ALMIGHTY GOD says atheist are FOOLS!!!

See Matthew 18:15-20 and Matthew 7:3-5

IF you deny the truth of GOD'S word= the words of JESUS then you are of the spirit of anti-christ and hell bound!!!

Give me a Book, Chapter, and Verse.

◄ 1 John 4:3 ►
Every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.

Be careful GISMYS this also applies to you and me.
if we cut other people out, we get cut out.
if we fail to forgive, we will not be forgiven.
if we prejudge and reject, neither will we be received.

In the name of Justice where all are made one in Christ Jesus,
there is no division between Jew and Gentile. Remember this.

So if you are rejecting half of Jesus' flock, the gentiles under natural
laws in a separate fold, then how can you be one with God in Christ Jesus.

I agree that if gentiles reject truth, if they reject others, they are also rejected the same.
But GISMYS if they reject you because you reject them, you are equally at fault for this.

Remember which audience you are speaking with.
If you are speaking with Pharisees who commit to follow the law,
then yes you rebuke the Believers by the same laws.

But with Gentiles under natural laws, there is "due process" for redressing
grievances to establish truth. This cannot be done by rejecting and not listening to people.
Corrections are made by peers "receiving and hearing" one another, not judging and rejecting which never works! See Matthew 18:15-20 and Matthew 7:3-5

Thank you and let us always forgive faults first
to open our relations to receive corrections and truth in Christ Jesus;
otherwise, if we do not ask God's grace and forgiveness first, to remove all barriers,
how is there room to receive truth if we are filled with rejection and negative emotions?

Can we please pray in agreement to remove all errors, all negative barriers and stumbling blocks from the process, receive ONE ANOTHER as children of God
and pray to RECEIVE God's truth through Christ IN PLACE of all negative blocks removed?

Bless those who persecute you. Don't curse them; pray that God will bless them

How can we have ROOM to receive God's blessings
if we have not first asked to FORGIVE and REMOVE
anger, judgment, rejection or hostility in our hearts
minds and relationships toward our neighbors?

Should we not REMOVE and discard the ill will and negative
fears and rejections FIRST, so that God's blessings of wisdom
and understanding of Truth and Justice can be received and fulfilled?
See Matthew 18:15-20 and Matthew 7:3-5

Give me a Book, Chapter, and Verse.

◄ 1 John 4:3 ►
Every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.

Be careful GISMYS this also applies to you and me.
if we cut other people out, we get cut out.
if we fail to forgive, we will not be forgiven.
if we prejudge and reject, neither will we be received.

In the name of Justice where all are made one in Christ Jesus,
there is no division between Jew and Gentile. Remember this.

So if you are rejecting half of Jesus' flock, the gentiles under natural
laws in a separate fold, then how can you be one with God in Christ Jesus.

I agree that if gentiles reject truth, if they reject others, they are also rejected the same.
But GISMYS if they reject you because you reject them, you are equally at fault for this.

Remember which audience you are speaking with.
If you are speaking with Pharisees who commit to follow the law,
then yes you rebuke the Believers by the same laws.

But with Gentiles under natural laws, there is "due process" for redressing
grievances to establish truth. This cannot be done by rejecting and not listening to people.
Corrections are made by peers "receiving and hearing" one another, not judging and rejecting which never works! See Matthew 18:15-20 and Matthew 7:3-5

Thank you and let us always forgive faults first
to open our relations to receive corrections and truth in Christ Jesus;
otherwise, if we do not ask God's grace and forgiveness first, to remove all barriers,
how is there room to receive truth if we are filled with rejection and negative emotions?

Can we please pray in agreement to remove all errors, all negative barriers and stumbling blocks from the process, receive ONE ANOTHER as children of God
and pray to RECEIVE God's truth through Christ IN PLACE of all negative blocks removed?

Bless those who persecute you. Don't curse them; pray that God will bless them

How can we have ROOM to receive God's blessings
if we have not first asked to FORGIVE and REMOVE
anger, judgment, rejection or hostility in our hearts
minds and relationships toward our neighbors?

Should we not REMOVE and discard the ill will and negative
fears and rejections FIRST, so that God's blessings of wisdom
and understanding of Truth and Justice can be received and fulfilled?

GOD IS UNWILLING THAT ""ANY"" PERISH BUT that they have eternal life.============For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that ""whoever"" believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. John 3:16-17
Don't post lies from hell, GOD has never created false religion believers.

That is right.

That is why there is TRUTH in science that Atheists prefer.
there is WISDOM in Buddhism and the Greek Ethics written for Gentiles.

There is Divine Authority in the Constitutional laws also given by God.

Where God has created all things,
then when we use them for God's purpose, there is no room
for evil or selfish ill will to abuse these laws or religions to mislead and destroy.

Lord Jesus, as Divine Justice, governs and fulfills all these other laws.
There is truth in all of them, so we can use the truth to dispel falsehood.

God's truth can be spoken using any of these languages or laws,
and then use those to hold people to their own words, so all wrongs are corrected.

This way, In Christ, all things are made new. All things are used for God's purpose as His original intent. We are all made perfect, or whole, even as our Heavenly Father is perfect.
Amen, I pray in full agreement with you on this in Christ Jesus
that all will be saved in fulfilling God's perfect will. Amen.

GOD IS UNWILLING THAT ""ANY"" PERISH BUT that they have eternal life.============For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that ""whoever"" believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. John 3:16-17

3 stages of salvation
1. stage one - receiving a child of God,
even sharing comfort with a child of God,
for to receive a child of God who comes in the name of Christ Jesus, or Justice with Mercy,
one receives Jesus
2. by receiving Jesus or the spirit of Justice
then one receives the Father
or the spirit of universal truth and love for all humanity and creation
3. anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord
shall be saved

the Lord is the Law, Universal Laws of Truth and Justice that govern all humanity

People invoke the name of the Law in different Ways,
there are many different names of God and different ways to express his Laws.

Where we invoke the Authority of Law
and join in agreement in Christ Jesus
then we establish Truth that "sets us free"
from sin, suffering and strife.
Thus all are saved as we come together
to call upon the "spirit of Truth and Justice"
which God and Jesus symbolize in collective form.
[MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] I join with you in calling all people,
Jew or Gentile, Believers or Nontheists,
to unite in establishing agreement in this
spirit of universal Truth and Justice.

In Christ Jesus name, let us unite in prayer, Amen.
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Don't post lies from hell, GOD has never created false religion believers.

That is right.

That is why there is TRUTH in science that Atheists prefer.
there is WISDOM in Buddhism and the Greek Ethics written for Gentiles.

There is Divine Authority in the Constitutional laws also given by God.

Where God has created all things,
then when we use them for God's purpose, there is no room
for evil or selfish ill will to abuse these laws or religions to mislead and destroy.

Lord Jesus, as Divine Justice, governs and fulfills all these other laws.
There is truth in all of them, so we can use the truth to dispel falsehood.

God's truth can be spoken using any of these languages or laws,
and then use those to hold people to their own words, so all wrongs are corrected.

This way, In Christ, all things are made new. All things are used for God's purpose as His original intent. We are all made perfect, or whole, even as our Heavenly Father is perfect.

YES!!! Satan often likes to mix some truth in false religions and that trick (trap) works well to deceive those that do not trust in God's word for all truth.
YES!!! I HAVE POSTED OVER AND OVER HOW YOU CAN BE SAVED(BORN AGAIN) DID you miss those posts??? YES!!! GOD HAS said what His judgment of sin is. The wages of sin is death and hell.

But why am I suppose to go find something that I have found and you have not?

WONDERFUL!!! IF you have accepted JESUS AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR!!! You have,right??????????????????

Do you have Tourette's?
Amen, I pray in full agreement with you on this in Christ Jesus
that all will be saved in fulfilling God's perfect will. Amen.

GOD IS UNWILLING THAT ""ANY"" PERISH BUT that they have eternal life.============For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that ""whoever"" believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. John 3:16-17

3 stages of salvation
1. stage one - receiving a child of God,
even sharing comfort with a child of God,
for to receive a child of God who comes in the name of Christ Jesus, or Justice with Mercy,
one receives Jesus
2. by receiving Jesus or the spirit of Justice
then one receives the Father
or the spirit of universal truth and love for all humanity and creation
3. anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord
shall be saved

the Lord is the Law, Universal Laws of Truth and Justice that govern all humanity

People invoke the name of the Law in different Ways,
there are many different names of God and different ways to express his Laws.

Where we invoke the Authority of Law
and join in agreement in Christ Jesus
then we establish Truth that "sets us free"
from sin, suffering and strife.
Thus all are saved as we come together
to call upon the "spirit of Truth and Justice"
which God and Jesus symbolize in collective form.
[MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] I join with you in calling all people,
Jew or Gentile, Believers or Nontheists,
to unite in establishing agreement in this
spirit of universal Truth and Justice.

In Christ Jesus name, let us unite in prayer, Amen.

#3--- Matt 7:21-23---shows clearly what you posted is a partial truth, that other things must accompany that to be truth.
I believe it really is speaking about the Lord of the ot--YHWH(Jehovah) --Jesus' God and Father.
I don't think Christianity exist to reform Judaism, nor meant to free them from the letter of their law.

In fact, I doubt any religion exist to reform another. The newer religions are just social backlash.

Today, we are having a social backlash in the West. It is characterized by the rise of non-theist and (western)atheists as well as the importing of Eastern religions to the masses. The questions raised are "What is God?", "Does God exists?" and "How should I see the world if Gd is really this".

This is not an attempt to reform the older Western theology. No, reform of a theology must take place with the theologians. Only they have the authority to reconstruct the material and ideas behind them as required in a reform. No, this is a form of rejection of the old theology in the west. Fortunately for western theology, this rejection does not appear to be growing within the masses. So there is still time for reform.
ALMIGHTY GOD DOES NOT CHANGE,TRUTH DOES NOT CHANGE. GOD'S WORD is living,eternal truth,all knowledge,wisdom. FOOLS have been trying to deny and argue and fight against GOD for thousands of years most are long dead and in hell,why join them???
GOD says=That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???
I don't think Christianity exist to reform Judaism, nor meant to free them from the letter of their law.

In fact, I doubt any religion exist to reform another. The newer religions are just social backlash.

Today, we are having a social backlash in the West. It is characterized by the rise of non-theist and (western)atheists as well as the importing of Eastern religions to the masses. The questions raised are "What is God?", "Does God exists?" and "How should I see the world if Gd is really this".

This is not an attempt to reform the older Western theology. No, reform of a theology must take place with the theologians. Only they have the authority to reconstruct the material and ideas behind them as required in a reform. No, this is a form of rejection of the old theology in the west. Fortunately for western theology, this rejection does not appear to be growing within the masses. So there is still time for reform.

I'm not sure the theologians are the ultimate authority on reforming a religion, so much as the people in the religion. If the church doesn't change to meet the needs of the people or the times, people simply drift away and find something that will meet their needs. Or the church comes to a new realization after being pushed from below. It wasn't the heads of the Catholic and Protestant churches that decided killing each other in the name of a God of Peace was stupid, it was the people of Europe who just decided after the Thirty Years War that they were done with that kind of nonsense.

I suspect that the same will need to happen to Islam at some point, that the average Muslim will just need to decide that killing people over the Sunni/Shia split is stupid, that regardless of what the Koran says that killing people who aren't Muslim just for not being Muslim is dumb and that the Islamic priesthood will either need to go along with that or risk becoming irrelevant and disappearing if they don't adapt.
I don't think Christianity exist to reform Judaism, nor meant to free them from the letter of their law.

In fact, I doubt any religion exist to reform another. The newer religions are just social backlash.

Today, we are having a social backlash in the West. It is characterized by the rise of non-theist and (western)atheists as well as the importing of Eastern religions to the masses. The questions raised are "What is God?", "Does God exists?" and "How should I see the world if Gd is really this".

This is not an attempt to reform the older Western theology. No, reform of a theology must take place with the theologians. Only they have the authority to reconstruct the material and ideas behind them as required in a reform. No, this is a form of rejection of the old theology in the west. Fortunately for western theology, this rejection does not appear to be growing within the masses. So there is still time for reform.

I'm not sure the theologians are the ultimate authority on reforming a religion, so much as the people in the religion. If the church doesn't change to meet the needs of the people or the times, people simply drift away and find something that will meet their needs. Or the church comes to a new realization after being pushed from below. It wasn't the heads of the Catholic and Protestant churches that decided killing each other in the name of a God of Peace was stupid, it was the people of Europe who just decided after the Thirty Years War that they were done with that kind of nonsense.

I suspect that the same will need to happen to Islam at some point, that the average Muslim will just need to decide that killing people over the Sunni/Shia split is stupid, that regardless of what the Koran says that killing people who aren't Muslim just for not being Muslim is dumb and that the Islamic priesthood will either need to go along with that or risk becoming irrelevant and disappearing if they don't adapt.

I don't think Christianity exist to reform Judaism, nor meant to free them from the letter of their law.

In fact, I doubt any religion exist to reform another. The newer religions are just social backlash.

Today, we are having a social backlash in the West. It is characterized by the rise of non-theist and (western)atheists as well as the importing of Eastern religions to the masses. The questions raised are "What is God?", "Does God exists?" and "How should I see the world if Gd is really this".

This is not an attempt to reform the older Western theology. No, reform of a theology must take place with the theologians. Only they have the authority to reconstruct the material and ideas behind them as required in a reform. No, this is a form of rejection of the old theology in the west. Fortunately for western theology, this rejection does not appear to be growing within the masses. So there is still time for reform.

I'm not sure the theologians are the ultimate authority on reforming a religion, so much as the people in the religion. If the church doesn't change to meet the needs of the people or the times, people simply drift away and find something that will meet their needs. Or the church comes to a new realization after being pushed from below. It wasn't the heads of the Catholic and Protestant churches that decided killing each other in the name of a God of Peace was stupid, it was the people of Europe who just decided after the Thirty Years War that they were done with that kind of nonsense.

I suspect that the same will need to happen to Islam at some point, that the average Muslim will just need to decide that killing people over the Sunni/Shia split is stupid, that regardless of what the Koran says that killing people who aren't Muslim just for not being Muslim is dumb and that the Islamic priesthood will either need to go along with that or risk becoming irrelevant and disappearing if they don't adapt.


"Those people don't believe like I do. Kill them all!" said pretty much everyone in the Old Testament.
I'm not sure the theologians are the ultimate authority on reforming a religion, so much as the people in the religion. If the church doesn't change to meet the needs of the people or the times, people simply drift away and find something that will meet their needs. Or the church comes to a new realization after being pushed from below. It wasn't the heads of the Catholic and Protestant churches that decided killing each other in the name of a God of Peace was stupid, it was the people of Europe who just decided after the Thirty Years War that they were done with that kind of nonsense.

I suspect that the same will need to happen to Islam at some point, that the average Muslim will just need to decide that killing people over the Sunni/Shia split is stupid, that regardless of what the Koran says that killing people who aren't Muslim just for not being Muslim is dumb and that the Islamic priesthood will either need to go along with that or risk becoming irrelevant and disappearing if they don't adapt.


"Those people don't believe like I do. Kill them all!" said pretty much everyone in the Old Testament.

YES!!! GOD ORDERED HIS PEOPLE to destroy those evil people living in the Holyland as their evil was extream,they offered their own children to burn before false gods and lived in all kinds of sexusal perversion. GOD WILL SOON destroy all evil,there is no place for evil in eternity except eternal hell.
Those people over there are killing their let's go over there and kill every man, woman, and child...that way we can save the children from being killed.

Brilliant logic.

"Those people don't believe like I do. Kill them all!" said pretty much everyone in the Old Testament.

YES!!! GOD ORDERED HIS PEOPLE to destroy those evil people living in the Holyland as their evil was extream,they offered their own children to burn before false gods and lived in all kinds of sexusal perversion. GOD WILL SOON destroy all evil,there is no place for evil in eternity except eternal hell.
Deuteronomy 21:18-21
King James Version (KJV)
18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:

19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;

20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.

21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

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