A bit of cruel irony in the Flint's debacle

And the river got polluted in the first place when the state was run by Democrats, wow shocker.
Blues, since Michigan became a State is has had 48 Governors: D = 18, R = 28, W = 2. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution beginning 1901 the roster is: D = 8, R = 16. Pollution is not a political trait. In the beginning pollution was not understood, and by the time manufacturers were convinced of the issue, it was too late. Over the past 10 years, the river HAS become cleaner, so I am convinced that the contention of several posters here that the problem is improper filtering is true. FYI, I was born and raised in Flint when it was a 'toddling town'. I no longer live there, but have loads of family struggling with this.

There is no denying that Michigan has been a blue collar Democrat state for decades, with the polluting areas of the state largely under Democrat control. I'm not defending the GOP establishment they are just as much liars and corrupt as the Dem's. I still remember the field across the street from my house in Michigan, some plant next to it, and the strange blue liquid spilled out all over the ground. The state government's recommendation not to eat the fish. Its true Michigan waters are cleaner than they used to be when the fish just floated on the water dead and washed up on the shores, when countless millions of carp hung out by the large pipes spilling God knows what into the rivers.

I just take issue with these dishonest libs trying to paint this issue as 100% the fault of this current GOP governor. He has some responsibility as does state and federal EPA and other agencies. People government is incompetent and corrupt, shocker. But the libs are playing a silly blame game here.
Blue, I tend Democratic, although blind allegiance to any party is stupid IMHO. But I have to agree that the emphasis on placing blame is useless. Neither does it relieve the burden. So I stand with you that blame is far less important than resolution. It is far more productive to find a solution and learn from this grave mistake, and share the knowledge with others.
This started late last summer, when they decided to save money and have the water supply switch from being Lake Huron (where the water is clean), to the Flint river (which is polluted). Then, when they started to hear that there may be dangerous levels of lead in the water, they tried to cover it up, as well as discount the doctor that brought the problem up.

It was only when the story leaked out, and the DA decided to start an investigation into this matter that the governor FINALLY (like on the day the investigation was opened) decided to declare a state of emergency for the residents of Flint.

For the past couple of months, volunteers have been getting bottled water and distributing it to residents, all done with donations from the private sector.

It was only this week that the governor decided to start mobilizing the National Guard to distribute water.

This mess has been going on for almost half a year, and they are only getting around to solving it NOW?
More like five years, but the damn fools in Flint only began pumping water from the Flint River in 14.

I realize a state agency has to sign off, as does the Corps of Engineers, but this clusterfk began with the nimrods in Flint and Genesee County.
This started late last summer, when they decided to save money and have the water supply switch from being Lake Huron (where the water is clean), to the Flint river (which is polluted). Then, when they started to hear that there may be dangerous levels of lead in the water, they tried to cover it up, as well as discount the doctor that brought the problem up.

It was only when the story leaked out, and the DA decided to start an investigation into this matter that the governor FINALLY (like on the day the investigation was opened) decided to declare a state of emergency for the residents of Flint.

For the past couple of months, volunteers have been getting bottled water and distributing it to residents, all done with donations from the private sector.

It was only this week that the governor decided to start mobilizing the National Guard to distribute water.

This mess has been going on for almost half a year, and they are only getting around to solving it NOW?
More like five years, but the damn fools in Flint only began pumping water from the Flint River in 14.

I realize a state agency has to sign off, as does the Corps of Engineers, but this clusterfk began with the nimrods in Flint and Genesee County.

They do have a treatment plant, and the chloride levels are higher than normal, but below what NYC considers a maximum level. I was able to grab the August 2015 supply report from the Flint website (but not reports prior to the switch) and the chloride levels were around 80-90 mg/l. I think NY state standards are 250 mg/l or less, and NYC water averages like 11 mg/l.

The point of this is chlorides increase conductivity, and conductivity increases ionic activity which increases lead leaching in old pipes. THAT is the problem. The water is not 'corrosive", the ph is between 6.5-8, which is a normal range from what i read.

Their idea was to get the same Lake Huron water for less than Detroit was charging (that they still needed to treat). Their mistake was to not take into account the additional treatment needed on the high conductivity water used from the River as an interim.

(disclosure, I have a Masters in ChemE, and have worked in wastewater treatment for almost 20 years, (and have dabbled in water treatment))
The Flint water crisis is a perfect example of the failure of government at all levels, but millions of Americans still have faith in government. CRAZY!

Since you're not a partisan hack repeating talking points from your party's message system, we know you'll give credit to government for the millions of municipalities with clean water, right?

And since we know you are fair, we assume that when GE got caught dumping PCBs in the Hudson, you said that this was a perfect example of how corporations poison the environment and spread cancer, right? Because you hold corporations accountable too?

Please turn off talk radio and get yourself to a fucking library. Stop getting your information from government (republican government).

(Help. He votes)
The Flint water crisis is a perfect example of the failure of government at all levels, but millions of Americans still have faith in government. CRAZY!

Since you're not a partisan hack repeating talking points from your party's message system, we know you'll give credit to government for the millions of municipalities with clean water, right?

And since we know you are fair, we assume that when GE got caught dumping PCBs in the Hudson, you said that this was a perfect example of how corporations poison the environment and spread cancer, right? Because you hold corporations accountable too?

Please turn off talk radio and get yourself to a fucking library. Stop getting your information from government (republican government).

(Help. He votes)
Oh brother...you obviously know nothing about me.

This from Doug Casey provides a good summary........

Throughout history government has served as a vehicle for the organization of hatred and oppression, benefitting no one except those who are ambitious and ruthless enough to gain control of it. That’s not to say government hasn’t, then and now, performed useful functions. But the useful things it does could and would be done far better by the market.
From the Associated Press....

The state of Michigan can't meet all the needs of Flint residents whose water system has been contaminated by lead, Gov. Rick Snyder .....[a staunch republican who has long derided the "intrusions" imposed by yd pay for clean water, filters and other essentials.[/QUOTE

Snyder should be arrested and put on trial for depraved indifference to human life. Children will face life long learning, mental and physical disabilities. People died because of reckless political decision.
Yep, proof that Republicans hate poor people. The governor didn't like the way Flint was being run, so he sent in an emergency manager who swept aside the governor and other elected officials, and then decided they spent too much on water, so they changed it without bothering to see if there would be any ramifications.

Not only that, but this problem has been going on for the past 6 months or more. Why is action just now being taken?

Oh yeah.............that's right...............he declared a state of emergency on the day they started an investigation. Before that? They just swept it under the rug.

Kudos to the doctor who started researching this and blew the whistle, that doctor should be given a medal.
Snyder's seat getting hotter by the minute. When you are at the top you take the heat. Good money says he knew this. Easy bet.

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