A Civil War if Trump is not reinstated

#116: Hold up, Ms Einstein. The pathology is covered by a cheap veneer. Some states (all states) require proof of residence before an id is issued. Impress us and pretend there’s no pathology to this.
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.

They certainly know how to talk. If they wanted Civil War, they'd have started months ago.
And the side still swears it was rigged against them eight months after the fact....
The problem is that conservatives have so perfected their art of lying, misinformation, and conspiracy theories that it’s impossible to determine what they actually believe – and what they’re actually willing to do.

This may be another manifestation of the right’s campaign to undermine our democratic institutions and erode trust in the political process by claiming that they’ll resort to violence and ‘civil war.’
Anyone know someone that is smart and honest who believes in election fraud? Yea, me either.

Anyone know someone who is to stupid to acquire an ID?
IDs were required in all the swing states for in person voting. IDs were presented to vote in all the swing states that required them, under their election laws, whether for in person, or absentee voting, the election law of the states were followed by the voters. Voters have the constitutional right to vote, and their votes counted.
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.

They certainly know how to talk. If they wanted Civil War, they'd have started months ago.

i thought the 1/6 riot was a serious attempt at overthrowing the government? That required calling out the national guard?

You people really just say whatever shit works for you at that second, don't ya?
Anyone know someone that is smart and honest who believes in election fraud? Yea, me either.

Anyone know someone who is to stupid to acquire an ID?

I have an ID to vote and you that hate the idea of making voting as easy as possible argue that I should no longer be able to use it.

Embrace new ways of doing things and forward decent candidates or lose.

Voting is already easy, get registered in your district and show up to vote at your polling location with ID in hand on designated day/s. If your military or disabled and unable to vote in person you can apply to vote absentee by mail.
Anyone know someone that is smart and honest who believes in election fraud? Yea, me either.

Anyone know someone who is to stupid to acquire an ID?

I have an ID to vote and you that hate the idea of making voting as easy as possible argue that I should no longer be able to use it.

Embrace new ways of doing things and forward decent candidates or lose.

Voting is already easy, get registered in your district and show up to vote at your polling location with ID in hand on designated day/s. If your military or disabled and unable to vote in person you can apply to vote absentee by mail.

People complain because I show up with my voters registration card.
Why do conservatives who say there will be civil war always look like this:

He most likely has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues, not to mention probably suffers from incontinence. Typical trailer park yokel. Bitching and moaning he did not get his way and now wants to burn the house down. Not that he has much of a house to burn down.
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In badger’s haste to give 116 Kittens’ mind’s ass a good spanking, badger forgot to add the question mark: ‘(all states?).’
Why do conservatives who say there will be civil war always look like this:

View attachment 507216
He most likely has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues, not to mention probably suffers from incontinence. Typical trailer park trash. Bitching and moaning he did not get his way and now wants to burn the house down. Not that he has much of a house to burn down.

Because people like that, don't like the new normal.

While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
When you have an election that one side swears was rigged against them. And then you have investigations on top of investigations, and audits on top of audits, and law suits on top of law suits that all confirm the election results to be truthful. And the side still swears it was rigged against them eight months after the fact.... I'm afraid all that is left is violent confrontation between that side and the society that has accepted the confirmed election results. There will be bloodshed. The silly part is that the "regular guys" who portray themselves as average Americans are willing to kill for someone who is certainly not, in any way, patriotic, average, moral, or even decent. Trump is a despicable pervert.

Its going to be a shame that so many of his people are going to be killed dying for such a pathetic excuse for a man.
You are a moron and you continue to submit to the politics that weaken the nation rather than strengthen it. There have been no such vindications of the previous election....those that have pronounced it wholesome and correct so far are composed of the very ones who did the cheating.
And your proof of such "cheating" is where?

If you choose to ignore that it is of course your prerogative. There is no remedy for it.... the cost of reversing it through an extraordinary reversal would be the surrender of our national sovereignty to a cabal of other nations who are chomping at the bit as they watch this one fall apart from dissension ad lack of national focus. Trump doesn't have to be a likeable person to be a good POTUS..... it would be nice if he was but that's just not the case. What he did have was national interests at heart and a grip on reality that Biden has long since lost the ability to have.
Trump was neither likeable or a good POTUS. He had a tenuous grip on reality. Hence the Sharpie, hence the go it alone strategy in nearly every instance, hence any number of idiotic plans and policies he offered. Care to examine raking the forest again? He was garbage.
Look closely at how this nation is currently destroying itself.....who do you think is actually calling the shots here? I'll give you a clue... it is no longer the United States.

Well, mount up and take your best shot I suppose. What are you waiting for?
Totally wrong on every count....

The proof is constantly being revealed and then of course challenged as false....there is no proof for you and never will be. I'm not going to indulge you in your laziness...you know where to find it but will of course pretend that you don't....doesn't matter.

Here are a few things I can prove though..

Closing the XL pipeline.... Bad for the economy....bad for consumers.....good for Chinese coal trade....good for Warren buffet.
Opening the Border..... increase in Border crime...huge increase in humanitarian crisis....massive increase in cartel traffic...,added burden to municipalities that are having busloads of illegals simply dumped on them by the Federal Government.
Trump's grasp on reality was amazingly sharp ... narcissism notwithstanding.... He was the first POTUS to accurately describe the criminality of the Chinese central bank and their pegging of the yuan at 8 to 1 on the dollar for trade advantage. Something that is totally illegal by the rules of the international trade commission but what can you expect when the Trade Commission is on the CCC payroll? Not only did Trump know this he also knew that the best way to get them where it hurts in behalf of American Workers was to hit them with Tariffs on their cheap shit goods.... yes it caused some pain but so does a Tourniquet. Biden doesn't even know what the Fuck the ITC is ... let alone realize how China is ripping apart the US Dollar on purpose and with the blessing of 2/3 of our traitorously bribed legislators in DC.

So um.... Fuck you ..... you purposely ignorant, willingly obtuse and clueless waste of oxygen..... My guess is that you don't even support yourself legitimately. It more or less shows in the things you say and the entitlement you exude.

Anyone know someone that is smart and honest who believes in election fraud? Yea, me either.

Anyone know someone who is to stupid to acquire an ID?

I have an ID to vote and you that hate the idea of making voting as easy as possible argue that I should no longer be able to use it.

Embrace new ways of doing things and forward decent candidates or lose.

Voting is already easy, get registered in your district and show up to vote at your polling location with ID in hand on designated day/s. If your military or disabled and unable to vote in person you can apply to vote absentee by mail.

People complain because I show up with my voters registration card.

As long as you have an ID to verify the registration card is yours why would anyone complain?
There will not be a civil wat and Trump will die like all humans and the GOP will go back to being nutz for God instead of nutz for Trump
Anyone know someone that is smart and honest who believes in election fraud? Yea, me either.

Anyone know someone who is to stupid to acquire an ID?

I have an ID to vote and you that hate the idea of making voting as easy as possible argue that I should no longer be able to use it.

Embrace new ways of doing things and forward decent candidates or lose.

Voting is already easy, get registered in your district and show up to vote at your polling location with ID in hand on designated day/s. If your military or disabled and unable to vote in person you can apply to vote absentee by mail.

People complain because I show up with my voters registration card.

As long as you have an ID to verify the registration card is yours why would anyone complain?

There you go........I don't have to provide anything else. You want to put restrictions up to stop people from freely exercising their Constitutional guaranteed rights.

Screw off.
If audits prove fraud enough to have changed the outcome, there will be civil unrest unless serious consequences follow. Not necessarily reinstating Trump, but people are fed up with the political elite getting away with crimes generally and this crime in particular would not be be allowed to go unpunished.
Civil War will never happen in my life, so why must we focus on this nonsense?

John Bolton was correct when he was asked by a Canadian Talk Show Host on how America should deal with Trump and that is ignore him and that goes for his lunatic base that still believes the election was stolen!

None of them will get their fat asses off their couch to fight a real war and most of them are just bitter angry people that couldn’t get laid in a whore house in Nevada even if you paid for the whore for them, so why pay them any mind and just brush these fools off!

Sure, you will have one out of a million of them doing something stupid ( Yes, January 6th 2021 ) but most of them are just looking for fifteen minutes of shame so they can get on TV and say something so ducking retarded that even retards know what the Trump base is claiming and saying is not reality!

So in the end the possibility of a Civil War or Trump being put back in power before January 20th 2025, well never happening and if it does then I will write a full length apology and never make another argument against you Mac!
Because exhaustive investigations have revealed nothing significant but you can't accept reality so keep living a fixed delusion based on nothing but determined ignorance. Hillbilly.

Do you really think the rest of the world is not rolling their eyes and laughing? You may not care, but it's diminishing the influence of the US by showing it can't be trusted to accept reality.

edit...that makes it an unreliable partner.

What exhaustive investigations are you talking about? The Russia investigations went on for years cloaked in full authority and zero transparency with the end result showing it was a hoax. Is that the exhaustive investigation you are speaking of?
No where in the 500 page report did the Special Counsel investigation show Russian interference was a hoax.... Not only did it prove Russians were interfering, it showed the Trump campaign welcomed taking the Russian help.

You've never even read the report, which is obvious by your comment.

You seem to believe only what the Liar n Chief has told you to believe. It's time for you to actually do some research on your own, so you can be well informed and come to your own conclusions instead of taking him, at his word.
Why do conservatives who say there will be civil war always look like this:
View attachment 507232

He most likely has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues, not to mention probably suffers from incontinence. Typical trailer park yokel. Bitching and moaning he did not get his way and now wants to burn the house down. Not that he has much of a house to burn down.
You let them talk long enough and the libs will reveal their sniffy elitist attitudes.

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#116: Hold up, Ms Einstein. The pathology is covered by a cheap veneer. Some states (all states) require proof of residence before an id is issued. Impress us and pretend there’s no pathology to this.

Anyone know someone that is smart and honest who believes in election fraud? Yea, me either.

Anyone know someone who is to stupid to acquire an ID?

I have an ID to vote and you that hate the idea of making voting as easy as possible argue that I should no longer be able to use it.

Embrace new ways of doing things and forward decent candidates or lose.

Voting is already easy, get registered in your district and show up to vote at your polling location with ID in hand on designated day/s. If your military or disabled and unable to vote in person you can apply to vote absentee by mail.

People complain because I show up with my voters registration card.

As long as you have an ID to verify the registration card is yours why would anyone complain?

There you go........I don't have to provide anything else. You want to put restrictions up to stop people from freely exercising their Constitutional guaranteed rights.

Screw off.

Why would you object to showing your ID to verify the registration card is yours? The registration card is more for your benefit in listing your polling location. The only reason you should need to show it is if you are not listed in the polling book when you present your ID.
Anyone know someone that is smart and honest who believes in election fraud? Yea, me either.

Anyone know someone who is to stupid to acquire an ID?

I have an ID to vote and you that hate the idea of making voting as easy as possible argue that I should no longer be able to use it.

Embrace new ways of doing things and forward decent candidates or lose.

Voting is already easy, get registered in your district and show up to vote at your polling location with ID in hand on designated day/s. If your military or disabled and unable to vote in person you can apply to vote absentee by mail.

People complain because I show up with my voters registration card.

As long as you have an ID to verify the registration card is yours why would anyone complain?
They would complain like hell if they are fraud voters..... I know of one personally who brags about voting under more than 30 false id's. He looks forward to election season because he get's a stipend from some group affiliated with Soros Open society for each fraudulent vote ..... I have thought about turning him in but then how do you actually prove something like that? Have to wait for him to get caught red-handed. I'm guessing he is one of tens of thousands just like him all over the nation.


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