44 States Refuse To Turn Over Voter Rolls To Support Trump's Big Lie

Trying to get all that info on every American voter in single database would make that database target number one for every hacker in Russia and they would almost certainly succeed with the sloppy way Trump's people run things.

Remind us who hacked the DNC ..remind us how many millions of dollars Obama spent on the Obama care web site numb nuts...


You are the numb nuts. You don't give a damn about people's information being stolen. All for the sake of satisfying Trump's ego.

You are the numb nuts. You don't give a damn about America's sovereignty being stolen. All for the sake of satisfying the career criminal and congenital liar.

Why aren't Democrats Americans????

You are the numb nuts. You put Trump's needs above that of the country. You are willing to divide this country even further for your glorious leader. This commission is phony and a testament to 1 man's ego.

Yea, political chic! Your nuts are numb.
If Trump tweeted the moon was made of cheese, PoliticalChic would be posting comparison photos between swiss cheese and the moon's craters as evidence Trump is right.

"Embrace the truth....you'll feel better about yourself."

Why wouldn't everyone want this, It would prove Trump is right again.
If Russian meddling is such a big concern then let's examine the whole election process and see the real meddling.

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How funny is it the pseudocons got their panties in a wad when the Justice Department challenged various states' voter ID laws, and now they are all for federal interference in how states run their elections?

The stench of hypocrisy is ripe!
Why wouldn't everyone want this, It would prove Trump is right again.
If Russian meddling is such a big concern then let's examine the whole election process and see the real meddling.

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Last year, when our intelligence agencies found the Russians were trying to hack state voter rolls, Obama offered to help the states ward off the attacks.

Quite a few states refused federal intervention then, just as they are now.

And the dumb rubes parrot the lie that Obama did nothing about Russian meddling!

When it comes to Russian meddling, there is an abundance of proof. When it comes to Trump's Big Lie, there is NONE.
Why wouldn't everyone want this, It would prove Trump is right again.
If Russian meddling is such a big concern then let's examine the whole election process and see the real meddling.

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Last year, when our intelligence agencies found the Russians were trying to hack state voter rolls, Obama offered to help the states ward off the attacks.

Quite a few states refused federal intervention then, just as they are now.

And the dumb rubes parrot the lie that Obama did nothing about Russian meddling!

When it comes to Russian meddling, there is an abundance of proof. When it comes to Trump's Big Lie, there is NONE.
and without a link that is just more shrimp gumbo.
Why wouldn't everyone want this, It would prove Trump is right again.
If Russian meddling is such a big concern then let's examine the whole election process and see the real meddling.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last year, when our intelligence agencies found the Russians were trying to hack state voter rolls, Obama offered to help the states ward off the attacks.

Quite a few states refused federal intervention then, just as they are now.

And the dumb rubes parrot the lie that Obama did nothing about Russian meddling!

When it comes to Russian meddling, there is an abundance of proof. When it comes to Trump's Big Lie, there is NONE.
and without a link that is just more shrimp gumbo.
It amuses me when a tard who has fallen for every hoax, including Trump's Big Lie about five million illegal Mexican voters, asks for evidence that has been in front of his face for months.
TRUMP: Five million illegal Mexicans voted in the election.

PARROT: Five million illegal Mexicans voted in the election! Five million illegal Mexicans voted in the election!

REPORT: The sun came up today, without Trump's help.

Trump called Democrats' bluff. I think it's great. If there's no Voter Fraud, what do these Democrat strongholds have to hide?

You people have lost your minds. What does TRUMP have to hide? His tax returns and the pee tape for starters.
So Freudian it's amazing.

If there's no Voter Fraud, why are Democrats refusing to cooperate?
The majority of the states are Republican. The unified flipping of the bird to trump is bipartisan.

According to Democrat Fake News anyway. Y'all are so full of shite. If there's no Voter Fraud, y'all should be anxious to prove it. Trump's calling your bluff. The ball's in your court. What do you have to hide?

It's been proven - over and over. Trump made the assertion as an excuse for losing the popular vote while offering NO EVIDENCE of his assertions. He then ordered a Commission to investigate his baseless assertion.

This is the Republican way. Make a baseless charge and then get a taxpayer funded investigation which proves it to be false.

Half of the registered voters don't bother to vote, mostly poor people. Why would illegals - the poorest of the poor risk getting caught trying to vote. It doesn't even make sense.

Yup, y'all just hate those taxpayer funded investigations. Coming from hysterical loons who invented the 'Russians Hacked our Election' meme, that sure is comically hypocritical. :lmao:
How dare the states resist a Federal incursion into their jurisdictions!

It's unconstitutional!

Real Conservatives support the Federal government telling the states what to do.
What are they hiding? If they have nothing to hide, why hide? Trump needs to invoke national security and get those voter rolls, especially the ones hacked by Putin in CA, IL, NY, NJ. Why allow them to continue to support Putin?
Hmmm.....could it be that multiple millions of illegal aliens voted their interests, and Americans voted theirs?.

No evidence exists to support such a claim, and the Trump team sought to manufacture that evidence from the voter rolls. It's obvious why. The Trump team resembles the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department in Making a Murderer...trying to fit a round peg in a square hole.
What are they hiding? If they have nothing to hide, why hide? Trump needs to invoke national security and get those voter rolls, especially the ones hacked by Putin in CA, IL, NY, NJ. Why allow them to continue to support Putin?

I thought Trump's position was that Russia didn't interfere in the election?
44 states won't give some voter info to panel - CNNPolitics.com

The information the commission is seeking includes registrants' full names, addresses, dates of birth, political parties, the last four digits of their social security numbers, a list of the elections they voted in since 2006, information on any felony convictions, information on whether they were registered to vote in other states, their military status, and whether they lived overseas.


"The President's Commission has quickly politicized its work by asking states for an incredible amount of voter data that I have, time and time again, refused to release," said Louisiana Secretary of State Tom Schedler, a Republican, on Monday afternoon. "My response to the Commission is, you're not going to play politics with Louisiana's voter data, and if you are, then you can purchase the limited public information available by law, to any candidate running for office. That's it."

Mississippi's Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann, also a Republican, took the criticism a step further.
"My reply would be: They can go jump in the Gulf of Mexico, and Mississippi is a great state to launch from," Hosemann said in a statement Friday. "Mississippi residents should celebrate Independence Day and our state's right to protect the privacy of our citizens by conducting our own electoral processes."
Yet idiots like the Original Tree and like minded dunces still believe 6 million illegals voted.
Why wouldn't everyone want this, It would prove Trump is right again.
If Russian meddling is such a big concern then let's examine the whole election process and see the real meddling.

I thought Trump's position was that Russia didn't interfere? So is that a change?
There have been to many problems with our personal info,leaked stolen, misused. we don't need a new data base that every criminal would love to get its hands on.
The orange clown wants every American's personal information but he won't release his own tax returns. Yet the Trump whores won't call out THAT hypocrisy.
It's so sweet that almost the entire country is giving Donnie Littlefingers a giant FUCK YOU.
What are they hiding? If they have nothing to hide, why hide? Trump needs to invoke national security and get those voter rolls, especially the ones hacked by Putin in CA, IL, NY, NJ. Why allow them to continue to support Putin?

I thought Trump's position was that Russia didn't interfere in the election?

At this point, what difference does it make? You want Putin to get away with flipping your vote?
At this point, what difference does it make? You want Putin to get away with flipping your vote?

Make no mistake, I know Russia hacked our election and I believe they colluded with Trump and the GOP. My question was more to the flip-flopping done by Trump, first saying Russia didn't hack, now saying they did.

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