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911 WTC 7 Silent Thermate Demolition, Debunkers Grab Your Ankles!


Don't need termite or that. Jet A Fuel burns hot enough to melt steel girders, how about we just get back to Islamic extremist again? Same people that are beheading people in the name of some imaginary fantasy?
great fantasys you have that they are hot enough to melt steel girders.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

No surprise that's the latest babble from you considering that you also have fantasy that JFK got us into Vietnam and esculated the Vietnam war.:haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::muahaha::rolleyes-41:

Who says the fires had to be hot enough to melt steel? They didn't have to be anywhere near that hot because all they had to was weaken the steel enough to start the collapse. Jet fuel could easily do that, eliminating a tremendous amount of angst-filled misinformation. See how much simpler things are when you start from a factual basis?
Note that in post 871, there is a very clear example of circular logic in that
Because they did.
is offered up as the reason why it had to have been the product of the fires and damage from an airliner crash rather than any pre-planned demolition.

Occam's razor. When considering many alternatives the simplest one is usually the right one. Conspiracy theorists continue to widen the conspiracy, come up with ever wilder speculations, and add layer upon layer of complexity. The whole "pre-planned demolition" idea rests on some pretty extreme assumptions.
the only conspiracy THEORISTS are the bush dupes who believe the fires brought the towers down.

assumption is assuming the did without any facts whatsoever to back them up.:laugh:

its asinine to say it wasn't pre planned the fact so many architects and engineers have said fires have never caused a bld to collapse and that demoltion experts have said they were brought down by explosives.also bld 7 is the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission Bush dupes cant get around.:lmao:

the fact that disinfo agent dawgshit-aka sayit sockpuppet clicked on a like for it,proves this post is BS.:lmao:

And the conspiracy widens...
Note that in post 871, there is a very clear example of circular logic in that
Because they did.
is offered up as the reason why it had to have been the product of the fires and damage from an airliner crash rather than any pre-planned demolition.
THIS COMING FROM A POSTER who swears there were no planes .
just screams nut job don't cha think?
Occam's razor is often invoked in these discussions and may I add a bit if info here. In order to do what was alleged to have been done in the case of "FLT175" the airliner would have to be traveling aprox 240 meters/sec. or about 540 mph, now this is considerably faster than any pilot has previously flown any commercial airliner so near sea-level. So we are expected to believe that the hijacker/pilot took a gamble in this case, that is attempting and succeeding to fly the aircraft in a manner that has NEVER been done and is outside the specified standard operating parameters for said aircraft.
not only that, but the hijacker/pilot was able to actually control the aircraft so as to strike the WTC tower. We are then expected to believe that an airliner can perform as a missile in penetrating the wall of the skyscraper, penetrating completely and leaving behind a wing shaped gash.
When ever two physical object collide, there is the strength of materials issue, consider the case of a steel automobile striking a fiberglass sports car, what happens in that case?

The whole scenario with the alleged hijacked airliners used as weapons is beyond improbable its impossible!
Don't need termite or that. Jet A Fuel burns hot enough to melt steel girders, how about we just get back to Islamic extremist again? Same people that are beheading people in the name of some imaginary fantasy?

I don't believe jet fuel burns long enough to melt thick steel girders just as I don't believe thermite devices surreptitiously duct-taped to some girders by silent ninja Girl Scout CD riggers would survive the chaotic fires or cut the steel as suggested by our loonier "Truthers." The fact remains there are easier and far more reliable ways to demo a building and far easier and more rational ways to accomplish whatever agenda - other than that of the 19 hijackers - that the "Truthers" believe was in play.
It's pointless to argue this. I was told gas doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel.
Really. A gas tanker overturned under a steel bridge in Oakland in 2007 and melted the steel girders on a overpass, destroyed the concrete. Look it up, East bay MacArthur maze. Big thick heavy girders and concrete just melt or disintegrate. And Jet fuel burns hotter. So don't tell me the towers couldn't have collapsed because steel cant melt in a gas fire. It does. This was about muslim extremist murdering people, plain pure and simple.
It's pointless to argue this. I was told gas doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel.
Really. A gas tanker overturned under a steel bridge in Oakland in 2007 and melted the steel girders on a overpass, destroyed the concrete. Look it up, East bay MacArthur maze. Big thick heavy girders and concrete just melt or disintegrate. And Jet fuel burns hotter. So don't tell me the towers couldn't have collapsed because steel cant melt in a gas fire. It does. This was about muslim extremist murdering people, plain pure and simple.

For the same reason "it's pointless to argue" with you over the jet fuel that experts on all sides agree burned-off very quickly, it's equally pointless to engage you on your myopic understanding of geopolitical issues. Your opinions in both areas are clearly informed only by the curdled milk you've consumed from the teats of western 'mainstream' sources that have been exposed as liars time and again.

For the benefit of others not so fully indoctrinated, groups like the Taliban and Al-Qaeda have long been exposed as creations/assets of the CIA and similar agencies from a few other countries.

Knowing the foregoing tidbit of information, any reasonable person should be relunctant to accept the current narrative involving so-called 'Muslim extremists' at face value.

Even the most cursory of glances at what's been going on in Iraq and Syria over the past few years reveal that there's something very wrong with the stories we've been fed by our media.

The truth is that ISIS is a proxy army led by western black operators and composed primarily of mercenaries and a smaller portion of faith-driven fools too clueless to see the strings attached to their own limbs. These forces have trained in Jordan, Turkey, and western Iraq (by US forces). They've been allowed to move in massive convoys without US/Iraqi interference, as Obama has routinely taken the blame in stride, in order to prop up the illusion that the US actually wants to stop them. Anyone with the sense God gave the common housefly should be able to see the agenda behind all of it.
What? Islam is all up into suicide bombers. Hell. Islam taxes non muslims, There is a muslim concept for that. Islam is all about submission, an not co-existence American liberals masturbate too. Islam isn't about that , shame on Obama. Islam is at war with the free world. Kill cartoonists? Really? Buggs Bunny is a threat to Allah? Islam is weak. Pitiful. Fuck Allah.
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What? Islam is all up into suicide bombers. Hell. Islam taxes non muslims, There is a muslim concept for that. Islam is all about submission, an not co-existence American liberals masturbate too. Islam isn't about that , shame on Obama. Islam is at war with the free world. Kill cartoonists? Really? Buggs Bunny is a threat to Allah? Islam is weak. Pitiful. Fuck Allah.

It's like talking to a wall. :blahblah:

You're the embodiment of everything that's wrong with our beloved country, Mary.

Good news is: the willful ignorance and hateful mores that seem so prevalent among your generation...are on their way out.
What? Islam is all up into suicide bombers. Hell. Islam taxes non muslims, There is a muslim concept for that. Islam is all about submission, an not co-existence American liberals masturbate too. Islam isn't about that , shame on Obama. Islam is at war with the free world. Kill cartoonists? Really? Buggs Bunny is a threat to Allah? Islam is weak. Pitiful. Fuck Allah.

It's like talking to a wall. :blahblah:

You're the embodiment of everything that's wrong with our beloved country, Mary.

Good news is: the willful ignorance and hateful mores that seem so prevalent among your generation...are on their way out.

Did you notice that the posting time for your last message was 9:11?
wow .....

Oh well .... I notice that my comment about how much glass was in the face of the towers & also the science about the intensity of the jet fuel fire, was not commented on at all..... whats up with that?
Occam's razor says Islam brought down the twin towers. Islamic terrorist are the scourge around the world. Islam excludes other religions. It doesn't accept other religions or other ways of thought. They KILL anything they don't like, or tax it. Islam is the nearest thing to evil I can think of. Even Nazis weren't this bad.
Islam brought down the twin towers. Islamic terrorist are the scourge around the world.

So the allegation that Islam is such a bad thing is given as justification for the total destruction of WTC1, 2 & 7 ..... and laws of physics be damned.... right?
Islam brought down the twin towers. Islamic terrorist are the scourge around the world.

So the allegation that Islam is such a bad thing is given as justification for the total destruction of WTC1, 2 & 7 ..... and laws of physics be damned.... right?
Laws of physics might be a side point, All those zombies, Islam is what this is all about. And the hate Islam brings, more to the point...Drink the koolaid.
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Laws of physics might be a side point,

In YOUR interpretation, however, it is of considerable importance to note that the collapse of WTC1, 2 & 7 had to have been engineered events to happen the way that they happened, this is not simply a "side effect" of an airplane crash, it would have had to be planned for, that is the total destruction of the building.
There was no "free fall."

There was no conspiratorial plan to bring down the buildings beyond that which we sadly know; that some fucking savage lowlife scumbags Islamic terrorists hijacked several aircraft, crashed them into the twin towers and the Pentagon (and failed in one other attempt but still brought down another aircraft) causing the death of all passengers and crew and lots of civilians and folks in the military.

The insane lunatic notions about an American inside job to take down the towers is so fucking stupid as to be almost laughable. But it's not actually funny. It's tragically stupid.
Isam brought down the towers, physics aside, Islam, plain pure and simple. Islam did that. 3000 dead in Manhattan. Islam DID that, not a accident. deliberate man made caused hate. ISLAM . They BURN people to death, or chop off heads? FUCK alah, islam is made up bullshit.
The revised (November 2008) version of NIST's 'final report' conceded and charted approximately two and a quarter seconds worth of gravitational acceleration through stage 2 of its multi-stage analysis. That made freefall for something like 105 ft. of the so-called 'facade's' descent official dogma. So, it's not just twoofers who've documented the freefall.

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