44 States Refuse To Turn Over Voter Rolls To Support Trump's Big Lie

At this point, what difference does it make? You want Putin to get away with flipping your vote?

Make no mistake, I know Russia hacked our election and I believe they colluded with Trump and the GOP. My question was more to the flip-flopping done by Trump, first saying Russia didn't hack, now saying they did.

You know I'm probably not Donald Trump, right? When I write something, it's my own opinion.

How did Vlad hack the election?
At this point, what difference does it make? You want Putin to get away with flipping your vote?

Make no mistake, I know Russia hacked our election and I believe they colluded with Trump and the GOP. My question was more to the flip-flopping done by Trump, first saying Russia didn't hack, now saying they did.
Russia definitely meddled. Whether Trump directly colluded with them is doubtful. I think it is far more likely members of his team did. Manafort and Stone in particular.

Manafort had to retroactively register as a pro-Russian foreign agent last week. He has obviously been told by his lawyer he is in deep shit.

And then there's Flynn. Was he ordered by Trump to discuss Obama's sanctions with the Russians, or was he acting on his own? I find it hard to believe he acted on his own.

And then there's Jared Kushner meeting with the president of a Russian bank under US sanctions, and taking out a money laundering loan from Russia for some property in Manhattan. All very curious.

Trump is trying to play both sides of the field. He is trying to keep the lie alive in his Chumps like CrusaderFrank that Russia didn't meddle, while at the same time trying not to piss off every sane person who knows they did.

As far as the Russian interference, we are at the "What did the President know, and when did he know it?" phase.
You know I'm probably not Donald Trump, right? When I write something, it's my own opinion.

Ummm...OK. I was just asking a question because the flip-flopping is out of control.

How did Vlad hack the election?

By using Russian Active Measures to spread disinformation, hack into the DNC in order to drum up controversy, and hacking the voting systems in at least 39 states.
Russia definitely meddled. Whether Trump directly colluded with them is doubtful. I think it is far more likely members of his team did. Manafort and Stone in particular.
Manafort had to retroactively register as a pro-Russian foreign agent last week. He has obviously been told by his lawyer he is in deep shit.
Trump is trying to play both sides of the field. He is trying to keep the lie alive in his Chumps like CrusaderFrank that Russia didn't meddle, while at the same time trying not to piss off every sane person who knows they did.
As far as the Russian interference, we are at the "What did the President know, and when did he know it?" phase.

Agreed. Though, I do think Trump was directly involved. He was the asset cultivated by the FIS, after all.
Why wouldn't everyone want this, It would prove Trump is right again.
If Russian meddling is such a big concern then let's examine the whole election process and see the real meddling.

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Last year, when our intelligence agencies found the Russians were trying to hack state voter rolls, Obama offered to help the states ward off the attacks.

Quite a few states refused federal intervention then, just as they are now.

And the dumb rubes parrot the lie that Obama did nothing about Russian meddling!

When it comes to Russian meddling, there is an abundance of proof. When it comes to Trump's Big Lie, there is NONE.
and without a link that is just more shrimp gumbo.
It amuses me when a tard who has fallen for every hoax, including Trump's Big Lie about five million illegal Mexican voters, asks for evidence that has been in front of his face for months.
and still no link shrimp gumbo
Are you saying you think the governments of 44 states know that illegals voted in their states and are now trying to hide that information?

Is it that hard for you to understand?

Are you saying all of those 44 states are hiding information about illegal voters?

I see that it is...

Why don't you explain it then? Or are you, like PC, unwilling to simply answer the question?

You really believe that Illegal Aliens have NOT cast a vote in our national elections, really?

I guess you're going to try and tell me that our tax dollars do not support them in any fashion?

In my opinion its insane to believe Illegal Aliens have not voted in our elections based simply on voter ID, we require ID to drive, buy alcohol, buy cigarettes, purchase countless products, enter public schools, leave and enter the US, board an air plane, etc...

So what's the real argument with Voter ID Laws?

I never claimed that no illegal aliens have ever cast a vote in national elections. Nor did I say anything about voter ID laws. And you still have not answered my question, which was if you think that all of the 44 states refusing to give over their voter information to the commission are doing so to hide information about illegal voters?
I wasn't asking you to rehash the DMV automatically registering illegals argument. I was asking if, based on your post, you think the 44 states which are refusing (in whole or in part) to turn over voter data are doing so because they know that a significant number of illegals voted in those states, and they are trying to hide that fact.

Even assuming the 12 states do register illegals to vote, that says nothing of the other 32 states refusing to hand over some or all of the voter information to the commission.

Everyone else understands why my post applies.

Why would you pretend you don't?

Whether your post applies to the overall discussion or not doesn't mean it answers my question.

I wasn't asking you about whether a small number of states automatically register illegals to vote. I was asking if you think the vast majority of states have information showing that illegals vote in their states and are trying to hide it, because that seemed to be the implication of your first post in this thread.

Would you care to answer that question, or continue to deflect?

Let's check with the Democrat poll watchers....


We can ask 'em who they let vote......

So no, you aren't willing to just answer. Got it. ;)

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

Considering you refused to directly answer my question to you, are you expecting me to directly answer your question? :lol:
At this point, what difference does it make? You want Putin to get away with flipping your vote?

Make no mistake, I know Russia hacked our election and I believe they colluded with Trump and the GOP. My question was more to the flip-flopping done by Trump, first saying Russia didn't hack, now saying they did.
based on what? as I laugh so hard the drink comes out my nose.

Fk, dude even CNN stated it was a farce. OMG. When I looked up gullible in the dictionary, your post name came up.

BTW, you are the only one that knows that.
if you think that all of the 44 states refusing to give over their voter information to the commission are doing so to hide information about illegal voters?

No. The opposition is bi-partisan. They're refusing to go along with it because they know Kobach and Trump are not trustworthy.
Is it that hard for you to understand?

Are you saying all of those 44 states are hiding information about illegal voters?

I see that it is...

Why don't you explain it then? Or are you, like PC, unwilling to simply answer the question?

You really believe that Illegal Aliens have NOT cast a vote in our national elections, really?

I guess you're going to try and tell me that our tax dollars do not support them in any fashion?

In my opinion its insane to believe Illegal Aliens have not voted in our elections based simply on voter ID, we require ID to drive, buy alcohol, buy cigarettes, purchase countless products, enter public schools, leave and enter the US, board an air plane, etc...

So what's the real argument with Voter ID Laws?

I never claimed that no illegal aliens have ever cast a vote in national elections. Nor did I say anything about voter ID laws. And you still have not answered my question, which was if you think that all of the 44 states refusing to give over their voter information to the commission are doing so to hide information about illegal voters?
yes. I'll even tell you why when you ask again.
You know I'm probably not Donald Trump, right? When I write something, it's my own opinion.

Ummm...OK. I was just asking a question because the flip-flopping is out of control.

How did Vlad hack the election?

By using Russian Active Measures to spread disinformation, hack into the DNC in order to drum up controversy, and hacking the voting systems in at least 39 states.

And by "Disinformation" you mean disseminating the emails showing how Hillary and the DNC stole the nomination from Bernie?

If the machine were hacked, Trump should absolutely invoke national security and compel the state to hand over the voter rolls
based on what?

Based on all the obvious attempts to distract by Trump and the GOP. First he said Russia didn't hack, now he says they did. Every time Trump opens his mouth, the story seems to change. It's clear why that's the case.

Fk, dude even CNN stated it was a farce. OMG. When I looked up gullible in the dictionary, your post name came up.BTW, you are the only one that knows that.

Trump admitted that Russia hacked the election. Try to keep up with him, because he's making you look foolish.
At this point, what difference does it make? You want Putin to get away with flipping your vote?

Make no mistake, I know Russia hacked our election and I believe they colluded with Trump and the GOP. My question was more to the flip-flopping done by Trump, first saying Russia didn't hack, now saying they did.
Russia definitely meddled. Whether Trump directly colluded with them is doubtful. I think it is far more likely members of his team did. Manafort and Stone in particular.

Manafort had to retroactively register as a pro-Russian foreign agent last week. He has obviously been told by his lawyer he is in deep shit.

And then there's Flynn. Was he ordered by Trump to discuss Obama's sanctions with the Russians, or was he acting on his own? I find it hard to believe he acted on his own.

And then there's Jared Kushner meeting with the president of a Russian bank under US sanctions, and taking out a money laundering loan from Russia for some property in Manhattan. All very curious.

Trump is trying to play both sides of the field. He is trying to keep the lie alive in his Chumps like CrusaderFrank that Russia didn't meddle, while at the same time trying not to piss off every sane person who knows they did.

As far as the Russian interference, we are at the "What did the President know, and when did he know it?" phase.

LOL. Comedic Gold there

Tell us how DB transferred Putin dollar to Jared

And by "Disinformation" you mean disseminating the emails showing how Hillary and the DNC stole the nomination from Bernie?

No, I mean shit like the Pizzagate nonsense, which is a perfect example of Russian Active Measures corrupting simple Conservative minds.

f the machine were hacked, Trump should absolutely invoke national security and compel the state to hand over the voter rolls

What would the voter rolls have to do with hacking the voting systems?
Tell us how DB transferred Putin dollar to Jared

Probably through the same Cyprus bank Trump's Treasury Secretary used to launder Russian money. We don't know because no one in that Administration wants to release their tax returns.
Everyone else understands why my post applies.

Why would you pretend you don't?

Whether your post applies to the overall discussion or not doesn't mean it answers my question.

I wasn't asking you about whether a small number of states automatically register illegals to vote. I was asking if you think the vast majority of states have information showing that illegals vote in their states and are trying to hide it, because that seemed to be the implication of your first post in this thread.

Would you care to answer that question, or continue to deflect?

Let's check with the Democrat poll watchers....


We can ask 'em who they let vote......

So no, you aren't willing to just answer. Got it. ;)

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

Considering you refused to directly answer my question to you, are you expecting me to directly answer your question? :lol:

"...are you expecting me to directly answer your question?"

No....of course not.

None of you Leftist simpletons would answer that question.

As you amiable dunces will not, and cannot, answer this simple query, "How many illegal aliens reside in our country," I will provide the perspective that you can't.

1. Now....the owners and operators of the media, Liberalism, Incorporated, have kept idiots in the dark for nigh on 15 years....broadcasting the very same bogus number....11 million illegals living here....and those trained to be ignorant buy it like it was on sale!

2. Of course the media tacitly admits that they know that the Liberal/Democrat voter is an imbecile, because, while they print that same 11 million every year.....
...they also let slip that some million invaders creep into the country yearly.
Yet the number put forward never changes!

a. How can dolts accept the same number every year, and also accept the huge number that creep in?
Well, they have to, or they wouldn't be Liberals.

3. Evidence and testimony from experts indicates that the actual number of illegal aliens ensconced in our domain is actually somewhere between 50 million and 80 million.

a. Just an indication of this: call any business or website and they ask you to 'press 1 for English.'
Did you figure out why they have to do that?

4. Illegal aliens lower our standard of living, increase unemployment among Americans, and cost mucho Dinaro in welfare and support, plus huge costs to to the prison system
Yet, Liberals/Democrats welcome, encourage, and invite same for one reason:
they vote....and they vote Democrat.

5. If there were only 11 million as the Left claims, well, 50% would have had to vote to make this thread claim correct....
But if 50-80 million are here.....less than one in ten had to vote.
And they did.

6. And so we see the reason the Leftwing Lying Liberals won't provide the answer to this simple query:
How many illegal aliens live in this country?
1. Now....the owners and operators of the media, Liberalism, Incorporated, have kept idiots in the dark for nigh on 15 years....broadcasting the very same bogus number....11 million illegals living here....and those trained to be ignorant buy it like it was on sale!
3. Evidence and testimony from experts indicates that the actual number of illegal aliens ensconced in our domain is actually somewhere between 50 million and 80 million.

So you think there are 80,000,000 people living illegally in the US? Are you serious, or is this just an act?

2. Of course the media tacitly admits that they know that the Liberal/Democrat voter is an imbecile, because, while they print that same 11 million every year.....
...they also let slip that some million invaders creep into the country yearly.
Yet the number put forward never changes!

They do? How are you so sure about that? Don't people also leave the country? Wouldn't that cancel out the people coming here?

a. How can dolts accept the same number every year, and also accept the huge number that creep in? Well, they have to, or they wouldn't be Liberals.

You haven't established that many come every year. Sounds like an exaggeration to me.

a. Just an indication of this: call any business or website and they ask you to 'press 1 for English.'
Did you figure out why they have to do that?

Lots of hispanic Americans. Doesn't mean they're all illegal immigrants. So this is about, what? White identity? We are a nation of immigrants, so you better get used to it, or don't evolve. Don't care.

4. Illegal aliens lower our standard of living, increase unemployment among Americans, and cost mucho Dinaro in welfare and support, plus huge costs to to the prison system
Yet, Liberals/Democrats welcome, encourage, and invite same for one reason:
they vote....and they vote Democrat.

First of all, the huge costs to the prison system come not from immigration, but from the drug war. Secondly, you will not find a single American who will work the same job as an illegal, for the same wage, and in the same working conditions. When you goofballs kicked all the illegal immigrants out of Georgia and Alabama, produce literally rotted on the vine because there was no one to pick it. Thirdly, thanks to the welfare reform you Conservatives gave us in the 90's, illegal immigrants cannot get welfare. So if you are claiming they can today, then that means either the welfare reform you guys did 20 years ago was a crock of shit, or you're bullshitting about it today. So which is it?

5. If there were only 11 million as the Left claims, well, 50% would have had to vote to make this thread claim correct....
But if 50-80 million are here.....less than one in ten had to vote.
And they did.

No they didn't. No proof exists. Firstly, how would they vote? To get that many people to the polls would have to utilize a massive campaign targeted to people who can't be targeted because they are in the shadows. So how do you even reach those people to tell them to vote? Secondly, you would also need to coordinate all those people getting to the polls. Thirdly, you'd have to somehow get their names on the voter rolls, which can't be done without a government-issued ID. Only one state, CA, gives driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. Trump is alleging voter fraud was nationwide.

6. And so we see the reason the Leftwing Lying Liberals won't provide the answer to this simple query:
How many illegal aliens live in this country?

About 10-11 million. Most of them are here on expired visas...like the kind Trump uses to import foreign workers to work at his domestic resorts.
Hmmm.....could it be that multiple millions of illegal aliens voted their interests, and Americans voted theirs?.

No evidence exists to support such a claim, and the Trump team sought to manufacture that evidence from the voter rolls. It's obvious why. The Trump team resembles the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department in Making a Murderer...trying to fit a round peg in a square hole.

How curious to see you post on this day, one which I would believe holds a great deal of significance for you.

After all, today is the birthday of P.T. Barnum, who famously said "There's a sucker born every minute".

Did he send you a card on your birthday?
1. Now....the owners and operators of the media, Liberalism, Incorporated, have kept idiots in the dark for nigh on 15 years....broadcasting the very same bogus number....11 million illegals living here....and those trained to be ignorant buy it like it was on sale!
3. Evidence and testimony from experts indicates that the actual number of illegal aliens ensconced in our domain is actually somewhere between 50 million and 80 million.

So you think there are 80,000,000 people living illegally in the US? Are you serious, or is this just an act?

2. Of course the media tacitly admits that they know that the Liberal/Democrat voter is an imbecile, because, while they print that same 11 million every year.....
...they also let slip that some million invaders creep into the country yearly.
Yet the number put forward never changes!

They do? How are you so sure about that? Don't people also leave the country? Wouldn't that cancel out the people coming here?

a. How can dolts accept the same number every year, and also accept the huge number that creep in? Well, they have to, or they wouldn't be Liberals.

You haven't established that many come every year. Sounds like an exaggeration to me.

a. Just an indication of this: call any business or website and they ask you to 'press 1 for English.'
Did you figure out why they have to do that?

Lots of hispanic Americans. Doesn't mean they're all illegal immigrants. So this is about, what? White identity? We are a nation of immigrants, so you better get used to it, or don't evolve. Don't care.

4. Illegal aliens lower our standard of living, increase unemployment among Americans, and cost mucho Dinaro in welfare and support, plus huge costs to to the prison system
Yet, Liberals/Democrats welcome, encourage, and invite same for one reason:
they vote....and they vote Democrat.

First of all, the huge costs to the prison system come not from immigration, but from the drug war. Secondly, you will not find a single American who will work the same job as an illegal, for the same wage, and in the same working conditions. When you goofballs kicked all the illegal immigrants out of Georgia and Alabama, produce literally rotted on the vine because there was no one to pick it. Thirdly, thanks to the welfare reform you Conservatives gave us in the 90's, illegal immigrants cannot get welfare. So if you are claiming they can today, then that means either the welfare reform you guys did 20 years ago was a crock of shit, or you're bullshitting about it today. So which is it?

5. If there were only 11 million as the Left claims, well, 50% would have had to vote to make this thread claim correct....
But if 50-80 million are here.....less than one in ten had to vote.
And they did.

No they didn't. No proof exists. Firstly, how would they vote? To get that many people to the polls would have to utilize a massive campaign targeted to people who can't be targeted because they are in the shadows. So how do you even reach those people to tell them to vote? Secondly, you would also need to coordinate all those people getting to the polls. Thirdly, you'd have to somehow get their names on the voter rolls, which can't be done without a government-issued ID. Only one state, CA, gives driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. Trump is alleging voter fraud was nationwide.

6. And so we see the reason the Leftwing Lying Liberals won't provide the answer to this simple query:
How many illegal aliens live in this country?

About 10-11 million. Most of them are here on expired visas...like the kind Trump uses to import foreign workers to work at his domestic resorts.

So you think there are only 11,000,000 people living illegally in the US? Are you serious, or is this just an act?

Sorry....I shouldn't have said 'think' in your case.
How curious to see you post on this day, one which I would believe holds a great deal of significance for you.
After all, today is the birthday of P.T. Barnum, who famously said "There's a sucker born every minute".
Did he send you a card on your birthday?

So...I guess seven years of screeching about the perils of Obamacare is the reason why no repeal bill was ready to go on day one, like Trump and the GOP promised?

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