Zone1 A Question For Pro-Choicers

Because you are conflicted. Because it is wrong to end a human life.
No one is contesting that point.

But there are people who believe that Constitutional rights do not yet extend to a zygote, embryo, or fetus, for moral or religious reasons. You may think that those people are bonkers or ignorant or outright evil, which is your right, but the government has to recognize their belief every bit as much as it recognizes yours.

The last thing we want the federal government to do is to dictate moral or religious beliefs. Instead, they should be protecting each person's right to decide where they stand on moral and religious issues according to their own conscience. Isn't that what you want, at least for yourself?
But make her acknowledge that she is ending a human life; one that has never existed before and will never exist again.
unique circumstances
So what if she is ending a human life; one that has never existed before and will never exist again? You said yourself she is involved in the unique circumstances whereas ending her pregnancy early involves ending a not viable and never viable human life similar to normal miscarriage. She is not killing a baby or committing a crime and when told that she had no reason to show remorse.
No one is contesting that point.

But there are people who believe that Constitutional rights do not yet extend to a zygote, embryo, or fetus, for moral or religious reasons.
So, bigots.

Who cares what hateful trash bigots think?

You may think that those people are bonkers or ignorant or outright evil, which is your right, but the government has to recognize their belief every bit as much as it recognizes yours.
No. The government has to be equal and fair and not endorse their moronic, hateful prejudice and discriminate against innocents to the point of turning a blind eye to their homicide.
So, bigots.

Who cares what hateful trash bigots think?
The Constitution.
No. The government has to be equal and fair and not endorse their moronic, hateful prejudice and discriminate against innocents to the point of turning a blind eye to their homicide.
You think they're hateful and prejudiced. They think you're hateful and prejudiced. The goal is to provide an answer that allows both people the freedom to follow their own morality.

And the "hom-" in homicide means "person." The government can't slap a homicide label on it if only some of the people believe that the target was legally a person.
And the "hom-" in homicide means "person." The government can't slap a homicide label on it if only some of the people believe that the target was legally a person.
When someone kills a mother and her unborn child, why are they often charged with 2 murders/homicides?

Example, FL law:
782.09 Killing of unborn child by injury to mother.—
(1) The unlawful killing of an unborn child, by any injury to the mother of such child which would be murder if it resulted in the death of such mother, shall be deemed murder in the same degree as that which would have been committed against the mother. Any person, other than the mother, who unlawfully kills an unborn child by any injury to the mother:
unique circumstances

Saint Ding says in post #11,521 that ending a human life through abortion is wrong. That is a personal opinion and should be taken as such and no further because ending an abortion within the first 20 weeks decided for convenience by the woman involved is a private matter for her and with whomever she chooses to share it.

dvng.23.10.17 #11,527 “But by making it a misdemeanor women are still allowed to do it if they feel they really must.​
One of the many “unique circumstances” that a woman faces during the first weeks of finding out she is pregnant is the reality that there is no way to know if full term gestation will kill her. The odds say ‘not likely’ but the reality is some women will lose.

So if a woman becomes pregnant and does not want to be, if she chooses to avoid the risk of delivering a new unique human being to the world by having an abortion; who is Saint Ding to say it is wrong and that she has to answer to him by being publicly shamed for acting in self defense.

nf.23.10.18 #871
Saint Ding says in post #11,521 that ending a human life through abortion is wrong. That is a personal opinion and should be taken as such and no further because ending an abortion within the first 20 weeks decided for convenience by the woman involved is a private matter for her and with whomever she chooses to share it.
Why does it stop being a private matter a for woman and whomever she chooses to share it at 20 weeks?
Why does a woman's absolute right to bodily autonomy end at 20 weeks (thus meaning the right is not absolute)?
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So if a woman becomes pregnant and does not want to be, if she chooses to avoid the risk of delivering a new unique human being to the world by having an abortion; who is Saint Ding to say it is wrong and that she has to answer to him by being publicly shamed for acting in self defense.

That's murder, not self-defense. The innocent human being that is killed poses no threat to the murder that comes anywhere close to the level that would support a claim of self-defense.
Paying to kill black babies is the outcome of their policy.
If you're not going to even pretend to talk about reality, why should anyone bother speaking with you?

Your religious brainwashing has transformed you into a delusional fascist. That's why nobody takes you seriously, and you're classified as comic relief.
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" Abortion Thread Trolls Defending Mental Retardation And Populism To Save Themselves Against Euthanasia "

* Dealing With Angry Man You Omnivores Feigning Harmless Molars And Hiding Canines *

What was your point? That you can't accept abortion being a misdemeanor?
More like go fuck yourself if you believe either myself , or my expectations for any other , is to answer to yearn self officiated social justice for a neophyte foundation of political science .

When individuals grant themselves absolution , they are capable of killing as equally as any other damned dirty hue mammon ape .

Some fools fall for the folly of logical fallacy in the bandwagon of populism , and following deleterious principles as a democrat , apply its traitorous principles against a credo in e pluribus unum for us republic and seek to apply democracy for its tyranny by collective majority , so as to usurp individuals of independence and equal protection of negative liberties among individuals .

From principles of individualism , an equal protection of negative liberties among individuals may suppose a collective of individuals to be an individual : an individual citizen ; an individual non citizen ( with and without being a subject by title in a legal immigration system ) , an individual corporation , an individual state of governance , and an individual federate of governance .

Yearn reply was trite and its premise that abortion be a misdemeanor is exemplary of a malevolent malcontent with a uniform fetish for myopia to quell an anxiety about mortality with a psycho sexual obsession , that disregards whether principles of non violence or individualism are violated .

Mine guess is ewe may be as demented as purporting to be a christian , of which ewe would be incriminated for heresy .

Angra Mainyu (/ˈæŋrə ˈmaɪnjuː/; Avestan: 𐬀𐬢𐬭𐬀⸱𐬨𐬀𐬌𐬥𐬌𐬌𐬎 Aŋra Mainiiu) or Ahreman (Persian: اهرِمن) is the Avestan name of Zoroastrianism's hypostasis of the "destructive/evil spirit" and the main adversary in Zoroastrianism either of the Spenta Mainyu, the "holy/creative spirits/mentality", or directly of Ahura Mazda, the highest deity of Zoroastrianism.
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When someone kills a mother and her unborn child, why are they often charged with 2 murders/homicides?

Example, FL law:
782.09 Killing of unborn child by injury to mother.—
(1) The unlawful killing of an unborn child, by any injury to the mother of such child which would be murder if it resulted in the death of such mother, shall be deemed murder in the same degree as that which would have been committed against the mother. Any person, other than the mother, who unlawfully kills an unborn child by any injury to the mother:
Because that's how Florida chooses to do it. Florida, though, is one of fifty, and at the federal level, the other 49 have to be taken into account as well.

In case your next question is "Why hasn't it been struck down at the federal level?" the answer is because it has never been brought before the Supreme Court, Congress, or the President. If it ever becomes a serious enough issue it could very well be struck down, but in my experience issues in which the injured party is a murderer don't tend to get elevated too far up the ladder.
" Squealing Hamster Wheels Of Cloistered Fantasies "

* Gawd Is Simile For Garments Of Physical Characteristics *

Says a fool who denies God.
One who denies God is in no position to judge anyone else's, intelligence or mental soundness.
The gawd of a hue mammon ape is its composite of physical characteristics , which are by simile , its garments from nature ,

Let us inflate the case of the letters in the term god to its highest reference of " GOD " , which of course trumps the lesser reference of " God " , which apparently trumps the lowest reference of " god " .

Your conjectures are based on a logical fallacy , as an argument from authority of " GOD " .

If a law of " GOD " existed that the penalty for murder is death , where any which committed murder instantly died , such that any woman having an abortion would immediately die for having committed murder , then that would be a real law and not an imaginary law .

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Because that's how Florida chooses to do it. Florida, though, is one of fifty, and at the federal level, the other 49 have to be taken into account as well.
According to you:
The government can't slap a homicide label on it if only some of the people believe that the target was legally a person.

All murders are homicides; at least 1 state -- and the federal government -- does "slap the a homicide label on it if only some of the people believe that the target was legally a person."

(18 USC 1841):
Anyone who participates in activity that violates any of the provisions of law and causes the death or bodily harm as defined in section 1365 of a child who is in utero at the time the conduct occurs is guilty of a separate crime under this section.

Thus, your statement is false.

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