Abortion nuts busted

Let them go, I'm sure you will be spitting on them from heaven, or will you deny them that as well.
No, a righteous God will do that for all of us.

How can Heaven be Heaven if it has baby murdering slime in it?

Well hey she'd be in heaven , only those with abortions go to hell. Of course then there is always a way out isn't there, Please Jesus forgive me, so hey even a person , reborn can go to heaven. You can sin all you want, just confess with your dying breath.
If anyone wants to change the mind of Pro-Choicers, take a page from Father Gomez, who led a Mass for Unborn Children in L.A. this weekend. It was very moving. I'm a pro-choicer, but he knows how to speak to abortion. Without hate. Reminding us of the potential lost. The people behind the Planned Parenthood videos were obviously playing dirty from the beginning, and I'm glad they got called on it.
Anyone who is against abortion should support Planned Parenthood for its birth control efforts. No pregnancy, no abortion needed.
As a catholic I will never suggest that people use birth control, but like every other Catholic I have ever met I will support a persons right top use it.

That being said, it is sad that so many people find the murder of the unborn to be a morally adequate solution to temporary problems. History is full of women who had children out of wedlock and yet overcame these problems to go on and succeed.
History is also full of unwanted children who endure incredible hardship.
Spoken like a true atheist.

And one wonders why parents (for the good of the unwanted child mind you) just did not do away with that child after they were born, since that little guy would want to die himself if he could only express his own feelings.

Is this how you "think?"

I can assure you of this. Nearly every mother who contemplated abortion but in the end decided to have her baby --- 6 months later, none of them would look at that child and say "I wish I had aborted you."

But you and your misguided band of secular materialist elitists think you can destroy natural moral law with your "wisdom." Wisdom from hell.
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Well hey she'd be in heaven , only those with abortions go to hell. Of course then there is always a way out isn't there, Please Jesus forgive me, so hey even a person , reborn can go to heaven. You can sin all you want, just confess with your dying breath.
Meh, that is the belief of a small fringe group of Protestants.

Dietrich Bonhoffer and other Protestant theologians and all the catholic thinkers of any repute pretty much reject such silly notions as Cheap Grace.
Well hey she'd be in heaven , only those with abortions go to hell. Of course then there is always a way out isn't there, Please Jesus forgive me, so hey even a person , reborn can go to heaven. You can sin all you want, just confess with your dying breath.
Meh, that is the belief of a small fringe group of Protestants.

Dietrich Bonhoffer and other Protestant theologians and all the catholic thinkers of any repute pretty much reject such silly notions as Cheap Grace.

I've read Bonhoffer, The Wisdom and Witness of Dietrich Bonhoffer is my favorite book of his.
Well hey she'd be in heaven , only those with abortions go to hell. Of course then there is always a way out isn't there, Please Jesus forgive me, so hey even a person , reborn can go to heaven. You can sin all you want, just confess with your dying breath.
Meh, that is the belief of a small fringe group of Protestants.

Dietrich Bonhoffer and other Protestant theologians and all the catholic thinkers of any repute pretty much reject such silly notions as Cheap Grace.

Well I find the Protestants silly as well, being brought up RC.
If anyone wants to change the mind of Pro-Choicers, take a page from Father Gomez, who led a Mass for Unborn Children in L.A. this weekend. It was very moving. I'm a pro-choicer, but he knows how to speak to abortion. Without hate. Reminding us of the potential lost. The people behind the Planned Parenthood videos were obviously playing dirty from the beginning, and I'm glad they got called on it.
Anyone who is against abortion should support Planned Parenthood for its birth control efforts. No pregnancy, no abortion needed.
As a catholic I will never suggest that people use birth control, but like every other Catholic I have ever met I will support a persons right top use it.

That being said, it is sad that so many people find the murder of the unborn to be a morally adequate solution to temporary problems. History is full of women who had children out of wedlock and yet overcame these problems to go on and succeed.
And there's many who did not. How about letting THEM make the choice.

How about if they make a choice they can't afford letting them deal with the consequences of that choice? That's right, you don't believe in personal responsibility just the ability to make choices that are personally irresponsible.
You think people don't live by the consequences of their choices? You sound like you want to take choices away because there might be "consequences"....I've got news for you....there are ALWAYS consequences to every choice. Stop hiding under your bed.
You are right...it would be wrong to convict people in our minds before an actual conviction.....now, where were you when these videos first came out and there were all those threads convicting PP?
I have been right here calling for a criminal investigation and trial if warranted.

Where were you when Paula Deen, Phil Robertson, Don Imus and countless others who crossed libtards lines of PC Verbotten words?
What were they charged with?
That's a leftist mindset....life might be hard, just kill the little thing and save it from a hard life
Yes, in the libtard view of life, the only real evil, other than racism, is to suffer pain, and so it is better to painlessly kill an unborn child than to let it live a life of pain.

But all life is pain, and the pain helps us to grow, something bed wetting libtards living in Mommy's basement have never grasped.

Oh, and there is now medical evidence that late term abortions do inflict pain on the unborn as they are given no anesthetic as they are torn limb from limb.

Sadly abortion is not painless for the child....
Not a child yet...unless it is viable. Then abortion should not be an option.

Wahooooooo! Got 'em, the lying scumbags.

Planned Parenthood cleared, but 2 indicted over videos

Planned Parenthood cleared, but 2 indicted over videos

A grand jury convened to investigate whether a Houston Planned Parenthood clinic had sold the organs of aborted fetuses on Monday cleared the clinic and instead indicted the undercover videographers behind the allegations, surprising the officials who called for the probe and delighting supporters of the women's health organization.
The Harris County grand jury indicted David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, both of California, on charges of tampering with a governmental record, a second-degree felony with a possible sentence of up to 20 years in prison.

It also charged Daleiden, the leader of the videographers, with the same misdemeanor he had alleged – the purchase or sale of human organs, presumably because he had offered to buy in an attempt to provoke Planned Parenthood employees into saying they would sell.

Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson announced the indictments in a statement, noting the probe had lasted more than two months.
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Wahooooooo! Got 'em, the lying scumbags.

Planned Parenthood cleared, but 2 indicted over videos

Planned Parenthood cleared, but 2 indicted over videos

A grand jury convened to investigate whether a Houston Planned Parenthood clinic had sold the organs of aborted fetuses on Monday cleared the clinic and instead indicted the undercover videographers behind the allegations, surprising the officials who called for the probe and delighting supporters of the women's health organization.
The Harris County grand jury indicted David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, both of California, on charges of tampering with a governmental record, a second-degree felony with a possible sentence of up to 20 years in prison. It also charged Daleiden, the leader of the videographers, with the same misdemeanor he had alleged – the purchase or sale of human organs, presumably because he had offered to buy in an attempt to provoke Planned Parenthood employees into saying they would sell.
Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson announced the indictments in a statement, noting the probe had lasted more than two months.
I love Karma.
Well hey she'd be in heaven , only those with abortions go to hell. Of course then there is always a way out isn't there, Please Jesus forgive me, so hey even a person , reborn can go to heaven. You can sin all you want, just confess with your dying breath.
Meh, that is the belief of a small fringe group of Protestants.

Dietrich Bonhoffer and other Protestant theologians and all the catholic thinkers of any repute pretty much reject such silly notions as Cheap Grace.

I've read Bonhoffer, The Wisdom and Witness of Dietrich Bonhoffer is my favorite book of his.
When you the King of SA you can do whatever you want.
I dont have to be king of anything, being a free citizen of a Republic is quite enough, thank you.

That makes you entitled to your opinion.
Of course it does, and it makes you the master of the obvious.

No it just entitles me to my own opinion.
You know what I'm anti abortion for me and my family and friends, and I will do my best to talk someone out of it, but who am I to tell other people what to do, and who are you?

Yes, who are we to tell anyone to not murder the innocent?

How dare we?


The left: "Stop bothering us while we kill innocents!!!!!!" Uhm...no

When you say that, you do not seem to have a problem with Iraq or Syria. Before we took Iraq out, we had killed over 1/2 million children under the age of 5 due to sanctions. How do you feel about that?

Didn't take long for the phony "pro lifers" to come on this thread and COMPLETELY GO OFF TOPIC. The subject is the indictment of the videographers for tampering with government documents and attempting to buy human organs.

Look at these stupid, stupid rightwing fuckups on here just going off into a ditch because their heroes are criminals.

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