A Civil War if Trump is not reinstated

I'm still not sure about how serious they are about violence, though.
Well, keep on fucking around and I'm sure you'll find out.
And there ya go. An example of the point of the thread.

This is too easy.
What point is it that you think you've made?

That if you abuse people long enough, they'll do something about it?

You needed someone else to explain that to you? :huh1:
I know that you believe all that. I've already told you I know the "why", so I'm not sure how many times I have to say it.
So you're just here to troll then?

While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

Not to worry, Vichy Mac, if there is a CIvil war, I'm sure you'll start cooperating with the fascists almost immediately.
We need to break this broken hell hole nation into several new ones !!
Heck even give blacks their own little chunk of land
I'd love to know how many Trumpsters have this as their ultimate goal.

It would certainly go a long way in explaining all of this.

Wouldn't call it a goal. But I don't see any way to have a nation with people like you, anymore.
(It's a little worrisome how many of you fucking fanatics we have in this country....... it really is.)
But it's absolutely hilarious how many 'the election was stolen' delusionals there are. You guys come across as such hill billies.

If I'm playing cards and the dealer deliberately hides his hands under the table when he deals the cards, then maybe I didn't actually see him deal from the bottom of the deck....... but then again, I don't have to. Because the fact that he hid what was supposed to be in the open, is all the proof I need that he's cheating.

I'm still not sure about how serious they are about violence, though.
Well, keep on fucking around and I'm sure you'll find out.
And there ya go. An example of the point of the thread.

This is too easy.
What point is it that you think you've made?

That if you abuse people long enough, they'll do something about it?

You needed someone else to explain that to you? :huh1:
I know that you believe all that. I've already told you I know the "why", so I'm not sure how many times I have to say it.
So you're just here to troll then?

View attachment 507203
Pointing out that you're pissing off dangerous people is being an "internet tough guy" now?

Wow...... that's lame, even for you.
Because exhaustive investigations have revealed nothing significant but you can't accept reality so keep living a fixed delusion based on nothing but determined ignorance. Hillbilly.

Do you really think the rest of the world is not rolling their eyes and laughing? You may not care, but it's diminishing the influence of the US by showing it can't be trusted to accept reality.

edit...that makes it an unreliable partner.
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Wouldn't call it a goal. But I don't see any way to have a nation with people like you, anymore
We had the KKK running around 1/3 of this country for decades killing people and the country survived. You can’t live with people who want a more progressive tax plan and healthcare for all?
Its going to be a shame that so many of his people are going to be killed dying for such a pathetic excuse for a man.
I try to get my head around this, I ask them a lot of questions and try to understand, but I can only get so far. There is so much here that is just a mystery to me, and their devotion to that person, of all people, is at the heart of it.
It doesn't take a lot to confuse you does it?
.... and for the most part, what I get in response is anger and insults.
Well, you're either naive to the point of being retarded, or you're just full of shit...... why do you expect anything but derision for that?
I've actually already had some interesting conversations on this thread.

I'm fully aware that some lack that capacity.
It's difficult to have real discussions with people who refuse to engage with reality. If you can't agree that what happens right in front of you is real, then how can you intelligently discuss it?
You believe in a fairy tale, that no one can see right in front of their eyes, yet you claim it was there.

Trump lost the election. He was never expected to win....he never had an approval rating over 50% in his life....

All polling, including the Trump Campaign internal polling leading up to the election showed him LOSING big time....that's why trump began his guise, his scheme to steal the election.....claiming if he didn't win, it was fraud....2 to 3 months before the election.

You've been conned, by the master of Deceit, the man of Lawlessness, the Destroyer.
Except, not really though.

(It's a little worrisome how many of you fucking fanatics we have in this country....... it really is.)
You have to show proof, real evidence of cheating, or voting fraud.

Not speculation, not innuendos, not made up lies....but actual PROOF. So far you have not shown any fraud that would have changed the Biden win.... You've had 8 months, 7 months longer than election law allows, and still NOTHING.....no actual evidence of voting fraud. You lost. I know it hurts, but real men accept their losses and simply try again.

Expecting us to accept shouts of voter fraud as actual voter fraud, without any tangible evidence of the alleged fraud, is simply not going to happen.
Libs like Mac1958 who claim to fear a violent confrontation could go a long way in preventing that by embracing strict election reforms

Because most trump supporters fear more election fraud in the future

But instead libs want to poke the bear in his cage to hear him roar

And yet you guys hiss like a kitten and never roar like a lion or bear…
Wouldn't call it a goal. But I don't see any way to have a nation with people like you, anymore
We had the KKK running around 1/3 of this country for decades killing people and the country survived. You can’t live with people who want a more progressive tax plan and healthcare for all?

I don't see a way to live with people that dismiss any and all attempts by my group(s) to protect or advance our interests as inherently illegitimate and evul,

while they are free to try to advance their interests or agenda at our expense.
I'm still not sure about how serious they are about violence, though.
Well, keep on fucking around and I'm sure you'll find out.
And there ya go. An example of the point of the thread.

This is too easy.
What point is it that you think you've made?

That if you abuse people long enough, they'll do something about it?

You needed someone else to explain that to you? :huh1:

Care4all Trump got a record amount of votes............including among Blacks and hispanics. He had far far more show up at his rallies and had all the signs, posters, and flags everywhere----

He won..........logic dictates it. And your sorry pretend that he wasn't like is just crazy bs.

Trump had a record amount of votes, but Biden had the all time record, beating Trump by 7.1 million votes.

Unfortunately for Trump, 1 in 3 rally goers, didn't go out to vote. Maybe if Trump had not begged his followers to vote in person, instead of the way Trump actually voted, via absentee ballot, they would have voted and he possibly could have pulled out a win.

Would have, could have, should have....
#2: Problematic to assume some of those blacks given land won’t be ejected, very likely what may have happened before, quite apart from slave-trade profit. So the borders of the New United States will magnify the problem now at the U. S. -Mexican border.
Anyone know someone that is smart and honest who believes in election fraud? Yea, me either.

Anyone know someone who is to stupid to acquire an ID?

I have an ID to vote and you that hate the idea of making voting as easy as possible argue that I should no longer be able to use it.

Embrace new ways of doing things and forward decent candidates or lose.
Because exhaustive investigations have revealed nothing significant but you can't accept reality so keep living a fixed delusion based on nothing but determined ignorance. Hillbilly.

Do you really think the rest of the world is not rolling their eyes and laughing? You may not care, but it's diminishing the influence of the US by showing it can't be trusted to accept reality.

edit...that makes it an unreliable partner.

What exhaustive investigations are you talking about? The Russia investigations went on for years cloaked in full authority and zero transparency with the end result showing it was a hoax. Is that the exhaustive investigation you are speaking of?

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