All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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From Al Monitor:

The boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement is upset at a Hamas leader for meeting with the Moroccan prime minister due to Morocco having relations with Israel.

BDS released an Arabic-language statement on Tuesday to “denounce” Hamas’ political head, Ismail Haniyeh, for meeting with Moroccan Prime Minister Saadeddine Othmani. The meeting took place last week during Haniyeh’s trip to Morocco, during which he also met with Islamist and opposition parties.

“We strongly condemn Haniyeh’s meeting with the Moroccan prime minister, which betrays our people and furthers normalization with the occupation and its continuing crimes,” BDS said in the statement.
Yes, BDS is criticizing Hamas for not adhering to the BDS standards.
Putting it another way, if Hamas isn't adhering to BDS, then no one is.

BDS' statement went further:

(full article online)

The choice of Goldstein to expound on HRW’s understanding of contemporary antisemitism is probably as good a place as any. Why is an individual whose job title is “acting executive director, HRW Middle East and North Africa Division” opining about hate crimes (though he never classifies them as such) targeting a relatively small minority community in the United States? How exactly is a Middle East specialist qualified to give insight on the best practices to secure our synagogues and schools, or fight antisemitic hate speech online, or protect visibly identifiable Jews who are especially vulnerable to street violence, or educate law enforcement about antisemitic trends — or any of the other real, painful practical challenges our community is presently dealing with?

Therein lies the rub. As is the case with other recent initiatives on antisemitism policy that I’ve written about (here and here), the intended beneficiary of these interventions is not the Jewish community, but the Palestinian national struggle and its influential global lobby. In that sense, Goldstein, who has a Jewish name and is an advocate for Palestinian rights, is an ideal person to front HRW’s attempt to delink the latest round of Israel demonization from the antisemitism it is rooted in, which is the main goal of his analysis.

But if one’s goal is to assist the Jewish community by arresting the current antisemitic tide, one cannot help being astonished by the issues that Goldstein ignores; and those, in turn, that he addresses.

To begin with, he mentions two of the many antisemitic outrages recorded in May around the country — the assault on Jewish diners at a Los Angeles restaurant and the savage beating of a Jewish man in midtown Manhattan. When one reports on hate crimes, it is customary to identify the perpetrators with as much accurate information as possible, and were Goldstein writing about an assault on Jews committed by white supremacists or neo-Nazi skinheads, he likely would have no qualms about disclosing this critical fact in order to enhance readers’ understanding of the episode at hand.

Yet Goldstein’s analysis of the May events gives the impression that the authors of these assaults were nameless and faceless, motivated only by a misguided notion of what solidarity with the Palestinian people involves. The assailants in Los Angeles are referred to merely as “a group,” while the attackers in New York City are simply “assailants.” No more detail is provided.

(full article online)


It’s worth noting at the outset that, while such a debate exists in the Israeli media, the US media remains, as ever, absolutely silent on the matter. Americans who get their information about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict only from the nightly news or papers like the New York Times and Washington Post would never even know that there is a discussion about it. Not only that, but they would have absolutely no familiarity at all with the idea that Palestine was ethnically cleansed of most of its Arab inhabitants in 1948. That this occurred (or even that this might have occurred) is entirely absent from the discussion; it is simply wiped from history altogether, in the narrative of the conflict propagated by the US media

WASHINGTON — The U.S. military, under the direction of President Joe Biden, conducted airstrikes Sunday against what it said were “facilities used by Iran-backed militia groups” near the border between Iraq and Syria.

Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said the militias were using the facilities to launch unmanned aerial vehicle attacks against U.S. troops in Iraq
In the wake of the heavy handed Palestinian security forces attacking protesters over the past three days, people criticized the EU for funding the Palestinian police.

In response, the European Union and the Palestinians explained exactly what they fund for Palestinians:

The EU does not provide any financial or technical assistance to the Palestinian Security Forces other than technical assistance to the Palestinian Civil Police. Our funding pays salaries for nurses, doctors and teachers, and contributes to the financial support to the poorest Palestinian families in the West Bank and Gaza. We also finance major infrastructure projects, support civil society and the business sector, notably micro and small enterprises, implement projects to preserve the Palestinian identity of Area C and East Jerusalem, and remain the major partner of UNRWA. The EU has the most robust monitoring mechanism in place to ensure that every Euro is actually spent as intended.
We already knew this, but here the EU says it explicitly: they regard all of east Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to be Palestinian territory - not something to be negotiated between the parties. And they will spend a large amount of EU money to oppose Israel's claims on those areas.

And it does this even though those areas were never "Palestinian."

(full article online)

Israel doesn’t fit the definitions: Imperialism is a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force. Colonialism is the policy or practice of one country acquiring full or partial political control over another, occupying it with settlers and exploiting it economically.

Throughout history there have been many colonizers and imperial powers, and they all had a host country while conquering other parts of the world—abusing the locals, exploiting their assets and imposing their own foreign cultures.

Israel, however, has no other country under its control and has never shown any interest in conquering the lands of others. The Jewish people have only had one land to which they are indigenous, and that is their national homeland. If Israel is an imperial or colonizing power, it would be the first case in history of an indigenous people colonizing their own country.

The Jewish homeland has only ever been colonized by others: Romans, Arabs, Crusaders, Ottomans, British and many other imperialist forces have subjugated the Land of Israel and its indigenous Jews. No other people in human history—except the Jews—sought to give this land independence.

Indeed, the Jewish people had sovereign nations in the Land of Israel from 1405–586 BCE and 530 BCE–70 CE. They also had other smaller independent states during the intervening years, such as in the Tiberias area between 1558 and 1564.

For centuries, the Jewish population in the Holy Land—many of whom managed to survive persecution, forced conversion and exile—spoke the same language and held the same customs as their scattered brethren around the world, until the exiles returned to resume sovereignty in their ancestral homeland.

(full article online)

The New York Times is being condemned for publishing a nearly-15-minute long propaganda video criticizing Israel for an attack that “could be a war crime.”

The video, headlined, “Gaza’s Deadly Night: How Israeli Airstrikes Killed 44 People,” carries the bylines of a staggering ten people: “Evan Hill, Ainara Tiefenthäler, John Ismay, Christiaan Triebert, Soliman Hijjy, Phil Robibero, Drew Jordan, Yousur Al-Hlou, Christoph Koettl and Patrick Kingsley.”




“Given #Hamas‘ authoritarian control of Gaza, viewers have a right to know how and under what circumstances and conditions journalists accessed witnesses and victims, how they met with ‘Gaza police,’ how missile fragments were neatly collected, piled and identified, etc.” Satloff wrote in a thread on Twitter. “It is really shocking that @nytimes would endorse this video without giving viewers a full accounting of the role that #Hamas played, directly and indirectly, in its making, especially given its disturbing accusations. Viewers/readers of the NYT deserve better.”

(full article online)

A recent online conference in Turkey featured anti-Israel scholars from prominent American universities. The fact that the conference was hosted by an organization led by a convicted leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) did not deter these American scholars from participating.

The week-long conference, “Challenging Apartheid in Palestine: Reclaiming the Narrative, Formulating a Vision,” was organized by Sami Al-Arian‘s Center for Islam and Global Affairs (CIGA). Al-Arian pleaded guilty in 2006 to conspiring to make or receive contributions of funds, goods, or services to or for the benefit of PIJ. Records show Al-Arian was a longtime member of the PIJ Shura, or governing council. He was deported to Turkey in 2015 as part of his plea agreement, and he now heads CIGA at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University.

in the meeting. Qutami applaudedPalestinian youth who “have amplified global Boycott Divestment and Sanctions [BDS] campaigns, and are working to end normalization agreements between their host states and Zionists and the Zionist settler-colonial regime.”

She emphasized the role of the “resistance from Gaza” that “ended the Israeli assault in 11 days” and its impact on “Palestinian collective consciousness and the psychological orientation of Palestinians and their past struggles toward the cause.”

That “resistance” came in the form of thousands of rockets fired by Hamas and PIJ at Israeli civilians during last month’s fighting between Israel and Hamas.

Qutami is a former International General Coordinator for the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) and helped organize its founding conference in Madrid, Spain in 2008. PYM reportedly may have ties with the Marxist-Leninist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a US-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).

(full article online)

In the wake of the heavy handed Palestinian security forces attacking protesters over the past three days, people criticized the EU for funding the Palestinian police.

In response, the European Union and the Palestinians explained exactly what they fund for Palestinians:

The EU does not provide any financial or technical assistance to the Palestinian Security Forces other than technical assistance to the Palestinian Civil Police. Our funding pays salaries for nurses, doctors and teachers, and contributes to the financial support to the poorest Palestinian families in the West Bank and Gaza. We also finance major infrastructure projects, support civil society and the business sector, notably micro and small enterprises, implement projects to preserve the Palestinian identity of Area C and East Jerusalem, and remain the major partner of UNRWA. The EU has the most robust monitoring mechanism in place to ensure that every Euro is actually spent as intended.
We already knew this, but here the EU says it explicitly: they regard all of east Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to be Palestinian territory - not something to be negotiated between the parties. And they will spend a large amount of EU money to oppose Israel's claims on those areas.

And it does this even though those areas were never "Palestinian."

(full article online)

We already knew this, but here the EU says it explicitly: they regard all of east Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to be Palestinian territory
That's because it is.
In the wake of the heavy handed Palestinian security forces attacking protesters over the past three days, people criticized the EU for funding the Palestinian police.

In response, the European Union and the Palestinians explained exactly what they fund for Palestinians:

The EU does not provide any financial or technical assistance to the Palestinian Security Forces other than technical assistance to the Palestinian Civil Police. Our funding pays salaries for nurses, doctors and teachers, and contributes to the financial support to the poorest Palestinian families in the West Bank and Gaza. We also finance major infrastructure projects, support civil society and the business sector, notably micro and small enterprises, implement projects to preserve the Palestinian identity of Area C and East Jerusalem, and remain the major partner of UNRWA. The EU has the most robust monitoring mechanism in place to ensure that every Euro is actually spent as intended.
We already knew this, but here the EU says it explicitly: they regard all of east Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to be Palestinian territory - not something to be negotiated between the parties. And they will spend a large amount of EU money to oppose Israel's claims on those areas.

And it does this even though those areas were never "Palestinian."

(full article online)

We already knew this, but here the EU says it explicitly: they regard all of east Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to be Palestinian territory
That's because it is.
The Pallys never held sovereignty over any of the areas. Your belief that a promise from the inventor of Islamism that the areas are waqf, (an entitlement to Moslems), causes your hurt feelings.

We're not in the 7th century. Check your calendar.
In the wake of the heavy handed Palestinian security forces attacking protesters over the past three days, people criticized the EU for funding the Palestinian police.

In response, the European Union and the Palestinians explained exactly what they fund for Palestinians:

The EU does not provide any financial or technical assistance to the Palestinian Security Forces other than technical assistance to the Palestinian Civil Police. Our funding pays salaries for nurses, doctors and teachers, and contributes to the financial support to the poorest Palestinian families in the West Bank and Gaza. We also finance major infrastructure projects, support civil society and the business sector, notably micro and small enterprises, implement projects to preserve the Palestinian identity of Area C and East Jerusalem, and remain the major partner of UNRWA. The EU has the most robust monitoring mechanism in place to ensure that every Euro is actually spent as intended.
We already knew this, but here the EU says it explicitly: they regard all of east Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to be Palestinian territory - not something to be negotiated between the parties. And they will spend a large amount of EU money to oppose Israel's claims on those areas.

And it does this even though those areas were never "Palestinian."

(full article online)

We already knew this, but here the EU says it explicitly: they regard all of east Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to be Palestinian territory
That's because it is.
Palestinians never had a territory in Mandate Palestine, before or after the Mandate.

Just ask the Hashemites who took 78% of the Mandate in 1922 and gave no land to the Arabs now called Palestinians. And then took Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem and gave none of that land to the Arabs calling themselves Palestinians only since 1963.

Or ask the Egyptians, who themselves took Gaza in 1948 and gave NO land at all to any of the Arabs who only started calling themselves Palestinians after Arafat went to Moscow and cooked that Nationality up with the KGB.

And most importantly, not ONE arab between 1948 and 1967 raised their voices or took any action against Jordan or Egypt to reclaim that land as Palestinian.

Therefore, your endless saying that it "Is" Palestinian territory falls off the abyss really fast and at a very fast speed.
In the wake of the heavy handed Palestinian security forces attacking protesters over the past three days, people criticized the EU for funding the Palestinian police.

In response, the European Union and the Palestinians explained exactly what they fund for Palestinians:

The EU does not provide any financial or technical assistance to the Palestinian Security Forces other than technical assistance to the Palestinian Civil Police. Our funding pays salaries for nurses, doctors and teachers, and contributes to the financial support to the poorest Palestinian families in the West Bank and Gaza. We also finance major infrastructure projects, support civil society and the business sector, notably micro and small enterprises, implement projects to preserve the Palestinian identity of Area C and East Jerusalem, and remain the major partner of UNRWA. The EU has the most robust monitoring mechanism in place to ensure that every Euro is actually spent as intended.
We already knew this, but here the EU says it explicitly: they regard all of east Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to be Palestinian territory - not something to be negotiated between the parties. And they will spend a large amount of EU money to oppose Israel's claims on those areas.

And it does this even though those areas were never "Palestinian."

(full article online)

We already knew this, but here the EU says it explicitly: they regard all of east Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to be Palestinian territory
That's because it is.
The Pallys never held sovereignty over any of the areas. Your belief that a promise from the inventor of Islamism that the areas are waqf, (an entitlement to Moslems), causes your hurt feelings.

We're not in the 7th century. Check your calendar.
Check out the law. The people are the sovereigns not governments or states.
In the wake of the heavy handed Palestinian security forces attacking protesters over the past three days, people criticized the EU for funding the Palestinian police.

In response, the European Union and the Palestinians explained exactly what they fund for Palestinians:

The EU does not provide any financial or technical assistance to the Palestinian Security Forces other than technical assistance to the Palestinian Civil Police. Our funding pays salaries for nurses, doctors and teachers, and contributes to the financial support to the poorest Palestinian families in the West Bank and Gaza. We also finance major infrastructure projects, support civil society and the business sector, notably micro and small enterprises, implement projects to preserve the Palestinian identity of Area C and East Jerusalem, and remain the major partner of UNRWA. The EU has the most robust monitoring mechanism in place to ensure that every Euro is actually spent as intended.
We already knew this, but here the EU says it explicitly: they regard all of east Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to be Palestinian territory - not something to be negotiated between the parties. And they will spend a large amount of EU money to oppose Israel's claims on those areas.

And it does this even though those areas were never "Palestinian."

(full article online)

We already knew this, but here the EU says it explicitly: they regard all of east Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to be Palestinian territory
That's because it is.
The Pallys never held sovereignty over any of the areas. Your belief that a promise from the inventor of Islamism that the areas are waqf, (an entitlement to Moslems), causes your hurt feelings.

We're not in the 7th century. Check your calendar.
Check out the law. The people are the sovereigns not governments or states.
Do check out the laws. Arab-Moslem occupation does not mean sovereignty.
Two activists in the left-wing Israeli NGO B'Tselem were arrested for torching land on Hill 16 next to Kiryat Arba last week, Im Tirztu reported on Sunday.

The activists were Imad Abu Shamsiyya, a photographer for B'Tselem who documented the controversial Elior Azaria case, and Araf Jabber.

Im Tirtzu claimed that the torched land fell under Israeli control and that the two activists, not Israeli citizens, sparked the fire on the hill in order to prepare it for agricultural activities in the future to allow Palestinians to take the land.

B'Tselem denied that the hill was under Israeli control, claiming that the land in question belongs to Jabber.

(full article online)

Israel doesn’t fit the definitions: Imperialism is a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force. Colonialism is the policy or practice of one country acquiring full or partial political control over another, occupying it with settlers and exploiting it economically.

Throughout history there have been many colonizers and imperial powers, and they all had a host country while conquering other parts of the world—abusing the locals, exploiting their assets and imposing their own foreign cultures.

Israel, however, has no other country under its control and has never shown any interest in conquering the lands of others. The Jewish people have only had one land to which they are indigenous, and that is their national homeland. If Israel is an imperial or colonizing power, it would be the first case in history of an indigenous people colonizing their own country.

The Jewish homeland has only ever been colonized by others: Romans, Arabs, Crusaders, Ottomans, British and many other imperialist forces have subjugated the Land of Israel and its indigenous Jews. No other people in human history—except the Jews—sought to give this land independence.

Indeed, the Jewish people had sovereign nations in the Land of Israel from 1405–586 BCE and 530 BCE–70 CE. They also had other smaller independent states during the intervening years, such as in the Tiberias area between 1558 and 1564.

For centuries, the Jewish population in the Holy Land—many of whom managed to survive persecution, forced conversion and exile—spoke the same language and held the same customs as their scattered brethren around the world, until the exiles returned to resume sovereignty in their ancestral homeland.

(full article online)

Welcome to United with Israel!
Founded in 2011, United with Israel (UWI) is proud to have grown to become the world’s largest pro-Israel community, with nearly 10 million followers in over 170 countries. We transform passive Israel supporters into global activists, sharing impactful, pro-Israel messages and calls-to-action throughout the world.

UWI delivers content via its website, social media, phone apps, browser apps, emails, newsletters and more – bypassing the mainstream media and its anti-Israel bias.

United with Israel uses its grassroots power to raise vital funds for a variety of charities that benefit Israelis in need
Israel doesn’t fit the definitions: Imperialism is a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force. Colonialism is the policy or practice of one country acquiring full or partial political control over another, occupying it with settlers and exploiting it economically.

Throughout history there have been many colonizers and imperial powers, and they all had a host country while conquering other parts of the world—abusing the locals, exploiting their assets and imposing their own foreign cultures.

Israel, however, has no other country under its control and has never shown any interest in conquering the lands of others. The Jewish people have only had one land to which they are indigenous, and that is their national homeland. If Israel is an imperial or colonizing power, it would be the first case in history of an indigenous people colonizing their own country.

The Jewish homeland has only ever been colonized by others: Romans, Arabs, Crusaders, Ottomans, British and many other imperialist forces have subjugated the Land of Israel and its indigenous Jews. No other people in human history—except the Jews—sought to give this land independence.

Indeed, the Jewish people had sovereign nations in the Land of Israel from 1405–586 BCE and 530 BCE–70 CE. They also had other smaller independent states during the intervening years, such as in the Tiberias area between 1558 and 1564.

For centuries, the Jewish population in the Holy Land—many of whom managed to survive persecution, forced conversion and exile—spoke the same language and held the same customs as their scattered brethren around the world, until the exiles returned to resume sovereignty in their ancestral homeland.

(full article online)

About 6.8 million Jewish Israelis and 6.8 million Palestinians live today between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River, an area encompassing Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), the latter made up of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. Throughout most of this area, Israel is the sole governing power; in the remainder, it exercises primary authority alongside limited Palestinian self-rule. Across these areas and in most aspects of life, Israeli authorities methodically privilege Jewish Israelis and discriminate against Palestinians. Laws, policies, and statements by leading Israeli officials make plain that the objective of maintaining Jewish Israeli control over demographics, political power, and land has long guided government policy. In pursuit of this goal, authorities have dispossessed, confined, forcibly separated, and subjugated Palestinians by virtue of their identity to varying degrees of intensity. In certain areas, as described in this report, these deprivations are so severe that they amount to the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution
Israel doesn’t fit the definitions: Imperialism is a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force. Colonialism is the policy or practice of one country acquiring full or partial political control over another, occupying it with settlers and exploiting it economically.

Throughout history there have been many colonizers and imperial powers, and they all had a host country while conquering other parts of the world—abusing the locals, exploiting their assets and imposing their own foreign cultures.

Israel, however, has no other country under its control and has never shown any interest in conquering the lands of others. The Jewish people have only had one land to which they are indigenous, and that is their national homeland. If Israel is an imperial or colonizing power, it would be the first case in history of an indigenous people colonizing their own country.

The Jewish homeland has only ever been colonized by others: Romans, Arabs, Crusaders, Ottomans, British and many other imperialist forces have subjugated the Land of Israel and its indigenous Jews. No other people in human history—except the Jews—sought to give this land independence.

Indeed, the Jewish people had sovereign nations in the Land of Israel from 1405–586 BCE and 530 BCE–70 CE. They also had other smaller independent states during the intervening years, such as in the Tiberias area between 1558 and 1564.

For centuries, the Jewish population in the Holy Land—many of whom managed to survive persecution, forced conversion and exile—spoke the same language and held the same customs as their scattered brethren around the world, until the exiles returned to resume sovereignty in their ancestral homeland.

(full article online)

About 6.8 million Jewish Israelis and 6.8 million Palestinians live today between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River, an area encompassing Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), the latter made up of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. Throughout most of this area, Israel is the sole governing power; in the remainder, it exercises primary authority alongside limited Palestinian self-rule. Across these areas and in most aspects of life, Israeli authorities methodically privilege Jewish Israelis and discriminate against Palestinians. Laws, policies, and statements by leading Israeli officials make plain that the objective of maintaining Jewish Israeli control over demographics, political power, and land has long guided government policy. In pursuit of this goal, authorities have dispossessed, confined, forcibly separated, and subjugated Palestinians by virtue of their identity to varying degrees of intensity. In certain areas, as described in this report, these deprivations are so severe that they amount to the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution
Two activists in the left-wing Israeli NGO B'Tselem were arrested for torching land on Hill 16 next to Kiryat Arba last week, Im Tirztu reported on Sunday.

The activists were Imad Abu Shamsiyya, a photographer for B'Tselem who documented the controversial Elior Azaria case, and Araf Jabber.

Im Tirtzu claimed that the torched land fell under Israeli control and that the two activists, not Israeli citizens, sparked the fire on the hill in order to prepare it for agricultural activities in the future to allow Palestinians to take the land.

B'Tselem denied that the hill was under Israeli control, claiming that the land in question belongs to Jabber.

(full article online)

Im Tirtzu claimed that the torched land fell under Israeli control and that the two activists, not Israeli citizens, sparked the fire on the hill in order to prepare it for agricultural activities in the future to allow Palestinians to take the land.
B'Tselem denied that the hill was under Israeli control, claiming that the land in question belongs to Jabber.
"This is not the first time that links between activists in anti-Zionist propaganda organizations working with foreign governments and the New Israel Fund and terrorist acts have been linked," said Matan Peleg, chairman of Im Tirtzu. "For the terrorists and seekers of Israel's evil, these are different activities in nature but with the same purpose. Sometimes it is found that these are the same people."
A recent online conference in Turkey featured anti-Israel scholars from prominent American universities. The fact that the conference was hosted by an organization led by a convicted leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) did not deter these American scholars from participating.

The week-long conference, “Challenging Apartheid in Palestine: Reclaiming the Narrative, Formulating a Vision,” was organized by Sami Al-Arian‘s Center for Islam and Global Affairs (CIGA). Al-Arian pleaded guilty in 2006 to conspiring to make or receive contributions of funds, goods, or services to or for the benefit of PIJ. Records show Al-Arian was a longtime member of the PIJ Shura, or governing council. He was deported to Turkey in 2015 as part of his plea agreement, and he now heads CIGA at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University.

in the meeting. Qutami applaudedPalestinian youth who “have amplified global Boycott Divestment and Sanctions [BDS] campaigns, and are working to end normalization agreements between their host states and Zionists and the Zionist settler-colonial regime.”

She emphasized the role of the “resistance from Gaza” that “ended the Israeli assault in 11 days” and its impact on “Palestinian collective consciousness and the psychological orientation of Palestinians and their past struggles toward the cause.”

That “resistance” came in the form of thousands of rockets fired by Hamas and PIJ at Israeli civilians during last month’s fighting between Israel and Hamas.

Qutami is a former International General Coordinator for the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) and helped organize its founding conference in Madrid, Spain in 2008. PYM reportedly may have ties with the Marxist-Leninist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a US-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).

(full article online)

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