch today is that the banks, Country Wide, and the like stole trillions in retirement money when they took people's houses from them.

And, Americans were absolutely pathetic at saving money in the first place. Look at what they do with their 401k accounts!
With banks paying nothing for savings and no place to put your money the market 8 years ago would have done well for most It almost tripled since Obama became president
When are they going to start paying more interest?
Sealy They will allbeit gradually BUT in the meantime America will be the investment capital of the world IMHO
If you need proof russia and Comey influenced our elections with fake news then you're just a Republican who will argue anything and could never be convinced you were wrong similar to how you probably still deny Bush lied us to war even though everyone knows that now. Compare yourself to OJ defenders.

Did Russia pick the president?

America was influenced with fake news too. For example Hillary had a stroke. Did she really? Probably not but that was one piece of the narrative. You don't care because your side won.

And I say the poor and middle class get what they deserve falling for it. I might suffer too but I'll survive.
See no evidence!! Thanks for continued fake news

We all know Russia "attempted" to interfere in our elections and we know they didn't like Obama or Hillary.

I find it funny that if Russia didn't like the GOP candidate, the GOP candidate would wear that like a badge of honor. Russia thinks Trump is going to be good for the Russian economy. They didn't think Hillary would because the fact is, Obama/Hillary put sanctions on Russia for the shit they've pulled the last few years. So Obama and Hillary were actually hurting the Russian economy because of Russia's power grabs and interference in other countries. I would call that being tough on Russia. So why do Republicans call Democrats pussies?
We do? Post that proof . I know I don't know so not sure how you are a 'we'
We know how you guys are. Remember the election was rigged until Trump won and then it wasn't rigged anymore? Pathetic. The American lower middle class and poor deserve shit heads like you running the country. Because lets be honest you aren't going to help those people out one bit.
It was! Didn't you hear the results of the Michigan recount? 48 precincts had more votes than registered ballots handed out by almost thousands! One city in the country! That's rigged proven. It's called double counting. Democrats cheated

No link to back up such a claim?
Haven't seen a Jobs Boom, yet.
Why would you obummer is president. We know there never was one! Congrats, you admit it!
i haven't heard of any actual details for a Jobs Boom, either.
Why would you? Trump isn't in office! In race terms you've committed a false start
My Point is, that I have heard nothing but social plans and no capital plans regarding a jobs boom, even during the campaign.

All i heard, was pandering to the right wing.
Then you didn't listen
there is Only pandering for free, so far as i can tell.
See no evidence!! Thanks for continued fake news

We all know Russia "attempted" to interfere in our elections and we know they didn't like Obama or Hillary.

I find it funny that if Russia didn't like the GOP candidate, the GOP candidate would wear that like a badge of honor. Russia thinks Trump is going to be good for the Russian economy. They didn't think Hillary would because the fact is, Obama/Hillary put sanctions on Russia for the shit they've pulled the last few years. So Obama and Hillary were actually hurting the Russian economy because of Russia's power grabs and interference in other countries. I would call that being tough on Russia. So why do Republicans call Democrats pussies?
We do? Post that proof . I know I don't know so not sure how you are a 'we'
We know how you guys are. Remember the election was rigged until Trump won and then it wasn't rigged anymore? Pathetic. The American lower middle class and poor deserve shit heads like you running the country. Because lets be honest you aren't going to help those people out one bit.
It was! Didn't you hear the results of the Michigan recount? 48 precincts had more votes than registered ballots handed out by almost thousands! One city in the country! That's rigged proven. It's called double counting. Democrats cheated

No link to back up such a claim?
Detroit's election woes: 782 more votes than voters

Dude you should learn to use the internet

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