200 political scientists rate Trump as the worst president in US history

200 commie propagandists on the government payroll don't like Trump?

Ya don't say!

Haha yeah. Their first communication after the 2016 election was a demand that the funding be continued.

political sciencve.png
So far my life has been pretty good since Trump became president. Its probably good to wait until his presidency is over to rate how he ranks historically with other presidents.

that makes too much sense for our friends on the left. wait until his time in office is over? they cant do that, he might actually get some things done and they would have to admit it.

This poll does seem a bit flakey. It seems to have been an off the cuff poll - based on emotions rather than hard unbiased data.

Not liking Trump does not qualify him as being the worst President - or even a bad President.

I can't stand Trump, but I try not to let my personal feeling towards him cloud my judgement of him as a President (unlike so many Conservatives do towards both Clintons)

I think that time will prove that he's a horrible President - a disaster that is reponsible for the end of America as the world's premier super-power, but only time will tell.
political science professor = someone who learns more and more about less and less until he knows everything about nothing.

Who are these so-called political scientists? Names and academic credentials, please.
What an idiotic piece.. not one mention of how they ranked them, what were the determining factors etc. He's the most polarizing? Why, because some people don't like what he says? Boo fucking hoo.
Lol it did mention how they ranked them and based on what factors.
Fail! "Argument from authority without actual proof"

"Insisting that a claim is true simply because a valid authority or expert on the issue said it was true, without any other supporting evidence offered"

Appeal to Authority

Lol you doofus. This isn’t appeal to authority. This survey about Trump is subjective, not objective.
Fail! "Argument from authority without actual proof"

"Insisting that a claim is true simply because a valid authority or expert on the issue said it was true, without any other supporting evidence offered"

Appeal to Authority

Lol you doofus. This isn’t appeal to authority. This survey about Trump is subjective, not objective.

Ahh the irony. You accuse me of a fallacy about hundreds of experts while also believing anything Trump says.

Again my thread isn’t an appeal to authority because it’s subjective. Of course, given your own definition of the fallacy, you should believe man made climate change is real because a consensus of scientists said so based on actual scientific evidence.

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