A bit of cruel irony in the Flint's debacle

The Republican governor switched the water supply to save money. But, because the water was acidic, it corroded the pipes and put a whole bunch of lead in the system.

In some areas, the water has been tested to have more lead in it than what the stuff does that they consider toxic waste.

If you watched some of the footage, you would see that their water looks more like tea or flat lager beer.
Let's hope all heck breaks lose there. Some will say no big deal cuz the dollar is important.
I find it so ironic when gub'mint worshippers bitch about gub'mint fuck ups....

"You reap what you sow"

Who is worshiping the government? There are children with lead poisoning. That is a fact. People like you just can't face them
You and the rest of your hyper-partisan, politician boot licking cohorts; when your party is in power gub'mint can do no wrong, when the other party is in power gub'mint can do no right.

Your cognitive dissonance is so strong it's a wonder your heads don't explode, so you'll excuse me if I burst out laughing every time one of you douche bags feigns concern for somebody else; since you can't ever seem to do it without interjecting a bunch of partisan nonsense into the mix.
They shouldn't have switched the water supply in the first place, and when they first got wind that something was amiss back in September (kids started showing up with lead poisoning), they should have declared the emergency THEN, and started cleaning up the water system and gone back to getting it from Lake Huron.
It's like deja vu all over again as this brings to mind the stories of Dow Chemical polluting Michigan back in the 60's and 70's. Who is being pointed to as the culprit this time?
Nigjtfix you should be leading the charge against the state. I say time for a whole lot if lawsuits. Rightfully so!
Flint, yet another Progressive success story

I'm worried about you....You're more stupid and uninformed that usual (and that is a very, very low bar).......Hope some cells in your half-brain start working again.

Run by Democrats for generations, under emergency management since 2002. But it's the Republican governors fault. How many other towns are like this BTW? Why did the evil republican Gov single out Fliny and ONLY Flint?

Fucking morons
This started late last summer, when they decided to save money and have the water supply switch from being Lake Huron (where the water is clean), to the Flint river (which is polluted). Then, when they started to hear that there may be dangerous levels of lead in the water, they tried to cover it up, as well as discount the doctor that brought the problem up.

It was only when the story leaked out, and the DA decided to start an investigation into this matter that the governor FINALLY (like on the day the investigation was opened) decided to declare a state of emergency for the residents of Flint.

For the past couple of months, volunteers have been getting bottled water and distributing it to residents, all done with donations from the private sector.

It was only this week that the governor decided to start mobilizing the National Guard to distribute water.

This mess has been going on for almost half a year, and they are only getting around to solving it NOW?
And by "they" you meant the victims of Progress policies living in Flint, right

When I said "they decided" I was referring to the Republican and his staff in the MI governor's office. It was their decision to switch the water supply to the Flint river.

Really? They decided. I thought Flint proposed it?
So why don't they switch back if it is 100% certain the Flint river is the cause of bad water?

I have heard many need to change all old lead pipes into house from street to get pressure and clean. Is this the case here? Bad pipes to old 50s' houses?
From the Associated Press....

The state of Michigan can't meet all the needs of Flint residents whose water system has been contaminated by lead, Gov. Rick Snyder .....[a staunch republican who has long derided the "intrusions" imposed by the federal government]....said in a request for a federal disaster declaration and millions of dollars that could pay for clean water, filters and other essentials.

The mayor of Flint is a Democrat, dumbass. He's the one who decided to use water from the Flint river because it was cheaper.
I hope their ate a ton of lawyers called down there because toxifying people is only acceptable to the those who kiss corporate rear. I say stick em hard, including Snyder. He is in charge.

How is any corporation responsible for this?

The talent liberals have for denial is astounding.
I hope their ate a ton of lawyers called down there because toxifying people is only acceptable to the those who kiss corporate rear. I say stick em hard, including Snyder. He is in charge.

How is any corporation responsible for this?

The talent liberals have for denial is astounding.

It's why Liberals progress from one failure to the next; they're incapable of learning from their msitakes
This started late last summer, when they decided to save money and have the water supply switch from being Lake Huron (where the water is clean), to the Flint river (which is polluted). Then, when they started to hear that there may be dangerous levels of lead in the water, they tried to cover it up, as well as discount the doctor that brought the problem up.

It was only when the story leaked out, and the DA decided to start an investigation into this matter that the governor FINALLY (like on the day the investigation was opened) decided to declare a state of emergency for the residents of Flint.

For the past couple of months, volunteers have been getting bottled water and distributing it to residents, all done with donations from the private sector.

It was only this week that the governor decided to start mobilizing the National Guard to distribute water.

This mess has been going on for almost half a year, and they are only getting around to solving it NOW?
And by "they" you meant the victims of Progress policies living in Flint, right

When I said "they decided" I was referring to the Republican and his staff in the MI governor's office. It was their decision to switch the water supply to the Flint river.
No it wasn't. It was the mayor and city council of Flint. It was a cost cutting measure because Flint is broke.
The mayor of Flint is a Democrat, dumbass. He's the one who decided to use water from the Flint river because it was cheaper.

Morons, like you, are entitled to their own opinions....but NOT to their made up "facts"...... The decision was made by Darnell Earley, a republican appointed by the governor as emergency city manager and "saved the city lots of money by poisoning Flints citizens".

Earley is also a Baptist pastor...and may his soul rot in hell.
Snyder must answer for this. Time for lawsuits and lawyers. Let all heck break loose. Cost cutting measure when it comes to safe drinking water? Safe drinking water.
He saved a lot of money at the expense of peoples health. Every person endangered should sue..and sue hard.
A large number in DET do not pay the water/sewage bill. 100K or more? U think Flint any different? What you gonna do? Pull money out of air? to pay help, chemicals etc.

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