A bit of cruel irony in the Flint's debacle

Flint, yet another Progressive success story

I'm worried about you....You're more stupid and uninformed that usual (and that is a very, very low bar).......Hope some cells in your half-brain start working again.

Run by Democrats for generations, under emergency management since 2002. But it's the Republican governors fault. How many other towns are like this BTW? Why did the evil republican Gov single out Fliny and ONLY Flint?

Fucking morons
It was the Emergency Manager, appointed by Governor Snyder, that made the decision to switch the water from a lake source to the river source...without having the more corrosive water treated. Then, when the lead levels in the water started to go up, the Governor's office tried to dismiss or discredit everyone that brought it to the public's attention.

This is all on the head of Governor Snyder's administration.
Here is what I found as cause for pollution. Interesting how one thing leads to another......

High levels of lead are showing up in Flint's municipal water. But what, exactly, is causing this problem? One of the likely causes might surprise you.
Although the city of Flint formerly purchased its water supply from Detroit, it now draws its municipal water from the Flint River. The lead isn't present in the Flint River, itself. Instead, the lead leaches into the Flint River water as it passes through old water-service lines and pipes in Flint homes.
Any Michigan community that draws its municipal water from a river or inland source rather than from one of the Great Lakes will likely face this problem to some extent. River and inland-source water contains higher concentrations of chloride ions than does water pumped directly from one of the Great Lakes. Why? Perhaps surprisingly, one of the primary reasons is the overuse of salt to deice our roads in the winter. As salt molecules dissolve in water, the negative chloride ions are separated from the positive metal ions. These chloride ions become concentrated in runoff, which makes its way into our streams, rivers, and other waterways.
The negative chloride ions are corrosive, so when the high-chloride water is pumped through lead pipes (or iron and copper pipes joined together with lead solder), lead leaches into the water. It's as simple as that.
What Makes Flint River Water So Corrosive?
The mayor of Flint is a Democrat, dumbass. He's the one who decided to use water from the Flint river because it was cheaper.

Morons, like you, are entitled to their own opinions....but NOT to their made up "facts"...... The decision was made by Darnell Earley, a republican appointed by the governor as emergency city manager and "saved the city lots of money by poisoning Flints citizens".

Earley is also a Baptist pastor...and may his soul rot in hell.


Ex-emergency manager says he's not to blame for Flint River water switch

FLINT, MI — Former emergency manager Darnell Earley says he's not to blame for the decision to use the Flint River as the city's source of drinking water.

Earley, who served as Flint's emergency manager from September 2013 until January 2015, said in an email to The Flint Journal-MLive on Tuesday, Oct. 13, that the water source decision was made months before he was appointed to run the city by Gov. Rick Snyder.
The mayor of Flint is a Democrat, dumbass. He's the one who decided to use water from the Flint river because it was cheaper.

Morons, like you, are entitled to their own opinions....but NOT to their made up "facts"...... The decision was made by Darnell Earley, a republican appointed by the governor as emergency city manager and "saved the city lots of money by poisoning Flints citizens".

Earley is also a Baptist pastor...and may his soul rot in hell.

Here is what caused the problem.

According to a class-action lawsuit, the state Department of Environmental Quality wasn't treating the Flint River water with an anti-corrosive agent, in violation of federal law. Therefore, the water was eroding the iron water mains, turning water brown.
How the Flint water crisis emerged

Seems Detroit forced them to find another water source before the new system was ready to get water from Lake Huron. Flint joined the KWA water authority to get the water from Lake Huron to save money. Previously they were getting TREATED WATER from DETROIT. So Detroit CUT THEM OFF and forced them to get a new Water source before the new pipelines and pump stations could be built instead of selling them the water during the Transition process.

Flint got DETROITED because they were pissed that Flint was dumping them as the primary water supplier. In this way they forced Flint to get water from the river because Detroit refused to send them water...............

Who needs neighbors like that?
How the Flint water crisis emerged

Seems Detroit forced them to find another water source before the new system was ready to get water from Lake Huron. Flint joined the KWA water authority to get the water from Lake Huron to save money. Previously they were getting TREATED WATER from DETROIT. So Detroit CUT THEM OFF and forced them to get a new Water source before the new pipelines and pump stations could be built instead of selling them the water during the Transition process.

Flint got DETROITED because they were pissed that Flint was dumping them as the primary water supplier. In this way they forced Flint to get water from the river because Detroit refused to send them water...............

Who needs neighbors like that?

And Detroit has a Democrat mayor, does it not?
Why the Fuck would Detroit Black Mail Flint by cutting them off forcing them to take emergency measures while the new water supply system was being built?

Because they were pissed Flint wasn't going to keep buying their water. Had they waited a couple of years to allow the construction this shit wouldn't have happened.

Fuck Detroit. Pissed over MONEY makes sure Flint has to get Water from the River because they were being cut off.
Here is what I found as cause for pollution. Interesting how one thing leads to another......

High levels of lead are showing up in Flint's municipal water. But what, exactly, is causing this problem? One of the likely causes might surprise you.
Although the city of Flint formerly purchased its water supply from Detroit, it now draws its municipal water from the Flint River. The lead isn't present in the Flint River, itself. Instead, the lead leaches into the Flint River water as it passes through old water-service lines and pipes in Flint homes.
Any Michigan community that draws its municipal water from a river or inland source rather than from one of the Great Lakes will likely face this problem to some extent. River and inland-source water contains higher concentrations of chloride ions than does water pumped directly from one of the Great Lakes. Why? Perhaps surprisingly, one of the primary reasons is the overuse of salt to deice our roads in the winter. As salt molecules dissolve in water, the negative chloride ions are separated from the positive metal ions. These chloride ions become concentrated in runoff, which makes its way into our streams, rivers, and other waterways.
The negative chloride ions are corrosive, so when the high-chloride water is pumped through lead pipes (or iron and copper pipes joined together with lead solder), lead leaches into the water. It's as simple as that.
What Makes Flint River Water So Corrosive?
Thank you for posting the reality, my2. The switch in sources is a good example of the consequences of an idea that sounds good without researching the possibilities. I believe the switch was an innocent, if deadly, error. But the cover-up to save both face and the cost of return to safe drinking water soon as the deadly error was learned is the criminal issue instead of a year later. There is also little mention of the Karengondi (sp?) pipeline from Port Huron to Flint due to be completed in early 2016. It is some 3-4 years in the making and very near completion. Also, Flint is long overdue for lead pipe replacement, like so many infrastructure needs. When times were good the need was known but ignored, just like our failing utility grids all across the land. So instead of batting the issue around like a political badminton birdie, I suggest paying attention to see how folks can face the issue when it hits their towns. I believe there are places such as W Virginia mining communities with similar problems in their streams that devastates whole communities too. A few measurable solutions instead of the holier-than-thou pomposity by those not yet affected would be nice too.
Investigation of MDEQ’s new “Corrosion Control” claim reveals more deception and incompetence: Where is the EPA?


One of the comments from this article struck me enough to repost the comment.

Mark R. Othoudt
October 10, 2015 at 1:42 pm

I was a certified Florida drinking water treatment plant operator for about 10 years. Adding Lime (calcium carbonate) raises pH and can reduce hardness of the water. Adding acid lowers pH. Why can’t the operators at Flint’s water plant just dial back the acid until the pH is where it should be for corrosion control or eliminate it entirely? What am I missing? Does the city/water plant have a contract to buy acid they can’t get out of?
As the title of the thread implied, it is ironic that for some bashers of the federal government....those who say that DC is too intrusive....now turn to DC for help.

It is also a bit ironic and sad that R-Wers on this thread are scrambling to find fault in democrat mayors, rather than simply admitting that Snyder is a scum bucket that, for the sake of saving some dollars from the state's coffers, chose instead to gamble with Flint's citizens (especially young children's) health.......PERIOD!!!
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As the title of the thread implied, it is ironic that for some bashers of the federal government....those who say that DC is too intrusive....now turn to DC for help.

It is also a bit ironic and sad that R-Wers on this thread are scrambling to find fault in democrat mayors, rather than simply admitting that Snyder is a scum bucket that, for the sake of saving some dollars from the state's coffers, chose instead to gamble with Flint's citizens *especially young children's) health.......PERIOD,

If the EPA doesn't work in cases like this, why do we spend millions having the deparrtment?
If the EPA doesn't work in cases like this, why do we spend millions having the deparrtment?

Agreed.....The EPA should be smacked on both sides of its head for not bringing sanctions on the Snyder administration.

I'm agreeing with you.....why "bullshit"???

I'm not defending the EPA....however, the Detroit Press article states:

Starting with inquiries made in February, the federal agency battled Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality behind the scenes for at least six months over whether Flint needed to use chemical treatments to keep lead lines and plumbing connections from leaching into drinking water. The EPA did not publicize its concern that Flint residents’ health was jeopardized by the state’s insistence that such controls were not required by law.

I'm agreeing with you.....why "bullshit"???

I'm not defending the EPA....however, the Detroit Press article states:

Starting with inquiries made in February, the federal agency battled Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality behind the scenes for at least six months over whether Flint needed to use chemical treatments to keep lead lines and plumbing connections from leaching into drinking water. The EPA did not publicize its concern that Flint residents’ health was jeopardized by the state’s insistence that such controls were not required by law.
Why didn't Detroit just allow the 3 years instead of forcing the issue via a cut off................Nothing would have changed that way except that there would be eventual cut overs from the new pipe lines???????????

Detroit didn't want to lose the money..........

Secondly, why didn't they just up the ph?

I'm agreeing with you.....why "bullshit"???

I'm not defending the EPA....however, the Detroit Press article states:

Starting with inquiries made in February, the federal agency battled Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality behind the scenes for at least six months over whether Flint needed to use chemical treatments to keep lead lines and plumbing connections from leaching into drinking water. The EPA did not publicize its concern that Flint residents’ health was jeopardized by the state’s insistence that such controls were not required by law.

This was the operative phrase to me.

The EPA did not publicize its concern that Flint residents’ health was jeopardized

I'm agreeing with you.....why "bullshit"???

I'm not defending the EPA....however, the Detroit Press article states:

Starting with inquiries made in February, the federal agency battled Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality behind the scenes for at least six months over whether Flint needed to use chemical treatments to keep lead lines and plumbing connections from leaching into drinking water. The EPA did not publicize its concern that Flint residents’ health was jeopardized by the state’s insistence that such controls were not required by law.
Why didn't Detroit just allow the 3 years instead of forcing the issue via a cut off................Nothing would have changed that way except that there would be eventual cut overs from the new pipe lines???????????

Detroit didn't want to lose the money..........

Secondly, why didn't they just up the ph?

Detroit needed the money since they give away so much free water in the city of Detroit. Secondly, the State screwed up big time by not upping the ph and cleaning up the Flint water, and the EPA covered it up instead of acting. Plenty of blame to go around IMO.

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