A question on tipping

you don't give a damn for those workers who would lose their jobs because you and your republican friends didn't eat there anymore??.or the small business owner forced out of business.?...like I said how republican of you
You frequent businesses to help employ people? You expect people to buy that steamy pile?

yes because being a leftard

he has fascist leanings

the only acceptable answer is his

false! right tards are exponentially more fascist then left tards.


nice try

who are the ones blocking the freeways

who are the folks shutting down free speech
1. blocking the freeway is stupid
No one is shutting down free speech .
But you keep telling yourself that.

Clearly, you live in a bubble. Censorship is rampant on college campuses across the country...a preview of coming Totalitarian Attractions.
What a stupid thread.

Americans are the only ones in the world who DO NOT include service in the bill!

What's the big deal? I've worked for tips and know damn well how it works. Do a good job and you get more.

The problem is that tax agencies now require that all tips be added together and then shared among all. That means the dolts and lollards earn the same as the ones who provide real service.

That American establishments are turning to this is far too late. I'd like to see it in effect everywhere.
I agree

Tipping is a nuisance and should only be reserved for truly exceptional service. Why patrons are expected to compensate exceptionally poor pay is ridiculous

Last edited:
You frequent businesses to help employ people? You expect people to buy that steamy pile?

yes because being a leftard

he has fascist leanings

the only acceptable answer is his

false! right tards are exponentially more fascist then left tards.


nice try

who are the ones blocking the freeways

who are the folks shutting down free speech
1. blocking the freeway is stupid
No one is shutting down free speech .
But you keep telling yourself that.

Clearly, you live in a bubble. Censorship is rampant on college campuses across the country...a preview of coming Totalitarian Attractions.
You frequent businesses to help employ people? You expect people to buy that steamy pile?

yes because being a leftard

he has fascist leanings

the only acceptable answer is his

false! right tards are exponentially more fascist then left tards.


nice try

who are the ones blocking the freeways

who are the folks shutting down free speech
1. blocking the freeway is stupid
No one is shutting down free speech .
But you keep telling yourself that.

Clearly, you live in a bubble. Censorship is rampant on college campuses across the country...a preview of coming Totalitarian Attractions.
A Glimpse Into the GOP's Backward Bubble
yes because being a leftard

he has fascist leanings

the only acceptable answer is his

false! right tards are exponentially more fascist then left tards.


nice try

who are the ones blocking the freeways

who are the folks shutting down free speech
1. blocking the freeway is stupid
No one is shutting down free speech .
But you keep telling yourself that.

Clearly, you live in a bubble. Censorship is rampant on college campuses across the country...a preview of coming Totalitarian Attractions.
yes because being a leftard

he has fascist leanings

the only acceptable answer is his

false! right tards are exponentially more fascist then left tards.


nice try

who are the ones blocking the freeways

who are the folks shutting down free speech
1. blocking the freeway is stupid
No one is shutting down free speech .
But you keep telling yourself that.

Clearly, you live in a bubble. Censorship is rampant on college campuses across the country...a preview of coming Totalitarian Attractions.
A Glimpse Into the GOP's Backward Bubble

I must invoke my #1 Policy of not performing clickage on any link for which the poster has neither the courtesy nor the intellect to provide commentary as to why they are relevant (with the exceptions of youtube style links for fun and fluff threads).

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Automatic tips works for everyone except for those elitists who critique everything except themselves. They expect good service because of their condescending attitude. I tip 25 percent for good or what some call bad service.
I think this is the better way if the clientele is predominately black.
I have heard that blacks are really bad tippers.
They drive the servers crazy always sending food back,requesting the food to be cooked a certain way
other then how it's explained in the menu.
Then with a dinner party of 10 with a $200.00 tab they might leave a $2.00 tip....

This and the owner being forced to pay a salary higher then they can afford it makes sense
to come up with a way to increase revenue.
Really? I've seen more whites do what you discribe the blacks .
Being cheap and acting like a dick crosses all racial lines.

Of course. Blacks and liberal whites are the cheapest bastards on the planet when it comes to tipping and charity....
Absolute bullshit but you just had to justify your racism and bigotry.

Says the racist, bigoted far left drone!

Oh these irony impaired far left domes and their comments!

Yes that is what 99.9% of you far left drones posts are like!
I think this is the better way if the clientele is predominately black.
I have heard that blacks are really bad tippers.
They drive the servers crazy always sending food back,requesting the food to be cooked a certain way
other then how it's explained in the menu.
Then with a dinner party of 10 with a $200.00 tab they might leave a $2.00 tip....

This and the owner being forced to pay a salary higher then they can afford it makes sense
to come up with a way to increase revenue.
Really? I've seen more whites do what you discribe the blacks .
Being cheap and acting like a dick crosses all racial lines.

Of course. Blacks and liberal whites are the cheapest bastards on the planet when it comes to tipping and charity....
Absolute bullshit but you just had to justify your racism and bigotry.

Nope it's a fact my first wife used to work at Applebee in Chicago and why else would millionaire liberals write letters after letters wanting taxes raised?

It is because they have a liberal mental disease that they can not give freely .
Could you be any less ignorant?
Top 10 National Charities That Deserve Your Time And Money - www.liberalamerica.org

So a far left drone uses a far left drone blog site to tell them what and how to think..

Go figure that one!

But then again I bet this far left done never tips!
false! right tards are exponentially more fascist then left tards.


nice try

who are the ones blocking the freeways

who are the folks shutting down free speech
1. blocking the freeway is stupid
No one is shutting down free speech .
But you keep telling yourself that.

Clearly, you live in a bubble. Censorship is rampant on college campuses across the country...a preview of coming Totalitarian Attractions.
false! right tards are exponentially more fascist then left tards.


nice try

who are the ones blocking the freeways

who are the folks shutting down free speech
1. blocking the freeway is stupid
No one is shutting down free speech .
But you keep telling yourself that.

Clearly, you live in a bubble. Censorship is rampant on college campuses across the country...a preview of coming Totalitarian Attractions.
A Glimpse Into the GOP's Backward Bubble

I must invoke my #1 Policy of not performing clickage on any link for which the poster has neither the courtesy nor the intellect to provide commentary as to why they are relevant (with the exceptions of youtube style links for fun and fluff threads).

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Classic bubble dweller response!
Really? I've seen more whites do what you discribe the blacks .
Being cheap and acting like a dick crosses all racial lines.

Of course. Blacks and liberal whites are the cheapest bastards on the planet when it comes to tipping and charity....
Absolute bullshit but you just had to justify your racism and bigotry.

Nope it's a fact my first wife used to work at Applebee in Chicago and why else would millionaire liberals write letters after letters wanting taxes raised?

It is because they have a liberal mental disease that they can not give freely .
Could you be any less ignorant?
Top 10 National Charities That Deserve Your Time And Money - www.liberalamerica.org

So a far left drone uses a far left drone blog site to tell them what and how to think..

Go figure that one!

But then again I bet this far left done never tips!
You be absolutely wrong as you always are .
Not to mention
Definition of REPETITIVE
I think this is the better way if the clientele is predominately black.
I have heard that blacks are really bad tippers.
They drive the servers crazy always sending food back,requesting the food to be cooked a certain way
other then how it's explained in the menu.
Then with a dinner party of 10 with a $200.00 tab they might leave a $2.00 tip....

This and the owner being forced to pay a salary higher then they can afford it makes sense
to come up with a way to increase revenue.
Really? I've seen more whites do what you discribe the blacks .
Being cheap and acting like a dick crosses all racial lines.

Of course. Blacks and liberal whites are the cheapest bastards on the planet when it comes to tipping and charity....
Absolute bullshit but you just had to justify your racism and bigotry.

Nope it's a fact my first wife used to work at Applebee in Chicago and why else would millionaire liberals write letters after letters wanting taxes raised?

It is because they have a liberal mental disease that they can not give freely .
Could you be any less ignorant?
Top 10 National Charities That Deserve Your Time And Money - www.liberalamerica.org


Stuff Black People Don’t Like: Tipping

Stuff Black People Don’t Like: Tipping

So yesterday I was reading a Shadow & Act post about a new web series called “Black People Don’t…” a satirical yet candid discussion with black folks around stereotypical things we, as a people, supposedly don’t do. Anyway, there was one episode that really caught my attention on the subject of blacks not tipping. Now I know what you’re saying — “That is a racist untruth that does not dignify an answer, blah, blah, and blah….” — but before folks get all indignant I have a story to tell.

All through high school and pretty much through college, I worked as a waitress. In fact, my very first on-the-books job was as a waitress at Friendly’s – you know, the place that makes those SuperMelt sandwiches and ice cream sundaes. Anyway, my first few weeks of work was spent as a waitress-in-training, which meant that I had to follow around a tenured waitress, whose job it was to ready me for waiting tables of my own. She took kindly to me, showing me the ropes on how to hold one of those large trays without dropping it, how to handle multiple tables at one time and dropping other pearls of wisdom to make my experience at Friendly’s more friendly. On my first day on the floor my mentor pulled me aside and gave me one last tidbit of advice: “Whatever you do, don’t take it personal. Black folks just don’t tip.” Huh? I was stunned, short of offended, not only because she was brazen enough to say that to me but also because she was a black lady. Surely, this lady was suffering from some sort of self-hatred issues. Boy was I wrong.

One of my very first tables of the night was a four-top of two black women, one black guy and a black baby. Before I could get the customary “Welcome Friendly’s may I take your order” out my mouth, I was already besieged with demands for appetizers, soda, more crayons and a gazillion questions about what could and could not be substituted on the menu. After finally taking their orders I was summoned to the table a total of 12 times for more soda, a glass of water, another box of crayons, more napkins and ranch dressing. It wouldn’t have been so bad if they had asked me for everything at one time, but these people were determined to work me hard. But through it all, I gritted my teeth and smiled because I knew that my due-diligence in providing the very best in Friendly’s service was going to be rewarded with a big fat tip. Boy, was I batting 0-2. Not only did the bothersome-foursome not leave a tip, they had the nerve to leave $2 less than the bill.

I never understood this blizzaro world where regular labor rules don't apply to restaurants.

I'd rather be done with the tipping . People who live off tips are the biggest tax cheats .
Tax cheats....That flies in the face of the argument that only the 1% are tax cheats....Anyway, the issue of why pays taxes and who does not is not material to the discussion. .
The reason the low wage for servers exists( $2.13) is ensure their wage plus tips equals or exceeds the minimum wage.
And here's a piece of info for you. Most tabs are paid and tipped through the use of a credit or debit card. Therefore, the paper and electronic trail is there to ensure the server declares the correct percentage of their tips.
Hence the reason why we preferred to be tipped in cash. We pay enough of a dowry to the state and federal govt...
Taxation is not for punishment. I'd like you to hold on to that fact

Here's a fact . I work for a living . No hiding my income .

I know all sorts of service workers who are "paper poor" . That way they can qualify for all sorts of low income assistance cause they hide their true income.
Really? I've seen more whites do what you discribe the blacks .
Being cheap and acting like a dick crosses all racial lines.

Of course. Blacks and liberal whites are the cheapest bastards on the planet when it comes to tipping and charity....
Absolute bullshit but you just had to justify your racism and bigotry.

Nope it's a fact my first wife used to work at Applebee in Chicago and why else would millionaire liberals write letters after letters wanting taxes raised?

It is because they have a liberal mental disease that they can not give freely .
Could you be any less ignorant?
Top 10 National Charities That Deserve Your Time And Money - www.liberalamerica.org


Stuff Black People Don’t Like: Tipping

Stuff Black People Don’t Like: Tipping

So yesterday I was reading a Shadow & Act post about a new web series called “Black People Don’t…” a satirical yet candid discussion with black folks around stereotypical things we, as a people, supposedly don’t do. Anyway, there was one episode that really caught my attention on the subject of blacks not tipping. Now I know what you’re saying — “That is a racist untruth that does not dignify an answer, blah, blah, and blah….” — but before folks get all indignant I have a story to tell.

All through high school and pretty much through college, I worked as a waitress. In fact, my very first on-the-books job was as a waitress at Friendly’s – you know, the place that makes those SuperMelt sandwiches and ice cream sundaes. Anyway, my first few weeks of work was spent as a waitress-in-training, which meant that I had to follow around a tenured waitress, whose job it was to ready me for waiting tables of my own. She took kindly to me, showing me the ropes on how to hold one of those large trays without dropping it, how to handle multiple tables at one time and dropping other pearls of wisdom to make my experience at Friendly’s more friendly. On my first day on the floor my mentor pulled me aside and gave me one last tidbit of advice: “Whatever you do, don’t take it personal. Black folks just don’t tip.” Huh? I was stunned, short of offended, not only because she was brazen enough to say that to me but also because she was a black lady. Surely, this lady was suffering from some sort of self-hatred issues. Boy was I wrong.

One of my very first tables of the night was a four-top of two black women, one black guy and a black baby. Before I could get the customary “Welcome Friendly’s may I take your order” out my mouth, I was already besieged with demands for appetizers, soda, more crayons and a gazillion questions about what could and could not be substituted on the menu. After finally taking their orders I was summoned to the table a total of 12 times for more soda, a glass of water, another box of crayons, more napkins and ranch dressing. It wouldn’t have been so bad if they had asked me for everything at one time, but these people were determined to work me hard. But through it all, I gritted my teeth and smiled because I knew that my due-diligence in providing the very best in Friendly’s service was going to be rewarded with a big fat tip. Boy, was I batting 0-2. Not only did the bothersome-foursome not leave a tip, they had the nerve to leave $2 less than the bill.

So one opinion is the standard for all black people.
If that were true than all white people would be ignorant ill informed slapdick trailer trash like you.
Also you've just proved you have no idea what satirical is .
From waitress story's

Who Are The Worst Tippers? - Waiter Rant

Josh says:JAN 01, 2016

How is this even a DISCUSSION?! Black people are by FAR & AWAY the worst tippers… period… hands down. I’ve served in a half a dozen different types of restaurants, over 10+ years, and everybody received the same level of great service… the worst tips were ALWAYS from blacks.

  1. Frankyfrank says:NOV 28, 2015
    Best to shit
    1. Industry
    2. Middle age white
    3. 25-30 yr old white
    4. Asian-American
    5. Hispanic-American
    6. African-American
    7. Indian-American
    8. 14-22 yr old white
    9. Asian out of town
    10. African out of town
    11. Black(ignorant)
    12. Gypsies

Of course. Blacks and liberal whites are the cheapest bastards on the planet when it comes to tipping and charity....
Absolute bullshit but you just had to justify your racism and bigotry.

Nope it's a fact my first wife used to work at Applebee in Chicago and why else would millionaire liberals write letters after letters wanting taxes raised?

It is because they have a liberal mental disease that they can not give freely .
Could you be any less ignorant?
Top 10 National Charities That Deserve Your Time And Money - www.liberalamerica.org


Stuff Black People Don’t Like: Tipping

Stuff Black People Don’t Like: Tipping

So yesterday I was reading a Shadow & Act about a new web series called “Black People Don’t…” a satirical yet candid discussion with black folks around stereotypical things we, as a people, supposedly don’t do. Anyway, there was one episode that really caught my attention on the subject of blacks not tipping. Now I know what you’re saying — “That is a racist untruth that does not dignify an answer, blah, blah, and blah….” — but before folks get all indignant I have a story to tell.

All through high school and pretty much through college, I worked as a waitress. In fact, my very first on-the-books job was as a waitress at Friendly’s – you know, the place that makes those SuperMelt sandwiches and ice cream sundaes. Anyway, my first few weeks of work was spent as a waitress-in-training, which meant that I had to follow around a tenured waitress, whose job it was to ready me for waiting tables of my own. She took kindly to me, showing me the ropes on how to hold one of those large trays without dropping it, how to handle multiple tables at one time and dropping other pearls of wisdom to make my experience at Friendly’s more friendly. On my first day on the floor my mentor pulled me aside and gave me one last tidbit of advice: “Whatever you do, don’t take it personal. Black folks just don’t tip.” Huh? I was stunned, short of offended, not only because she was brazen enough to say that to me but also because she was a black lady. Surely, this lady was suffering from some sort of self-hatred issues. Boy was I wrong.

One of my very first tables of the night was a four-top of two black women, one black guy and a black baby. Before I could get the customary “Welcome Friendly’s may I take your order” out my mouth, I was already besieged with demands for appetizers, soda, more crayons and a gazillion questions about what could and could not be substituted on the menu. After finally taking their orders I was summoned to the table a total of 12 times for more soda, a glass of water, another box of crayons, more napkins and ranch dressing. It wouldn’t have been so bad if they had asked me for everything at one time, but these people were determined to work me hard. But through it all, I gritted my teeth and smiled because I knew that my due-diligence in providing the very best in Friendly’s service was going to be rewarded with a big fat tip. Boy, was I batting 0-2. Not only did the bothersome-foursome not leave a tip, they had the nerve to leave $2 less than the bill.

So one opinion is the standard for all black people.
If that were true than all white people would be ignorant ill informed slapdick trailer trash like you.
Also you've just proved you have no idea what satirical is .

Do you know what candid discussion means?
Of course. Blacks and liberal whites are the cheapest bastards on the planet when it comes to tipping and charity....
Absolute bullshit but you just had to justify your racism and bigotry.

Nope it's a fact my first wife used to work at Applebee in Chicago and why else would millionaire liberals write letters after letters wanting taxes raised?

It is because they have a liberal mental disease that they can not give freely .
Could you be any less ignorant?
Top 10 National Charities That Deserve Your Time And Money - www.liberalamerica.org

So a far left drone uses a far left drone blog site to tell them what and how to think..

Go figure that one!

But then again I bet this far left done never tips!
You be absolutely wrong as you always are .
Not to mention
Definition of REPETITIVE

Once again the far left drones prove that the new winning is losing!

See the far left is always wrong, yet they can not see it as it is not allowed in their religious scriptures..
Famous rich liberals cheap tippers

These Are America's Most Famous Bad Tippers - EpicTimes

1. Sean Penn has a net worth of $150 million but is notorious for lousy tipping, sometimes not even tipping at all. While dining in New Orleans once, Penn and three friends racked up a $450 bill and left no tip. Maybe Penn – who is on the political left – should learn to be more liberal with his gratuities as well.

2. Tiger Woods claims he doesn't tip because he never carries cash. Ever hear of a credit card? And reports say he once repocketed a $5 tip meant for a waitress after realizing he had tipped her earlier in the evening.

3. Celebrity Rachel Ray is known for being stingy when it comes to tipping. She regularly tips under 10% and has even promoted the idea that 7% was a good enough tip on her TV show. You’d think someone who’s worked in the restaurant industry would know better.

4.Barbra Streisand is mentioned more than once for being a cheap tipper and has a reputation as a rude and demanding customer. At a New York restaurant, she once "left a $10 tip for a $457 tab." Did anyone ever tell here that people who tip people –in terms of Karma – are the luckiest people in the world?

5..Madonna once left an $18 tip on a $400 bill. A waitress at NYC hotspot Babbo reported that after Madonna ate there with a friend, she failed to leave any tip at all. Not classy for someone worth hundreds of millions.

6. The owners of a restaurant in Rome were surprised when Facebook Founder Marc Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan walked away without leaving a tip. Their bill came to just over $40 after a lunch consisting of deep-fried artichokes fried pumpkin flowers and ravioli stuffed with sea bass and artichokes. Instead of wine or beer they opted for a bottle of water and some tea
a tip should be 20%.
I doubt any of the righty fascists have ever worked for tips.
they're pissed because in all the years they worked in fast food they never got any .
I always tip 20%. I look at it as part of the cost of the meal. A waiter/waitress would have to shit on my plate before I cut the tip or left no tip.
I try to leave cash tips . I like using cash at restaurants . It annoys the fuck out of me when everyone pulls out cards . Pain in the ass .
I never understood this blizzaro world where regular labor rules don't apply to restaurants.

I'd rather be done with the tipping . People who live off tips are the biggest tax cheats .
Tax cheats....That flies in the face of the argument that only the 1% are tax cheats....Anyway, the issue of why pays taxes and who does not is not material to the discussion. .
The reason the low wage for servers exists( $2.13) is ensure their wage plus tips equals or exceeds the minimum wage.
And here's a piece of info for you. Most tabs are paid and tipped through the use of a credit or debit card. Therefore, the paper and electronic trail is there to ensure the server declares the correct percentage of their tips.
Hence the reason why we preferred to be tipped in cash. We pay enough of a dowry to the state and federal govt...
Taxation is not for punishment. I'd like you to hold on to that fact

Here's a fact . I work for a living . No hiding my income .

I know all sorts of service workers who are "paper poor" . That way they can qualify for all sorts of low income assistance cause they hide their true income.

Institute the fair tax

Problem solved
So...A question for the members here.
You go out to your favorite restaurant. Not a chain, but a privately owned eatery. Or lets say your favorite local pub. As you enter, you see a new sign on the door. It says.."dear valued customers. As of ( date) we here at Joes Bar and Grill have instituted a no tipping policy. Instead, a surcharge of 20% ( or whatever...20% is the most common figure) will be added to the bill for each meal/drinks served. This is being done in response to new local regulations that mandate we pay a minimum wage to our employees. The surcharge is to cover the additional cost of labor. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause"...
Read this column. Then comment.....Please note. The higher minimum wage is just ONE reason restaurant owners are moving away from tipping.
oh...Readers may be curious as to my stance....
Having been in the food and beverage business for 5 years I can say without a doubt that I would MUCH prefer to be compensated via gratuities. I believe the gratuity is the ultimate merit system as most normal people appreciate the hard work and attentiveness of a good server/bartender and will tip appropriately. During my tenure I found that to be the case. I would much rather deal with being paid in cash.....Just peel off the 8% to declare to the feds and off I went. And being able to yank down anywhere from $100 to $150 in a 6/7 hour shift would mean being paid a salary up to $30 per hour. Nobody is going to do that.
Even at $15 per hour, I would have LOST income..Plus I believe that paying servers/bartenders by the hour removes incentive to go that extra mile to enhance the customer's experience.
Some nations, such as New Zealand I just got back from, does not have any tipping for any service. And all the service we received was A-1.

Tipping to me is a scam. Used to be 10%, then 15%, now it's 20%. That's a scam, a percentage is a percentage.

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