Abortion nuts busted

Wahooooooo! Got 'em, the lying scumbags.

Planned Parenthood cleared, but 2 indicted over videos

Planned Parenthood cleared, but 2 indicted over videos

A grand jury convened to investigate whether a Houston Planned Parenthood clinic had sold the organs of aborted fetuses on Monday cleared the clinic and instead indicted the undercover videographers behind the allegations, surprising the officials who called for the probe and delighting supporters of the women's health organization.
The Harris County grand jury indicted David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, both of California, on charges of tampering with a governmental record, a second-degree felony with a possible sentence of up to 20 years in prison. It also charged Daleiden, the leader of the videographers, with the same misdemeanor he had alleged – the purchase or sale of human organs, presumably because he had offered to buy in an attempt to provoke Planned Parenthood employees into saying they would sell.
Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson announced the indictments in a statement, noting the probe had lasted more than two months.
I love Karma.

The fact that it was a Texas grand jury is even more stunning. Wouldn't be such a surprise if this was a jury impaneled in Boston or L.A.

Didn't take long for the phony "pro lifers" to come on this thread and COMPLETELY GO OFF TOPIC. The subject is the indictment of the videographers for tampering with government documents and attempting to buy human organs.

Look at these stupid, stupid rightwing fuckups on here just going off into a ditch because their heroes are criminals.
I would imagine that these rascals will face some form of custodial sentence for their corrupt activities ?

The nutjobs will soon find an alternate truth to comfort them.
The character of the country has changed. We are now the kind of people who kill babies and sell their body parts.

Didn't take long for the phony "pro lifers" to come on this thread and COMPLETELY GO OFF TOPIC. The subject is the indictment of the videographers for tampering with government documents and attempting to buy human organs.

Look at these stupid, stupid rightwing fuckups on here just going off into a ditch because their heroes are criminals.

These 2 individuals should go to jail.

Didn't take long for the phony "pro lifers" to come on this thread and COMPLETELY GO OFF TOPIC. The subject is the indictment of the videographers for tampering with government documents and attempting to buy human organs.

Look at these stupid, stupid rightwing fuckups on here just going off into a ditch because their heroes are criminals.

These 2 individuals should go to jail.

They could get up to 20 years according to the article.
You know what I'm anti abortion for me and my family and friends, and I will do my best to talk someone out of it, but who am I to tell other people what to do, and who are you?

Yes, who are we to tell anyone to not murder the innocent?

How dare we?


The left: "Stop bothering us while we kill innocents!!!!!!" Uhm...no
So much better to bomb and starve them, eh?

Yes, Skanky isn't worried about the tens of thousands of babies and children who have died in Homs and Aleppo. American fetuses and zygotes are more valuable to her.

Didn't take long for the phony "pro lifers" to come on this thread and COMPLETELY GO OFF TOPIC. The subject is the indictment of the videographers for tampering with government documents and attempting to buy human organs.

Look at these stupid, stupid rightwing fuckups on here just going off into a ditch because their heroes are criminals.
I would imagine that these rascals will face some form of custodial sentence for their corrupt activities ?

The nutjobs will soon find an alternate truth to comfort them.
Tommy Tainant, NoTeaPartyPleaz, Bodecca, Charwin, et al.

You have aligned yourself with an evil organization and an evil ideology that deals with murder and sin. I imagine if you are an atheist or could not care less what God thinks about abortion, then you can carry on without violating your conscience.

But to think God is in approval of some affluent civilized nation funding the murdering of human lives in wombs, even those that could survive outside the womb, --- this is why man has no one to blame but himself for his own punishments. We are filled with pride or lust or selfishness or indifference. Unbelievable.
If anyone wants to change the mind of Pro-Choicers, take a page from Father Gomez, who led a Mass for Unborn Children in L.A. this weekend. It was very moving. I'm a pro-choicer, but he knows how to speak to abortion. Without hate. Reminding us of the potential lost. The people behind the Planned Parenthood videos were obviously playing dirty from the beginning, and I'm glad they got called on it.
Anyone who is against abortion should support Planned Parenthood for its birth control efforts. No pregnancy, no abortion needed.
As a catholic I will never suggest that people use birth control, but like every other Catholic I have ever met I will support a persons right top use it.

That being said, it is sad that so many people find the murder of the unborn to be a morally adequate solution to temporary problems. History is full of women who had children out of wedlock and yet overcame these problems to go on and succeed.
And there's many who did not. How about letting THEM make the choice.

How about if they make a choice they can't afford letting them deal with the consequences of that choice? That's right, you don't believe in personal responsibility just the ability to make choices that are personally irresponsible.
You think people don't live by the consequences of their choices? You sound like you want to take choices away because there might be "consequences"....I've got news for you....there are ALWAYS consequences to every choice. Stop hiding under your bed.

I'm not talking about abortion. I'm talking about the choice one makes to not have an abortion. If she wants to CHOOSE to have kids, I won't tell her no. All I ask if that option is the one she chooses, don't ask me to be one of those offsetting the costs when she can't.

The are always consequences to every choice. I agree. The difference is when I make bad choices, I don't expect others to be forced to fund them. You do when it comes to the mother that made a choice she can't afford yet told people to butt out of. Have all the kids you want if you can afford them. If you can't but choose to have them anyway, not my problem or my place to pay for it. That's not about the kids. It's about the woman making the choice.
It is a puzzle to me that the same people who wring their hands over the unborn child could not give a shit about victims of western bombing. It isnt consistent and suggests that there is a twisted ideology at work rather than a genuine spiritual belief in the sanctity of life. It must be like trying to feel comfortable sitting on a razor blade.
The US dropped 20,000 bombs on Syria last year and they were joined by several other civilise countries as well as Syria itself and various extremist groups.

Are some lives of greater value than others ?

It is a puzzle to me that the same people who wring their hands over the unborn child could not give a shit about victims of western bombing. It isnt consistent and suggests that there is a twisted ideology at work rather than a genuine spiritual belief in the sanctity of life. It must be like trying to feel comfortable sitting on a razor blade.
The US dropped 20,000 bombs on Syria last year and they were joined by several other civilise countries as well as Syria itself and various extremist groups.

Are some lives of greater value than others ?

Stop comparing apples and oranges, that's the oldest dodge in the book
It is a puzzle to me that the same people who wring their hands over the unborn child could not give a shit about victims of western bombing. It isnt consistent and suggests that there is a twisted ideology at work rather than a genuine spiritual belief in the sanctity of life. It must be like trying to feel comfortable sitting on a razor blade.
The US dropped 20,000 bombs on Syria last year and they were joined by several other civilise countries as well as Syria itself and various extremist groups.

Are some lives of greater value than others ?

Stop comparing apples and oranges, that's the oldest dodge in the book
Its just kids. We are all gods children. Telling that you couldnt find a kind word for this poor soul.
It is a puzzle to me that the same people who wring their hands over the unborn child could not give a shit about victims of western bombing. It isnt consistent and suggests that there is a twisted ideology at work rather than a genuine spiritual belief in the sanctity of life. It must be like trying to feel comfortable sitting on a razor blade.
The US dropped 20,000 bombs on Syria last year and they were joined by several other civilise countries as well as Syria itself and various extremist groups.

Are some lives of greater value than others ?

Stop comparing apples and oranges, that's the oldest dodge in the book
Its just kids. We are all gods children. Telling that you couldnt find a kind word for this poor soul.

My heart goes out to the child....who died trying to get dental care? You do realize the media got caught on this, right?
It is a puzzle to me that the same people who wring their hands over the unborn child could not give a shit about victims of western bombing. It isnt consistent and suggests that there is a twisted ideology at work rather than a genuine spiritual belief in the sanctity of life. It must be like trying to feel comfortable sitting on a razor blade.
The US dropped 20,000 bombs on Syria last year and they were joined by several other civilise countries as well as Syria itself and various extremist groups.

Are some lives of greater value than others ?

Stop comparing apples and oranges, that's the oldest dodge in the book
Its just kids. We are all gods children. Telling that you couldnt find a kind word for this poor soul.

My heart goes out to the child....who died trying to get dental care? You do realize the media got caught on this, right?
Nope he died fleeing a war zone.Look at the picture you heartless bitch.
It is a puzzle to me that the same people who wring their hands over the unborn child could not give a shit about victims of western bombing. It isnt consistent and suggests that there is a twisted ideology at work rather than a genuine spiritual belief in the sanctity of life. It must be like trying to feel comfortable sitting on a razor blade.
The US dropped 20,000 bombs on Syria last year and they were joined by several other civilise countries as well as Syria itself and various extremist groups.

Are some lives of greater value than others ?

Stop comparing apples and oranges, that's the oldest dodge in the book
Its just kids. We are all gods children. Telling that you couldnt find a kind word for this poor soul.

My heart goes out to the child....who died trying to get dental care? You do realize the media got caught on this, right?
Nope he died fleeing a war zone.Look at the picture you heartless bitch.

I know all about it, now run along and watch your pie hole, or I shall embarrass you....meh I will anyway.

Story Begins To Unravel About Drowned Syrian Boy
It is a puzzle to me that the same people who wring their hands over the unborn child could not give a shit about victims of western bombing. It isnt consistent and suggests that there is a twisted ideology at work rather than a genuine spiritual belief in the sanctity of life. It must be like trying to feel comfortable sitting on a razor blade.
The US dropped 20,000 bombs on Syria last year and they were joined by several other civilise countries as well as Syria itself and various extremist groups.

Are some lives of greater value than others ?

Stop comparing apples and oranges, that's the oldest dodge in the book
Its just kids. We are all gods children. Telling that you couldnt find a kind word for this poor soul.

My heart goes out to the child....who died trying to get dental care? You do realize the media got caught on this, right?
Nope he died fleeing a war zone.Look at the picture you heartless bitch.

I know all about it, now run along and watch your pie hole, or I shall embarrass you....meh I will anyway.

Story Begins To Unravel About Drowned Syrian Boy
The awful story of how Aylan Kurdi came to be washed up on a Turkish beach
I suppose that fascist nutjobs can explain anything given enough time.
I would prefer to believe this source than a right wing rag. Pity you still cant address the issues that caused his death. You are a hypocrite of olympic proportions.
Stop comparing apples and oranges, that's the oldest dodge in the book
Its just kids. We are all gods children. Telling that you couldnt find a kind word for this poor soul.

My heart goes out to the child....who died trying to get dental care? You do realize the media got caught on this, right?
Nope he died fleeing a war zone.Look at the picture you heartless bitch.

Bleh, you're low info and really not worth my time....go bother someone else, toad
Stop comparing apples and oranges, that's the oldest dodge in the book
Its just kids. We are all gods children. Telling that you couldnt find a kind word for this poor soul.

My heart goes out to the child....who died trying to get dental care? You do realize the media got caught on this, right?
Nope he died fleeing a war zone.Look at the picture you heartless bitch.

I know all about it, now run along and watch your pie hole, or I shall embarrass you....meh I will anyway.

Story Begins To Unravel About Drowned Syrian Boy
The awful story of how Aylan Kurdi came to be washed up on a Turkish beach
I suppose that fascist nutjobs can explain anything given enough time.
I would prefer to believe this source than a right wing rag. Pity you still cant address the issues that caused his death. You are a hypocrite of olympic proportions.
Be careful Tommy, SluttyIdioticLush is the board snitch.

Say anything this drunken lard ass doesn’t like and she will run to the mods to rat you out. I think she is probably blowing all of the male mods, and licking the female mods coochies. I know she is sucking deltex’s dead, flaccid pee pee.

She sits there in front of the computer all day, stuffing bon bons into her bloated face, spewing vile shit with that superior attitude of hers. All the while, the cum dumpster is just one bad blow job away from having her old man kick her to the curb.

Eat shit and die SluttyIdioticLush. You truly are a steaming pile of dogshit.
Its just kids. We are all gods children. Telling that you couldnt find a kind word for this poor soul.

My heart goes out to the child....who died trying to get dental care? You do realize the media got caught on this, right?
Nope he died fleeing a war zone.Look at the picture you heartless bitch.

Bleh, you're low info and really not worth my time....go bother someone else, toad
Here is another reputable source.
Alan Kurdi: friends and family fill in gaps behind harrowing images
Isnt his life worth as much as an unborn child ? Cant you find it in your soul to give him that ?

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