Already There Are So Many News Articles Documenting Trump Double-Crossing His Fans


In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back


Moron.......the same democrat press that was actively helping hilary and recieving directions from the hilary campaign are the same ones lying about Trump now...they haven't are the fool......the press tore off the mask, they didn't care who saw them as they really are...and now they want fools like you to think they are objective and reporting the truth....

If you believe are a moron.

So you're denying that Trump in his own words has backed off on many of his campaign promises?

He hasn't done anything yet.......and you are listening to the press....that is just one of your fuck ups....
Ha, ha! Trump is loading up his team with establishment players.
Man, many, many of our posters who threw out their "true conservative values" to the wind, to support Trump, are already looking like suckers and it's just beginning! This is going to be great entertainment. :popcorn:
Trump's transition team signals return to GOP establishment

And the hildabitch will never make a supreme court appointment. Mission accomplished.

Trump is not a Republican, never has been, never will be. So I am not real certain what kind of Supreme court nominee you think you'll get out of him. Regardless of his campaign rhetoric-- Today he stated that the Supreme Court is the law of the land-when asked about Gay marriage--meaning he has no intention of going after that or Roe v Wade or anything else that the court has already decided on. Coming from New York, and living in a court room, I doubt you're going to see another conservative justice nominee coming out of Donald Trump.

Obama calls him more pragmatic than an Ideolog. Meaning he's not going to keep the Reich wing of the Republican party that nominated him real happy.
Both McConnell (establishment) and religious right want Roe overturned. So, his Court pick(s) is an easy call for him.

In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back

Since he's not in the WH yet I'd like to know how he can reneg on anything.

Loads of people saw through the scams and bs that the media and the Dems were putting out. Seems you and your ilk are the only ones who believed that horseshit they were slinging.

We told you so many times and only and clueless moron like you couldn't see it. You preferred to believe that bullshit. Common Sense sure ain't your forte.

Loads of us saw that message Trump put out and that's why he won.

Grow the fuck up you tiddy baby.

In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back

The "media" was dishonest before the election. Now suddenly you want everyone to trust them?

How bout everyone tries this novel but time tested idea....


In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back

His uneducated rubes are in for a rude awakening

In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back


And you never thought to think that "the rigged system" is not at work again?

In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back

Flee now before the concentration camps open........
I read the OP is butt hurt, so he's reaching for narratives provided by other butt hurts.
This was a Cult of Personality election, just like 2008, and there is VERY little chance that his fans will criticize him in public.

Whatever he does, they'll buy into it, they'll spin for him.
You're a fool for coming here proving your ignorance. This was very much a issue oriented election and Trump was seen like the guy most likely to win and get it done. Sure he connected with the audience, all great speakers do. And I'll bet very few agreed with everything he said or did.

He didn't run on hope and change but let's fix America. Trying to minimize the voters and cult of personality followers is a low class move on your part.

Just as I pointed out yesterday, as you see above, the Trump cult will blindly support Trump no matter what he does as president.

You and your ilk have become obsolete.

lol, what do you think Trump is really going to do? Will he end Medicaid? Will he privatize SS? Will he criminalize abortion? Will he roll back equal rights for gays?

You tell us.
I think he'll piss liberals off every single day. That's why I voted for him.

Just as I pointed out yesterday, as you see above, the Trump cult will blindly support Trump no matter what he does as president.

Oh you mean like all those who blindly followed douchebag and Hillary and would believe anything either of them had to say??

Hillary lost because of Democrats who DIDN"T follow her.

Obviously they were a lot smarter than you were.
This was a Cult of Personality election, just like 2008, and there is VERY little chance that his fans will criticize him in public.

Whatever he does, they'll buy into it, they'll spin for him.
You're a fool for coming here proving your ignorance. This was very much a issue oriented election and Trump was seen like the guy most likely to win and get it done. Sure he connected with the audience, all great speakers do. And I'll bet very few agreed with everything he said or did.

He didn't run on hope and change but let's fix America. Trying to minimize the voters and cult of personality followers is a low class move on your part.
Didn't like my post, huh?


Just as I pointed out yesterday, as you see above, the Trump cult will blindly support Trump no matter what he does as president.

Oh you mean like all those who blindly followed douchebag and Hillary and would believe anything either of them had to say??

Hillary lost because of Democrats who DIDN"T follow her.

That's almost the same as saying she lost because she didn't get enough votes.

This was a Cult of Personality election, just like 2008, and there is VERY little chance that his fans will criticize him in public.

Whatever he does, they'll buy into it, they'll spin for him.
You're a fool for coming here proving your ignorance. This was very much a issue oriented election and Trump was seen like the guy most likely to win and get it done. Sure he connected with the audience, all great speakers do. And I'll bet very few agreed with everything he said or did.

He didn't run on hope and change but let's fix America. Trying to minimize the voters and cult of personality followers is a low class move on your part.
Didn't like my post, huh?

Why do you say that? It's no skin off my nose. You completely missed what it was all about. And you should know better.

Just as I pointed out yesterday, as you see above, the Trump cult will blindly support Trump no matter what he does as president.

You and your ilk have become obsolete.

lol, what do you think Trump is really going to do? Will he end Medicaid? Will he privatize SS? Will he criminalize abortion? Will he roll back equal rights for gays?

You tell us.

How about you tell us, can he do any of that on his own? Then you'll have your answer.

Just as I pointed out yesterday, as you see above, the Trump cult will blindly support Trump no matter what he does as president.

Oh you mean like all those who blindly followed douchebag and Hillary and would believe anything either of them had to say??

Hillary lost because of Democrats who DIDN"T follow her.

Yep, she just didn't have the gravitas it took to motivate maobamas coalition. Thanks for backing such a crap candidate.

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