A modest proposal regarding Soros

It means a lot to me. It means nothing to you and your filthy ilk.

Stop projecting, ya little retard.

Oh really?

Constitution states that POTUS can't recieve payments from foreign governments and Trump clearly recieved payments from Chinese gov (among others) while being a president.

Do you give a shit? NOPE, just like you don't give a shit about all the other clear violations of the law crazy Trump commits.

You are just another unprincipled politico cultist that CAN'T accept that Dear Leader did something wrong.
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Oh really?

Constitution states that POTUS can't recieve payments from foreign governments and Trump clearly recieved payments from Chinese gov (among others) while being a president.
Youre wrong. What it says is that the President cannot accept remuneration from other governments. No part of that demands that he can’t get paid for services rendered (like renting some Chinese delegation a suite at me of his hotels). You moron.
Do you give a shit?

i certainly don’t give any credence to you or rent claims.
NOPE, just like you don't give a shit about all the other clear violations of the law crazy Trump commits.
There were no clear violations of law committed by Trump.
You are just another stupid cultist that CAN'T accept that Dear Leader did something wrong.
You’re just a retard cultist who can’t accept the fact that you have no credible evidence that he broke any laws.
It would assist your tiny little smooth brain if you’d bother to look up the meaning of emolument.

Also, you ignorant fuckstick, there are two emoluments clauses.

EMOLUMENT Definition & Legal Meaning​

Definition & Citations:​

The profit arising from office or employment; that which is received as a compensation for services, or which is annexed to the possession of office as salary, fees, and perquisites; advantage; gain, public or private. Webster. Any perquisite,advantage, profit, or gain arising from the possession of an office.

Apple v. CrawfordCounty. 105 Pa. 303. 51 Am. Itep. 205; Iloyt v. U. S., 10 IIow. 135, 13 L. Ed. 34S;Vansant v. State, 90 Md. 110, 53 Atl. 711.

It would assist your tiny little smooth brain if you’d bother to look up the meaning of emolument.

Also, you ignorant fuckstick, there are two emoluments clauses.
that mthr fker has such a hardon for trump, he has to post something about him multiple times a day to satisfy himself. He has no idea on the Emolument clause. None, nadda, nothing, zero
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EMOLUMENT Definition & Legal Meaning​

Definition & Citations:​

The profit arising from office or employment; that which is receivedas a compensation for services, or which is annexed to the possession of office assalary, fees, and perquisites; advantage; gain, public or private. Webster. Anyperquisite,advantage, profit, or gain arising from the possession of an office.

Apple v. CrawfordCounty. 105 Pa. 303. 51 Am. Itep. 205; Iloyt v. U. S., 10 IIow. 135, 13 L. Ed. 34S;Vansant v. State, 90 Md. 110, 53 Atl. 711.
yep compensation for services. Trump isn't providing any services, his company does. That isn't him you stupid fk an LLC is a business. fk you demofks are stupid
No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States:


And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present,






or Title,


of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.


What you smooth brain libturds derive from all of that is that Trump is somehow forbidden to charge a Chinese company (meaning, of course, the Chinese government) rent for rooms he leases to them.

That’s not what it means. It means that HE can’t work for a foreign government. The Framers sought to avoid any threat of dual allegiance. Getting rent money doesn’t threaten any such thing.
And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

What you smooth brain libturds derive from all of that is that Trump is somehow forbidden to charge a Chinese company (meaning, of course, the Chinese government) rent for rooms he leases to them.

That’s not what it means. It means that HE can’t work for a foreign government. The Framers sought to avoid any threat of dual allegiance. Getting rent money doesn’t threaten any such thing.

You seriously don't think POTUS personally pocketing foreign government payments presents a threat of dual allegiance? :cuckoo:

Trump's own foreign policy advisor stated that Trump's policy was swayed by personal financial interests.
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You seriously don't think POTUS personally pocketing foreign government payments presents a threat of dual allegiance? :cuckoo:

Trump's own foreign policy advisor stated that Trump's policy was swayed by personal financial interests.
ahh the narrative you stupid fkers believe. Hilarious. he was president for four years, impeached twice, none over this, so I rest my case. TDS is all you have!!! hold old willie with DT living rent free in your thoughts.
You seriously don't think POTUS personally pocketing foreign government payments presents a threat of dual allegiance?
Retard. Try to follow along. Trump is accepting rent from a tenant. No. Of course that doesn’t threaten anything involving dual allegiance. You moron.
Trump's own foreign policy advisor stated that Trump's policy was swayed by personal financial interests.
I don’t give a shit what some other person “said.” That doesn’t make it true.
Retard. Try to follow along. Trump is accepting rent from a tenant. No. Of course that doesn’t threaten anything involving dual allegiance.


So if that tennant threatens to terminate rent, among other payments, to apply personal financial pressure on POTUS that is definetly not a threat to American interests?

Are you seriously that naive or do you just make special mental allowances for your Dear Leader?
Just wondering out loud here:

Is there something that can be done to bankrupt Soros?

Legal I mean. It doesn’t seem probable. But fuck it. It might be worth a try.

You can't get rid of the amount of money he has, not to mention with his connections they wouldn't allow him to ever go bankrupt.

And even when he dies he will still be with us and he is leaving his empire to his son that how vowed to be even more political than his father.


So if that tennant threatens to terminate rent, among other payments, to apply personal financial pressure on POTUS that is definetly not a threat to American interests?

Are you seriously that naive or do you just make special mental allowances for your Dear Leader?
Damn; you’re dull.

You’d quibble over a grain of sand in the Sahara.

No. He is a businessman. He knows that some people cheat. There’s no a reason on Earth to assume that he’d make any Presidnetial decisions based on a failure of any tenant to pay rent.

You’re beyond petty and ridiculous. You’re just a joke.

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