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3 Democrats Walk Out Of U.S. House Of Representatives Session During Moment Of Silence For Orlando

They are on CC TV walking out so....

But that's besides the point all these moments of silence and ribbon wearing and hash tags are meaningless anyway

When done in the absence of any legislative action they are an insult to the victims

We don't need any more feel good laws based on emotion we already have enough of those

"Feel good laws" ???

Congress has done nothing. They refuse to even discuss it
Just wait for the next massacre and offer up a moment of silence
We have thousands of gun laws on the books so you tell me how a new law will prevent anything


How about sharing information between law enforcement agencies and mental health professionals

How about preventing those on the no-fly list from purchasing guns?

How about Congress gets off its ass and does something

You do know that the no fly list is a random list that requires no hearings to prove a person is a threat don't you?

We have a legal right to own weapons so there is a higher standard of proof when denying a constitutional right than there is for a no fly list
Week and week out,your childlike hysterics,and crocodile tears ,will get you no place.

People like this poster,and the children that walked out offer nothing but a stick with shit on one end.
0 respect for the victims of the LARGEST MASS SHOOTING IN AMERICAN HISTORY. But Muhammad Ali got his respect from democrats.

I don't really need to say it but.........unbelievably pathetic & self centered.
D'oh. Duped again as always. Watch a video that isn't spun for you GOP chumps. Youor party and you are a disgrace.
House Democrats protest lack of action on gun legislation - CNNPolitics.com
by walking out on a moment of silence
3 or so did, VERY discretely and quietly. You hater dupes are a gd disgrace- no shame at all. Where's the problem with the moment of silence? Liars and total dupes...for 30 years now. Like all the phony scandals against Obama and Hilary. Read something, fools.

Where's the problem?

Because in the absence of taking action, moments of silence are an insult to the families

Ask them which they prefer.....A moment of silence or actually trying to prevent future massacres?

OK so tell me what new law will do that when the thousands we have on the books already haven't
maybe a check to see if a person buying a gun has been on a terrorist watch list*
D'oh. Duped again as always. Watch a video that isn't spun for you GOP chumps. Youor party and you are a disgrace.
House Democrats protest lack of action on gun legislation - CNNPolitics.com
by walking out on a moment of silence
3 or so did, VERY discretely and quietly. You hater dupes are a gd disgrace- no shame at all. Where's the problem with the moment of silence? Liars and total dupes...for 30 years now. Like all the phony scandals against Obama and Hilary. Read something, fools.

Where's the problem?

Because in the absence of taking action, moments of silence are an insult to the families

Ask them which they prefer.....A moment of silence or actually trying to prevent future massacres?

OK so tell me what new law will do that when the thousands we have on the books already haven't
maybe a check to see if a person buying a gun has been on a terrorist watch list*

Maybe but is that alone enough proof to deny a constitutionally protected right?

I don't think so.
You don't want to discuss gun control.

Yes, they have been trying to have that discussion for years. Whether you think its "real" or not has no bearing on anything

The problem is those on the left wanting to have a discussion define it as the other side sitting down, shutting up, and doing what the left wants done.

No, thats just the excuse you use to avoid discussing guns. You have a ton of them and all of them involve you blaming someone else for not being willing to listen....Such as you know what the other side wants and it includes you being a victim somehow soooooo....

If you don't think someone should have guns, have the guts to take them yourself. Bet you don't have the guts. You have the mouth that you run, though.

See? This is what every discussion boils down to. You being the victim of the left and something about balls and guts.

It boils down to cowardly pussies like you saying people shouldn't own guns yet being unwilling to do anything personally about it.


But in your gun happy keyboard warrior mind you dont care what my opinion is because YOU'LL Supply it for me so you can argue with your self goof ball.

Every response is you crying about being a victim of liberals and at the same time calling them pussies. You...getting bullied by pussies. I approve this message
We all knew that Obama was setting up these conditions so he could take them from us. We've been telling you assholes for years that eventually that's the endgame. It's what Fast & Furious was about. He's hoping for more and more attacks. You can tell by the way he talks about this issue like he's falling asleep.
These people have no shame. The bodies haven't been put to rest yet and these degenerates felt that they needed to make a political statement. In their zeal to take our guns, Democrats are intentionally being disrespectful to the victims in Orlando:

Next time lock the Democrats out during the middle of the night.

A moment of silence is traditionally held to commemorate shooting victims, but after 49 people were slaughtered during a mass shooting at a gay nightclub on Sunday morning, some Democrats said that wasn’t enough.

“Where’s the bill?” Democratic reps shouted. “Show some respect!”

Ryan banged his gavel in vain, calling for order. Some representatives walked out of the room in protest, including Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT).

Himes announced that he’d skip out on the moment of silence earlier Monday, calling it an “abomination.”

The Connecticut representative’s district is close to Newtown, where 20 first-graders and six adults were fatally shot at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. Himes called moments of silence “obnoxious expressions of smug incompetence” on elected officials' part.

Legislation to restrict the sale of assault weapons and to prevent people on the terror watch list from acquiring firearms has been introduced in the wake of previous mass shootings, but never advanced through Congress.

Despite his previous inclusion on an FBI terrorist watchlist, Omar Mateen, the US citizen who carried out the Orlando attack, was legally able to purchase a Glock handun and AR-15 assault rifle in Florida because he had no criminal record.

Via The Hill:

House Democrats staged protests in response to a moment of silence on the floor Monday evening for the victims of the attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando.

After Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) led the House in the moment of silence in honor of the 49 people who died in the massacre on Sunday, the chamber quickly erupted into shouting as Democrats expressed frustration over the lack of votes to restrict guns after repeated mass shootings.

“Where’s the bill?” Democrats chanted.

“Show some respect!” other Democrats shouted.

Some lawmakers walked out of the House chamber before the moment of silence began in protest, including Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.). Earlier in the day, Himes declared that he wouldn’t participate in any more moments of silence to protest the lack of legislative responses to mass shootings.

“The fact is that a moment of silence is an act of respect, and we supported that. But it is a not a license to do nothing,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters off the House floor afterward.

“Members have just had enough of having one minute, a moment of silence on the floor, and then take no action,” she said.

After the moment of silence ended, Assistant House Minority Leader Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) tried to seek recognition, a request Ryan denied. Clyburn told reporters that he wanted to speak about the upcoming anniversary this Friday of the shooting at a historically black church in his district a year ago in Charleston.

House Erupts In Shouting By Democrats During Moment Of Silence For Orlando Victims…

House Floor Dissolves Into Chaos After Moment Of Silence For Orlando Victims

Yo, their thought is to Ban Weapons, without thought, simple, and just plain asinine!!!

Yes, they have been trying to have that discussion for years. Whether you think its "real" or not has no bearing on anything

The problem is those on the left wanting to have a discussion define it as the other side sitting down, shutting up, and doing what the left wants done.

No, thats just the excuse you use to avoid discussing guns. You have a ton of them and all of them involve you blaming someone else for not being willing to listen....Such as you know what the other side wants and it includes you being a victim somehow soooooo....

If you don't think someone should have guns, have the guts to take them yourself. Bet you don't have the guts. You have the mouth that you run, though.

See? This is what every discussion boils down to. You being the victim of the left and something about balls and guts.

It boils down to cowardly pussies like you saying people shouldn't own guns yet being unwilling to do anything personally about it.


But in your gun happy keyboard warrior mind you dont care what my opinion is because YOU'LL Supply it for me so you can argue with your self goof ball.

Every response is you crying about being a victim of liberals and at the same time calling them pussies. You...getting bullied by pussies. I approve this message

You believe that laws should be put in place that limits people from owning guns based on criteria you support.

Yes, and If limiting some wackoo from owning a gun is a crime, I'm guilty. If thats your only complaint and you think nut jobs should get guns lets hear your fucking point bruh. But you cant disagree with what I said because I'm right, your only recourse is to whine about me.

You support laws that won't do what you claim they will do and the only ones that have to deal with it are those that wouldn't ever do what the laws you support are designed to stop.

Pray tell faggot, what laws do I support and what claims do I make those laws will accomplish? Because not ONE FUCKING TIME did you ask me and not ONE FUCKING TIME did I say what laws I support. So, Vicky the Victim and Strawman Engineer, what the fuck are you talking about?

You dont know, because making up positions FOR ME is all you can do. Whats your position? Crazy fuckers SHOULD be able to get guns?

Do you support background checks?


Yes I do support background checks. DO YOU?
by walking out on a moment of silence
3 or so did, VERY discretely and quietly. You hater dupes are a gd disgrace- no shame at all. Where's the problem with the moment of silence? Liars and total dupes...for 30 years now. Like all the phony scandals against Obama and Hilary. Read something, fools.

Where's the problem?

Because in the absence of taking action, moments of silence are an insult to the families

Ask them which they prefer.....A moment of silence or actually trying to prevent future massacres?

OK so tell me what new law will do that when the thousands we have on the books already haven't
maybe a check to see if a person buying a gun has been on a terrorist watch list*

Maybe but is that alone enough proof to deny a constitutionally protected right?

I don't think so.
proof to deny? no. but enough to put that person on a waiting list for further investigation? probably. i'm sure a reasonable compromise could be reached.

but one side refuses to even address the issue.
Yes, they have been trying to have that discussion for years. Whether you think its "real" or not has no bearing on anything

The problem is those on the left wanting to have a discussion define it as the other side sitting down, shutting up, and doing what the left wants done.

No, thats just the excuse you use to avoid discussing guns. You have a ton of them and all of them involve you blaming someone else for not being willing to listen....Such as you know what the other side wants and it includes you being a victim somehow soooooo....

If you don't think someone should have guns, have the guts to take them yourself. Bet you don't have the guts. You have the mouth that you run, though.

See? This is what every discussion boils down to. You being the victim of the left and something about balls and guts.

It boils down to cowardly pussies like you saying people shouldn't own guns yet being unwilling to do anything personally about it.


But in your gun happy keyboard warrior mind you dont care what my opinion is because YOU'LL Supply it for me so you can argue with your self goof ball.

Every response is you crying about being a victim of liberals and at the same time calling them pussies. You...getting bullied by pussies. I approve this message
We all knew that Obama was setting up these conditions so he could take them from us. We've been telling you assholes for years that eventually that's the endgame. It's what Fast & Furious was about. He's hoping for more and more attacks. You can tell by the way he talks about this issue like he's falling asleep.

Yes, you've been telling us for years and every year you're wrong.....And every year you say it again. Obama is about to leave office and you're still telling people the same shit you said 7 years ago.

You'd think that being wrong for 7 years in a row was in indication of how stupid you are.
Democrats Shout Down Speaker Ryan and Protest Moment of Silence to Demand More Gun Control [VIDEO] | RedState

Can't say I'm surprised in the least. This was not the time to push their agenda. Acting like the anti Trump protesters they represent.

Good for them!

The Congressional "moment of silence" is an insult to the families of the victims
We won't actually do anything about the death of your child, but we will give you this nice moment of silence.....doesn't that make it all better?
By going after guns? Tell me are you one of the libs trying to take the light off the attacker and focusing on guns?
The obedient hardcore partisan ideologues are obliged to defend and deflect for this stuff, of course.

I know they wanted to make a statement, I get it, but this was over the top.

They just morally superior.
D'oh. Duped again as always. Watch a video that isn't spun for you GOP chumps. Your party and you are a disgrace.
House Democrats protest lack of action on gun legislation - CNNPolitics.com

Franco hater dupe bot, you are an artificial stupidity routine embedded in a virus infecting the USMB servers. No one expects you to have the power of thought or reason, and you don't.

Disrupting a moment of silence for the victims of the Muslim and registered democrat is about as shitty as it's possible to be. Which makes sense, democrats are really shitty people. Still, this was scummy even by democrat "standards."
There is some far right lunacy propaganda.. Go for it, Grampa.
They are on CC TV walking out so....

But that's besides the point all these moments of silence and ribbon wearing and hash tags are meaningless anyway

When done in the absence of any legislative action they are an insult to the victims

We don't need any more feel good laws based on emotion we already have enough of those

"Feel good laws" ???

Congress has done nothing. They refuse to even discuss it
Just wait for the next massacre and offer up a moment of silence
We have thousands of gun laws on the books so you tell me how a new law will prevent anything
Maybe fix all the loopholes and make it national? Duh.
They refused to do it because this shit happens so often that moments of silence have become a sick farce.
0 respect for the victims of the LARGEST MASS SHOOTING IN AMERICAN HISTORY. But Muhammad Ali got his respect from democrats.

I don't really need to say it but.........unbelievably pathetic & self centered.
D'oh. Duped again as always. Watch a video that isn't spun for you GOP chumps. Youor party and you are a disgrace.
House Democrats protest lack of action on gun legislation - CNNPolitics.com
by walking out on a moment of silence
3 or so did, VERY discretely and quietly. You hater dupes are a gd disgrace- no shame at all. Where's the problem with the moment of silence? Liars and total dupes...for 30 years now. Like all the phony scandals against Obama and Hilary. Read something, fools.

Where's the problem?

Because in the absence of taking action, moments of silence are an insult to the families

Ask them which they prefer.....A moment of silence or actually trying to prevent future massacres?
They refused to do it because this shit happens so often that moments of silence have become a sick farce.
0 respect for the victims of the LARGEST MASS SHOOTING IN AMERICAN HISTORY. But Muhammad Ali got his respect from democrats.

I don't really need to say it but.........unbelievably pathetic & self centered.
D'oh. Duped again as always. Watch a video that isn't spun for you GOP chumps. Youor party and you are a disgrace.
House Democrats protest lack of action on gun legislation - CNNPolitics.com
by walking out on a moment of silence
3 or so did, VERY discretely and quietly. You hater dupes are a gd disgrace- no shame at all. Where's the problem with the moment of silence? Liars and total dupes...for 30 years now. Like all the phony scandals against Obama and Hilary. Read something, fools.

Where's the problem?

Because in the absence of taking action, moments of silence are an insult to the families

Ask them which they prefer.....A moment of silence or actually trying to prevent future massacres?
There is some far right lunacy propaganda.. Go for it, Grampa.
Far right propaganda?

Watch the video dumbass
They refused to do it because this shit happens so often that moments of silence have become a sick farce.
0 respect for the victims of the LARGEST MASS SHOOTING IN AMERICAN HISTORY. But Muhammad Ali got his respect from democrats.

I don't really need to say it but.........unbelievably pathetic & self centered.
False the largest mass shooting in America happened in 1890 at wounded knee.
Besides , they're faggots !
Conservatives hate gays or did you conveniently put that aside to bash democrats?
House Democrats protest lack of action on gun legislation - CNNPolitics.com[/QUOTE]

Franco hater dupe bot, you are an artificial stupidity routine embedded in a virus infecting the USMB servers. No one expects you to have the power of thought or reason, and you don't.

Disrupting a moment of silence for the victims of the Muslim and registered democrat is about as shitty as it's possible to be. Which makes sense, democrats are really shitty people. Still, this was scummy even by democrat "standards."[/QUOTE]
Watch the video, hater dupe mororon. No s
D'oh. Duped again as always. Watch a video that isn't spun for you GOP chumps. Your party and you are a disgrace.
House Democrats protest lack of action on gun legislation - CNNPolitics.com

Franco hater dupe bot, you are an artificial stupidity routine embedded in a virus infecting the USMB servers. No one expects you to have the power of thought or reason, and you don't.

Disrupting a moment of silence for the victims of the Muslim and registered democrat is about as shitty as it's possible to be. Which makes sense, democrats are really shitty people. Still, this was scummy even by democrat "standards."
DIDN"T HAPPEN, hater dupe. Watch a video that actually includes the moment of silence. Duh, dupe.House Democrats protest lack of action on gun legislation - CNNPolitics.com

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