You watch. Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

Sorry Correll, you are going to be sadly disappointed.
When I say “tons,” I don’t mean the 1 million to 1.5 million that the U.S. usually accepts in a year. I mean hundreds of millions. About 630 million people surveyed worldwide between 2010 and 2012 said that they wanted to move to another country. The U.S., unsurprisingly, was the most desired destination. If the U.S. opened its borders and admitted 100 percent of those huddled masses, its population would approximately triple.

Tripling the U.S. population would supercharge growth beyond anything currently imaginable. Yes, most of those immigrants would be poor and low-skilled, so output per person - and the standard of living of the average American - would go down. But the standard of living of the hundreds of millions who moved to the U.S. would go way, way up, as it always does for immigrant groups.

That is not going to happen. Even the morons in the Political Class know that they can't be that honest about their intentions.

The battle will be to sabotage Trump's policies, thus maintaining the status quo. THey will NOT formally open the borders.

You are drifting into la la land.

No they won't open the borders but they will start letting more mexicans and mooslims in legally. We already told them we don't want them immigrating more but that won't matter to them if it will help growth.

Why do you think that that big money backed Hillary so hard and so big?

Are you really that simple?

Trumps billionaire cabinet - Google Search
You're a rightwing nut. You have no clue what is best for all Americans.

Correll is about to find out Trump and the GOP don't want what's best for middle class America. They want what's best for business. Correll actually thought Trump was going to raise wages on the poorly educated blue collar workers. He doesn't realize corporations and small business owners need to be able to take advantage of these workers in order to make a profit. Small business needs cheap labor. The GOP aren't going to raise wages.

Your assumption that Trump is not serious about his stated goals is based just on your bitterness.
seems more like just pandering without any substance or firm public policy.

That is what you want to see.
Funny you kept telling me to stop believing the liberal media and you have been completely taken in by fake news.

And I want to hear your fucking outrage over this Donald Trump's sons behind nonprofit selling access to president-elect

You won't give a fuck how crooked Trump is.

Trumpers were taken for a ride again.
Remember this?

New Trump ad says Hillary got rich using 'pay to play' politics | Daily Mail Online
Last edited:
Zingers tho...plenty of those. I hope they can put those zingers in the social security fund once it gets slashed.

I got about 20 more years to go...but the average age here is going to feel it.
I'm 46 I think my SS will be cut drastically.

The American people don't realize how bad they fucked themselves in 2010, 2014 and this year.

Sheesh, you're a youngster compared to most of the buck here. Most of these guys are like 60 - 70 range. And when their SS checks get cut, or they get there Medicare fucked up they can always remember the awesome zingers they gave those darn leftys

The S.S. checks will get cut because of the flood of immigrants and refugees coming here and getting on the program right away. People that never paid into it. I remember when reagan increased the social security tax back in the eighties. It was a huge increase necessary to keep social security afloat for the future retirees. We can't survive long as a first world nation if we bring mostly unskilled, undereducated, and needy here in great numbers. And these are people that have large families too, with many needs. Common sense needs to take hold. This is why Trump came on the scene. The right man for the right time in our nation's history.
But in order to achieve 4% growth trump is going to need to import massive amounts of immigrants. Legal immigrants that is but are trump supporters going to be OK because they are legally flooding in?

1. You are focused on that ONE promise and assuming that Trump agrees with you on the only way to reach that target.

2. You are happy to assume he will break other promises, but assume that he will be iron on that ONE, so that you have an excuse to talk smack about him being pro-immigration.

So we aren't going to have better growth than we had under Obama? I fucking new it!
Correll is about to find out Trump and the GOP don't want what's best for middle class America. They want what's best for business. Correll actually thought Trump was going to raise wages on the poorly educated blue collar workers. He doesn't realize corporations and small business owners need to be able to take advantage of these workers in order to make a profit. Small business needs cheap labor. The GOP aren't going to raise wages.

Your assumption that Trump is not serious about his stated goals is based just on your bitterness.
seems more like just pandering without any substance or firm public policy.

That is what you want to see.
Funny you kept telling me to stop believing the liberal media and you have been completely taken in by fake news.

And I want to hear your fucking outrage over this Donald Trump's sons behind nonprofit selling access to president-elect

You won't give a fuck how crooked Trump is.

Trumpers were taken for a ride again.
Remember this?

Video | Daily Mail Online

I clicked on the link and
DAFNI's co-founder Sharon Rabi uses the DAFNI brush

popped up. LOL
Your assumption that Trump is not serious about his stated goals is based just on your bitterness.
seems more like just pandering without any substance or firm public policy.

That is what you want to see.
Funny you kept telling me to stop believing the liberal media and you have been completely taken in by fake news.

And I want to hear your fucking outrage over this Donald Trump's sons behind nonprofit selling access to president-elect

You won't give a fuck how crooked Trump is.

Trumpers were taken for a ride again.
Remember this?

Video | Daily Mail Online

I clicked on the link and
DAFNI's co-founder Sharon Rabi uses the DAFNI brush

popped up. LOL

Lol. My bad.

This aired relentlessly.

New Trump ad says Hillary got rich using 'pay to play' politics | Daily Mail Online
I think you are a liar and an idiot.

Information Technology | Degree Programs | Undergraduate Evening Studies | Furman University

Our major in information technology emphasizes an interdisciplinary view of IT management. Leading to the Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree, the curriculum will comprehensively educate and develop your skills in information technology and in a cognate discipline of your choosing in either accounting, business administration, or economics.

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  • CSC 105 Intro to Computer Science
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  • ENG 211 Professional Communications

I didnt go to Furman, but thanks for showing their curriculum, even though it has nothing to do with the post you quoted.

But you still didnt say whose dick you were gonna suck, Schumers?
Nothing to do with the post I quoted? You said:

Good jobs that don't need no stupid liberal education.

Then you said:

I already have one, my bachelors in IT gives me that chance.

Talk about all over the place. Listen dumbfuck. A Bachelors in IT is a liberal arts degree. First you said it's not needed. Then you said you are doing fine because you have one.

You don't have jack shit because you have no clue what you are talking about. You are just making it up and you just got caught.
Obama works with GE! Hillary takes money from wallstreet! Trumps going to fight for the little guy? Meanwhile GE Exxon wallstreet have just moved in to the white house.

Not what the founders invisioned. Washington didn't appoint the west Indies tea company b&o railroad and standard gas to run the government.
And will be hiring like fking crazy
Try beating 4.6% with good jobs open but only idiot republicans available
9.6% get the stats correct
And will be hiring like fking crazy

Really? How's that? A little bit of evidence?
Why do you need evidence? You ain't asking the prez for any! You know about that fake Russians news and never asked?

Because I see people going "Trump's going to bring back jobs" but I've never seen anyone back up this claim. I mean, I could say that Santa's going to be the next president, do I have proof? "Why do you need evidence? I just fucking said it so it must be true"

Come on, this whole thread is just bullshit, people claiming something and backing it up with nothing.

Trump putting tariffs on cheap goods made in places where people don't earn much money will only bring back jobs if the tariffs are high enough for the costs of making the things in the US are cheaper than abroad. That'd have to be quite a high tariff. If it's that high then people won't want to buy the goods at such a high price. This will cause inflationary problems in the US as poor individuals will suddenly find their dollars don't go very far. Chances are a lot of companies would go bust, a lot of people would suffer. This doesn't solve any problems.
You've been asleep

And what kind of shit response is that? What does it take to get evidence backed opinion out of people these days?
Exactly, so post the evidence Russia influenced the election! Oh wait you can't. Well you don't get to ask for any fk!
Republicans on the USMB insist Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

I really look forward to it.

So go ahead. Tell us what kind of jobs and what qualifications you need to get the job.
Don't hold your breath waiting for an actual answer, because they don't have one.

Zingers tho...plenty of those. I hope they can put those zingers in the social security fund once it gets slashed.

I got about 20 more years to go...but the average age here is going to feel it.
I'm 46 I think my SS will be cut drastically.

The American people don't realize how bad they fucked themselves in 2010, 2014 and this year.

Sheesh, you're a youngster compared to most of the buck here. Most of these guys are like 60 - 70 range. And when their SS checks get cut, or they get there Medicare fucked up they can always remember the awesome zingers they gave those darn leftys
Ain't happening. Fk, why do you have such trouble with facts?
I didnt go to Furman, but thanks for showing their curriculum, even though it has nothing to do with the post you quoted.

But you still didnt say whose dick you were gonna suck, Schumers?
Nothing to do with the post I quoted? You said:

Good jobs that don't need no stupid liberal education.

Then you said:

I already have one, my bachelors in IT gives me that chance.

Talk about all over the place. Listen dumbfuck. A Bachelors in IT is a liberal arts degree. First you said it's not needed. Then you said you are doing fine because you have one.

You don't have jack shit because you have no clue what you are talking about. You are just making it up and you just got caught.
Obama works with GE! Hillary takes money from wallstreet! Trumps going to fight for the little guy? Meanwhile GE Exxon wallstreet have just moved in to the white house.

Not what the founders invisioned. Washington didn't appoint the west Indies tea company b&o railroad and standard gas to run the government.
And will be hiring like fking crazy
Try beating 4.6% with good jobs open but only idiot republicans available
9.6% get the stats correct

Just remember that next year when you and Trump start bragging about how unemployment is only 5% that it's actually 10.6. And don't forget it was better under Obama.
Really? How's that? A little bit of evidence?
Why do you need evidence? You ain't asking the prez for any! You know about that fake Russians news and never asked?

Because I see people going "Trump's going to bring back jobs" but I've never seen anyone back up this claim. I mean, I could say that Santa's going to be the next president, do I have proof? "Why do you need evidence? I just fucking said it so it must be true"

Come on, this whole thread is just bullshit, people claiming something and backing it up with nothing.

Trump putting tariffs on cheap goods made in places where people don't earn much money will only bring back jobs if the tariffs are high enough for the costs of making the things in the US are cheaper than abroad. That'd have to be quite a high tariff. If it's that high then people won't want to buy the goods at such a high price. This will cause inflationary problems in the US as poor individuals will suddenly find their dollars don't go very far. Chances are a lot of companies would go bust, a lot of people would suffer. This doesn't solve any problems.
You've been asleep

And what kind of shit response is that? What does it take to get evidence backed opinion out of people these days?
Exactly, so post the evidence Russia influenced the election! Oh wait you can't. Well you don't get to ask for any fk!

If you need proof russia and Comey influenced our elections with fake news then you're just a Republican who will argue anything and could never be convinced you were wrong similar to how you probably still deny Bush lied us to war even though everyone knows that now. Compare yourself to OJ defenders.

Did Russia pick the president?

America was influenced with fake news too. For example Hillary had a stroke. Did she really? Probably not but that was one piece of the narrative. You don't care because your side won.

And I say the poor and middle class get what they deserve falling for it. I might suffer too but I'll survive.
Nothing to do with the post I quoted? You said:

Good jobs that don't need no stupid liberal education.

Then you said:

I already have one, my bachelors in IT gives me that chance.

Talk about all over the place. Listen dumbfuck. A Bachelors in IT is a liberal arts degree. First you said it's not needed. Then you said you are doing fine because you have one.

You don't have jack shit because you have no clue what you are talking about. You are just making it up and you just got caught.
Obama works with GE! Hillary takes money from wallstreet! Trumps going to fight for the little guy? Meanwhile GE Exxon wallstreet have just moved in to the white house.

Not what the founders invisioned. Washington didn't appoint the west Indies tea company b&o railroad and standard gas to run the government.
And will be hiring like fking crazy
Try beating 4.6% with good jobs open but only idiot republicans available
9.6% get the stats correct

Just remember that next year when you and Trump start bragging about how unemployment is only 5% that it's actually 10.6. And don't forget it was better under Obama.
If there are people out of the work force the same as today, that would need to be reviewed. I agree! I'm not going to sugar coat shit bubba!
This is awesome... repeat after me.... "President Donald J. Trump, Democrats lose more governorships, the house and the senate and the next 2 supreme court picks".


You've been kicked to the curb... deal with it.
Republicans on the USMB insist Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

I really look forward to it.

So go ahead. Tell us what kind of jobs and what qualifications you need to get the job.
Don't hold your breath waiting for an actual answer, because they don't have one.

Zingers tho...plenty of those. I hope they can put those zingers in the social security fund once it gets slashed.

I got about 20 more years to go...but the average age here is going to feel it.
I'm 46 I think my SS will be cut drastically.

The American people don't realize how bad they fucked themselves in 2010, 2014 and this year.

Sheesh, you're a youngster compared to most of the buck here. Most of these guys are like 60 - 70 range. And when their SS checks get cut, or they get there Medicare fucked up they can always remember the awesome zingers they gave those darn leftys
Ain't happening. Fk, why do you have such trouble with facts?
Oh yes they will cut your social security and you will hardly even notice

Three Ways Trump, GOP May Cut Social Security, Medicare
Why do you need evidence? You ain't asking the prez for any! You know about that fake Russians news and never asked?

Because I see people going "Trump's going to bring back jobs" but I've never seen anyone back up this claim. I mean, I could say that Santa's going to be the next president, do I have proof? "Why do you need evidence? I just fucking said it so it must be true"

Come on, this whole thread is just bullshit, people claiming something and backing it up with nothing.

Trump putting tariffs on cheap goods made in places where people don't earn much money will only bring back jobs if the tariffs are high enough for the costs of making the things in the US are cheaper than abroad. That'd have to be quite a high tariff. If it's that high then people won't want to buy the goods at such a high price. This will cause inflationary problems in the US as poor individuals will suddenly find their dollars don't go very far. Chances are a lot of companies would go bust, a lot of people would suffer. This doesn't solve any problems.
You've been asleep

And what kind of shit response is that? What does it take to get evidence backed opinion out of people these days?
Exactly, so post the evidence Russia influenced the election! Oh wait you can't. Well you don't get to ask for any fk!

If you need proof russia and Comey influenced our elections with fake news then you're just a Republican who will argue anything and could never be convinced you were wrong similar to how you probably still deny Bush lied us to war even though everyone knows that now. Compare yourself to OJ defenders.

Did Russia pick the president?

America was influenced with fake news too. For example Hillary had a stroke. Did she really? Probably not but that was one piece of the narrative. You don't care because your side won.

And I say the poor and middle class get what they deserve falling for it. I might suffer too but I'll survive.
See no evidence!! Thanks for continued fake news
This is awesome... repeat after me.... "President Donald J. Trump, Democrats lose more governorships, the house and the senate and the next 2 supreme court picks".


You've been kicked to the curb... deal with it.

We are dealing with it. Now we get to arm chair qb you for the next 2 years. Can't wait to see your results be they positive or negative.
Don't hold your breath waiting for an actual answer, because they don't have one.

Zingers tho...plenty of those. I hope they can put those zingers in the social security fund once it gets slashed.

I got about 20 more years to go...but the average age here is going to feel it.
I'm 46 I think my SS will be cut drastically.

The American people don't realize how bad they fucked themselves in 2010, 2014 and this year.

Sheesh, you're a youngster compared to most of the buck here. Most of these guys are like 60 - 70 range. And when their SS checks get cut, or they get there Medicare fucked up they can always remember the awesome zingers they gave those darn leftys
Ain't happening. Fk, why do you have such trouble with facts?
Oh yes they will cut your social security and you will hardly even notice

Three Ways Trump, GOP May Cut Social Security, Medicare
I already looked into the proposal stupid fk! They ain't touching anyone's. over 55! Dude fking learn to research
what about excising the wage difference between our first world economy and third world economies, and call it, equalization?

How about we keep our wage structure as separate as possible so that their low wages don't drag down our standard of living, like it has been doing for the last couple of decades?
We need a board of equalization to equalize wages for us. Excising and taxing the difference in wages accomplishes that goal.
Because I see people going "Trump's going to bring back jobs" but I've never seen anyone back up this claim. I mean, I could say that Santa's going to be the next president, do I have proof? "Why do you need evidence? I just fucking said it so it must be true"

Come on, this whole thread is just bullshit, people claiming something and backing it up with nothing.

Trump putting tariffs on cheap goods made in places where people don't earn much money will only bring back jobs if the tariffs are high enough for the costs of making the things in the US are cheaper than abroad. That'd have to be quite a high tariff. If it's that high then people won't want to buy the goods at such a high price. This will cause inflationary problems in the US as poor individuals will suddenly find their dollars don't go very far. Chances are a lot of companies would go bust, a lot of people would suffer. This doesn't solve any problems.
You've been asleep

And what kind of shit response is that? What does it take to get evidence backed opinion out of people these days?
Exactly, so post the evidence Russia influenced the election! Oh wait you can't. Well you don't get to ask for any fk!

If you need proof russia and Comey influenced our elections with fake news then you're just a Republican who will argue anything and could never be convinced you were wrong similar to how you probably still deny Bush lied us to war even though everyone knows that now. Compare yourself to OJ defenders.

Did Russia pick the president?

America was influenced with fake news too. For example Hillary had a stroke. Did she really? Probably not but that was one piece of the narrative. You don't care because your side won.

And I say the poor and middle class get what they deserve falling for it. I might suffer too but I'll survive.
See no evidence!! Thanks for continued fake news

We all know Russia "attempted" to interfere in our elections and we know they didn't like Obama or Hillary.

I find it funny that if Russia didn't like the GOP candidate, the GOP candidate would wear that like a badge of honor. Russia thinks Trump is going to be good for the Russian economy. They didn't think Hillary would because the fact is, Obama/Hillary put sanctions on Russia for the shit they've pulled the last few years. So Obama and Hillary were actually hurting the Russian economy because of Russia's power grabs and interference in other countries. I would call that being tough on Russia. So why do Republicans call Democrats pussies?
Any day now Trump will announce his clothing manufacturers are closing overseas operations in China and Mexico and begin production of his products in the USA. He may even turn over the production of his ties to one of the twenty tie manufacturers here in America instead of China.

This dog failed to hunt. Time to move on.

Haven't seen a Jobs Boom, yet.
You've been asleep

And what kind of shit response is that? What does it take to get evidence backed opinion out of people these days?
Exactly, so post the evidence Russia influenced the election! Oh wait you can't. Well you don't get to ask for any fk!

If you need proof russia and Comey influenced our elections with fake news then you're just a Republican who will argue anything and could never be convinced you were wrong similar to how you probably still deny Bush lied us to war even though everyone knows that now. Compare yourself to OJ defenders.

Did Russia pick the president?

America was influenced with fake news too. For example Hillary had a stroke. Did she really? Probably not but that was one piece of the narrative. You don't care because your side won.

And I say the poor and middle class get what they deserve falling for it. I might suffer too but I'll survive.
See no evidence!! Thanks for continued fake news

We all know Russia "attempted" to interfere in our elections and we know they didn't like Obama or Hillary.

I find it funny that if Russia didn't like the GOP candidate, the GOP candidate would wear that like a badge of honor. Russia thinks Trump is going to be good for the Russian economy. They didn't think Hillary would because the fact is, Obama/Hillary put sanctions on Russia for the shit they've pulled the last few years. So Obama and Hillary were actually hurting the Russian economy because of Russia's power grabs and interference in other countries. I would call that being tough on Russia. So why do Republicans call Democrats pussies?
We do? Post that proof . I know I don't know so not sure how you are a 'we'

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