You Were Warned...Pat. Act

Both parties elect corrupt politicians every four years, then bitch when their choices abuse their power. Then non-voters have to hear criticism every four years that they can't complain, because they didn't vote for said corrupt asshole. But, by all means, continue your squabbles about how it's the other party's fault. Better yet, invest in a stockpile of lube and bend over. You'll need it in 2016.
Both parties elect corrupt politicians every four years, then bitch when their choices abuse their power. Then non-voters have to hear criticism every four years that they can't complain, because they didn't vote for said corrupt asshole. But, by all means, continue your squabbles about how it's the other party's fault. Better yet, invest in a stockpile of lube and bend over. You'll need it in 2016.

Hey, what good is the Democratic process if nobody participates in it? If people were intelligent enough not to be swayed on a mere promise alone, maybe we would have less corrupt assholes in Washington right now. It is much our fault for putting them there as it is theirs for making us regret it. There's no need to abandon it.
Both parties elect corrupt politicians every four years, then bitch when their choices abuse their power. Then non-voters have to hear criticism every four years that they can't complain, because they didn't vote for said corrupt asshole. But, by all means, continue your squabbles about how it's the other party's fault. Better yet, invest in a stockpile of lube and bend over. You'll need it in 2016.
Lube? No....maxipads to stop the bleeding is in order. for both male and female.
Civil libertarians and liberals have been railing against the Patriot Act since its inception. You were told that you like it under a Republican but would hate it under a Democrat, but you didn't listen.

One Senator told you back then EXACTLY what would happen under these new laws...

Watch The One Senator Who Voted Against The Patriot Act Warn What Would Happen
One provision that troubles me a great deal is a provision that permits the government under FISA to compel the production of records from any business regarding any person, if that information is sought in connection with an investigation of terrorism or espionage.

Now we're not talking here about travel records pertaining to a terrorist suspect, which we all can see can be highly relevant to an investigation of a terrorist plot. FISA already gives the FBI the power to get airline, train, hotel, car rental and other records of a suspect.

But under this bill, the government can compel the disclosure of the personal records of anyone -- perhaps someone who worked with, or lived next door to, or went to school with, or sat on an airplane with, or has been seen in the company of, or whose phone number was called by -- the target of the investigation.

And under this new provisions all business records can be compelled, including those containing sensitive personal information like medical records from hospitals or doctors, or educational records, or records of what books someone has taken out of the library. This is an enormous expansion of authority, under a law that provides only minimal judicial supervision.
You were warned...

yep, no kidding it only takes a big government liberal to show us the danger of........drum roll.......big government......I think there is a logic proof on that!
Suddenly, after vehemently opposing it's passage, Liberals are vigorously defending the Patriot Act as if it were their own. My how the times change.

Only one Senator voted against the original Patriot Act, Russ Feingold. Only 10 senators voted against reauthorization. in 2006, all Democrats. 8 voted nay in 2011...4 Dems, 3 GOP and 1 independent.

In the House, 3 Republicans joined 62 Dems and 1 independent to vote nay in 2001. By 2006 it was 13 Republicans, 124 Dems and that one independent. In 2011, only 54 Dems in the House voted for it while 26 Republicans voted against it.

Exactly who is defending it that once opposed it?
You have to blame bush. He started this current program. Seriously you partisan hackness is showing. Pathetic.
I blame bush, I blame congress, I blame obama.
I do blame obama and he should of killed it, but I feel it goes beyond one person now.
Stop playing the blame game and look at the big picture.

that might fly if bush was still president and if Obama hadn't been president for the last 5 years and if Obama hadn't reapproved the patriot act. but given those facts your argument now sounds as ridiculous as you.

government overreach is government overreach no matter who is in charge. You were warned about it when Bush was president, but you didn't care. So why do you care now?

Bush wasn't targeting his political opponents.
Both parties elect corrupt politicians every four years, then bitch when their choices abuse their power. Then non-voters have to hear criticism every four years that they can't complain, because they didn't vote for said corrupt asshole. But, by all means, continue your squabbles about how it's the other party's fault. Better yet, invest in a stockpile of lube and bend over. You'll need it in 2016.

Hey, what good is the Democratic process if nobody participates in it? If people were intelligent enough not to be swayed on a mere promise alone, maybe we would have less corrupt assholes in Washington right now. It is much our fault for putting them there as it is theirs for making us regret it. There's no need to abandon it.

I don't consider choosing the lesser of two evils a choice. We won't truly have a choice until we can choose none of the above
The Patriot Act has been changed and expanded far beyond it's original intent. It's a weapon that the people never imagined would be turned on them when the government chose to do so. Now the government has chosen to use that weapon against the very freedoms it is pledged to protect.

If the people are expected to not trust the government at all, then there has been a fundamental transformation in the relationship between citizens and the government. Part of obama's transformational process. Every time the government seizes some kind of power, it should just be assumed that the power will be used against us.

At the height of the cold war, the Soviet Union was a Godless nation that relentlessly spied on its citizens. Today we're the Godless nation that relentlessly spies on its citizens.

Bullshit. This is what the left was up in arms about the day the Patriot Act was enacted. We were told to sit down, shut up and to stop behaving in such an UnAmerican way. This is the chickens coming home to roost that you were warned about.

awww, so you just sat down and shut up? sorta of like you all doing now and still blaming OTHERS for what your Dear leader is doing..
The Patriot Act has been changed and expanded far beyond it's original intent. It's a weapon that the people never imagined would be turned on them when the government chose to do so. Now the government has chosen to use that weapon against the very freedoms it is pledged to protect.

If the people are expected to not trust the government at all, then there has been a fundamental transformation in the relationship between citizens and the government. Part of obama's transformational process. Every time the government seizes some kind of power, it should just be assumed that the power will be used against us.

At the height of the cold war, the Soviet Union was a Godless nation that relentlessly spied on its citizens. Today we're the Godless nation that relentlessly spies on its citizens.

Bullshit. This is what the left was up in arms about the day the Patriot Act was enacted. We were told to sit down, shut up and to stop behaving in such an UnAmerican way. This is the chickens coming home to roost that you were warned about.

awww, so you just sat down and shut up? sorta of like you all doing now and still blaming OTHERS for what your Dear leader is doing..

Boy, times do change don't they?

Times Change(about NSA)

Can you friggen belive this!!! (aclu)

US Judge Halts Bush's Spying Program

Patriotism and the Press
Bullshit. This is what the left was up in arms about the day the Patriot Act was enacted. We were told to sit down, shut up and to stop behaving in such an UnAmerican way. This is the chickens coming home to roost that you were warned about.

awww, so you just sat down and shut up? sorta of like you all doing now and still blaming OTHERS for what your Dear leader is doing..

Boy, times do change don't they?

Times Change(about NSA)

Can you friggen belive this!!! (aclu)

US Judge Halts Bush's Spying Program

Patriotism and the Press

Yeah, and your Dear leader promised to GET ELECTED he wouldn't do this...
He and the Democrats could of did something about this when they had a super majority, instead we got another GOVERNMENT program, ObamaCare

but you keep making EXCUSES for him..what happened under Bush seems to be MORE important to you
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awww, so you just sat down and shut up? sorta of like you all doing now and still blaming OTHERS for what your Dear leader is doing..

Boy, times do change don't they?

Times Change(about NSA)

Can you friggen belive this!!! (aclu)

US Judge Halts Bush's Spying Program

Patriotism and the Press

Yeah, and your Dear leader promised to GET ELECTED he wouldn't do this...
He and the Democrats could of did something about this when they had a super majority, instead we got another GOVERNMENT program, ObamaCare

but you keep making EXCUSES for him..what happened under Bush seems to be MORE important to you

Tell us Steph...what EXACTLY did President Obama promise to do? Did he promise to repeal the Patriot Act? Could he do that by Executive Order? What if he had? I think I can already read your posts if he did such a thing. "Dictator" would come out of your keyboard first I think.

You used to be such an ardent fan of the Patriot Act's powers under Bush. Why the change of heart, darlin'?

Yeah, and your Dear leader promised to GET ELECTED he wouldn't do this...
He and the Democrats could of did something about this when they had a super majority, instead we got another GOVERNMENT program, ObamaCare

but you keep making EXCUSES for him..what happened under Bush seems to be MORE important to you

Tell us Steph...what EXACTLY did President Obama promise to do? Did he promise to repeal the Patriot Act? Could he do that by Executive Order? What if he had? I think I can already read your posts if he did such a thing. "Dictator" would come out of your keyboard first I think.

You used to be such an ardent fan of the Patriot Act's powers under Bush. Why the change of heart, darlin'?

what is being done today is beyond the scope and intent of the patriot act. The obama administration is violating the law.

even you should realize that.
Yeah, and your Dear leader promised to GET ELECTED he wouldn't do this...
He and the Democrats could of did something about this when they had a super majority, instead we got another GOVERNMENT program, ObamaCare

but you keep making EXCUSES for him..what happened under Bush seems to be MORE important to you

Tell us Steph...what EXACTLY did President Obama promise to do? Did he promise to repeal the Patriot Act? Could he do that by Executive Order? What if he had? I think I can already read your posts if he did such a thing. "Dictator" would come out of your keyboard first I think.

You used to be such an ardent fan of the Patriot Act's powers under Bush. Why the change of heart, darlin'?

what is being done today is beyond the scope and intent of the patriot act. The obama administration is violating the law.

even you should realize that.

Provide evidence of that.
Tell us Steph...what EXACTLY did President Obama promise to do? Did he promise to repeal the Patriot Act? Could he do that by Executive Order? What if he had? I think I can already read your posts if he did such a thing. "Dictator" would come out of your keyboard first I think.

You used to be such an ardent fan of the Patriot Act's powers under Bush. Why the change of heart, darlin'?

what is being done today is beyond the scope and intent of the patriot act. The obama administration is violating the law.

even you should realize that.

Provide evidence of that.

Obama is using government agencies across the spectrum to assail his political enemies (as he said he would do).

That is evidence enough to cast concern.
Both parties elect corrupt politicians every four years, then bitch when their choices abuse their power. Then non-voters have to hear criticism every four years that they can't complain, because they didn't vote for said corrupt asshole. But, by all means, continue your squabbles about how it's the other party's fault. Better yet, invest in a stockpile of lube and bend over. You'll need it in 2016.

Hey, what good is the Democratic process if nobody participates in it? If people were intelligent enough not to be swayed on a mere promise alone, maybe we would have less corrupt assholes in Washington right now. It is much our fault for putting them there as it is theirs for making us regret it. There's no need to abandon it.

I don't consider choosing the lesser of two evils a choice. We won't truly have a choice until we can choose none of the above

Well, so we completely abolish our form of government?
what is being done today is beyond the scope and intent of the patriot act. The obama administration is violating the law.

even you should realize that.

Provide evidence of that.

Obama is using government agencies across the spectrum to assail his political enemies (as he said he would do).

That is evidence enough to cast concern.

Assfacts, facts pulled from your fourth point of contact, are not evidence.
Hey, what good is the Democratic process if nobody participates in it? If people were intelligent enough not to be swayed on a mere promise alone, maybe we would have less corrupt assholes in Washington right now. It is much our fault for putting them there as it is theirs for making us regret it. There's no need to abandon it.

I don't consider choosing the lesser of two evils a choice. We won't truly have a choice until we can choose none of the above

Well, so we completely abolish our form of government?

No, you start calling the people that voted yes. You stop sending them money and tell them WHY.

Instead of protesting trying to ensure all Americans have access to quality healthcare, Teabag the fucking Patriot Act!
All Americans have always had access to quality healthcare. Perhaps you should stop lying now.

Progressives have no shame in that...and why aren't they out in streets protesting Obama over him using the Patriot act?

they'd rather whine about Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh and say, we warned you..
The Patriot Act as it was conceived isn't to blame. It's being used illegally by a totalitarian regime...and they're going to throw the people who told the story in jail, I imagine.

Welcome to our brave new world. America's finished. We won't be having real presidential elections anymore, and people are going to start dying very, very soon.

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