A question on tipping

I never understood this blizzaro world where regular labor rules don't apply to restaurants.

I'd rather be done with the tipping . People who live off tips are the biggest tax cheats .
Tax cheats....That flies in the face of the argument that only the 1% are tax cheats....Anyway, the issue of why pays taxes and who does not is not material to the discussion. .
The reason the low wage for servers exists( $2.13) is ensure their wage plus tips equals or exceeds the minimum wage.
And here's a piece of info for you. Most tabs are paid and tipped through the use of a credit or debit card. Therefore, the paper and electronic trail is there to ensure the server declares the correct percentage of their tips.
Hence the reason why we preferred to be tipped in cash. We pay enough of a dowry to the state and federal govt...
Taxation is not for punishment. I'd like you to hold on to that fact

Here's a fact . I work for a living . No hiding my income .

I know all sorts of service workers who are "paper poor" . That way they can qualify for all sorts of low income assistance cause they hide their true income.

And the of course the far left supports people who do this if they are in the protected groups..

And of course you hide your income, otherwise all the bets you loose could be a tax write off..

Silly far left drone!
I try to leave cash tips . I like using cash at restaurants . It annoys the fuck out of me when everyone pulls out cards . Pain in the ass .

Sorry you are supposed to give all your money to government then let them give what they think you are worth, it is the far left way after all!

You spew your religious dogma, yet do not follow your own religion..
So...A question for the members here.
You go out to your favorite restaurant. Not a chain, but a privately owned eatery. Or lets say your favorite local pub. As you enter, you see a new sign on the door. It says.."dear valued customers. As of ( date) we here at Joes Bar and Grill have instituted a no tipping policy. Instead, a surcharge of 20% ( or whatever...20% is the most common figure) will be added to the bill for each meal/drinks served. This is being done in response to new local regulations that mandate we pay a minimum wage to our employees. The surcharge is to cover the additional cost of labor. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause"...
Read this column. Then comment.....Please note. The higher minimum wage is just ONE reason restaurant owners are moving away from tipping.
oh...Readers may be curious as to my stance....
Having been in the food and beverage business for 5 years I can say without a doubt that I would MUCH prefer to be compensated via gratuities. I believe the gratuity is the ultimate merit system as most normal people appreciate the hard work and attentiveness of a good server/bartender and will tip appropriately. During my tenure I found that to be the case. I would much rather deal with being paid in cash.....Just peel off the 8% to declare to the feds and off I went. And being able to yank down anywhere from $100 to $150 in a 6/7 hour shift would mean being paid a salary up to $30 per hour. Nobody is going to do that.
Even at $15 per hour, I would have LOST income..Plus I believe that paying servers/bartenders by the hour removes incentive to go that extra mile to enhance the customer's experience.

I'd decide that the owner of that restaurant is full of shit and I'd find a new favorite place to eat.

An honest restaurant owner would just announce the no tipping policy and raise prices. Alternatively, he might not kill tipping and just raise prices. I don't need to be treated like an imbecile by a restaurant owner who thinks I don't know anything about how the economy works.
So...A question for the members here.
You go out to your favorite restaurant. Not a chain, but a privately owned eatery. Or lets say your favorite local pub. As you enter, you see a new sign on the door. It says.."dear valued customers. As of ( date) we here at Joes Bar and Grill have instituted a no tipping policy. Instead, a surcharge of 20% ( or whatever...20% is the most common figure) will be added to the bill for each meal/drinks served. This is being done in response to new local regulations that mandate we pay a minimum wage to our employees. The surcharge is to cover the additional cost of labor. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause"...
Read this column. Then comment.....Please note. The higher minimum wage is just ONE reason restaurant owners are moving away from tipping.
oh...Readers may be curious as to my stance....
Having been in the food and beverage business for 5 years I can say without a doubt that I would MUCH prefer to be compensated via gratuities. I believe the gratuity is the ultimate merit system as most normal people appreciate the hard work and attentiveness of a good server/bartender and will tip appropriately. During my tenure I found that to be the case. I would much rather deal with being paid in cash.....Just peel off the 8% to declare to the feds and off I went. And being able to yank down anywhere from $100 to $150 in a 6/7 hour shift would mean being paid a salary up to $30 per hour. Nobody is going to do that.
Even at $15 per hour, I would have LOST income..Plus I believe that paying servers/bartenders by the hour removes incentive to go that extra mile to enhance the customer's experience.

It's funny that you claim you can make $30/hour because of salary plus tips,

and yet you think restaurants are going to go out of business at $15/hour,

because customers won't pay for any price increases that come about, if necessary, to cover labor costs.
I try to leave cash tips . I like using cash at restaurants . It annoys the fuck out of me when everyone pulls out cards . Pain in the ass .

Sorry you are supposed to give all your money to government then let them give what they think you are worth, it is the far left way after all!

You spew your religious dogma, yet do not follow your own religion..

Your welfare isn't taxable is it?
So...A question for the members here.
You go out to your favorite restaurant. Not a chain, but a privately owned eatery. Or lets say your favorite local pub. As you enter, you see a new sign on the door. It says.."dear valued customers. As of ( date) we here at Joes Bar and Grill have instituted a no tipping policy. Instead, a surcharge of 20% ( or whatever...20% is the most common figure) will be added to the bill for each meal/drinks served. This is being done in response to new local regulations that mandate we pay a minimum wage to our employees. The surcharge is to cover the additional cost of labor. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause"...
Read this column. Then comment.....Please note. The higher minimum wage is just ONE reason restaurant owners are moving away from tipping.
oh...Readers may be curious as to my stance....
Having been in the food and beverage business for 5 years I can say without a doubt that I would MUCH prefer to be compensated via gratuities. I believe the gratuity is the ultimate merit system as most normal people appreciate the hard work and attentiveness of a good server/bartender and will tip appropriately. During my tenure I found that to be the case. I would much rather deal with being paid in cash.....Just peel off the 8% to declare to the feds and off I went. And being able to yank down anywhere from $100 to $150 in a 6/7 hour shift would mean being paid a salary up to $30 per hour. Nobody is going to do that.
Even at $15 per hour, I would have LOST income..Plus I believe that paying servers/bartenders by the hour removes incentive to go that extra mile to enhance the customer's experience.

I'd decide that the owner of that restaurant is full of shit and I'd find a new favorite place to eat.

An honest restaurant owner would just announce the no tipping policy and raise prices. Alternatively, he might not kill tipping and just raise prices. I don't need to be treated like an imbecile by a restaurant owner who thinks I don't know anything about how the economy works.
But you are a leftist. Therefore, you really do not know anything about how the economy works.

Just leave your 20% like you are supposed to and shut the fuck up, scum bag.
So...A question for the members here.
You go out to your favorite restaurant. Not a chain, but a privately owned eatery. Or lets say your favorite local pub. As you enter, you see a new sign on the door. It says.."dear valued customers. As of ( date) we here at Joes Bar and Grill have instituted a no tipping policy. Instead, a surcharge of 20% ( or whatever...20% is the most common figure) will be added to the bill for each meal/drinks served. This is being done in response to new local regulations that mandate we pay a minimum wage to our employees. The surcharge is to cover the additional cost of labor. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause"...
Read this column. Then comment.....Please note. The higher minimum wage is just ONE reason restaurant owners are moving away from tipping.
oh...Readers may be curious as to my stance....
Having been in the food and beverage business for 5 years I can say without a doubt that I would MUCH prefer to be compensated via gratuities. I believe the gratuity is the ultimate merit system as most normal people appreciate the hard work and attentiveness of a good server/bartender and will tip appropriately. During my tenure I found that to be the case. I would much rather deal with being paid in cash.....Just peel off the 8% to declare to the feds and off I went. And being able to yank down anywhere from $100 to $150 in a 6/7 hour shift would mean being paid a salary up to $30 per hour. Nobody is going to do that.
Even at $15 per hour, I would have LOST income..Plus I believe that paying servers/bartenders by the hour removes incentive to go that extra mile to enhance the customer's experience.

I'd decide that the owner of that restaurant is full of shit and I'd find a new favorite place to eat.

An honest restaurant owner would just announce the no tipping policy and raise prices. Alternatively, he might not kill tipping and just raise prices. I don't need to be treated like an imbecile by a restaurant owner who thinks I don't know anything about how the economy works.
But you are a leftist. Therefore, you really do not know anything about how the economy works.

Just leave your 20% like you are supposed to and shut the fuck up, scum bag.

I am a leftist?
So...A question for the members here.
You go out to your favorite restaurant. Not a chain, but a privately owned eatery. Or lets say your favorite local pub. As you enter, you see a new sign on the door. It says.."dear valued customers. As of ( date) we here at Joes Bar and Grill have instituted a no tipping policy. Instead, a surcharge of 20% ( or whatever...20% is the most common figure) will be added to the bill for each meal/drinks served. This is being done in response to new local regulations that mandate we pay a minimum wage to our employees. The surcharge is to cover the additional cost of labor. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause"...
Read this column. Then comment.....Please note. The higher minimum wage is just ONE reason restaurant owners are moving away from tipping.
oh...Readers may be curious as to my stance....
Having been in the food and beverage business for 5 years I can say without a doubt that I would MUCH prefer to be compensated via gratuities. I believe the gratuity is the ultimate merit system as most normal people appreciate the hard work and attentiveness of a good server/bartender and will tip appropriately. During my tenure I found that to be the case. I would much rather deal with being paid in cash.....Just peel off the 8% to declare to the feds and off I went. And being able to yank down anywhere from $100 to $150 in a 6/7 hour shift would mean being paid a salary up to $30 per hour. Nobody is going to do that.
Even at $15 per hour, I would have LOST income..Plus I believe that paying servers/bartenders by the hour removes incentive to go that extra mile to enhance the customer's experience.
Some nations, such as New Zealand I just got back from, does not have any tipping for any service. And all the service we received was A-1.

Tipping to me is a scam. Used to be 10%, then 15%, now it's 20%. That's a scam, a percentage is a percentage.

Austalia is the same way, different society, plus they both have micro managed pay scales by the government.
So...A question for the members here.
You go out to your favorite restaurant. Not a chain, but a privately owned eatery. Or lets say your favorite local pub. As you enter, you see a new sign on the door. It says.."dear valued customers. As of ( date) we here at Joes Bar and Grill have instituted a no tipping policy. Instead, a surcharge of 20% ( or whatever...20% is the most common figure) will be added to the bill for each meal/drinks served. This is being done in response to new local regulations that mandate we pay a minimum wage to our employees. The surcharge is to cover the additional cost of labor. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause"...
Read this column. Then comment.....Please note. The higher minimum wage is just ONE reason restaurant owners are moving away from tipping.
oh...Readers may be curious as to my stance....
Having been in the food and beverage business for 5 years I can say without a doubt that I would MUCH prefer to be compensated via gratuities. I believe the gratuity is the ultimate merit system as most normal people appreciate the hard work and attentiveness of a good server/bartender and will tip appropriately. During my tenure I found that to be the case. I would much rather deal with being paid in cash.....Just peel off the 8% to declare to the feds and off I went. And being able to yank down anywhere from $100 to $150 in a 6/7 hour shift would mean being paid a salary up to $30 per hour. Nobody is going to do that.
Even at $15 per hour, I would have LOST income..Plus I believe that paying servers/bartenders by the hour removes incentive to go that extra mile to enhance the customer's experience.

Why is this, or has it ever been an issue? Pay the employee at least the national minimum wage, and the tipping, as it has always been, is optional for the customer.

I have always looked at tipping as a courtesy and cordial back and forth between the customer and the server. A societal handshake and nod. Optional. Sometimes you don't have the money to leave a tip. Big deal.

Any restaurant that posts that or states 'we are charging you 20% extra for everything we sell because we found this loophole' doesn't get my business. It's been a well known scam in the restaurant industry that they lobbied for so they could pay their employees less than minimum wage.

Pay people, leave the tipping as it is. Why do people search for something to turn into a problem.
I never understood this blizzaro world where regular labor rules don't apply to restaurants.

I'd rather be done with the tipping . People who live off tips are the biggest tax cheats .

You don't tip, do you, Timmy?
So...A question for the members here.
You go out to your favorite restaurant. Not a chain, but a privately owned eatery. Or lets say your favorite local pub. As you enter, you see a new sign on the door. It says.."dear valued customers. As of ( date) we here at Joes Bar and Grill have instituted a no tipping policy. Instead, a surcharge of 20% ( or whatever...20% is the most common figure) will be added to the bill for each meal/drinks served. This is being done in response to new local regulations that mandate we pay a minimum wage to our employees. The surcharge is to cover the additional cost of labor. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause"...
Read this column. Then comment.....Please note. The higher minimum wage is just ONE reason restaurant owners are moving away from tipping.
oh...Readers may be curious as to my stance....
Having been in the food and beverage business for 5 years I can say without a doubt that I would MUCH prefer to be compensated via gratuities. I believe the gratuity is the ultimate merit system as most normal people appreciate the hard work and attentiveness of a good server/bartender and will tip appropriately. During my tenure I found that to be the case. I would much rather deal with being paid in cash.....Just peel off the 8% to declare to the feds and off I went. And being able to yank down anywhere from $100 to $150 in a 6/7 hour shift would mean being paid a salary up to $30 per hour. Nobody is going to do that.
Even at $15 per hour, I would have LOST income..Plus I believe that paying servers/bartenders by the hour removes incentive to go that extra mile to enhance the customer's experience.

I'd decide that the owner of that restaurant is full of shit and I'd find a new favorite place to eat.

An honest restaurant owner would just announce the no tipping policy and raise prices. Alternatively, he might not kill tipping and just raise prices. I don't need to be treated like an imbecile by a restaurant owner who thinks I don't know anything about how the economy works.
But you are a leftist. Therefore, you really do not know anything about how the economy works.

Just leave your 20% like you are supposed to and shut the fuck up, scum bag.

I am a leftist?


You think you're not?
I never understood this blizzaro world where regular labor rules don't apply to restaurants.

I'd rather be done with the tipping . People who live off tips are the biggest tax cheats .
Tax cheats....That flies in the face of the argument that only the 1% are tax cheats....Anyway, the issue of why pays taxes and who does not is not material to the discussion. .
The reason the low wage for servers exists( $2.13) is ensure their wage plus tips equals or exceeds the minimum wage.
And here's a piece of info for you. Most tabs are paid and tipped through the use of a credit or debit card. Therefore, the paper and electronic trail is there to ensure the server declares the correct percentage of their tips.
Hence the reason why we preferred to be tipped in cash. We pay enough of a dowry to the state and federal govt...
Taxation is not for punishment. I'd like you to hold on to that fact

Here's a fact . I work for a living . No hiding my income .

I know all sorts of service workers who are "paper poor" . That way they can qualify for all sorts of low income assistance cause they hide their true income.

You don't know what you're talking about. I owned a restaurant, one of five different businesses that I've owned. Government regulations require us to charge taxes based on expected tips, it doesn't matter how much you say customers left you, we withhold taxes on a reasonable number anyway.

Granted you may escape some taxes, but if you claim you're paid $15K a year in salary and tips, it doesn't fly. If your employer does let you get away with that, the government will eventually take it out in flesh from the restaurant. One thing business owners don't do is let the government take a pound of flesh from us to let you evade taxes
So...A question for the members here.
You go out to your favorite restaurant. Not a chain, but a privately owned eatery. Or lets say your favorite local pub. As you enter, you see a new sign on the door. It says.."dear valued customers. As of ( date) we here at Joes Bar and Grill have instituted a no tipping policy. Instead, a surcharge of 20% ( or whatever...20% is the most common figure) will be added to the bill for each meal/drinks served. This is being done in response to new local regulations that mandate we pay a minimum wage to our employees. The surcharge is to cover the additional cost of labor. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause"...
Read this column. Then comment.....Please note. The higher minimum wage is just ONE reason restaurant owners are moving away from tipping.
oh...Readers may be curious as to my stance....
Having been in the food and beverage business for 5 years I can say without a doubt that I would MUCH prefer to be compensated via gratuities. I believe the gratuity is the ultimate merit system as most normal people appreciate the hard work and attentiveness of a good server/bartender and will tip appropriately. During my tenure I found that to be the case. I would much rather deal with being paid in cash.....Just peel off the 8% to declare to the feds and off I went. And being able to yank down anywhere from $100 to $150 in a 6/7 hour shift would mean being paid a salary up to $30 per hour. Nobody is going to do that.
Even at $15 per hour, I would have LOST income..Plus I believe that paying servers/bartenders by the hour removes incentive to go that extra mile to enhance the customer's experience.

I'd decide that the owner of that restaurant is full of shit and I'd find a new favorite place to eat.

An honest restaurant owner would just announce the no tipping policy and raise prices. Alternatively, he might not kill tipping and just raise prices. I don't need to be treated like an imbecile by a restaurant owner who thinks I don't know anything about how the economy works.
But you are a leftist. Therefore, you really do not know anything about how the economy works.

Just leave your 20% like you are supposed to and shut the fuck up, scum bag.

I am a leftist?


You think you're not?

I know I'm not.
So...A question for the members here.
You go out to your favorite restaurant. Not a chain, but a privately owned eatery. Or lets say your favorite local pub. As you enter, you see a new sign on the door. It says.."dear valued customers. As of ( date) we here at Joes Bar and Grill have instituted a no tipping policy. Instead, a surcharge of 20% ( or whatever...20% is the most common figure) will be added to the bill for each meal/drinks served. This is being done in response to new local regulations that mandate we pay a minimum wage to our employees. The surcharge is to cover the additional cost of labor. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause"...
Read this column. Then comment.....Please note. The higher minimum wage is just ONE reason restaurant owners are moving away from tipping.
oh...Readers may be curious as to my stance....
Having been in the food and beverage business for 5 years I can say without a doubt that I would MUCH prefer to be compensated via gratuities. I believe the gratuity is the ultimate merit system as most normal people appreciate the hard work and attentiveness of a good server/bartender and will tip appropriately. During my tenure I found that to be the case. I would much rather deal with being paid in cash.....Just peel off the 8% to declare to the feds and off I went. And being able to yank down anywhere from $100 to $150 in a 6/7 hour shift would mean being paid a salary up to $30 per hour. Nobody is going to do that.
Even at $15 per hour, I would have LOST income..Plus I believe that paying servers/bartenders by the hour removes incentive to go that extra mile to enhance the customer's experience.

I'd decide that the owner of that restaurant is full of shit and I'd find a new favorite place to eat.

An honest restaurant owner would just announce the no tipping policy and raise prices. Alternatively, he might not kill tipping and just raise prices. I don't need to be treated like an imbecile by a restaurant owner who thinks I don't know anything about how the economy works.
But you are a leftist. Therefore, you really do not know anything about how the economy works.

Just leave your 20% like you are supposed to and shut the fuck up, scum bag.

I am a leftist?


You think you're not?

I know I'm not.
Just because you are a mere half inch to the right of Lenin does not exclude you from the category of leftist.
I'd decide that the owner of that restaurant is full of shit and I'd find a new favorite place to eat.

An honest restaurant owner would just announce the no tipping policy and raise prices. Alternatively, he might not kill tipping and just raise prices. I don't need to be treated like an imbecile by a restaurant owner who thinks I don't know anything about how the economy works.
But you are a leftist. Therefore, you really do not know anything about how the economy works.

Just leave your 20% like you are supposed to and shut the fuck up, scum bag.

I am a leftist?


You think you're not?

I know I'm not.
Just because you are a mere half inch to the right of Lenin does not exclude you from the category of leftist.

Who are you again? Are you someone I should know?
When I was in Atlanta went to a mostly black bar to get dinner. Automatically took the tip out on my bill. I told the bartender to bad if it wasn't automatically taken out he would've got more. But I heard most black people don't tip.
When I was in Atlanta went to a mostly black bar to get dinner. Automatically took the tip out on my bill. I told the bartender to bad if it wasn't automatically taken out he would've got more. But I heard most black people don't tip.
That's right. Blacks don't tip for shit. You had it automatically deducted for this very reason.

I hope you got decent service, assuming you are white. I have been to black joints and received shitty service while tables around me occupied by blacks received wonderful service. I guess I'll that is "social justice" in action.
But you are a leftist. Therefore, you really do not know anything about how the economy works.

Just leave your 20% like you are supposed to and shut the fuck up, scum bag.

I am a leftist?


You think you're not?

I know I'm not.
Just because you are a mere half inch to the right of Lenin does not exclude you from the category of leftist.

Who are you again? Are you someone I should know?
No worries. I don't want to know you either. From your comments it is clear that you are another typical leftist dirt bag.

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