A Joe Biden Dilemma.No Matter Who He Chooses For V.P.,He Will/May Be Deemed A Racist.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
What a predicament Joe Biden has gotten himself into. And why does he have to pick a black female woman? that alone wont work being there aren't any liberal black females out there even qualified to be VP with the possibility of taking over to be President.
So if Biden picks a black female, you know most voters will see him as a white guy pretending not to be a racist {yet we have all heard his racist comments over the years}
If Biden chooses a white male/white female,,,hes a racist.
Same with choosing a latino, if Biden chooses a Latino, he's a racist for not choosing a black american.
Hmm,,maybe Biden needs to choose a half white/half black/half latino and 1/32nd white female who feels black?
:afro: :puhleeze: :re:
What a predicament Joe Biden has gotten himself into. And why does he have to pick a black female woman? that alone wont work being there aren't any liberal black females out there even qualified to be VP with the possibility of taking over to be President.
So if Biden picks a black female, you know most voters will see him as a white guy pretending not to be a racist {yet we have all heard his racist comments over the years}
If Biden chooses a white male/white female,,,hes a racist.
Same with choosing a latino, if Biden chooses a Latino, he's a racist for not choosing a black american.
Hmm,,maybe Biden needs to choose a half white/half black/half latino and 1/32nd white female who feels black?
:afro: :puhleeze: :re:

Post some of all the racist comments he has made, or STFU.
What a predicament Joe Biden has gotten himself into. And why does he have to pick a black female woman? that alone wont work being there aren't any liberal black females out there even qualified to be VP with the possibility of taking over to be President.
So if Biden picks a black female, you know most voters will see him as a white guy pretending not to be a racist {yet we have all heard his racist comments over the years}
If Biden chooses a white male/white female,,,hes a racist.
Same with choosing a latino, if Biden chooses a Latino, he's a racist for not choosing a black american.
Hmm,,maybe Biden needs to choose a half white/half black/half latino and 1/32nd white female who feels black?
:afro: :puhleeze: :re:
He could choose Elizabeth Warren and get a little of everything. She might even be willing to become a tranny if that's what it takes.
What a predicament Joe Biden has gotten himself into. And why does he have to pick a black female woman? that alone wont work being there aren't any liberal black females out there even qualified to be VP with the possibility of taking over to be President.
So if Biden picks a black female, you know most voters will see him as a white guy pretending not to be a racist {yet we have all heard his racist comments over the years}
If Biden chooses a white male/white female,,,hes a racist.
Same with choosing a latino, if Biden chooses a Latino, he's a racist for not choosing a black american.
Hmm,,maybe Biden needs to choose a half white/half black/half latino and 1/32nd white female who feels black?
:afro: :puhleeze: :re:

Post some of all the racist comments he has made, or STFU.
It's not about what he said.

Ukraine joe is racist. I doubt he remembers how racist he is though. He has dementia, is delusional, checks out mentally for days, has several health issues. Dude is lost.

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
What a predicament Joe Biden has gotten himself into. And why does he have to pick a black female woman? that alone wont work being there aren't any liberal black females out there even qualified to be VP with the possibility of taking over to be President.
So if Biden picks a black female, you know most voters will see him as a white guy pretending not to be a racist {yet we have all heard his racist comments over the years}
If Biden chooses a white male/white female,,,hes a racist.
Same with choosing a latino, if Biden chooses a Latino, he's a racist for not choosing a black american.
Hmm,,maybe Biden needs to choose a half white/half black/half latino and 1/32nd white female who feels black?
:afro: :puhleeze: :re:

Post some of all the racist comments he has made, or STFU.
  • “You cannot go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”
  • “They’re going to put y’all back in chains,” spoken to a diverse audience including black Americans.
  • “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” in reference to Barack Obama.
What a predicament Joe Biden has gotten himself into. And why does he have to pick a black female woman? that alone wont work being there aren't any liberal black females out there even qualified to be VP with the possibility of taking over to be President.
So if Biden picks a black female, you know most voters will see him as a white guy pretending not to be a racist {yet we have all heard his racist comments over the years}
If Biden chooses a white male/white female,,,hes a racist.
Same with choosing a latino, if Biden chooses a Latino, he's a racist for not choosing a black american.
Hmm,,maybe Biden needs to choose a half white/half black/half latino and 1/32nd white female who feels black?
:afro: :puhleeze: :re:

Post some of all the racist comments he has made, or STFU.
  • “You cannot go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”
  • “They’re going to put y’all back in chains,” spoken to a diverse audience including black Americans.
  • “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” in reference to Barack Obama.
maybe it is about what he said.......but since he is a democrat .....
What a predicament Joe Biden has gotten himself into. And why does he have to pick a black female woman? that alone wont work being there aren't any liberal black females out there even qualified to be VP with the possibility of taking over to be President.
So if Biden picks a black female, you know most voters will see him as a white guy pretending not to be a racist {yet we have all heard his racist comments over the years}
If Biden chooses a white male/white female,,,hes a racist.
Same with choosing a latino, if Biden chooses a Latino, he's a racist for not choosing a black american.
Hmm,,maybe Biden needs to choose a half white/half black/half latino and 1/32nd white female who feels black?
:afro: :puhleeze: :re:
He could choose Elizabeth Warren and get a little of everything. She might even be willing to become a tranny if that's what it takes.
What a predicament Joe Biden has gotten himself into. And why does he have to pick a black female woman? that alone wont work being there aren't any liberal black females out there even qualified to be VP with the possibility of taking over to be President.
So if Biden picks a black female, you know most voters will see him as a white guy pretending not to be a racist {yet we have all heard his racist comments over the years}
If Biden chooses a white male/white female,,,hes a racist.
Same with choosing a latino, if Biden chooses a Latino, he's a racist for not choosing a black american.
Hmm,,maybe Biden needs to choose a half white/half black/half latino and 1/32nd white female who feels black?
:afro: :puhleeze: :re:

Post some of all the racist comments he has made, or STFU.
  • “You cannot go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”
  • “They’re going to put y’all back in chains,” spoken to a diverse audience including black Americans.
  • “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” in reference to Barack Obama.
maybe it is about what he said.......but since he is a democrat .....
Bin Biden may as well said that Obama was the first black american to actually pronounce the word "Ask" correctly
What a predicament Joe Biden has gotten himself into. And why does he have to pick a black female woman? that alone wont work being there aren't any liberal black females out there even qualified to be VP with the possibility of taking over to be President.
So if Biden picks a black female, you know most voters will see him as a white guy pretending not to be a racist {yet we have all heard his racist comments over the years}
If Biden chooses a white male/white female,,,hes a racist.
Same with choosing a latino, if Biden chooses a Latino, he's a racist for not choosing a black american.
Hmm,,maybe Biden needs to choose a half white/half black/half latino and 1/32nd white female who feels black?
:afro: :puhleeze: :re:

Post some of all the racist comments he has made, or STFU.
  • “You cannot go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”
  • “They’re going to put y’all back in chains,” spoken to a diverse audience including black Americans.
  • “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” in reference to Barack Obama.
maybe it is about what he said.......but since he is a democrat .....
Bin Biden may as well said that Obama was the first black american to actually pronounce the word "Ask" correctly
I've been axed many many times.
What a predicament Joe Biden has gotten himself into. And why does he have to pick a black female woman? that alone wont work being there aren't any liberal black females out there even qualified to be VP with the possibility of taking over to be President.
So if Biden picks a black female, you know most voters will see him as a white guy pretending not to be a racist {yet we have all heard his racist comments over the years}
If Biden chooses a white male/white female,,,hes a racist.
Same with choosing a latino, if Biden chooses a Latino, he's a racist for not choosing a black american.
Hmm,,maybe Biden needs to choose a half white/half black/half latino and 1/32nd white female who feels black?
:afro: :puhleeze: :re:
The rule is this...any choice the white guy makes...short of blowing his brains out is the incorrect one. There can be no correct answer. This all about replacement. Whites are to be replaced.
What a predicament Joe Biden has gotten himself into. And why does he have to pick a black female woman? that alone wont work being there aren't any liberal black females out there even qualified to be VP with the possibility of taking over to be President.
So if Biden picks a black female, you know most voters will see him as a white guy pretending not to be a racist {yet we have all heard his racist comments over the years}
If Biden chooses a white male/white female,,,hes a racist.
Same with choosing a latino, if Biden chooses a Latino, he's a racist for not choosing a black american.
Hmm,,maybe Biden needs to choose a half white/half black/half latino and 1/32nd white female who feels black?
:afro: :puhleeze: :re:

Post some of all the racist comments he has made, or STFU.
Welp here's some for starters
He offered creepy racialized praise for presidential candidate Barack Obama by calling him “articulate” and “clean.”

He has invoked George Wallace, the former arch-racist Alabama governor and segregationist, to denounce Trump.

During Biden’s first White House bid in the 1980s, he bragged about receiving an award from Wallace while campaigning in the South.

Biden says that “poor kids” can do just as well in school “as white kids.”

He weirdly defended his past alliance with the racist Jim Crow Senator James O. Eastland by saying that Eastland “never called me ‘boy.’”

He thinks he endears himself to Black voters by telling a bizarre story about an alleged past swimming pool confrontation with a young Black tough named “Corn Pop.”

Last September, during the third Democratic presidential debate, a Black female ABC moderator asked Biden the following question about segregated schools, the legacy of slavery, and his past dismissal of the notion of reparations for slavery:
“Well, they have to deal with the — look, there’s institutional segregation in this country. And from the time I got involved, I started dealing with that. Red-lining banks, making sure that we are in a position where — look, you talk about education…make sure that we bring in to help the teachers deal with the problems that come from home. The problems that come from home, we need — we have one school psychologist for every 1,500 kids in America today. It’s crazy. The teachers are — I’m married to a teacher. My deceased wife is a teacher. They have every problem coming to them. We have — make sure that every single child does, in fact, have 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds go to school. School. Not daycare. School. We bring social workers into homes and parents to help them deal with how to raise their children. It’s not that they don’t want to help. They don’t — they don’t know quite what to do. Play the radio, make sure the television — excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night, the — the — make sure that kids hear words. A kid coming from a very poor school — a very poor background will hear 4 million words fewer spoken by the time they get there.”
What a predicament Joe Biden has gotten himself into. And why does he have to pick a black female woman? that alone wont work being there aren't any liberal black females out there even qualified to be VP with the possibility of taking over to be President.
So if Biden picks a black female, you know most voters will see him as a white guy pretending not to be a racist {yet we have all heard his racist comments over the years}
If Biden chooses a white male/white female,,,hes a racist.
Same with choosing a latino, if Biden chooses a Latino, he's a racist for not choosing a black american.
Hmm,,maybe Biden needs to choose a half white/half black/half latino and 1/32nd white female who feels black?
:afro: :puhleeze: :re:

Post some of all the racist comments he has made, or STFU.

Its not just his comments, but the fact that he was thick as thieves with liberal racists like Talmadge and Eastland. James O. Eastland was Sleepy Joe's mentor, considered the creepy Delawareite to virtually be his son.
What a predicament Joe Biden has gotten himself into. And why does he have to pick a black female woman? that alone wont work being there aren't any liberal black females out there even qualified to be VP with the possibility of taking over to be President.
So if Biden picks a black female, you know most voters will see him as a white guy pretending not to be a racist {yet we have all heard his racist comments over the years}
If Biden chooses a white male/white female,,,hes a racist.
Same with choosing a latino, if Biden chooses a Latino, he's a racist for not choosing a black american.
Hmm,,maybe Biden needs to choose a half white/half black/half latino and 1/32nd white female who feels black?
:afro: :puhleeze: :re:

Post some of all the racist comments he has made, or STFU.
Welp here's some for starters
He offered creepy racialized praise for presidential candidate Barack Obama by calling him “articulate” and “clean.”

He has invoked George Wallace, the former arch-racist Alabama governor and segregationist, to denounce Trump.

During Biden’s first White House bid in the 1980s, he bragged about receiving an award from Wallace while campaigning in the South.

Biden says that “poor kids” can do just as well in school “as white kids.”

He weirdly defended his past alliance with the racist Jim Crow Senator James O. Eastland by saying that Eastland “never called me ‘boy.’”

He thinks he endears himself to Black voters by telling a bizarre story about an alleged past swimming pool confrontation with a young Black tough named “Corn Pop.”

Last September, during the third Democratic presidential debate, a Black female ABC moderator asked Biden the following question about segregated schools, the legacy of slavery, and his past dismissal of the notion of reparations for slavery:

WC doesn't care. He'll justify the racism of ukraine joe because he's a lib hack........at all costs.

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