Abortion nuts busted

It is a puzzle to me that the same people who wring their hands over the unborn child could not give a shit about victims of western bombing. It isnt consistent and suggests that there is a twisted ideology at work rather than a genuine spiritual belief in the sanctity of life. It must be like trying to feel comfortable sitting on a razor blade.
The US dropped 20,000 bombs on Syria last year and they were joined by several other civilise countries as well as Syria itself and various extremist groups.

Are some lives of greater value than others ?

The imbecilic selfish irresponsible father lived safely in Turkey. He killed his child through his stupidity and selfishness. Stop peddling your pro-Islamic propaganda all over the board.
It is a puzzle to me that the same people who wring their hands over the unborn child could not give a shit about victims of western bombing. It isnt consistent and suggests that there is a twisted ideology at work rather than a genuine spiritual belief in the sanctity of life. It must be like trying to feel comfortable sitting on a razor blade.
The US dropped 20,000 bombs on Syria last year and they were joined by several other civilise countries as well as Syria itself and various extremist groups.

Are some lives of greater value than others ?

The imbecilic selfish irresponsible father lived safely in Turkey. He killed his child through his stupidity and selfishness. Stop peddling your pro-Islamic propaganda all over the board.
Thats not really the case is it ?
Do you think this childs life was as valuable as an unborn child Tilly ?

the abortion loving nut would be you and all who thinks this ok. when did abortion mills become protected over the CITIZENS in the country? you people are sick and so is this thread

, but who am I to tell other people what to do, and who are you?

A human being caring for another human being?

Does that include,,,,Blacks, Muslims, the poor, the person working on low wages so they qualify for Food Stamps, Democrats, Socialist, environmentalists, Dot Com, people on Medicare/Social Security, Barrack Obama, Michelle Obama, Kids on CHIPS, teachers, union members, and finally, Sean Penn?

the abortion loving nut would be you and all who thinks this ok. when did abortion mills become protected over the CITIZENS in the country? you people are sick and so is this thread

, but who am I to tell other people what to do, and who are you?

A human being caring for another human being?

Does that include,,,,Blacks, Muslims, the poor, the person working on low wages so they qualify for Food Stamps, Democrats, Socialist, environmentalists, Dot Com, people on Medicare/Social Security, Barrack Obama, Michelle Obama, Kids on CHIPS, teachers, union members, and finally, Sean Penn?

What one does after they are born makes them or breaks them....the key is giving them the chance and murdering them in the womb isn't doing that

There isn't anything in this article that proves the under cover videos were faked in any way. Those PP people were caught red-handed, nothing is going to change that, even drummed up charges to try to discredit them.

Well, that fact that the investigation (the 12th state investigation to clear PP)) shows that so far their videos look pretty discredited.
Of course your going to contend the videos are true, you one of the suckers who fell for their fairy tale.
Well, that fact that the investigation (the 12th state investigation to clear PP)) shows that so far their videos look pretty discredited.
Of course your going to contend the videos are true, you one of the suckers who fell for their fairy tale.
How would an idiot know who is a sucker and who is not?
It is a puzzle to me that the same people who wring their hands over the unborn child could not give a shit about victims of western bombing.
A puzzle, you say? It is disgusting, says I.
It isnt consistent and suggests that there is a twisted ideology at work rather than a genuine spiritual belief in the sanctity of life. It must be like trying to feel comfortable sitting on a razor blade.
The US dropped 20,000 bombs on Syria last year and they were joined by several other civilise countries as well as Syria itself and various extremist groups.
You are absolutely correct.
Are some lives of greater value than others ?
It would seem so, yes. Just have a look through these pages: "Nuke them! Kill them!"
I've read Bonhoffer, The Wisdom and Witness of Dietrich Bonhoffer is my favorite book of his.
Bonhoffer makes Americans of our time look like the fools we are.

Our Church group has a study group and we study Bonhoffer and his works, amazing man and it was tragic how he died
Yes, tragic....I liked how he opposed Nazism from its very beginning and warned Germans not to fall into an idolatrous cult.....cults suck
If anyone wants to change the mind of Pro-Choicers, take a page from Father Gomez, who led a Mass for Unborn Children in L.A. this weekend. It was very moving. I'm a pro-choicer, but he knows how to speak to abortion. Without hate. Reminding us of the potential lost. The people behind the Planned Parenthood videos were obviously playing dirty from the beginning, and I'm glad they got called on it.
Anyone who is against abortion should support Planned Parenthood for its birth control efforts. No pregnancy, no abortion needed.
As a catholic I will never suggest that people use birth control, but like every other Catholic I have ever met I will support a persons right top use it.

That being said, it is sad that so many people find the murder of the unborn to be a morally adequate solution to temporary problems. History is full of women who had children out of wedlock and yet overcame these problems to go on and succeed.
You are always flirting with the left. What's wrong with you?

You call it MURDER, but you ""support" the right to murder.

I see.

the abortion loving nut would be you and all who thinks this ok. when did abortion mills become protected over the CITIZENS in the country? you people are sick and so is this thread
Oh look, another WOMAN who fled the Democrat Plantation.

Dont you know, only men are opposed to baby killing? You're just not on the "right" side of this issue
If anyone wants to change the mind of Pro-Choicers, take a page from Father Gomez, who led a Mass for Unborn Children in L.A. this weekend. It was very moving. I'm a pro-choicer, but he knows how to speak to abortion. Without hate. Reminding us of the potential lost. The people behind the Planned Parenthood videos were obviously playing dirty from the beginning, and I'm glad they got called on it.
Anyone who is against abortion should support Planned Parenthood for its birth control efforts. No pregnancy, no abortion needed.

No they weren't....they filmed a planned parenthood ghoul discussing selling the organs of dead babies......this prosecutor is a left winger looking to score political points for future office.
It is a puzzle to me that the same people who wring their hands over the unborn child could not give a shit about victims of western bombing.
A puzzle, you say? It is disgusting, says I.
It isnt consistent and suggests that there is a twisted ideology at work rather than a genuine spiritual belief in the sanctity of life. It must be like trying to feel comfortable sitting on a razor blade.
The US dropped 20,000 bombs on Syria last year and they were joined by several other civilise countries as well as Syria itself and various extremist groups.
You are absolutely correct.
Are some lives of greater value than others ?
It would seem so, yes. Just have a look through these pages: "Nuke them! Kill them!"
They are myopic to the nth degree. They cant see how US actions lead to bad things happening.

Try explaining the US role in creating Central American narco states and then link that to immigration issues.Their heads explode.
It is a puzzle to me that the same people who wring their hands over the unborn child could not give a shit about victims of western bombing.
A puzzle, you say? It is disgusting, says I.
It isnt consistent and suggests that there is a twisted ideology at work rather than a genuine spiritual belief in the sanctity of life. It must be like trying to feel comfortable sitting on a razor blade.
The US dropped 20,000 bombs on Syria last year and they were joined by several other civilise countries as well as Syria itself and various extremist groups.
You are absolutely correct.
Are some lives of greater value than others ?
It would seem so, yes. Just have a look through these pages: "Nuke them! Kill them!"
They are myopic to the nth degree. They cant see how US actions lead to bad things happening.

Try explaining the US role in creating Central American narco states and then link that to immigration issues.Their heads explode.
Only explode over your stupidity.

Pure evil.

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