46,000 Pennsylvania Democrats switch to GOP

but who will they vote for in November?

Are you accusing democrats of being lying dishonest hacks? If so then you have a very good chance of being right.
we will never know what %% of rats are just playing their version of Operation Chaos.......i am sure many are the blue collar ones who are fed up, and others just want to put Trump in the red column,,,,but i still cant see the beast beating Trump,,,,especially if we have to settle for a Trump/Cruz ticket

Trump/Nikki Haley, can't lose.
If Trump pledges moderation on SS and medicare and medicaid and PP while continuing to refuse to continue the Bush neo-con idiocy in the ME with a Nikki Haley as his running mate, he could win.

Bush? You realize he isn't president, right?
but who will they vote for in November?

Are you accusing democrats of being lying dishonest hacks? If so then you have a very good chance of being right.
we will never know what %% of rats are just playing their version of Operation Chaos.......i am sure many are the blue collar ones who are fed up, and others just want to put Trump in the red column,,,,but i still cant see the beast beating Trump,,,,especially if we have to settle for a Trump/Cruz ticket

Trump/Nikki Haley, can't lose.
If Trump pledges moderation on SS and medicare and medicaid and PP while continuing to refuse to continue the Bush neo-con idiocy in the ME with a Nikki Haley as his running mate, he could win.

Bush? You realize he isn't president, right?

You caught old Jake, he can't condemn Obama so he must resort to Bush bashing. Being Obama's bitch must be really hard.
You realize that Bush punked you and Obama punked you.

Now Trump will punk you, Soggy and Freewill, as well.

You have been there bitches for 16 years or more.

You will be crying for another 8 years.
You realize that Bush punked you and Obama punked you.

Now Trump will punk you, Soggy and Freewill, as well.

You have been there bitches for 16 years or more.

You will be crying for another 8 years.

Jake, is it a bitch being a bitch?
You realize that Bush punked you and Obama punked you.

Now Trump will punk you, Soggy and Freewill, as well.

You have been there bitches for 16 years or more.

You will be crying for another 8 years.

What on Earth are you talking about? Bush has been gone for seven years... your idol has been in charge since 2009.

Jesus, do try and keep up.
And Soggy and freewill bitches just be bitching along.

Trump will be crooning their favorite hit to them, "My little bitches, just drop your britches, and I will bang those wittle itches."


Even if Haley is his VP, he won't forget about you.
And Soggy and freewill bitches just be bitching along.

Trump will be crooning their favorite hit to them, "My little bitches, just drop your britches, and I will bang those wittle itches."


Even if Haley is his VP, he won't forget about you.

Again, what on Earth are you talking about? You make no sense.
Trump's willingness to denounce Bush's Iraq disaster combined with his moderate positions on Planned Parenthood and Medicaid/Medicare might actually work. He wisely staked out positions that will help in a general election, and I don't think his racism and lack of policy knowledge will hurt with rustbelt centrist voters, especially if he convinces them that he will reverse the giant sucking sound created by NAFTA.

Great industrial towns like Pittsburgh have been decimated by cheap Mexican and Chinese labor. Trump is promising to bring those jobs back, which means he either pays PA factory workers to live on dog food, or he takes a huge hit on the products he is currently outsourcing. In other words, Trump is full of shit ... But this has never been a liability when it comes to uninformed voters.

Besides... Hillary Clinton has caused a huge enthusiasm gap on the Left. A ham sandwich could beat her.

President Trump is a reality:

I agree with Londoner. The way that different GOP candidates COULD win are totally different than the way the others could win. Don't think for an instant in last nights debates he was blowing smoke about how many new people have come on board, along with Democrats switching sides; especially blue collar.

Trumps road to the White House comes by addition through subtraction. Many blue collar workers are going to cast their vote for him, if he is the nominee. The thing that many people are having a hard time figuring out or understanding is.......................how he has managed to create a coalition that doesn't fit into political demographic orthodoxy. While you may not agree with his positions on issues, he has shrewdly seemed to have split off many votes by standing for the American worker, unapologetically. He then spun that into illegal immigration being detrimental to blue collar workers, and made it terrible for African Americans.

If anybody here goes to union worker sites and look into the archives, at every place you will find them railing against these unfair trade deals and corporate elitists helping spirit their jobs away. Trump has stated he would stand against factories closing, (how is not important) and break the back of these terrible deals. (how is not important either) Nobody else but Sanders has stated such a thing, and Sanders has said he would use EOs to keep illegals here, so that kinda screwed him. The illegal problem is prong 2 of his attack, and using LEFTY tactics perfectly, he has made them persona non grata, meaning blue collar workers understand the logic.

I am currently in Florida so I have no information on the rust belt, but I am under the impression that Trump COULD have the key to unlock Penn and Michigan for the GOP, and make them more than competitive, especially against a Hillary Clinton. One of the old sayings inside some political circles is---------> If you have a job, you vote your politics. If you don't have a job, or are worried about losing the job you have, you vote FOR a job!

Like him or not, Trump has done this perfectly, and he has created "bogeymen" to point at and blame, further dividing the Democrat party, and the establishment Republicans too! I can't believe his "shtick" was all an accident, and yet, if it wasn't, this means the political scholars of our country, have been stuck in the past for so long, they still do not grasp what he has done, accidently, or on purpose, take your choice!
Yes, it is obvious what he is trying to do. What is not obvious yet is whether he will succeed.
46,000 Pennsylvania Democrats switch to GOP

In 2008 there was a 500,000 voter shift from the Republicans to the Democrats during the Obama primary.

This 46000 number is not a significant number historically and matches the shift from democrats to Republicans from November of 2011 to 2012 as can be seen here

Voter Registration Statistics Archives

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