81% of Americans under 45 would fail basic ‘US citizenship test’

Did you take the test? It's a joke. That 1/3 of Americans can't pass it is an abomination. One doesn't need a master's degree from Georgetown to pass it.

Yes, I have taken the test. I also taught the subject for 21 years so knock off the bullshit about it not being taught. The human brain categorizes the importance of information to be remembered. It is simply not being retained by choice.

RThat is nothing new. I cannot remember my daughter's phone number because I have no need to ever use it. My cell phone remembers it for me.

Where did I say it wasn't being taught? You must have confused me for someone else.

Every one of you education bashers have the same M.O.! It's obviously the fault of the teacher's unions, right?

I think you took too much acid back in the day. You keep attributing arguments to me that I've NEVER made and then attack me for those arguments. I sense that engaging you is a colossal waste of time.

OK, my apologies if I read you wrong on those points. However, you tend to follow the conservitard path of bashing education because you were educated, so you think you are an expert on teaching.

I'm a conservative and an educator. Pointing out that our system fails in educating children in basic citizenship is not trashing the system. After 13 years of education, our children should know how our government works and how to function in our system. That our 17-year olds don't know this basic information IS a real problem IMO.

What the hell has happened to our education system? One would think that pride in this country would call for teaching our youths all the things that give them futures not available anywhere else in the world.

Just one-in-three Americans passed the multiple choice exam that is undertaken by foreigners. Shockingly, 87 percent of respondents did not know that the US Constitution was ratified in 1787, while 60 percent of respondents couldn't identify which countries fought in World War II against the US and its allies.

While many Americans aren’t shy when it comes to expressing their opinion regarding the controversy surrounding US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, only 43 percent knew the actual number of justices (nine) that protect the nation’s constitution.

Some 72 percent failed to correctly identify the 13 original states from a list of options offered to them in the multiple-choice questions.

The problem with basic civic knowledge seems to be more acute for those aged 45 and under, with only 19 percent passing the mock test. Those 65 years and older, however, managed to answer the questions with 74-percent success rate.

By the time I reached my junior year in high school, I’d had at least 5 classes about American history and government. Why is it no longer important in our education system?

More of this disgusting stuff @ ‘Woefully uninformed’: 81% of Americans under 45 would fail basic ‘US citizenship test’

Americans Have Almost Entirely Forgotten Their History @ Americans Have Almost Entirely Forgotten Their History

Because you have people like Devos in charge. She is single handenly destroying public education.

You need to pull your head out of your rectum. Devos has been in charge of the Education Dpt for about 2 years who was in charge the previous eight years?
Progressives oh dear did I say that? Progressives and more progressives. Bush had leftt wing loons in charge as well so your bitch about Davos has no weight.
Talk about robot parrots you are one.
Some of the "answers" to the questions are incomplete or wrong or the questions themselves are propaganda.
Such as?
What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence?

The answer is technically that there are no rights in the document as the Constitution is the law of the land, which another question explains.

Who vetos?

The head of whatever level of government you are talking about, not just the president

What is Benjamin Franklin famous for?

Endless list that 5 bullet points doesn't justify

Who is in charge of the executive branch?

The head of whatever level of government you are talking about, not just the president.

What movement TRIED to end racial discrimination?

Extremely vague and open ended question designed to virtue signal.

What was one important thing Lincoln did?

A president deserves more than 3 bullet points, much less than Lincoln.

What is the "rule of law"?

I speak English good.

Who is the "Father of Our Country"?

Founding FatherS

What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves?

Another stupid virtue signal question with a bullshit answer.

You should be forced to surrender your passport and be stripped of your citizenship.
Some of the "answers" to the questions are incomplete or wrong or the questions themselves are propaganda.
Such as?
What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence?

The answer is technically that there are no rights in the document as the Constitution is the law of the land, which another question explains.

Who vetos?

The head of whatever level of government you are talking about, not just the president

What is Benjamin Franklin famous for?

Endless list that 5 bullet points doesn't justify

Who is in charge of the executive branch?

The head of whatever level of government you are talking about, not just the president.

What movement TRIED to end racial discrimination?

Extremely vague and open ended question designed to virtue signal.

What was one important thing Lincoln did?

A president deserves more than 3 bullet points, much less than Lincoln.

What is the "rule of law"?

I speak English good.

Who is the "Father of Our Country"?

Founding FatherS

What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves?

Another stupid virtue signal question with a bullshit answer.

You should be forced to surrender your passport and be stripped of your citizenship.

Almost all anti-Racists seem to have a specific syndrome.

They're almost all severely ignorant, severely arrogant, and severely obnoxious, big mouths.

Be it race wise like IM2 (Black) or Rightwinger (White) or Jillian (Jew) Ringel (Brown) or Democratic like Bodecea, or Rightwinger, or Republican like P@triot, and yourself (Unkotare)

There's definitely something primitive about anti-Racists.
Teacher friends explained it on how they are required to teach. At this grade they learn this period of history. Next grade the next period of history. And so forth.

No repetition at all. No way children can learn anything that way.

Your teacher friend is full of shit, respectfully.
California. It’s true. And it’s plural.

Well, what do you expect? California rates so low compared to other states because no one speaks fricking English!
And California having more population than most States combined means the left are chugging out morons by the truck load.
Democrats require an uninformed citizenry. That way they can solve all their problems for them.
Yes, I have taken the test. I also taught the subject for 21 years so knock off the bullshit about it not being taught. The human brain categorizes the importance of information to be remembered. It is simply not being retained by choice.

RThat is nothing new. I cannot remember my daughter's phone number because I have no need to ever use it. My cell phone remembers it for me.

That is in part what's wrong with public school victims. More dependent upon machines than their own brain.

What happens when the battery runs down?

Oh, please knock off the bullshit! You are embarrassing yourself!

Without looking it up, can you tell me what the 23rd Amendment to the Constitution regards?

Of course you can't! If you can, it is because you deem that important to you. Why you would want to remember it, I have no idea!

FYI, I have her number written down, because there is no reason to remember it as long as I have my phone. Just like I have the ability to look up the 23rd Amendment should need it. I just happen to know because I used it so much in my instruction.

Why should I bother? You would claim I looked in up in any case.

And if your power goes out?

I also have these things called "books". Perhaps you have heard of them?

Now, be honest, you could not answer that question, could you?

DC Electoral College.

I have things called "books" too. 37,000+ of them the last time I counted, which was quite awhile back. Roughly a third of them being non-fiction.

Not to mention the art portfolios, newspapers and magazines from significant historical dates and stacks of law books that go from current to the 1950s.

If you have all of those resources, why are you so stupid on the subject of education?

Looked it up, didn't you? :D
Last edited:
The content is not really relevant to being a “good citizen”

Good citizens vote, volunteer in their community, help their neighbors

Memorizing civics facts and historical dates does not make you a good citizen

Not having a basic knowledge of the Constitution and not knowing how government works makes you a worthless citizen. Dead wood.

Have you actually read the Constitution?
Most is information setting up the three branches of Government. The bill of rights is critical to good citizenship....the rest is of little value to the day to day realities of citizenship

Knowing the details of how a bill gets passed or how elections are conducted does not help most people

What most people need to know is which candidate best reflects their interests

So ... you're dead wood.

I suspected as much.
Know more about Civics than you do Skippy

Visions of grandeur.
Yes, I have taken the test. I also taught the subject for 21 years so knock off the bullshit about it not being taught. The human brain categorizes the importance of information to be remembered. It is simply not being retained by choice.

RThat is nothing new. I cannot remember my daughter's phone number because I have no need to ever use it. My cell phone remembers it for me.

Where did I say it wasn't being taught? You must have confused me for someone else.

Every one of you education bashers have the same M.O.! It's obviously the fault of the teacher's unions, right?

I think you took too much acid back in the day. You keep attributing arguments to me that I've NEVER made and then attack me for those arguments. I sense that engaging you is a colossal waste of time.

OK, my apologies if I read you wrong on those points. However, you tend to follow the conservitard path of bashing education because you were educated, so you think you are an expert on teaching.

I'm a conservative and an educator. Pointing out that our system fails in educating children in basic citizenship is not trashing the system. After 13 years of education, our children should know how our government works and how to function in our system. That our 17-year olds don't know this basic information IS a real problem IMO.

You didn't read the thread or my posts in it.

They do know how it works, when they take the test on it. Then they do a data dump, because they don't feel any connection to the information. You must not be a very good educator if you do not realize this happens. The failure rates on final exams in my schools were astronomical because the kids refuse to retain the information because they see no reason to do so. It did not matter what the subject was or who the teacher was.
Teacher friends explained it on how they are required to teach. At this grade they learn this period of history. Next grade the next period of history. And so forth.

No repetition at all. No way children can learn anything that way.

Your teacher friend is full of shit, respectfully.
California. It’s true. And it’s plural.

Well, what do you expect? California rates so low compared to other states because no one speaks fricking English!
And California having more population than most States combined means the left are chugging out morons by the truck load.

Yes, you hit the nail on the head. They are mostly the offspring of illegals who cannot speak English well in school because no one speaks it at home.
Teacher friends explained it on how they are required to teach. At this grade they learn this period of history. Next grade the next period of history. And so forth.

No repetition at all. No way children can learn anything that way.

Your teacher friend is full of shit, respectfully.
California. It’s true. And it’s plural.

Well, what do you expect? California rates so low compared to other states because no one speaks fricking English!
And California having more population than most States combined means the left are chugging out morons by the truck load.

Yes, you hit the nail on the head. They are mostly the offspring of illegals who cannot speak English well in school because no one speaks it at home.

Now it’s your turn to be misinformed.
Your teacher friend is full of shit, respectfully.
California. It’s true. And it’s plural.

Well, what do you expect? California rates so low compared to other states because no one speaks fricking English!
And California having more population than most States combined means the left are chugging out morons by the truck load.

Yes, you hit the nail on the head. They are mostly the offspring of illegals who cannot speak English well in school because no one speaks it at home.

Now it’s your turn to be misinformed.

Oh, really? I know you are into ESOL, but that programs is a failure the vast majority of the time. If you have success, great. That doesn't change the rest of the country, or California,
California. It’s true. And it’s plural.

Well, what do you expect? California rates so low compared to other states because no one speaks fricking English!
And California having more population than most States combined means the left are chugging out morons by the truck load.

Yes, you hit the nail on the head. They are mostly the offspring of illegals who cannot speak English well in school because no one speaks it at home.

Now it’s your turn to be misinformed.

Oh, really? I know you are into ESOL, but that programs is a failure the vast majority of the time. If you have success, great. That doesn't change the rest of the country, or California,

Define “failure” in this context.
Teacher friends explained it on how they are required to teach. At this grade they learn this period of history. Next grade the next period of history. And so forth.

No repetition at all. No way children can learn anything that way.

Your teacher friend is full of shit, respectfully.
California. It’s true. And it’s plural.

Well, what do you expect? California rates so low compared to other states because no one speaks fricking English!
And California having more population than most States combined means the left are chugging out morons by the truck load.

Yes, you hit the nail on the head. They are mostly the offspring of illegals who cannot speak English well in school because no one speaks it at home.

Wrong. Kids born in the US almost always acquire English as a first language regardless.
Not having a basic knowledge of the Constitution and not knowing how government works makes you a worthless citizen. Dead wood.

Have you actually read the Constitution?
Most is information setting up the three branches of Government. The bill of rights is critical to good citizenship....the rest is of little value to the day to day realities of citizenship

Knowing the details of how a bill gets passed or how elections are conducted does not help most people

What most people need to know is which candidate best reflects their interests

So ... you're dead wood.

I suspected as much.
Know more about Civics than you do Skippy

Visions of grandeur.
Where did I say it wasn't being taught? You must have confused me for someone else.

Every one of you education bashers have the same M.O.! It's obviously the fault of the teacher's unions, right?

I think you took too much acid back in the day. You keep attributing arguments to me that I've NEVER made and then attack me for those arguments. I sense that engaging you is a colossal waste of time.

OK, my apologies if I read you wrong on those points. However, you tend to follow the conservitard path of bashing education because you were educated, so you think you are an expert on teaching.

I'm a conservative and an educator. Pointing out that our system fails in educating children in basic citizenship is not trashing the system. After 13 years of education, our children should know how our government works and how to function in our system. That our 17-year olds don't know this basic information IS a real problem IMO.

You didn't read the thread or my posts in it.

They do know how it works, when they take the test on it. Then they do a data dump, because they don't feel any connection to the information. You must not be a very good educator if you do not realize this happens. The failure rates on final exams in my schools were astronomical because the kids refuse to retain the information because they see no reason to do so. It did not matter what the subject was or who the teacher was.

I did read the thread, including your posts. I actually am a good educator, as I teach for retention. It's not an education if the knowledge is not retained. That's the problem.
That is in part what's wrong with public school victims. More dependent upon machines than their own brain.

What happens when the battery runs down?

Oh, please knock off the bullshit! You are embarrassing yourself!

Without looking it up, can you tell me what the 23rd Amendment to the Constitution regards?

Of course you can't! If you can, it is because you deem that important to you. Why you would want to remember it, I have no idea!

FYI, I have her number written down, because there is no reason to remember it as long as I have my phone. Just like I have the ability to look up the 23rd Amendment should need it. I just happen to know because I used it so much in my instruction.

Why should I bother? You would claim I looked in up in any case.

And if your power goes out?

I also have these things called "books". Perhaps you have heard of them?

Now, be honest, you could not answer that question, could you?

DC Electoral College.

I have things called "books" too. 37,000+ of them the last time I counted, which was quite awhile back. Roughly a third of them being non-fiction.

Not to mention the art portfolios, newspapers and magazines from significant historical dates and stacks of law books that go from current to the 1950s.

If you have all of those resources, why are you so stupid on the subject of education?

Looked it up, didn't you? :D

As a matter of fact, no. We are not all as limited as you out here.
Not having a basic knowledge of the Constitution and not knowing how government works makes you a worthless citizen. Dead wood.

Have you actually read the Constitution?
Most is information setting up the three branches of Government. The bill of rights is critical to good citizenship....the rest is of little value to the day to day realities of citizenship

Knowing the details of how a bill gets passed or how elections are conducted does not help most people

What most people need to know is which candidate best reflects their interests

So ... you're dead wood.

I suspected as much.
Know more about Civics than you do Skippy

Visions of grandeur.
Where did I say it wasn't being taught? You must have confused me for someone else.

Every one of you education bashers have the same M.O.! It's obviously the fault of the teacher's unions, right?

I think you took too much acid back in the day. You keep attributing arguments to me that I've NEVER made and then attack me for those arguments. I sense that engaging you is a colossal waste of time.

OK, my apologies if I read you wrong on those points. However, you tend to follow the conservitard path of bashing education because you were educated, so you think you are an expert on teaching.

I'm a conservative and an educator. Pointing out that our system fails in educating children in basic citizenship is not trashing the system. After 13 years of education, our children should know how our government works and how to function in our system. That our 17-year olds don't know this basic information IS a real problem IMO.

You didn't read the thread or my posts in it.

They do know how it works, when they take the test on it. Then they do a data dump, because they don't feel any connection to the information. You must not be a very good educator if you do not realize this happens. The failure rates on final exams in my schools were astronomical because the kids refuse to retain the information because they see no reason to do so. It did not matter what the subject was or who the teacher was.

We were not permitted "data dumps" when I was in school. You memorized facts and tested often until you were a walking encyclopedia.

What the hell has happened to our education system? One would think that pride in this country would call for teaching our youths all the things that give them futures not available anywhere else in the world.

Just one-in-three Americans passed the multiple choice exam that is undertaken by foreigners. Shockingly, 87 percent of respondents did not know that the US Constitution was ratified in 1787, while 60 percent of respondents couldn't identify which countries fought in World War II against the US and its allies.

While many Americans aren’t shy when it comes to expressing their opinion regarding the controversy surrounding US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, only 43 percent knew the actual number of justices (nine) that protect the nation’s constitution.

Some 72 percent failed to correctly identify the 13 original states from a list of options offered to them in the multiple-choice questions.

The problem with basic civic knowledge seems to be more acute for those aged 45 and under, with only 19 percent passing the mock test. Those 65 years and older, however, managed to answer the questions with 74-percent success rate.

By the time I reached my junior year in high school, I’d had at least 5 classes about American history and government. Why is it no longer important in our education system?

More of this disgusting stuff @ ‘Woefully uninformed’: 81% of Americans under 45 would fail basic ‘US citizenship test’

Americans Have Almost Entirely Forgotten Their History @ Americans Have Almost Entirely Forgotten Their History

While I agree with the basis premise, some of these numbers are mostly spin.

The exact year that the Constitution was ratified? If some one thought it was ratified 1786, instead of 1787, does that really make them a bad American?

Or if someone thought forgot Rhode Island and counted Maine?

What the hell has happened to our education system? One would think that pride in this country would call for teaching our youths all the things that give them futures not available anywhere else in the world.

Just one-in-three Americans passed the multiple choice exam that is undertaken by foreigners. Shockingly, 87 percent of respondents did not know that the US Constitution was ratified in 1787, while 60 percent of respondents couldn't identify which countries fought in World War II against the US and its allies.

While many Americans aren’t shy when it comes to expressing their opinion regarding the controversy surrounding US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, only 43 percent knew the actual number of justices (nine) that protect the nation’s constitution.

Some 72 percent failed to correctly identify the 13 original states from a list of options offered to them in the multiple-choice questions.

The problem with basic civic knowledge seems to be more acute for those aged 45 and under, with only 19 percent passing the mock test. Those 65 years and older, however, managed to answer the questions with 74-percent success rate.

By the time I reached my junior year in high school, I’d had at least 5 classes about American history and government. Why is it no longer important in our education system?

More of this disgusting stuff @ ‘Woefully uninformed’: 81% of Americans under 45 would fail basic ‘US citizenship test’

Americans Have Almost Entirely Forgotten Their History @ Americans Have Almost Entirely Forgotten Their History

Where is the link to the test?
I don't know why people don't know this stuff. We've been a country for almost 100 years. You'd think people would have learned this by now.

What the hell has happened to our education system? One would think that pride in this country would call for teaching our youths all the things that give them futures not available anywhere else in the world.

Just one-in-three Americans passed the multiple choice exam that is undertaken by foreigners. Shockingly, 87 percent of respondents did not know that the US Constitution was ratified in 1787, while 60 percent of respondents couldn't identify which countries fought in World War II against the US and its allies.

While many Americans aren’t shy when it comes to expressing their opinion regarding the controversy surrounding US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, only 43 percent knew the actual number of justices (nine) that protect the nation’s constitution.

Some 72 percent failed to correctly identify the 13 original states from a list of options offered to them in the multiple-choice questions.

The problem with basic civic knowledge seems to be more acute for those aged 45 and under, with only 19 percent passing the mock test. Those 65 years and older, however, managed to answer the questions with 74-percent success rate.

By the time I reached my junior year in high school, I’d had at least 5 classes about American history and government. Why is it no longer important in our education system?

More of this disgusting stuff @ ‘Woefully uninformed’: 81% of Americans under 45 would fail basic ‘US citizenship test’

Americans Have Almost Entirely Forgotten Their History @ Americans Have Almost Entirely Forgotten Their History

Where is the link to the test?
Any 4 year old knows how to search the Internet.

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