You watch. Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

Don't hold your breath waiting for an actual answer, because they don't have one.

Zingers tho...plenty of those. I hope they can put those zingers in the social security fund once it gets slashed.

I got about 20 more years to go...but the average age here is going to feel it.
I'm 46 I think my SS will be cut drastically.

The American people don't realize how bad they fucked themselves in 2010, 2014 and this year.

Sheesh, you're a youngster compared to most of the buck here. Most of these guys are like 60 - 70 range. And when their SS checks get cut, or they get there Medicare fucked up they can always remember the awesome zingers they gave those darn leftys

The S.S. checks will get cut because of the flood of immigrants and refugees coming here and getting on the program right away. People that never paid into it. I remember when reagan increased the social security tax back in the eighties. It was a huge increase necessary to keep social security afloat for the future retirees. We can't survive long as a first world nation if we bring mostly unskilled, undereducated, and needy here in great numbers. And these are people that have large families too, with many needs. Common sense needs to take hold. This is why Trump came on the scene. The right man for the right time in our nation's history.
But in order to achieve 4% growth trump is going to need to import massive amounts of immigrants. Legal immigrants that is but are trump supporters going to be OK because they are legally flooding in?
Why? Obama has displaced over 95,000,000 American workers from the workforce.....
I got your point, as childish as it is.

And yet you failed to address it.

Trump isn't talking about a temporary boost in growth. He says he can make the economy grow in the long term at a rate of about 4 percent a year.

Most economists think America's potential growth is only about 2 percent, and most agree the best way to make it higher is to get more people working and make those workers more productive. Stimulating the economy with government spending or tax cuts will only boost short-term growth and cause inflation.

Right now, we've got a shortage of construction workers. We've got a shortage of long-distance truck drivers. We've got a shortage of many kinds of skilled workers needed to work in manufacturing.

Gordon says bringing immigrants into the workforce is the best way to deal with this mass retirement of baby boomers.

In the past couple of decades, half the growth in the labor force has come from immigration. But, Gordon points out, Trump has said he will deport millions of immigrants.

"They're called illegal immigrants, and they're here illegally," Trump said in an interview with CNN. "They're going to have to go, and they're going to have to come back in legally, and otherwise, we don't have a country."

In fact, about one-quarter of all the doctors and nurses in the U.S. are immigrants.

Trump isn't against immigration, just illegal immigration. Personally, Moore says he believes even some of those workers who are in the country illegally shouldn't be deported.

"People who are in this country, are working, and productive Americans who are contributing, I personally would not like to see those people deported," says Moore, who is also an economic consultant with FreedomWorks, the grass-roots organization that helped launch the Tea Party.


Trump's Immigration Plan Could Undermine Promise To Boost Economy

Well I think hes gonna wait and see. Build the wall and then see what happens. That my position, good with it. And he basically said that at his Phoenix rally.
But we have 96 million people out of work, let them get these jobs. Reduce welfare so they have to take these jobs it will help them in the long run.

Texas already told him that there won't be a wall.

Link? Hell make them an offer they cant refuse, plus the people want it, try and stop it. You'll lose.
Sure if you want a wasteful infrastructure project to stimulate the economy go for it.

If Texans want a wall they can build and pay for it. States rights. But don't come begging the federal government. That would be unconstitutional.
And yet you failed to address it.

Trump isn't talking about a temporary boost in growth. He says he can make the economy grow in the long term at a rate of about 4 percent a year.

Most economists think America's potential growth is only about 2 percent, and most agree the best way to make it higher is to get more people working and make those workers more productive. Stimulating the economy with government spending or tax cuts will only boost short-term growth and cause inflation.

Right now, we've got a shortage of construction workers. We've got a shortage of long-distance truck drivers. We've got a shortage of many kinds of skilled workers needed to work in manufacturing.

Gordon says bringing immigrants into the workforce is the best way to deal with this mass retirement of baby boomers.

In the past couple of decades, half the growth in the labor force has come from immigration. But, Gordon points out, Trump has said he will deport millions of immigrants.

"They're called illegal immigrants, and they're here illegally," Trump said in an interview with CNN. "They're going to have to go, and they're going to have to come back in legally, and otherwise, we don't have a country."

In fact, about one-quarter of all the doctors and nurses in the U.S. are immigrants.

Trump isn't against immigration, just illegal immigration. Personally, Moore says he believes even some of those workers who are in the country illegally shouldn't be deported.

"People who are in this country, are working, and productive Americans who are contributing, I personally would not like to see those people deported," says Moore, who is also an economic consultant with FreedomWorks, the grass-roots organization that helped launch the Tea Party.


Trump's Immigration Plan Could Undermine Promise To Boost Economy

Well I think hes gonna wait and see. Build the wall and then see what happens. That my position, good with it. And he basically said that at his Phoenix rally.
But we have 96 million people out of work, let them get these jobs. Reduce welfare so they have to take these jobs it will help them in the long run.

Texas already told him that there won't be a wall.

Link? Hell make them an offer they cant refuse, plus the people want it, try and stop it. You'll lose.
Sure if you want a wasteful infrastructure project to stimulate the economy go for it.

If Texans want a wall they can build and pay for it. States rights. But don't come begging the federal government. That would be unconstitutional.
Link to wasteful?
Trump isn't talking about a temporary boost in growth. He says he can make the economy grow in the long term at a rate of about 4 percent a year.

Most economists think America's potential growth is only about 2 percent, and most agree the best way to make it higher is to get more people working and make those workers more productive. Stimulating the economy with government spending or tax cuts will only boost short-term growth and cause inflation.

Right now, we've got a shortage of construction workers. We've got a shortage of long-distance truck drivers. We've got a shortage of many kinds of skilled workers needed to work in manufacturing.

Gordon says bringing immigrants into the workforce is the best way to deal with this mass retirement of baby boomers.

In the past couple of decades, half the growth in the labor force has come from immigration. But, Gordon points out, Trump has said he will deport millions of immigrants.

"They're called illegal immigrants, and they're here illegally," Trump said in an interview with CNN. "They're going to have to go, and they're going to have to come back in legally, and otherwise, we don't have a country."

In fact, about one-quarter of all the doctors and nurses in the U.S. are immigrants.

Trump isn't against immigration, just illegal immigration. Personally, Moore says he believes even some of those workers who are in the country illegally shouldn't be deported.

"People who are in this country, are working, and productive Americans who are contributing, I personally would not like to see those people deported," says Moore, who is also an economic consultant with FreedomWorks, the grass-roots organization that helped launch the Tea Party.


Trump's Immigration Plan Could Undermine Promise To Boost Economy

Well I think hes gonna wait and see. Build the wall and then see what happens. That my position, good with it. And he basically said that at his Phoenix rally.
But we have 96 million people out of work, let them get these jobs. Reduce welfare so they have to take these jobs it will help them in the long run.

Texas already told him that there won't be a wall.

Link? Hell make them an offer they cant refuse, plus the people want it, try and stop it. You'll lose.
Sure if you want a wasteful infrastructure project to stimulate the economy go for it.

If Texans want a wall they can build and pay for it. States rights. But don't come begging the federal government. That would be unconstitutional.
Link to wasteful?
If it's worth it Texas can pay for it.

You want everyone but you to pay for it. You sound liberal
And yet you failed to address it.

It was too dumb to address.

Either that, or you've got no serious answer, but you need to distract from a truth you can't stand to see out there.

You are an asshole.

Oddly, I don;t care what you might think of me. I'm not distracting from anything. Trump is disgustingly flawed,and only an idiot would support him.

Trump's flaws are vanishingly small compared to the piece of shit you lefties offered AND, more to the point, was not out to advance her agenda by harming me and mine.

This was US vs Them. Whining about minor issues is irrelevant when compared to the difference between ally and enemy.

I understand. That roadkill haired orange clown was your ally, so you figured it might be worthwhile to let him and his group of tittie flashers trash the country. Good plan.


He is not my enemy. His goal is not to harm me.

Compared to those who hate me and want to destroy me, it was an easy choice to make.

What allegations about Hillary would it take to get you to have voted for Trump?
I already have one, my bachelors in IT gives me that chance.
But without Obama who are you going to suck off now?
Without Obama who are you going to blame? Who's going to be to blame when the debt doubles in 8 years? Who's going to be to blame when this is still true 1 in 3 Americans Has Saved $0 for Retirement

and you have killed Social Security? Americans are fucked!!!!
You are just a hater...
Trump will have $25.00 per hour jobs making snow in Alaska.
Alaska will do well again when gas is back up to $4 a gallon.

That's the kind of shit that happens when the CEO of Exxon is running your crony capitalistic government.

Based on what? Class warfare?
You must realize class warfare exists and we're losing. I know you think liberals caused it but maybe you've been conned?

It's not OK for hillary to take money from walstreet or Exxon but it's OK if Exxon and wallstreet run the government? You're insane naive gullible all rolled up into one thing.

Yet your candidate was quite rich, became rich as a politician, was backed by the Rich and the Super rich, and my candidate ran on policies for and with the support of Middle America.

Trump's policies are crafted to appeal to and benefit Middle Class and Working Class Americans.

Your assumption because he is loyal to the Rich because he is rich does not track with your support of Hillary. Who is rich, if not as rich. And had the support of the Elite.
Obama works with GE! Hillary takes money from wallstreet! Trumps going to fight for the little guy? Meanwhile GE Exxon wallstreet have just moved in to the white house.

Not what the founders invisioned. Washington didn't appoint the west Indies tea company b&o railroad and standard gas to run the government.
And will be hiring like fking crazy

Really? How's that? A little bit of evidence?
Why do you need evidence? You ain't asking the prez for any! You know about that fake Russians news and never asked?

Because I see people going "Trump's going to bring back jobs" but I've never seen anyone back up this claim. I mean, I could say that Santa's going to be the next president, do I have proof? "Why do you need evidence? I just fucking said it so it must be true"

Come on, this whole thread is just bullshit, people claiming something and backing it up with nothing.

Trump putting tariffs on cheap goods made in places where people don't earn much money will only bring back jobs if the tariffs are high enough for the costs of making the things in the US are cheaper than abroad. That'd have to be quite a high tariff. If it's that high then people won't want to buy the goods at such a high price. This will cause inflationary problems in the US as poor individuals will suddenly find their dollars don't go very far. Chances are a lot of companies would go bust, a lot of people would suffer. This doesn't solve any problems.
The Republicans just pick different winners. Manufacturing sales go down when oil prices go up. Going green hurts oil

It does not make sense to refer to Republicans as a group when the Republican President elect is at odds with that position.
Republicans on the USMB insist Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

I really look forward to it.

So go ahead. Tell us what kind of jobs and what qualifications you need to get the job.
And let's see middle class wages go up on trumps watch.

Remember when we complained during bush we weren't getting raises in fact we were getting paycuts and all Republicans said was be grateful you have a job or if you don't like what you make go get another job or go back to school or start a business.

I can't wait till Republicans finally start telling trump supporters theses things because they aren't bringing good paying jobs back for the poorly educated blue collar who lost their jobs during the bush recession.

These blue collar trump supporters got played. They deserve what they get

Trumpsters are so high on the Trump kool aid , they'll still vote Trump in 2020 even though he hasn't done crap to bring back the jobs he promised.

They have to realize those jobs are gone. People in Asia can do those same jobs with more hours , less pay and no pesky worker's rights.
Either that, or you've got no serious answer, but you need to distract from a truth you can't stand to see out there.

You are an asshole.

Oddly, I don;t care what you might think of me. I'm not distracting from anything. Trump is disgustingly flawed,and only an idiot would support him.

Trump's flaws are vanishingly small compared to the piece of shit you lefties offered AND, more to the point, was not out to advance her agenda by harming me and mine.

This was US vs Them. Whining about minor issues is irrelevant when compared to the difference between ally and enemy.
I have seen the enemy and they are republicans The war party

One of the top three things I like about Trump is that he will NOT pursue a new Cold War with Russia. That's giving peace a chance.

YOur words are delusional.
Instead he will awake the sleeping giant China who's been silently practicing the art of war on us for decades. They probably want a war with us. They need our land.

Do you realize they have like 10 times the number of people we have?

I agree they have been silently practicing the Art of War on us for decades.

It is we who have been asleep, dreaming that they are a friendly nation who is willing to engage in mutually beneficial trade,

when they are exactly the opposite.

They have a little bit more than FOUR times as many people as we do.

Trump is US waking up.

They do not want a war with US anytime soon. They are massively benefiting from the status quo, and they are not prepared to take US on militarily.
Republicans on the USMB insist Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

I really look forward to it.

So go ahead. Tell us what kind of jobs and what qualifications you need to get the job.
And let's see middle class wages go up on trumps watch.

Remember when we complained during bush we weren't getting raises in fact we were getting paycuts and all Republicans said was be grateful you have a job or if you don't like what you make go get another job or go back to school or start a business.

I can't wait till Republicans finally start telling trump supporters theses things because they aren't bringing good paying jobs back for the poorly educated blue collar who lost their jobs during the bush recession.

These blue collar trump supporters got played. They deserve what they get

Trumpsters are so high on the Trump kool aid , they'll still vote Trump in 2020 even though he hasn't done crap to bring back the jobs he promised.

They have to realize those jobs are gone. People in Asia can do those same jobs with more hours , less pay and no pesky worker's rights.

Thus tariffs. Thus the jobs can come back.
Republicans on the USMB insist Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

I really look forward to it.

So go ahead. Tell us what kind of jobs and what qualifications you need to get the job.

Trump's job creation has been in casino's, hotels, golf courses-and the Miss Universe contest. So that should kind of tell what to be studying up on.

Because people can't do different stuff in different jobs.

Don't hold your breath waiting for an actual answer, because they don't have one.

Zingers tho...plenty of those. I hope they can put those zingers in the social security fund once it gets slashed.

I got about 20 more years to go...but the average age here is going to feel it.
I'm 46 I think my SS will be cut drastically.

The American people don't realize how bad they fucked themselves in 2010, 2014 and this year.

Sheesh, you're a youngster compared to most of the buck here. Most of these guys are like 60 - 70 range. And when their SS checks get cut, or they get there Medicare fucked up they can always remember the awesome zingers they gave those darn leftys

The S.S. checks will get cut because of the flood of immigrants and refugees coming here and getting on the program right away. People that never paid into it. I remember when reagan increased the social security tax back in the eighties. It was a huge increase necessary to keep social security afloat for the future retirees. We can't survive long as a first world nation if we bring mostly unskilled, undereducated, and needy here in great numbers. And these are people that have large families too, with many needs. Common sense needs to take hold. This is why Trump came on the scene. The right man for the right time in our nation's history.
But in order to achieve 4% growth trump is going to need to import massive amounts of immigrants. Legal immigrants that is but are trump supporters going to be OK because they are legally flooding in?

1. You are focused on that ONE promise and assuming that Trump agrees with you on the only way to reach that target.

2. You are happy to assume he will break other promises, but assume that he will be iron on that ONE, so that you have an excuse to talk smack about him being pro-immigration.
Zingers tho...plenty of those. I hope they can put those zingers in the social security fund once it gets slashed.

I got about 20 more years to go...but the average age here is going to feel it.
I'm 46 I think my SS will be cut drastically.

The American people don't realize how bad they fucked themselves in 2010, 2014 and this year.
Been collecting for more years than most and hope to for as many more as god gives me But those younger are going to have problems Don't count on SS Start a non taxable Roth IRA
Depending on living on SS was always a mistake - unless you like living hand to mouth.

The idea wasn't to do more than keep people afloat based on their own earnings over their career.

The catch today is that the banks, Country Wide, and the like stole trillions in retirement money when they took people's houses from them.

And, Americans were absolutely pathetic at saving money in the first place. Look at what they do with their 401k accounts!
With banks paying nothing for savings and no place to put your money the market 8 years ago would have done well for most It almost tripled since Obama became president
When are they going to start paying more interest?

When interest rates go up. The fed did it for just the second time in 10 years, recently. The problem is during Obamas term they kept it artificialmente low, ie cheap money. That allows you to borrow more, but as interest rates rise, you want to be the guy with the money, not the borrower. High interest rates encourage saving and investing and discourage borrowing.
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Republicans on the USMB insist Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

I really look forward to it.

So go ahead. Tell us what kind of jobs and what qualifications you need to get the job.

Trump's job creation has been in casino's, hotels, golf courses-and the Miss Universe contest. So that should kind of tell what to be studying up on.

Because people can't do different stuff in different jobs.


Yeah He's simple minded.
And yet you failed to address it.

Trump isn't talking about a temporary boost in growth. He says he can make the economy grow in the long term at a rate of about 4 percent a year.

Most economists think America's potential growth is only about 2 percent, and most agree the best way to make it higher is to get more people working and make those workers more productive. Stimulating the economy with government spending or tax cuts will only boost short-term growth and cause inflation.

Right now, we've got a shortage of construction workers. We've got a shortage of long-distance truck drivers. We've got a shortage of many kinds of skilled workers needed to work in manufacturing.

Gordon says bringing immigrants into the workforce is the best way to deal with this mass retirement of baby boomers.

In the past couple of decades, half the growth in the labor force has come from immigration. But, Gordon points out, Trump has said he will deport millions of immigrants.

"They're called illegal immigrants, and they're here illegally," Trump said in an interview with CNN. "They're going to have to go, and they're going to have to come back in legally, and otherwise, we don't have a country."

In fact, about one-quarter of all the doctors and nurses in the U.S. are immigrants.

Trump isn't against immigration, just illegal immigration. Personally, Moore says he believes even some of those workers who are in the country illegally shouldn't be deported.

"People who are in this country, are working, and productive Americans who are contributing, I personally would not like to see those people deported," says Moore, who is also an economic consultant with FreedomWorks, the grass-roots organization that helped launch the Tea Party.


Trump's Immigration Plan Could Undermine Promise To Boost Economy

Well I think hes gonna wait and see. Build the wall and then see what happens. That my position, good with it. And he basically said that at his Phoenix rally.
But we have 96 million people out of work, let them get these jobs. Reduce welfare so they have to take these jobs it will help them in the long run.

Texas already told him that there won't be a wall.

Link? Hell make them an offer they cant refuse, plus the people want it, try and stop it. You'll lose.
Sure if you want a wasteful infrastructure project to stimulate the economy go for it.

If Texans want a wall they can build and pay for it. States rights. But don't come begging the federal government. That would be unconstitutional.

The problem is, when you try to be an ass in a funny way. Borders are the number on priority of the fede. Without that, there is no purpose for them. So yes the wall is about the feds. Just buy up the private property and build it.
No, all idiots like you do is make me laugh at your stupidity and dreadfully empty lives.
You will still be a taker no doubt....:lol:
Far from a taker here, but I'm betting you have been sucking on the government tit all your life, you pathetic little loser.
Your on-line degree taker confidence is amusing....:lol:
Where is your degree from owebo and what is it for? I know you as the poster who post that silly elementary graph to show fascism as some kind of historically liberal ideology but never able to actually define fascism in words.
From a private university in

I am smarter than you which is why you're frustrated you don't understand your fascism....

Now that's funny.
There's already millions of unfilled jobs.
He should be talking about retraining.
I don't think Trump is all too interested in your part time burger flipping career....:lol:

Yep, you're smart alright.

They're skilled jobs, dope. Tell us about H1B visas and why companies want them expanded. Ask builders if they're able to find workers.
owebo is a great example of the dumbing down of America. His knowledge does not go far beyond talking points, most of which he does not understand. He just mimics and follows the instruction book.
There's already millions of unfilled jobs.
He should be talking about retraining.
I don't think Trump is all too interested in your part time burger flipping career....:lol:

Yep, you're smart alright.

They're skilled jobs, dope. Tell us about H1B visas and why companies want them expanded. Ask builders if they're able to find workers.
owebo is a great example of the dumbing down of America. His knowledge does not go far beyond talking points, most of which he does not understand. He just mimics and follows the instruction book.
Awww shucks....all you uneducated liberal dolts say that.....
Trump is going to fail on issue after issue, promise after promise, and the fun part will be watching the Trumptards around here try to defend him.

Or he might succeed at the majority of his policies to the tremendous benefit of all Americans.

I can see why you would hate that idea.

You're a rightwing nut. You have no clue what is best for all Americans.

More jobs and higher wages. That's is best for All Americans.

Can't argue with that statement. It's what Dems have been saying all along while Republican screamed tax cuts. Trump co-opts the Dem message and now you all love it.

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