Your opinion on Biden's Press Conference performance?

What's your opinion on Biden's performance today? You can choose two

  • Worse than I imagined, and I expected it would be scripted. Total madness

    Votes: 18 33.3%
  • Exactly or close what I imagined. Total insanity, 1984 stuff right now, & the left made it happen

    Votes: 23 42.6%
  • I had no idea Biden had declined so far, this is alarming

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • I thought Biden did pretty well

    Votes: 7 13.0%
  • I thought Biden did very well. He's honest & very caring, and he's transparent

    Votes: 2 3.7%
  • Biden is so refreshing. He's sharp, honest, genuine, a great leader & confirmed my belief in him

    Votes: 4 7.4%
  • Cold Play sucks

    Votes: 5 9.3%

  • Total voters
Show us the part where he looked fine.

I was directed to this part because Trumpsters misinterpreted what was said. So I looked at it pretty carefully and thought he did fine during this interaction. Here's the transcript for it.

Yamiche: (08:17)
Thanks so much, Mr. President. You’ve said over and over again that immigrants shouldn’t come to this country right now. This isn’t the time to come. That message is not being received. Instead, the perception of you that got you elected as a moral decent man is the reason why a lot of immigrants are coming to this country and entrusting you with unaccompanied minors. How do you resolve that tension and how are you choosing which families can stay and which can go given the fact that even though with Title 42 there are some families that are staying? And is there a timeline for when we won’t be seeing these overcrowded facilities run by CPB when it comes to unaccompanied minors?

Joe Biden: (08:55)
Well, look, I guess I should be flattered people are coming because I’m the nice guy. That’s the reason why it’s happening, that I’m a decent man or however it’s phrased, that that’s why they’re coming, because they know Biden’s a good guy. Truth of the matter is, nothing has changed. As many people came, a 28% increase in children to the border in my administration, 31% in the last year, in 2019, before the pandemic in the Trump administration. It happens every single solitary year. There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. It happens every year. In addition to that, there is a …. And by the way, does anybody suggest that there was a 31% increase under Trump because he was a nice guy and he was doing good things at the border? That’s not the reason they’re coming.

Joe Biden: (09:57)
The reason they’re coming is that it’s the time they can travel with the least likelihood of dying on the way because of the heat and the desert, number one. Number two, they’re coming because of the circumstances in country, in country. The way to deal with this problem, and I started to deal with it back when I was Vice President putting together a bipartisan plan of over $700 million to do the root causes of why people are leaving. What did Trump do? He eliminated that funding. He didn’t use it. He didn’t do it. And in addition to that, what he did, he dismantled all the elements that exist to deal with what had been a problem and has been continued to be a problem for a long time. He, in fact, shut down the number of beds available. He did not fund HHS to get people to get the children out of those Border Patrol facilities, where they should not be, and not supposed to be more than a few days, a little while.

Joe Biden: (11:04)
But he dismantled all of that, and so what we’re doing now is attempting to rebuild the system that can accommodate what is happening today. And I’d like to think it’s because I’m a nice guy, but it’s not. It’s because of what’s happened every year. Let me say one other thing on this. If you take a look at the number of people are coming, the vast majority, the overwhelming majority of people coming to the border and crossing are being sent back, are being sent back. Thousands, tens of thousands of people who are over 18 years of age and single people, one at a time coming, have been sent back, sent home. We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming. We’re trying to work out now with Mexico their willingness to take more of those families back. That’s what’s happening. They’re not getting across the border. And those who are coming across the border who are unaccompanied children, we’re moving rapidly to try to put in place what was dismantled, as I said.

Joe Biden: (12:15)
For example, of all the children who are coming across the border, over 70% are either 16 or 17 years old. We’re not talking about people ripping babies from mothers arms or a little three-year old standing on the border, less than I think it’s one and a half percent fall in the category of the very young. So what we’re doing is we’re providing for the space again to be able to get these kids out of the border patrol facilities, which no child, no one should be in any longer than 72 hours. And today I went to, for example, I used all the resources available to me went to the Defense Department and the Secretary of Defense has just made available Fort Bliss, 5,000 beds. Be immediately available, 5,000 beds on the Texas border.
Brian freeze

Who is Brian?


You've spent an entire day defending Biden's disaster (claiming you didn't watch it), you're a fucking idiot

People are complaining about his gaffes saying that it's an indicator he has dementia.

Is anyone going to say you have dementia for the mistake you made?

Weird. It's almost like you guys are full of shit or something.
Show us the part where he looked fine.

I was directed to this part because Trumpsters misinterpreted what was said. So I looked at it pretty carefully and thought he did fine during this interaction. Here's the transcript for it.

Yamiche: (08:17)
Thanks so much, Mr. President. You’ve said over and over again that immigrants shouldn’t come to this country right now. This isn’t the time to come. That message is not being received. Instead, the perception of you that got you elected as a moral decent man is the reason why a lot of immigrants are coming to this country and entrusting you with unaccompanied minors. How do you resolve that tension and how are you choosing which families can stay and which can go given the fact that even though with Title 42 there are some families that are staying? And is there a timeline for when we won’t be seeing these overcrowded facilities run by CPB when it comes to unaccompanied minors?

Joe Biden: (08:55)
Well, look, I guess I should be flattered people are coming because I’m the nice guy. That’s the reason why it’s happening, that I’m a decent man or however it’s phrased, that that’s why they’re coming, because they know Biden’s a good guy. Truth of the matter is, nothing has changed. As many people came, a 28% increase in children to the border in my administration, 31% in the last year, in 2019, before the pandemic in the Trump administration. It happens every single solitary year. There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. It happens every year. In addition to that, there is a …. And by the way, does anybody suggest that there was a 31% increase under Trump because he was a nice guy and he was doing good things at the border? That’s not the reason they’re coming.

Joe Biden: (09:57)
The reason they’re coming is that it’s the time they can travel with the least likelihood of dying on the way because of the heat and the desert, number one. Number two, they’re coming because of the circumstances in country, in country. The way to deal with this problem, and I started to deal with it back when I was Vice President putting together a bipartisan plan of over $700 million to do the root causes of why people are leaving. What did Trump do? He eliminated that funding. He didn’t use it. He didn’t do it. And in addition to that, what he did, he dismantled all the elements that exist to deal with what had been a problem and has been continued to be a problem for a long time. He, in fact, shut down the number of beds available. He did not fund HHS to get people to get the children out of those Border Patrol facilities, where they should not be, and not supposed to be more than a few days, a little while.

Joe Biden: (11:04)
But he dismantled all of that, and so what we’re doing now is attempting to rebuild the system that can accommodate what is happening today. And I’d like to think it’s because I’m a nice guy, but it’s not. It’s because of what’s happened every year. Let me say one other thing on this. If you take a look at the number of people are coming, the vast majority, the overwhelming majority of people coming to the border and crossing are being sent back, are being sent back. Thousands, tens of thousands of people who are over 18 years of age and single people, one at a time coming, have been sent back, sent home. We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming. We’re trying to work out now with Mexico their willingness to take more of those families back. That’s what’s happening. They’re not getting across the border. And those who are coming across the border who are unaccompanied children, we’re moving rapidly to try to put in place what was dismantled, as I said.

Joe Biden: (12:15)
For example, of all the children who are coming across the border, over 70% are either 16 or 17 years old. We’re not talking about people ripping babies from mothers arms or a little three-year old standing on the border, less than I think it’s one and a half percent fall in the category of the very young. So what we’re doing is we’re providing for the space again to be able to get these kids out of the border patrol facilities, which no child, no one should be in any longer than 72 hours. And today I went to, for example, I used all the resources available to me went to the Defense Department and the Secretary of Defense has just made available Fort Bliss, 5,000 beds. Be immediately available, 5,000 beds on the Texas border.
So he looked sane to you for 5 30 second comments out of an hour and ten minute presser.

Got it.
I hear it is impossible for one vegetable to identify another vegetable. They look sane to each other.

I hear it's impossible for someone with BDS to think objectively about Biden.

When asked to present specific issues with his press conference, they usually stumble all over themselves in an attempt to avoid the question. See HereWeGoAgain for an example of this.
Show us the part where he looked fine.

I was directed to this part because Trumpsters misinterpreted what was said. So I looked at it pretty carefully and thought he did fine during this interaction. Here's the transcript for it.

Yamiche: (08:17)
Thanks so much, Mr. President. You’ve said over and over again that immigrants shouldn’t come to this country right now. This isn’t the time to come. That message is not being received. Instead, the perception of you that got you elected as a moral decent man is the reason why a lot of immigrants are coming to this country and entrusting you with unaccompanied minors. How do you resolve that tension and how are you choosing which families can stay and which can go given the fact that even though with Title 42 there are some families that are staying? And is there a timeline for when we won’t be seeing these overcrowded facilities run by CPB when it comes to unaccompanied minors?

Joe Biden: (08:55)
Well, look, I guess I should be flattered people are coming because I’m the nice guy. That’s the reason why it’s happening, that I’m a decent man or however it’s phrased, that that’s why they’re coming, because they know Biden’s a good guy. Truth of the matter is, nothing has changed. As many people came, a 28% increase in children to the border in my administration, 31% in the last year, in 2019, before the pandemic in the Trump administration. It happens every single solitary year. There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. It happens every year. In addition to that, there is a …. And by the way, does anybody suggest that there was a 31% increase under Trump because he was a nice guy and he was doing good things at the border? That’s not the reason they’re coming.

Joe Biden: (09:57)
The reason they’re coming is that it’s the time they can travel with the least likelihood of dying on the way because of the heat and the desert, number one. Number two, they’re coming because of the circumstances in country, in country. The way to deal with this problem, and I started to deal with it back when I was Vice President putting together a bipartisan plan of over $700 million to do the root causes of why people are leaving. What did Trump do? He eliminated that funding. He didn’t use it. He didn’t do it. And in addition to that, what he did, he dismantled all the elements that exist to deal with what had been a problem and has been continued to be a problem for a long time. He, in fact, shut down the number of beds available. He did not fund HHS to get people to get the children out of those Border Patrol facilities, where they should not be, and not supposed to be more than a few days, a little while.

Joe Biden: (11:04)
But he dismantled all of that, and so what we’re doing now is attempting to rebuild the system that can accommodate what is happening today. And I’d like to think it’s because I’m a nice guy, but it’s not. It’s because of what’s happened every year. Let me say one other thing on this. If you take a look at the number of people are coming, the vast majority, the overwhelming majority of people coming to the border and crossing are being sent back, are being sent back. Thousands, tens of thousands of people who are over 18 years of age and single people, one at a time coming, have been sent back, sent home. We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming. We’re trying to work out now with Mexico their willingness to take more of those families back. That’s what’s happening. They’re not getting across the border. And those who are coming across the border who are unaccompanied children, we’re moving rapidly to try to put in place what was dismantled, as I said.

Joe Biden: (12:15)
For example, of all the children who are coming across the border, over 70% are either 16 or 17 years old. We’re not talking about people ripping babies from mothers arms or a little three-year old standing on the border, less than I think it’s one and a half percent fall in the category of the very young. So what we’re doing is we’re providing for the space again to be able to get these kids out of the border patrol facilities, which no child, no one should be in any longer than 72 hours. And today I went to, for example, I used all the resources available to me went to the Defense Department and the Secretary of Defense has just made available Fort Bliss, 5,000 beds. Be immediately available, 5,000 beds on the Texas border.
So he looked sane to you for 5 30 second comments out of an hour and ten minute presser.

Got it.

Show me where he looked bad then. I'll go check it.

You know, like I said from the fucking beginning lol.
Brian freeze

Who is Brian?


You've spent an entire day defending Biden's disaster (claiming you didn't watch it), you're a fucking idiot

People are complaining about his gaffes saying that it's an indicator he has dementia.

Is anyone going to say you have dementia for the mistake you made?

Weird. It's almost like you guys are full of shit or something.

Mine was spell check, Biden's is because his mind is going, going, going.... nearly gone....fuckwit
Since this thread seems to be too hard for you to read, try this one...

Oh good. Finally something.

Yup, looks like he lied. I agree that's bad. But not uncommon for politicians.

Is that the best you can do? Pretty lame.
I accept your concession.

Conceding that he lied, not that it's the worst press conference ever like you BDS morons are trying to show. Seems pretty normal to me.
Brian freeze

Who is Brian?


You've spent an entire day defending Biden's disaster (claiming you didn't watch it), you're a fucking idiot

People are complaining about his gaffes saying that it's an indicator he has dementia.

Is anyone going to say you have dementia for the mistake you made?

Weird. It's almost like you guys are full of shit or something.

Mine was spell check, Biden's is because his mind is going, going, going.... nearly gone....fuckwit

I hear it is impossible for one vegetable to identify another vegetable. They look sane to each other.

I hear it's impossible for someone with BDS to think objectively about Biden.

When asked to present specific issues with his press conference, they usually stumble all over themselves in an attempt to avoid the question. See HereWeGoAgain for an example of this.

Thats pretty funny coming from a chick who didnt even watch the presser.
I hear it is impossible for one vegetable to identify another vegetable. They look sane to each other.

I hear it's impossible for someone with BDS to think objectively about Biden.

When asked to present specific issues with his press conference, they usually stumble all over themselves in an attempt to avoid the question. See HereWeGoAgain for an example of this.

Thats pretty funny coming from a chick who didnt even watch the presser.

And there you have it.

He's super predictable. Oh yes he is!
I hear it is impossible for one vegetable to identify another vegetable. They look sane to each other.

I hear it's impossible for someone with BDS to think objectively about Biden.

When asked to present specific issues with his press conference, they usually stumble all over themselves in an attempt to avoid the question. See HereWeGoAgain for an example of this.

Thats pretty funny coming from a chick who didnt even watch the presser.

And there you have it.

He's super predictable. Oh yes he is!

:auiqs.jpg: You're the one who said you didnt watch it demwit.

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