Accidentally overheard some of the democrat debate... REPARATIONS?

They want bail to me more fairly meted out. A poor black man is accused of embezzling and off to prison they go to not being able to bail themselves out. They are unable to pay the families bills.

A middle aged white woman gets accused of the same and there is no problem with her bailing herself out.

If the punishment of being accused is sitting in jail until the trial, that should apply to all.

No, they want to eliminate bail as a means of wooing criminals to support them.

California Becomes First State To End Cash Bail After 40-Year Fight

The dude that raped your daughter? After arraignment, he's out. :thup:

The bail system is unfairly rigged in favor of the rich and screws over the poor

Sure and the tax system is unfairly rigged towards the rich rather than the poor.

The purpose of the criminal justice system is not social justice but to keep streets safe.

Red Herring. The tax system has absolutely nothing to do with bail system and not everybody who gets arrest is guilty nor necessarily a thread to the public if they are.

You missed the point. Criminal justice is not about treating everyone equally, but keeping the streets safe. If you are poor, sure it sucks, but having criminals run rampant sucks even more.

Apparently, you missed my point, so I'll state it again. Not everybody who gets arrested is guilty nor necessarily a threat to the public if they are. Locking up non-threatening people does nothing to keep our streets safer. Furthermore, you can toss aside the poor if you want, but A, this is one reason why the right has trouble attracting that demographic, and B, I've known more than a few boot licking conservatives who spent their lives cozying up to the police state until either they or someone in their family got caught up in the system either inadvertently or for something stupid and then it was amazing how fast they changed their view.
They want bail to me more fairly meted out. A poor black man is accused of embezzling and off to prison they go to not being able to bail themselves out. They are unable to pay the families bills.

A middle aged white woman gets accused of the same and there is no problem with her bailing herself out.

If the punishment of being accused is sitting in jail until the trial, that should apply to all.

No, they want to eliminate bail as a means of wooing criminals to support them.

California Becomes First State To End Cash Bail After 40-Year Fight

The dude that raped your daughter? After arraignment, he's out. :thup:

The bail system is unfairly rigged in favor of the rich and screws over the poor

Sure and the tax system is unfairly rigged towards the rich rather than the poor.

The purpose of the criminal justice system is not social justice but to keep streets safe.

Red Herring. The tax system has absolutely nothing to do with bail system and not everybody who gets arrest is guilty nor necessarily a thread to the public if they are.

You missed the point. Criminal justice is not about treating everyone equally, but keeping the streets safe. If you are poor, sure it sucks, but having criminals run rampant sucks even more.

Well, there is a rare honest post. Not one I would want to defend but honest all the same.
Here is the actual quote

"Let me say this, I disagree. Andrew, no, let me say this. I disagree with you Andrew. I am the person on this stage who will say openly, I’m for reparations. Something wrong happened. I am for reparations to African Americans in this country, and anyone who things that racism is a thing of the past and not an ongoing problem is not dealing with reality. In fact, three days ago, one of the leaders of Joe Biden’s South Carolina campaign made racist remarks about someone associated with our campaign, and the Legislative Black Caucus went out en masse to stand up for that man and for our campaign. Joe, I’m asking you to come with me and the Legislative Black Caucus and disavow Dick Harpootlian and what he had to say. It was wrong, and I’m asking you to join us. Be on the right side."

New Hampshire Democratic Debate Transcript - Rev

Lot of other regressive crap as well, like Sanders wanting to end bail.

They want bail to me more fairly meted out. A poor black man is accused of embezzling and off to prison they go to not being able to bail themselves out. They are unable to pay the families bills.

A middle aged white woman gets accused of the same and there is no problem with her bailing herself out.

If the punishment of being accused is sitting in jail until the trial, that should apply to all.

No, they want to eliminate bail as a means of wooing criminals to support them.

California Becomes First State To End Cash Bail After 40-Year Fight

The dude that raped your daughter? After arraignment, he's out. :thup:

If Ethan Couch can avoid jail time for driving drunk and killing 4 people do we not have a fair justice problem?

Never heard of the guy... and special cases do not prove anything anyway...

but wikipedia article on him states he was sentenced to prison for two years after spending good time in mental health facility, so oops...

Further was this family even rich, are you sure that you are not mixing white and rich, those two often seem to get mixed up in a regressive head.
Here is the actual quote

"Let me say this, I disagree. Andrew, no, let me say this. I disagree with you Andrew. I am the person on this stage who will say openly, I’m for reparations. Something wrong happened. I am for reparations to African Americans in this country, and anyone who things that racism is a thing of the past and not an ongoing problem is not dealing with reality. In fact, three days ago, one of the leaders of Joe Biden’s South Carolina campaign made racist remarks about someone associated with our campaign, and the Legislative Black Caucus went out en masse to stand up for that man and for our campaign. Joe, I’m asking you to come with me and the Legislative Black Caucus and disavow Dick Harpootlian and what he had to say. It was wrong, and I’m asking you to join us. Be on the right side."

New Hampshire Democratic Debate Transcript - Rev

Lot of other regressive crap as well, like Sanders wanting to end bail.

They want bail to me more fairly meted out. A poor black man is accused of embezzling and off to prison they go to not being able to bail themselves out. They are unable to pay the families bills.

A middle aged white woman gets accused of the same and there is no problem with her bailing herself out.

If the punishment of being accused is sitting in jail until the trial, that should apply to all.

No, they want to eliminate bail as a means of wooing criminals to support them.

California Becomes First State To End Cash Bail After 40-Year Fight

The dude that raped your daughter? After arraignment, he's out. :thup:

If Ethan Couch can avoid jail time for driving drunk and killing 4 people do we not have a fair justice problem?

Never heard of the guy... and special cases do not prove anything anyway...

but wikipedia article on him states he was sentenced to prison for two years, so oops...

He was sent to some "rehab" facility.
I'm really surprised that speaking of Democrats and debates, that no one is talking about the latest ad Joe Biden's former boss Barry Soetoro Obumma is running!

Endorsing Mike Bloomberg! :auiqs.jpg: OUCH!

And was Bloomy even in last night's debate? I don't think so!
I'm really surprised that speaking of Democrats and debates, that no one is talking about the latest ad Joe Biden's former boss Barry Soetoro Obumma is running!

Endorsing Mike Bloomberg! :auiqs.jpg: OUCH!

Seems appropriate. Figures Obama would go for the billionaire as opposed to the guy running on his platform.
I'm really surprised that speaking of Democrats and debates, that no one is talking about the latest ad Joe Biden's former boss Barry Soetoro Obumma is running!

Endorsing Mike Bloomberg! :auiqs.jpg: OUCH!

And was Bloomy even in last night's debate? I don't think so!


I have never seen a Biden supporter, but I thought there must at least be one... not so...
You missed the point. Criminal justice is not about treating everyone equally, but keeping the streets safe. If you are poor, sure it sucks, but having criminals run rampant sucks even more.

Well, there is a rare honest post. Not one I would want to defend but honest all the same.

And the irony is these are the same people who run around with flags that say "Don't Tread on Me"
The Stalinists are losing the black vote, they are desperate and will promise ANYTHING to woo black votes. If they lose the Carolinas....

Don't count your chickens before they hatch. If there is any year where I think it's possible a Republican presidential candidate could get a larger than normal portion of the black vote it's this year, but don't be too sure about that. There is a lot of distrust among blacks with the Republican Party and it's not going to go away overnight.

It's not the distrust of Republicans that is at issue, it's the absolute knowledge that democrats have done absolutely nothing for black voters in the last 80 years. The only thing Trump offers black voters is an equal chance to succeed or fail in a booming economy.
Getting back to the actual DEBATE, I meant to check it out, mainly curious to see who they allowed (or DIDN'T allow) ---- ---- I think we all know what they are going to say, but my internal clock did not agree and I slept right through it.

HOWEVER, I hear now they actually invited Vindman to appear; what he had to do with the debate I don't know, or he just somehow happened to be in the audience?

Well, that tells us all we need to know about this guy, where he stood on working for and serving under President Trump, and why Trump had no choice but to let his fat ass go, and he not only shamelessly appeared at the impeachment trying to hang his own commander in chief, but now appeared at the D-debate to be shamelessly exploited by Biden grasping for votes by touting HIM, the disloyal, back-stabbing, scheming Vindman as the rightful heir to Trump's award, instead of Rush.

How much you want to bet the DNC doesn't now ask Vindman to run for public office ---- as a democrat.

You know it is coming.

  • Hero of the Left.
  • Faithful servant of the anti-Trump cause.
  • Threw his Commander In Chief under the bus like Comey.
The Perfect Democrat.

I'm pretty sure Trump knew of his leanings before he put him on. However Trump talked about bridging the gap between the two parties, and thought Democrats could be trusted. He was wrong. Now he understands.
No, they want to eliminate bail as a means of wooing criminals to support them.

California Becomes First State To End Cash Bail After 40-Year Fight

The dude that raped your daughter? After arraignment, he's out. :thup:

The bail system is unfairly rigged in favor of the rich and screws over the poor

Sure and the tax system is unfairly rigged towards the rich rather than the poor.

The purpose of the criminal justice system is not social justice but to keep streets safe.

Red Herring. The tax system has absolutely nothing to do with bail system and not everybody who gets arrest is guilty nor necessarily a thread to the public if they are.

You missed the point. Criminal justice is not about treating everyone equally, but keeping the streets safe. If you are poor, sure it sucks, but having criminals run rampant sucks even more.

Apparently, you missed my point, so I'll state it again. Not everybody who gets arrested is guilty nor necessarily a threat to the public if they are. Locking up non-threatening people does nothing to keep our streets safer. Furthermore, you can toss aside the poor if you want, but A, this is one reason why the right has trouble attracting that demographic, and B, I've known more than a few boot licking conservatives who spent their lives cozying up to the police state until either they or someone in their family got caught up in the system either inadvertently or for something stupid and then it was amazing how fast they changed their view.

Bail does nothing to keep streets safer?

I don't believe this is the case even a little bit. It's there for a reason. The rest of the post is not even related to bail.
They want bail to me more fairly meted out. A poor black man is accused of embezzling and off to prison they go to not being able to bail themselves out. They are unable to pay the families bills.

A middle aged white woman gets accused of the same and there is no problem with her bailing herself out.

If the punishment of being accused is sitting in jail until the trial, that should apply to all.

No, they want to eliminate bail as a means of wooing criminals to support them.

California Becomes First State To End Cash Bail After 40-Year Fight

The dude that raped your daughter? After arraignment, he's out. :thup:

The bail system is unfairly rigged in favor of the rich and screws over the poor

Life is unfairly rigged in favor of the rich and screws over the poor.

Bail helps to ensure that defendants come back for trial.
They want bail to me more fairly meted out. A poor black man is accused of embezzling and off to prison they go to not being able to bail themselves out. They are unable to pay the families bills.

A middle aged white woman gets accused of the same and there is no problem with her bailing herself out.

If the punishment of being accused is sitting in jail until the trial, that should apply to all.

No, they want to eliminate bail as a means of wooing criminals to support them.

California Becomes First State To End Cash Bail After 40-Year Fight

The dude that raped your daughter? After arraignment, he's out. :thup:

The bail system is unfairly rigged in favor of the rich and screws over the poor

Life is unfairly rigged in favor of the rich and screws over the poor.

Bail helps to ensure that defendants come back for trial.

The criminal system is unfairly rigged towards those who do crime... it needs to be more equal.
They want bail to me more fairly meted out. A poor black man is accused of embezzling and off to prison they go to not being able to bail themselves out. They are unable to pay the families bills.

A middle aged white woman gets accused of the same and there is no problem with her bailing herself out.

If the punishment of being accused is sitting in jail until the trial, that should apply to all.

No, they want to eliminate bail as a means of wooing criminals to support them.

California Becomes First State To End Cash Bail After 40-Year Fight

The dude that raped your daughter? After arraignment, he's out. :thup:

The bail system is unfairly rigged in favor of the rich and screws over the poor

Life is unfairly rigged in favor of the rich and screws over the poor.

Bail helps to ensure that defendants come back for trial.

So solve issue one and solutions like this are not brought up.
Because the term you used fit the situation. That doesn't necessarily mean it fits all situations. You are using a red herring. Look it up.

So please, explain. Why should some be held responsible for what their fathers did but no others?

It was already explained to you.

Residing in the country is illegal no matter what the father did. And the other reason is that it benefits Americans, and that is who set the policies here.

Go troll to your own thread.

What about those born here of parents who came.illegally?

You were provided the links about whataboutism. Which part do you have trouble with?

What about go make your own thread!

My opinion is that they obviously are not Americans and are therefore in the country illegally.

Those born here are Americans. You want to punish them for the sins of their fathers.

Punish them how?
They want bail to me more fairly meted out. A poor black man is accused of embezzling and off to prison they go to not being able to bail themselves out. They are unable to pay the families bills.

A middle aged white woman gets accused of the same and there is no problem with her bailing herself out.

If the punishment of being accused is sitting in jail until the trial, that should apply to all.

No, they want to eliminate bail as a means of wooing criminals to support them.

California Becomes First State To End Cash Bail After 40-Year Fight

The dude that raped your daughter? After arraignment, he's out. :thup:

The bail system is unfairly rigged in favor of the rich and screws over the poor

Life is unfairly rigged in favor of the rich and screws over the poor.

Bail helps to ensure that defendants come back for trial.

So solve issue one and solutions like this are not brought up.

I invite you to solve issue #1 for yourself...


It's the only solution to the problem.
So please, explain. Why should some be held responsible for what their fathers did but no others?

It was already explained to you.

Residing in the country is illegal no matter what the father did. And the other reason is that it benefits Americans, and that is who set the policies here.

Go troll to your own thread.

What about those born here of parents who came.illegally?

You were provided the links about whataboutism. Which part do you have trouble with?

What about go make your own thread!

My opinion is that they obviously are not Americans and are therefore in the country illegally.

Those born here are Americans. You want to punish them for the sins of their fathers.

Punish them how?

Deporting them.
It was already explained to you.

Residing in the country is illegal no matter what the father did. And the other reason is that it benefits Americans, and that is who set the policies here.

Go troll to your own thread.

What about those born here of parents who came.illegally?

You were provided the links about whataboutism. Which part do you have trouble with?

What about go make your own thread!

My opinion is that they obviously are not Americans and are therefore in the country illegally.

Those born here are Americans. You want to punish them for the sins of their fathers.

Punish them how?

Deporting them.

Currently we have birthright citizenship.

But once it is removed, yes those people get deported, for being in the country illegally.
What about those born here of parents who came.illegally?

You were provided the links about whataboutism. Which part do you have trouble with?

What about go make your own thread!

My opinion is that they obviously are not Americans and are therefore in the country illegally.

Those born here are Americans. You want to punish them for the sins of their fathers.

Punish them how?

Deporting them.

Currently we have birthright citizenship.

But once it is removed, yes those people get deported, for being in the country illegally.

Because you want to punish people for the sins of their fathers?

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