15 year old student sucker punches teacher, Lamar HS Texas

^^^ Sadly the matter then would've been about what the teacher did in return instead of how the problem got started in the first place. At least that is how it all goes these days which can be a good thing. That psycho girl in Nashville opened fire on that school and now where is she? Only the Lord can answer that question.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ If the kid was told to put it away and did not listen, I don't blame the teacher for taking it. My only question is when was the teacher planning on giving it back to the kid?

God bless you and the teacher always!!!


P.S. To me, returning the phone at the end of class would've been fair. How is it the teacher's fault that the kid did not know how to put his studies first before anything else at the moment like they are supposed when they are in school?
He shouldn't have taken his phone.
He shouldn't even be teaching in the school.
He shouldn't even be teaching in the school.

Yet he was... and he thought he could intimidate a kid who was a lot bigger than he was.

Incidently, that doesn't look like a classroom, so I would like to know what circumstances the phone was taken under.
I would also like to know who the person who videotaped this was. If it was a kid, why wasn't their phone taken?
If it was an adult, why did they let the situation escalate like that.
Yet he was... and he thought he could intimidate a kid who was a lot bigger than he was.

Incidently, that doesn't look like a classroom, so I would like to know what circumstances the phone was taken under.
I would also like to know who the person who videotaped this was. If it was a kid, why wasn't their phone taken?
If it was an adult, why did they let the situation escalate like that.

Teachers are supposed to be intimidating the children. Its known as "being in charge".
Teachers are supposed to be intimidating the children. Its known as "being in charge".
Yes, I guess that if you are going to do that, you better be able to back it up.

Thank goodness for the thug child who looks like he could be Obama's own son, he comes from a Democrat background and so will be spared any consequences.

Or they might do an investigation, and find out, you know, facts.

Did the student have a history of emotional disturbance.
Did the teacher escalate the situation?
Anyone catch that he called the teacher the n-word? Can you imagine if the teacher called the kid that?

That aside, the “kid” is out of control and needs to be put in JD until age 21.
I didn't.

I sure heard the assailant say it, though.
Have yet to hear if the "student" was arrested and charged.

And we all know if that was a white student hitting a black teacher it will be front story on CNN.

Why are far left US message board posters willingly brainwashed? why can’t they change their ways and accept that this country is not systematically racist but in fact Black Lives Matter and similar organizations are race baiter’s and are leading young black men and women astray
I can imagine that the left-wing US message board posters a number of whom I have on ignore because of their barbaric behavior …..are actually justifying this assault on the teacher that’s how brainwashed or intentionally Evil these people are. These words again as always are not used lightly ….I’m not here to hurt peoples feelings we all have a duty as responsible Americans to call out injustice.

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