25% of our Total Deficit was Created by Trump and the GOP

Yes, when you have a DEFICIT, the DEBT rises.


When you DOUBLE the DEFICIT, the way Trump did, the DEBT RISES FASTER.

Let me know if any of these big words loses you.
Yes, but Obama was not some innocent.
The debt did no even slow, under the Obama years
My premise has always been that both sides to this government are as guilty.
But, I am sure the lions share of the debt from Trump came because of the shut down of the economy.

Wow. Your propagandists really keep you in the dark, don't they.


Trump doubled the deficit BEFORE the pandemic.

God knows how many topics I started about it during that period.

You really are willfully blind!
Last night Biden gave one of the best SOTU is US history. He called out the free spending mega massive deficits of the fiscally irresponsible GOP, which was such a great move by Biden

It is 100% unequivocal fact that 25% of our total national debt occured under Trump and the GOP, in just 4 years !!! Holy shit, what a waste of money by these guys.

Then lets also not forget that in 2000 Bush and the GOP inherited a balanced budget and they passed insane do nothing spending bills, and then blew up the economy after 7 years of their failed policies.

After Trump and the GOP gave us 25% of our national debt in just 4 short years, and Bush ruined our balanced budget, I don't see how any republican can ever complain about the debt or deficit at all ever again, its laughable.

PS, the annual deficit is now *only* $1T, down from the massive $3+ T in 2020, Trump's last year.

Guess you forgot that it was a democratic congress who sent Trump mega spending bills to help us get out of the pandemic.
Come on man, in demofk land no demofk ever did that. It's always the fault of the previous conservative president.
oh and any successes in a conservative president is always credited to the previous demofk. They have funny things.
Joe did not print money at all.
He took over as president and the FED was printing a lot of Trump money, because the FED printed record money with Trump as Trump begged him to print...
it's at times hopeless. This tool isn't even aware of what xiden did as president. And has the nerve to discuss in here.
I said it a few years ago.....Trump was put into a Catch 22 situation with the democrats.
US anual budget deficits:

2016 (Obama last year, as he slowed the annual deficit mightily after he inherited the Big Bush Crash): $587B
2017: $665 B
2018: $779 B
2019: $984B
2020: $1.3T (projected precovid) actual: $3.1T
2021 $2.8T
2022: $1.3T

It is 10000000% fact undeniable fact that Trump ramped up the deficits massively. Massively. (and only had weak low GDP taboot)

Biden has lowered the annual deficit respectfully, all while dealing with covid and passing a much much needed infrastructure bill. Biden has offset a large portion of his spending with tax increases on the wealthy (just like Clinton did), there fore Biden has lower annual deficits than Trump (just like Bill Clinton).

You need to acknowledge and accept this, if you want to be considered credible. Its undeniable, tell the republicans to stop ramping up the deficit, because they are the ones that are doing this.

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