A bit of cruel irony in the Flint's debacle

The mayor of Flint is a Democrat, dumbass. He's the one who decided to use water from the Flint river because it was cheaper.

Morons, like you, are entitled to their own opinions....but NOT to their made up "facts"...... The decision was made by Darnell Earley, a republican appointed by the governor as emergency city manager and "saved the city lots of money by poisoning Flints citizens".

Earley is also a Baptist pastor...and may his soul rot in hell.


Ex-emergency manager says he's not to blame for Flint River water switch

FLINT, MI — Former emergency manager Darnell Earley says he's not to blame for the decision to use the Flint River as the city's source of drinking water.

Earley, who served as Flint's emergency manager from September 2013 until January 2015, said in an email to The Flint Journal-MLive on Tuesday, Oct. 13, that the water source decision was made months before he was appointed to run the city by Gov. Rick Snyder.

Interesting................you keep trying to blame the Democratic mayors, but in this very post, the last line of the quote you got states quite clearly that it was Snyder who made the decision to have Flint use the Flint river for it's primary water source.
This started late last summer, when they decided to save money and have the water supply switch from being Lake Huron (where the water is clean), to the Flint river (which is polluted).

No, no, no, no! The Detroit water system got pissed at the county, because they decided to back the Karegnondi Water Authority plan. DWSD was mad because KWA would have been competition and would have taken away three of DWSDs customer counties. When the KWA agreement was finalized DWSD threw a hissy and said "Well fuck you! We're quitting this this one year from today. Oh, and you gotta pay us for all the pipes we bought 50 years ago to be able to get you water."

That was the first step in the problem. Because the KWA is a multi year project, and the one year termination notice that the DWSD issued would leave the town without water for about two years before the KWA system was completed. DWSD had hoped that this would provoke the parties involved to back out of the KWA plan. That provoked a meeting between all parties involved, for the purposes of singing Kum-bae-yah and to figure out a plan.

And that is where step two in the problem happened. Snyder's emergency manager unilaterally decided that the county would stop buying post treatment lake water, and begin treating it's own water sourced from the designated backup source. That source was the Flint River. In and of itself, that would have been fine, generally speaking. The problem was that the river water required a different chemical treating than lake water, due to it's lower pH levels. The emergency manager, preferring the sensation of his thumb inside his own ass over that of performing one's fundamental responsibilities, responded to concerns about the treatment process by doing a live rendition of Killing in the Name Of. Lo and behold, the low pH of the river water caused pipe erosion, and lead in the piping leeched into the tap water.

This is not a problem with Flint River being polluted. It's a problem of incompetent treatment procedures causing damage to the infrastructure. The city is not sourcing water from the Flint River anymore. They switched back to lake water from Detroit. That was three months ago. But the water problems continue, because the piping infrastructure has now been damaged. Water in Flint displays the fiery red-orange color that is characteristic of "red lead" oxide.
The mayor of Flint is a Democrat, dumbass. He's the one who decided to use water from the Flint river because it was cheaper.

Morons, like you, are entitled to their own opinions....but NOT to their made up "facts"...... The decision was made by Darnell Earley, a republican appointed by the governor as emergency city manager and "saved the city lots of money by poisoning Flints citizens".

Earley is also a Baptist pastor...and may his soul rot in hell.


Ex-emergency manager says he's not to blame for Flint River water switch

FLINT, MI — Former emergency manager Darnell Earley says he's not to blame for the decision to use the Flint River as the city's source of drinking water.

Earley, who served as Flint's emergency manager from September 2013 until January 2015, said in an email to The Flint Journal-MLive on Tuesday, Oct. 13, that the water source decision was made months before he was appointed to run the city by Gov. Rick Snyder.

Earley is trying to pull a fast one. The "decision" that was made months before was for the county to back the KWA system plan and to eventually switch to it. But that has nothing to do with the Flint River water sourcing.

The reason the county started sourcing river water was because a DWSD issued a one year termination notice to the county on the day after the KWA plan became official. By this point in time Earley was already in position. Because one year would be insufficient and the whole thing was blowing up, Gov. Snyder called a meeting between all sides to hammer out a plan. That was when Earley made the unilateral decision to source river water.

See, the DWSD was trying to play hardball. Earley wasn't having any of it. He wasn't going to let those commie liberal Detroit fucks tell him what to do. So, instead of reaching a compromise with them, he told them to fuck off and he'd go get his own water.

Now, sourcing the river water was not the problem, in and of itself. In fact, the whole thing could have been perfectly fine. What really led up to all this is what happened after the decision had been made to source the river water. The river water wasn't particularly problematic. It just needed it's own special treatment. The birth of this entire crisis was when Earley decided to treat the river water the same way as lake water. The river water would have been perfectly safe if properly treated as low pH river water. Instead it was being treated as if it were lake water.

Later on as concerns began to develop Earley overruled Flint's attempts to reestablish lake water sourcing from Detroit.
This started late last summer, when they decided to save money and have the water supply switch from being Lake Huron (where the water is clean), to the Flint river (which is polluted).

No, no, no, no! The Detroit water system got pissed at the county, because they decided to back the Karegnondi Water Authority plan. DWSD was mad because KWA would have been competition and would have taken away three of DWSDs customer counties. When the KWA agreement was finalized DWSD threw a hissy and said "Well fuck you! We're quitting this this one year from today. Oh, and you gotta pay us for all the pipes we bought 50 years ago to be able to get you water."

That was the first step in the problem. Because the KWA is a multi year project, and the one year termination notice that the DWSD issued would leave the town without water for about two years before the KWA system was completed. DWSD had hoped that this would provoke the parties involved to back out of the KWA plan. That provoked a meeting between all parties involved, for the purposes of singing Kum-bae-yah and to figure out a plan.

And that is where step two in the problem happened. Snyder's emergency manager unilaterally decided that the county would stop buying post treatment lake water, and begin treating it's own water sourced from the designated backup source. That source was the Flint River. In and of itself, that would have been fine, generally speaking. The problem was that the river water required a different chemical treating than lake water, due to it's lower pH levels. The emergency manager, preferring the sensation of his thumb inside his own ass over that of performing one's fundamental responsibilities, responded to concerns about the treatment process by doing a live rendition of Killing in the Name Of. Lo and behold, the low pH of the river water caused pipe erosion, and lead in the piping leeched into the tap water.

This is not a problem with Flint River being polluted. It's a problem of incompetent treatment procedures causing damage to the infrastructure. The city is not sourcing water from the Flint River anymore. They switched back to lake water from Detroit. That was three months ago. But the water problems continue, because the piping infrastructure has now been damaged. Water in Flint displays the fiery red-orange color that is characteristic of "red lead" oxide.

DWSD needed the revenue from other customers since they have tens of thousands of non-paying water customers in Detroit. That was the reason they played hardball IMO. It can not be argued that the lack of proper treatment of the river water by Flint and/or State managers caused the problem. It did! My question is why didn't the EPA take some immediate action?
The mayor of Flint is a Democrat, dumbass. He's the one who decided to use water from the Flint river because it was cheaper.

Morons, like you, are entitled to their own opinions....but NOT to their made up "facts"...... The decision was made by Darnell Earley, a republican appointed by the governor as emergency city manager and "saved the city lots of money by poisoning Flints citizens".

Earley is also a Baptist pastor...and may his soul rot in hell.


Ex-emergency manager says he's not to blame for Flint River water switch

FLINT, MI — Former emergency manager Darnell Earley says he's not to blame for the decision to use the Flint River as the city's source of drinking water.

Earley, who served as Flint's emergency manager from September 2013 until January 2015, said in an email to The Flint Journal-MLive on Tuesday, Oct. 13, that the water source decision was made months before he was appointed to run the city by Gov. Rick Snyder.

Interesting................you keep trying to blame the Democratic mayors, but in this very post, the last line of the quote you got states quite clearly that it was Snyder who made the decision to have Flint use the Flint river for it's primary water source.

Wrong, dumbass, it says Snyder appointed Early, and the decision was made prior to that. It does not say Snyder made the decision.

Laarn to read.
The more I read this, the more I realized the switching of the water supply was a cost cutting mistake.

However, the postponement and denial of the problem was purely political and the true source f the problem.

Do everyone understand? Switching the water source was an honest mistake, refusing to address the issues after the problem arose was the problem.

Now--who ignored the problem for 6 months? That person is the one who bears all responsibility.
Why do lefties confuse "federal intrusions" with the legitimate duties of the federal government? You almost gotta laugh that republican state representatives are accused of hypocrisy by the low information left when they call on the federal government to do it's freaking job.
Why do lefties confuse "federal intrusions" with the legitimate duties of the federal government? You almost gotta laugh that republican state representatives are accused of hypocrisy by the low information left when they call on the federal government to do it's freaking job.

Well, you're "right"......Place the blame on the Feds and re-elect Snyder; after all, reality is a bitch.
Flint, yet another Progressive success story

If you bothered to find out how all this happened you would know that no progressive caused this to happen.

In fact progressives warned it would happen. Then when it did the conservatives vilified the progressive and tried to sweep this under the rug.

Only when it became known about on the national scale did the conservatives actually do something. But only when forced.

This all happened because the conservative governor voided the votes of the people of Flint. He sent in one of his managers to take over the city. It was that conservative manager who made the choice to change water sources. The progressives who were actually elected to represent the people of Flint were against it so they were ignored and the conservative plan was implemented.

So it was conservatives who caused all this. It was conservatives who lied about it. It was conservatives who refused to do anything about it until it became a nationwide known story. And it was conservatives who went running to the federal government with their hands out to clean up the mess conservatives made.

If the progressives had been listened to in the first place none of this would have ever happened.

I am disgusted that my tax dollars have to be used to clean up another mess conservatives made.
Why do lefties confuse "federal intrusions" with the legitimate duties of the federal government? You almost gotta laugh that republican state representatives are accused of hypocrisy by the low information left when they call on the federal government to do it's freaking job.

Well, you're "right"......Place the blame on the Feds and re-elect Snyder; after all, reality is a bitch.
Reality is a bitch only when the radical left is afraid of reality. Nobody is blaming the Feds but it ain't the republican governor's fault either. You almost gotta laugh that the low information left actually thinks that state republican administrations don't require legitimate federal assistance.
You almost gotta laugh that the low information left actually thinks that state republican administrations don't require legitimate federal assistance.

Yet another admission that YOU are an idiot.....No one said that the Feds should help the poor people of Flint......However, (if you can both read AND comprehend), republicans always bitch that the Feds resulations are too intrusive......but when the same republicans violate these same regulations and ordinary people are hurt, THEN they turn to the Feds for help.

BTW, What are the chances that Snyder...an ultra conservative republican....gets re-elected?
DWSD needed the revenue from other customers since they have tens of thousands of non-paying water customers in Detroit. That was the reason they played hardball IMO. It can not be argued that the lack of proper treatment of the river water by Flint and/or State managers caused the problem. It did! My question is why didn't the EPA take some immediate action?

From what I recall reading, I don't think there is anything the EPA could have reasonably been expected to do that would have prevented this. But my brain has been a little bit fried these past several days. If there's something you're aware of please share.
DWSD needed the revenue from other customers since they have tens of thousands of non-paying water customers in Detroit. That was the reason they played hardball IMO. It can not be argued that the lack of proper treatment of the river water by Flint and/or State managers caused the problem. It did! My question is why didn't the EPA take some immediate action?

From what I recall reading, I don't think there is anything the EPA could have reasonably been expected to do that would have prevented this. But my brain has been a little bit fried these past several days. If there's something you're aware of please share.

I found this article credible and very interesting.

EPA stayed silent on Flint’s tainted water
Reality is an oxymoron with all politicians.................To me a lot of STUPID PEOPLE couldn't figure out that the ph needed to be raised in the Treatment Plant. And now a POLITICAL SOLUTION to the problem by going back to TREATED WATER from Detroit. That solution was based on POLITICS and not REALITY.

The water in the river would be fine if they would have just added the right chemicals to the treatment process to begin with.
The more I read this, the more I realized the switching of the water supply was a cost cutting mistake.

However, the postponement and denial of the problem was purely political and the true source f the problem.

Do everyone understand? Switching the water source was an honest mistake, refusing to address the issues after the problem arose was the problem.

Now--who ignored the problem for 6 months? That person is the one who bears all responsibility.

Not just ignored the problem, but tried to discredit everyone who brought it to their attention.
The Lead poisoning of children in Flint Michigan is what happens when you allow Republicans to starve the Government to a size they can drown in a bath tub full of filthy leaded yellow water..........
Flint, yet another Progressive success story

If you bothered to find out how all this happened you would know that no progressive caused this to happen.

In fact progressives warned it would happen. Then when it did the conservatives vilified the progressive and tried to sweep this under the rug.

Only when it became known about on the national scale did the conservatives actually do something. But only when forced.

This all happened because the conservative governor voided the votes of the people of Flint. He sent in one of his managers to take over the city. It was that conservative manager who made the choice to change water sources. The progressives who were actually elected to represent the people of Flint were against it so they were ignored and the conservative plan was implemented.

So it was conservatives who caused all this. It was conservatives who lied about it. It was conservatives who refused to do anything about it until it became a nationwide known story. And it was conservatives who went running to the federal government with their hands out to clean up the mess conservatives made.

If the progressives had been listened to in the first place none of this would have ever happened.

I am disgusted that my tax dollars have to be used to clean up another mess conservatives made.

Why did we stop at Flint? We should have made ever Democrat city drink ditch water. We'll get it right next time.

Fucking moron

It was self InFlinted. It's the same story every time Democrats get a stranglehold on a city, they crush the economic life out of it
The Lead poisoning of children in Flint Michigan is what happens when you allow Republicans to starve the Government to a size they can drown in a bath tub full of filthy leaded yellow water..........

Republicans ran Flint into the dirt? You sure? Check to see who ran Flint the past 2 generations

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