200 political scientists rate Trump as the worst president in US history

Only 200? What kind of a degree do you need to become a "political scientist"? Maybe a GED?
If I get a business card with "political scientist" on it does that mean I get to vote in the next go-round?
When you say it's "subjective," you mean it's worthless.
So all of your opinions are worthless? Got it. Thanks for clarifying.
Opinions aren't facts, moron. That's why they are called "opinions."
I didn’t call them facts. You called them worthless. This is on you dude lol.

Observe dumbshit Billy000, quadrupling down on derp.
He doesn't seem to realize that he's debunking his own argument.

if we listed all the things he doesn't realize we would have a much longer thread
Ahh the irony. You accuse me of a fallacy about hundreds of experts while also believing anything Trump says.

Again my thread isn’t an appeal to authority because it’s subjective. Of course, given your own definition of the fallacy, you should believe man made climate change is real because a consensus of scientists said so based on actual scientific evidence.
When you say it's "subjective," you mean it's worthless.
So all of your opinions are worthless? Got it. Thanks for clarifying.
Opinions aren't facts, moron. That's why they are called "opinions."
I didn’t call them facts. You called them worthless. This is on you dude lol.
If they aren't facts, then why did you bother to post them? You're admitting they prove nothing. Yet, you imply we should draw some kind of conclusion from them.
My post is based on the opinion of experts who have studied history and understand politics of today. My opinion - and especially yours - are insignificant to theirs.
When you say it's "subjective," you mean it's worthless.
So all of your opinions are worthless? Got it. Thanks for clarifying.
Opinions aren't facts, moron. That's why they are called "opinions."
I didn’t call them facts. You called them worthless. This is on you dude lol.
If they aren't facts, then why did you bother to post them? You're admitting they prove nothing. Yet, you imply we should draw some kind of conclusion from them.
My post is based on the opinion of experts who have studied history and understand politics of today. My opinion - and especially yours - are insignificant to theirs.

What are they expert at, economics? No. Government? No. Military strategy? No.

So how is their opinion any more valid than mine? You keep saying the poll is just their opinion. That's another way of saying we have no reason to consider it. Then you try to claim exactly the opposite.

The fact is that most historians are humbugs.
So all of your opinions are worthless? Got it. Thanks for clarifying.
Opinions aren't facts, moron. That's why they are called "opinions."
I didn’t call them facts. You called them worthless. This is on you dude lol.
If they aren't facts, then why did you bother to post them? You're admitting they prove nothing. Yet, you imply we should draw some kind of conclusion from them.
My post is based on the opinion of experts who have studied history and understand politics of today. My opinion - and especially yours - are insignificant to theirs.

What are they expert at, economics? No. Government? No. Military strategy? No.

So how is their opinion any more valid than mine? You keep saying the poll is just their opinion. That's another way of saying we have no reason to consider it. Then you try to claim exactly the opposite.

The fact is that most historians are humbugs.
Lol let me get this straight. You think Trump understands military strategy more than Obama did? That’s so dumb. You’re basing that on nothing. And yeah, they definitely understand economics and government more than your dumbass.
Of course those leftists voted that way, they were biased, and didn't look at all the facts. Let's look at more of the facts... Unbiased.

Everything that Trump has been accused of while in office hearsay. There's absolutely no proof whatsoever that he did any of those things. Moreover, according to the testimony now, he's not even under investigation. There's no proof of:
  • his so called "Russia Collusion" (Hillary and the Democrats have spent more time in Russia than he or any of his cabinet has)
  • his "obstruction" (the only people obstructing anything are the Democrats, Comey, the FBI, and the DOJ in general)
  • Money laundering (c'mon now, why would he even bother, he has billions. only Hillary would need to do that)
During the testimony, it seemed like the only people hiding anything was Rosenstein. They had him all shook up during questioning. You could tell that he was hiding something. Probably that there was no evidence against Trump, and that they were indeed investigating Trump before way before the election. Obama's DOJ and FBI was very crooked. Now, let's look at Obama.

  • He put the nation $10T+ in Debt, he took unnecessary, and very long holiday vacations to Hawaii. ONE of those vacations could have paid for all of Trump's golf trips.
  • When he left office MORE people were on welfare than before he came into office.
  • Oh, then there was the Iran deal when he gave Iran money that they had no right to. It belonged to the previous leadership. The current leadership used that money to fund terror and buy weapons that killed and wounded our soldiers.
  • Current reports also said that he spied on Trump.
  • He helped facilitate the sale of Uranium to Russia through Hillary.
  • He kicked up racism in the country.
  • He brought more socialism to this country than any other president (he tried to turn us into the USSR).
  • He added another law onto Clinton's 1996 law that made the Children Separated from families fiasco worse.
  • He did nothing about the 1996 Clinton law.
  • He virtually did nothing about terrorism, and made things worse.
  • He did nothing to help the veterans.
  • I could keep going but I won't.
Who was the worst president ever? Obama.
I'm not surprised at all. In just 17 months under Trump, we've seen three of the four biggest jumps in manufacturing jobs in the last 15 years; the unemployment rate is now lower than it ever was under Obama or Bush; Hispanic and black unemployment has dropped substantially; small business and consumer confidence has risen dramatically; the stock market has grown more in the last 17 months than it did under Obama in eight years; our companies now pay a corporate income tax rate that is competitive with the average rates in Europe and Asia; hundreds of billions of dollars of American dollars previously parked overseas are coming back to the U.S.; middle-income Americans are getting to keep $80 to $500 more per month of their paychecks; we have virtually destroyed ISIS. So, no, I'm not surprised at all that a bunch of egg-headed political scientists have looked at all these and other accomplishments and have decided that Trump is the worst president of all time.
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Although DOJ had aspirations, he had zero political experience before falling backwards into the offal office

What DOJ is,an operates as, is a wall street CEO

Those that think America is a biz laud him as savior

Those that realize we aren't can plainly see the diplomatic and legislative time bombs DOJ is seeding us with

I realize this is just another partisan attack thread, but I wonder how such an opinion can be formed by a rational, honest, serious person, just 18 months into a Presidency.

It's a terribly complicated world, and the effects of many (if not most) major things any given President does neither manifest immediately nor fully play out for at least a couple of years, if not longer.

Just another example of why I don't understand partisan politics, I reckon.
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I realize this is just another partisan attack thread, but I wonder how such an opinion can be formed by a rational, honest, serious person, just 18 months into a Presidency.

It's a terribly complicated world, and the effects of many (if not most) major things any given President does neither manifest immediately nor fully play out for at least a couple of years, if not longer.

Just another example of why I don't understand partisan politics, I reckon.

It is true about policy, however he has been a very decisive force while in office. Now is that good or bad we will find out in time I believe.
I realize this is just another partisan attack thread, but I wonder how such an opinion can be formed by a rational, honest, serious person, just 18 months into a Presidency.
It's a terribly complicated world, and the effects of many (if not most) major things any given President does neither manifest immediately nor fully play out for at least a couple of years, if not longer. Just another example of why I don't understand partisan politics, I reckon.
It is true about policy, however he has been a very decisive force while in office. Now is that good or bad we will find out in time I believe.
Sure, we'll find out in time, you bet. But this stuff is just silly.
Trump has zero experience in government. This should not be surprising.

But Trump has plenty of experience as an executive, something that Obama did not, and the difference is already obvious: a stronger economy, more take-home pay, a much more energetic and effective strategy against ISIS (to the point that ISIS has virtually been destroyed), a better regulatory climate, higher consumer and business confidence, etc., etc.
Trump has zero experience in government. This should not be surprising.

But Trump has plenty of experience as an executive, something that Obama did not, and the difference is already obvious: a stronger economy, more take-home pay, a much more energetic and effective strategy against ISIS (to the point that ISIS has virtually been destroyed), a better regulatory climate, higher consumer and business confidence, etc., etc.
The tax cuts are a short term shot to the economy while adding to the debt. The opposite of being fiscally responsible.

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