46 of 47 European countries require ID to vote

I will support voter ID as soon as we can ensure that 99 percent of voters have an acceptable ID

What we have now is a game of “gotcha” where selective IDs are allowed and minor glitches are used as an excuse to keep people from voting.
is a drivers license or a state ID acceptable?....
Yes, so is a passport

Most minorities in urban areas have neither
i dont believe that....when i lived california all the minorities i knew except for the illegals had a DL....and here in Nevada i dont think that is true either....
How about when you lived in NYC, Boston and Philadelphia?
How many minorities drove cars?
RW if the minorities in California can get ID's why cant the ones from those states get one?..
The problem is not having an ID, but having one Republicans will accept.
If you want voters to have an ID....THEN PROVIDE THEM ONE
you just told me DL and state id's are acceptable....as far as i know this is the id's republicans were asking you to show....am i wrong?....
Read my post

If you want voters to have ID PROVIDE THEM ONE
If not, quit your bitching
so you have no fucking idea what "special" ID the republicans want?...it figures.....and asking a question is not bitching...if you cant answer maybe you should not be in this thread...
I’m asking Republicans to put up or shut up

You want IDs? Provide them to every voter
unless the voter is handicapped and cant get around there is no reason why they cant get an ID....

You want them to have a voter ID......
YOU get them one
I will support voter ID as soon as we can ensure that 99 percent of voters have an acceptable ID

What we have now is a game of “gotcha” where selective IDs are allowed and minor glitches are used as an excuse to keep people from voting.
is a drivers license or a state ID acceptable?....
Yes, so is a passport

Most minorities in urban areas have neither
i dont believe that....when i lived california all the minorities i knew except for the illegals had a DL....and here in Nevada i dont think that is true either....
How about when you lived in NYC, Boston and Philadelphia?
How many minorities drove cars?
The I.D is to prevent voter fraud.
Are you implying that minorities are more likely to be involved in voter fraud.

Minorities are less likely to have an ID that Republicans approve of.
and yet you cant come up with this "special" ID.....why is that?...
BECAUSE THERE IS NO FRAUD except by repub scum
I will support voter ID as soon as we can ensure that 99 percent of voters have an acceptable ID

What we have now is a game of “gotcha” where selective IDs are allowed and minor glitches are used as an excuse to keep people from voting.
is a drivers license or a state ID acceptable?....
Yes, so is a passport

Most minorities in urban areas have neither
i dont believe that....when i lived california all the minorities i knew except for the illegals had a DL....and here in Nevada i dont think that is true either....
How about when you lived in NYC, Boston and Philadelphia?
How many minorities drove cars?
RW if the minorities in California can get ID's why cant the ones from those states get one?..
The problem is not having an ID, but having one Republicans will accept.
If you want voters to have an ID....THEN PROVIDE THEM ONE
you just told me DL and state id's are acceptable....as far as i know this is the id's republicans were asking you to show....am i wrong?....
Read my post

If you want voters to have ID PROVIDE THEM ONE
If not, quit your bitching
so you have no fucking idea what "special" ID the republicans want?...it figures.....and asking a question is not bitching...if you cant answer maybe you should not be in this thread...
I’m asking Republicans to put up or shut up

You want IDs? Provide them to every voter
unless the voter is handicapped and cant get around there is no reason why they cant get an ID....

You want them to have a voter ID......
YOU get them one
Um, no.
Anyone compelled enough to vote needs to get themselves some I.D. A licence, passport, whatever.
Why are you people digging your heels in regarding something we take for granted.
Even in the poorest countries of Africa voters must show I.D
What do you expect them to give up?

Get behind a minimum CORPORATE tax and I may listen to you
Give up liquor and cigarettes for a week or two. Or the lottery. Or weed. Or porn. Or any item purchased, for a brief time, with disposable funds.

Let's see the parasite class give something up.
I will support voter ID as soon as we can ensure that 99 percent of voters have an acceptable ID

What we have now is a game of “gotcha” where selective IDs are allowed and minor glitches are used as an excuse to keep people from voting.
is a drivers license or a state ID acceptable?....
Yes, so is a passport

Most minorities in urban areas have neither
i dont believe that....when i lived california all the minorities i knew except for the illegals had a DL....and here in Nevada i dont think that is true either....
How about when you lived in NYC, Boston and Philadelphia?
How many minorities drove cars?
The I.D is to prevent voter fraud.
Are you implying that minorities are more likely to be involved in voter fraud.

Minorities are less likely to have an ID that Republicans approve of.
and yet you cant come up with this "special" ID.....why is that?...
BECAUSE THERE IS NO FRAUD except by repub scum
eddie you dont even know what we are talking about here....
And in many of those countries, mail-in voting is basically non-existent or extremely difficult to get. They know it is rife with fraud.
I will support voter ID as soon as we can ensure that 99 percent of voters have an acceptable ID

What we have now is a game of “gotcha” where selective IDs are allowed and minor glitches are used as an excuse to keep people from voting.
is a drivers license or a state ID acceptable?....
Yes, so is a passport

Most minorities in urban areas have neither
i dont believe that....when i lived california all the minorities i knew except for the illegals had a DL....and here in Nevada i dont think that is true either....
How about when you lived in NYC, Boston and Philadelphia?
How many minorities drove cars?
RW if the minorities in California can get ID's why cant the ones from those states get one?..
The problem is not having an ID, but having one Republicans will accept.
If you want voters to have an ID....THEN PROVIDE THEM ONE
you just told me DL and state id's are acceptable....as far as i know this is the id's republicans were asking you to show....am i wrong?....
Read my post

If you want voters to have ID PROVIDE THEM ONE
If not, quit your bitching
so you have no fucking idea what "special" ID the republicans want?...it figures.....and asking a question is not bitching...if you cant answer maybe you should not be in this thread...
I’m asking Republicans to put up or shut up

You want IDs? Provide them to every voter
unless the voter is handicapped and cant get around there is no reason why they cant get an ID....

You want them to have a voter ID......
YOU get them one
why dont you quit making excuses for these so called id less people......
I will support voter ID as soon as we can ensure that 99 percent of voters have an acceptable ID

What we have now is a game of “gotcha” where selective IDs are allowed and minor glitches are used as an excuse to keep people from voting.
is a drivers license or a state ID acceptable?....
Yes, so is a passport

Most minorities in urban areas have neither
i dont believe that....when i lived california all the minorities i knew except for the illegals had a DL....and here in Nevada i dont think that is true either....
How about when you lived in NYC, Boston and Philadelphia?
How many minorities drove cars?
RW if the minorities in California can get ID's why cant the ones from those states get one?..
The problem is not having an ID, but having one Republicans will accept.
If you want voters to have an ID....THEN PROVIDE THEM ONE
you just told me DL and state id's are acceptable....as far as i know this is the id's republicans were asking you to show....am i wrong?....
Read my post

If you want voters to have ID PROVIDE THEM ONE
If not, quit your bitching
so you have no fucking idea what "special" ID the republicans want?...it figures.....and asking a question is not bitching...if you cant answer maybe you should not be in this thread...
I’m asking Republicans to put up or shut up

You want IDs? Provide them to every voter
unless the voter is handicapped and cant get around there is no reason why they cant get an ID....

You want them to have a voter ID......
YOU get them one
Um, no.
Anyone compelled enough to vote needs to get themselves some I.D. A licence, passport, whatever.
Why are you people digging your heels in regarding something we take for granted.
Even in the poorest countries of Africa voters must show I.D
Someone registers to vote......Give them a picture Voter ID
Someone already registered? Give them a picture Boyer ID
I will support voter ID as soon as we can ensure that 99 percent of voters have an acceptable ID

What we have now is a game of “gotcha” where selective IDs are allowed and minor glitches are used as an excuse to keep people from voting.
is a drivers license or a state ID acceptable?....
Yes, so is a passport

Most minorities in urban areas have neither
i dont believe that....when i lived california all the minorities i knew except for the illegals had a DL....and here in Nevada i dont think that is true either....
How about when you lived in NYC, Boston and Philadelphia?
How many minorities drove cars?
RW if the minorities in California can get ID's why cant the ones from those states get one?..
The problem is not having an ID, but having one Republicans will accept.
If you want voters to have an ID....THEN PROVIDE THEM ONE
you just told me DL and state id's are acceptable....as far as i know this is the id's republicans were asking you to show....am i wrong?....
Read my post

If you want voters to have ID PROVIDE THEM ONE
If not, quit your bitching
so you have no fucking idea what "special" ID the republicans want?...it figures.....and asking a question is not bitching...if you cant answer maybe you should not be in this thread...
I’m asking Republicans to put up or shut up

You want IDs? Provide them to every voter
unless the voter is handicapped and cant get around there is no reason why they cant get an ID....

You want them to have a voter ID......
YOU get them one
why dont you quit making excuses for these so called id less people......

Because I don’t want to deprive legitimate voters the right to vote
You want to find a reason they can’t vote
I will support voter ID as soon as we can ensure that 99 percent of voters have an acceptable ID

What we have now is a game of “gotcha” where selective IDs are allowed and minor glitches are used as an excuse to keep people from voting.
is a drivers license or a state ID acceptable?....
Yes, so is a passport

Most minorities in urban areas have neither
i dont believe that....when i lived california all the minorities i knew except for the illegals had a DL....and here in Nevada i dont think that is true either....
How about when you lived in NYC, Boston and Philadelphia?
How many minorities drove cars?
RW if the minorities in California can get ID's why cant the ones from those states get one?..
The problem is not having an ID, but having one Republicans will accept.
If you want voters to have an ID....THEN PROVIDE THEM ONE
you just told me DL and state id's are acceptable....as far as i know this is the id's republicans were asking you to show....am i wrong?....
Read my post

If you want voters to have ID PROVIDE THEM ONE
If not, quit your bitching
so you have no fucking idea what "special" ID the republicans want?...it figures.....and asking a question is not bitching...if you cant answer maybe you should not be in this thread...
I’m asking Republicans to put up or shut up

You want IDs? Provide them to every voter
unless the voter is handicapped and cant get around there is no reason why they cant get an ID....

You want them to have a voter ID......
YOU get them one
why dont you quit making excuses for these so called id less people......

Because I don’t want to deprive legitimate voters the right to vote
You want to find a reason they can’t vote
i do?...you are the one saying you have to have some special id,but yet just cant seem to describe it.....you are also saying minorities just cant seem to get down to the DMV to get one......you dont know many minorities do you?...
I will support voter ID as soon as we can ensure that 99 percent of voters have an acceptable ID

What we have now is a game of “gotcha” where selective IDs are allowed and minor glitches are used as an excuse to keep people from voting.
is a drivers license or a state ID acceptable?....
Yes, so is a passport

Most minorities in urban areas have neither
i dont believe that....when i lived california all the minorities i knew except for the illegals had a DL....and here in Nevada i dont think that is true either....
How about when you lived in NYC, Boston and Philadelphia?
How many minorities drove cars?
The I.D is to prevent voter fraud.
Are you implying that minorities are more likely to be involved in voter fraud.

Minorities are less likely to have an ID that Republicans approve of.
and yet you cant come up with this "special" ID.....why is that?...
BECAUSE THERE IS NO FRAUD except by repub scum
eddie you dont even know what we are talking about here....
Yeah I have alzeimers and drink too much
I used to live in a state that did not require ID, but you were required to go the polling location nearest your home; they simply had a list of everyone who lived there, and they marked your name off and you voted. Now, I live in a state that requires picture ID, but you can go to any site in the county. Honestly, they both work.

With one qualifier. If a state requires a picture ID, they have to make it clear with plenty of advance notice to everyone—four full years is best—and the IDs have to be completely free. Otherwise, no matter how small the charge, it amounts to a de facto poll tax, which violates the 24th Amendment. The whole republic hinges on allowing every single eligible person, including the poor, the rural, the carless, the harried parent, the homeless guy under the bridge, the 100-year-old who has never had an ID, absolutely everybody, gets an equal chance to vote.
I vote in the UK and have an electoral I.D with photo.
I can't believe that sleepy Joe thinks this is racism, as do most Europeans when you lay out the controversy in plain language.
Trump Won.

As Europe used to be monarchies, they always made people have and show ID, even if they had to tattoo it on them.
The US is correct that is an invasion of privacy that allows abuse of rights.
Again, the point is NOT to use picture IDs.
Picture IDs are as easy to fake as any ID that can't be looked up and verified.
All the polling stations need is any ID that can be looked up and verified.
And that is not a passport, driver's license, or anything like that.
Polling station can ONLY look up and verify a voter registration card.
Nothing else.
And it does not need to have a photo on it.
So now you want voters tested & taxed. What IQ level should we only allow & how much should it cost?
You are deliberately creating nonsense that has nothing to do with what I said. Registration for a voter ID is simple. If you told them there was a thousand dollar check waiting for them, they would be at the registration office in 30 minutes. You and all of the Jim Crow crowd are full of crap.

Every nation requires ID to vote. What they don't require is a super special "Voter ID" card. Any form of government ID will do, which is what Democrats require in states run by Democrats.
I have never heard any require anything other than a government ID. I've never heard anybody advocate for anything other than a government to vote.

shove your piece of shit strawman right up your stinky little ass.

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