Abortion facts

The one thing which frustrates me is why the pro-life movement does not open women's health clinics across the country which provide the exact same health services as PP without abortions. They should open one across the street from every PP abortion mill.

Then they can get federal funding, too. And I would gladly contribute to such clinics.

While the CDC paper did not delve into the reasons for the decline, analysts have cited improved access to birth control, which has led to a decrease in unintended pregnancies, especially among teens, as well as the state laws regarding parental consent, waiting periods and other conditions that make it more difficult for women to get abortions.
That leaves a lot of questions.
Nope. It confirms what I told you.
All we know is that it has declined a lot.
"Analyses have suggested that improved contraceptive use played a role in the long-term declines. In some states, decreased access to abortion services contributed, as well,” said Rachel Jones, principal research scientist for the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports women’s right to abortion.

Chuck Donovan, president of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, the research arm of Susan B. Anthony List, which opposes abortion, added other possible causes: “a higher percentage of women today decide to carry an unexpected pregnancy to term, teenagers are less sexually active and with fewer partners, pro-life views are more prevalent among the rising generation than they were 40 years ago.”
Precisely as I said, as abortions become more rare, they become more stigmatized.

While the CDC paper did not delve into the reasons for the decline, analysts have cited improved access to birth control, which has led to a decrease in unintended pregnancies, especially among teens, as well as the state laws regarding parental consent, waiting periods and other conditions that make it more difficult for women to get abortions.
That leaves a lot of questions.
Nope. It confirms what I told you.
All we know is that it has declined a lot.
And we know why. More access to birth control, and stricter access to abortions.
The one thing which frustrates me is why the pro-life movement does not open women's health clinics across the country which provide the exact same health services as PP without abortions. They should open one across the street from every PP abortion mill.

Then they can get federal funding, too. And I would gladly contribute to such clinics.
Doesn’t sound like a good model since it would be the same but less than what PP does. Would be nice for states that have run PP out though.
The one thing which frustrates me is why the pro-life movement does not open women's health clinics across the country which provide the exact same health services as PP without abortions. They should open one across the street from every PP abortion mill.

Then they can get federal funding, too. And I would gladly contribute to such clinics.
they do open them all over,,,

and why the fed funding???they can and should do it on their own just like PP
I don’t know the name of a single victim of abortion...
It's allot easier to kill people when you don't name them.
How many dead Jews could Hitler name?

If they were "people" the would have names. All of the people Hitler murdered have been named, and their names have been recorded. The are remembered in stories and photographs, and in the memories of those who loved them.

Stop with your phony outrage. Lying hypocrites don't care about living children, or dying Americans. How many are dying today because Trump is doing nothing about opioid over prescription and Big Pharma?

How many children did Trump rip out of the arms of their parents never to be returned? How many people has he deported to be murdered by the narco terrorists?

While the CDC paper did not delve into the reasons for the decline, analysts have cited improved access to birth control, which has led to a decrease in unintended pregnancies, especially among teens, as well as the state laws regarding parental consent, waiting periods and other conditions that make it more difficult for women to get abortions.
That leaves a lot of questions.
Nope. It confirms what I told you.
All we know is that it has declined a lot.
And we know why. More access to birth control, and stricter access to abortions.
Or less active. Hard to say.

While the CDC paper did not delve into the reasons for the decline, analysts have cited improved access to birth control, which has led to a decrease in unintended pregnancies, especially among teens, as well as the state laws regarding parental consent, waiting periods and other conditions that make it more difficult for women to get abortions.
That leaves a lot of questions.
Nope. It confirms what I told you.
All we know is that it has declined a lot.
And we know why. More access to birth control, and stricter access to abortions.
Or less active. Hard to say.
No, the Guttmacher Institute, which is the leading abortion research organization in the country, says quite plainly it is easier access to birth control and stricter access to abortions.

They say it plain as day, but you can't accept it.
That leaves a lot of questions.
Nope. It confirms what I told you.
All we know is that it has declined a lot.
And we know why. More access to birth control, and stricter access to abortions.
Or less active. Hard to say.
No, the Guttmacher Institute, which is the leading abortion research organization in the country, says quite plainly it is easier access to birth control and stricter access to abortions.

They say it plain as day, but you can't accept it.
And is it 50/50? 90/10? And the other expert that gave more reasons?
I don’t know the name of a single victim of abortion...
It's allot easier to kill people when you don't name them.
How many dead Jews could Hitler name?

If they were "people" the would have names. All of the people Hitler murdered have been named, and their names have been recorded. The are remembered in stories and photographs, and in the memories of those who loved them.

Stop with your phony outrage. Lying hypocrites don't care about living children, or dying Americans. How many are dying today because Trump is doing nothing about opioid over prescription and Big Pharma?

How many children did Trump rip out of the arms of their parents never to be returned? How many people has he deported to be murdered by the narco terrorists?

Why don't YOU care about children in the womb or their rights?

Your ability to care about the rights of childten in the womb is not contingent upon how much or how little the rest of us care and you know it.


So much for your weak assed strawman attempt.
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they do open them all over,,,

No they don't. Unlike PP, the pro-life fake clinics provide no health care. They only provide propaganda.
better than only supplying abortions like PP

and every doctors office in the country can and will [provide help for both advice and healthcare,,not to mention most churchs will also help where they can, and the bigger ones have not only doctors that will help but can also help with adoption
and if they decide to keep it the bigger churchs can help with that

so there are a lot of options instead of cold blooded murder
Perfect Abortion Argument.jpg
And NONE...exactly NONE of that money was from abortions.

They receive Medicare dollars for services rendered to women for medical issues like any other medical service provider

Your naivety is not even close to being cute... Or are you just a mendacious person?
When I get to heaven, I will make sure to ask God to have mercy on Dragon Lady and all the other pro-aborts who are advocating the legal killing of unborn children.
And NONE...exactly NONE of that money was from abortions.

They receive Medicare dollars for services rendered to women for medical issues like any other medical service provider

Your naivety is not even close to being cute... Or are you just a mendacious person?
Your ignorance is duly noted. What I posted was FACT

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