America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

The members of the western armies are predominatly christian.

And the nations that are doing the invading and occupying are historically christian with christian cultures.

Are you aware of muslim history and how the "religion" expanded? Silly liberal type speak
I am an American and mainly care about Muslim American issues.

It will be through the political system that we can change attitudes and agendas.

Ahh, yes. If you can't get people to accept your views voluntarily, force them to by government mandate and threat of force. :clap2:

You want to live in an Islamic shithole, move your candy ass to one. Don't fuck up my country, because we ain't interested.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Indiana Jones and the shoot of death‬‏[/ame]

The original was a great scene. It has been cut and edited to hide the original version.
Nahla, there are western Christian armies killing ten's of thousands of muslims all over the world.

How fickle you are (just like a liberal). First you lecture us about the "Americans" that are serving and happen to be muslim and now you are declaring our military a religious army doing the Lord's work. Which is it? Its okay you can do that liberal worm dance now and try to spin your real meaning.

sunni man doing the dougie!:dance:
Stepping away from 'religion'... girls getting married at such an early age, ie at the onset of their periods making child rearing possible, is something that used to be the way of things here within the US. As for clit removal, and I won't yet touch on the esoteric things, but a woman without her clit is far more dependent upon her man for sex and is far less likely to stray into independent living and into the 'equality' mind set. Veils protect the gems, the women in many ways. Even men wear head coverings yet the issue is somehow that it is unfair for the women. Ask the women. What is it they choose? It seems more than not many of them would not have it much different than they do, if different at all.

It is such a difficult subject, the sharia law, but because so much of our world enslaves itself instead of recognizing the ready given protections, the freedoms for what they potentially mean on the deepest of levels. Some consider a forty hour a week career paying 100,000.00 a year enslavement to a beast... it seems the issue is not within the written laws but rather in the perception of such.

Most of women in those middle east countries are very[/U] well eduacted, Maybe more than here. Their choice of freedom is very little to nothing, you think Melissa, our problems start with circumcision? it is something women there can not dare to think about. It happens to us at a young age, not even knowing what is going on, we learned to live with it. Maybe now there is awareness of it, that they stopped in SOME areas, and countries but back then it was a must everywhere, like immunization. Still, kids at age of 6 and 8 don't know why they doing it, moms doing it for their daughters bcoz it had been done to them.

Our big problems are not about sex, or circumsicion. Here's an idea, freedom of speech, ignoring women votes and rights as human beings. Treating us like second hand citizens, sexual harrassment at work, discrimnation of christians, poverty, unemployment, rape,... and you telling me sex and circumsicion? REALLY?
Stepping away from 'religion'... girls getting married at such an early age, ie at the onset of their periods making child rearing possible, is something that used to be the way of things here within the US. As for clit removal, and I won't yet touch on the esoteric things, but a woman without her clit is far more dependent upon her man for sex and is far less likely to stray into independent living and into the 'equality' mind set. Veils protect the gems, the women in many ways. Even men wear head coverings yet the issue is somehow that it is unfair for the women. Ask the women. What is it they choose? It seems more than not many of them would not have it much different than they do, if different at all.

It is such a difficult subject, the sharia law, but because so much of our world enslaves itself instead of recognizing the ready given protections, the freedoms for what they potentially mean on the deepest of levels. Some consider a forty hour a week career paying 100,000.00 a year enslavement to a beast... it seems the issue is not within the written laws but rather in the perception of such.

Most of women in those middle east countries are very[/U] well eduacted, Maybe more than here. Their choice of freedom is very little to nothing, you think Melissa, our problems start with circumcision? it is something women there can not dare to think about. It happens to us at a young age, not even knowing what is going on, we learned to live with it. Maybe now there is awareness of it, that they stopped in SOME areas, and countries but back then it was a must everywhere, like immunization. Still, kids at age of 6 and 8 don't know why they doing it, moms doing it for their daughters bcoz it had been done to them.

Our big problems are not about sex, or circumsicion. Here's an idea, freedom of speech, ignoring women votes and rights as human beings. Treating us like second hand citizens, sexual harrassment at work, discrimnation of christians, poverty, unemployment, rape,... and you telling me sex and circumsicion? REALLY?

Epic fail, 101.
I do not believe for a second you are christian, and all you trying to do is to convince us that you are not but the sharia law, and Islam is great for this country.

I am not merely carrying the name or toting an empty-minded cross. But this is so little about 'me' personally and much more about understanding that 'we' think as a nation we can 'change' the world with our equality progressive demonstrations and yet we all too often fail to recognize the truth about victimization within our own land.

It is about "you" as a Christian. The country is made of INDIVIDUALS, not a mass of tissue. As Christians we are called to name evil (this also means we fight evil). We are called to praise the Lord and spread his word; if people do not want to listen, we are to shake the dust off our feet and leave them to their own devices. Only by improving OURSELVES, our families, our communities, our cities, our states can we improve our country. Unfortunately, the liberals are legislating immorality, similar to muslim rule: if one of theirs does it, it is okay, if someone they disagree with does it, destroy them.
Stepping away from 'religion'... girls getting married at such an early age, ie at the onset of their periods making child rearing possible, is something that used to be the way of things here within the US. As for clit removal, and I won't yet touch on the esoteric things, but a woman without her clit is far more dependent upon her man for sex and is far less likely to stray into independent living and into the 'equality' mind set. Veils protect the gems, the women in many ways. Even men wear head coverings yet the issue is somehow that it is unfair for the women. Ask the women. What is it they choose? It seems more than not many of them would not have it much different than they do, if different at all.

It is such a difficult subject, the sharia law, but because so much of our world enslaves itself instead of recognizing the ready given protections, the freedoms for what they potentially mean on the deepest of levels. Some consider a forty hour a week career paying 100,000.00 a year enslavement to a beast... it seems the issue is not within the written laws but rather in the perception of such.

Most of women in those middle east countries are very[/U] well eduacted, Maybe more than here. Their choice of freedom is very little to nothing, you think Melissa, our problems start with circumcision? it is something women there can not dare to think about. It happens to us at a young age, not even knowing what is going on, we learned to live with it. Maybe now there is awareness of it, that they stopped in SOME areas, and countries but back then it was a must everywhere, like immunization. Still, kids at age of 6 and 8 don't know why they doing it, moms doing it for their daughters bcoz it had been done to them.

Our big problems are not about sex, or circumsicion. Here's an idea, freedom of speech, ignoring women votes and rights as human beings. Treating us like second hand citizens, sexual harrassment at work, discrimnation of christians, poverty, unemployment, rape,... and you telling me sex and circumsicion? REALLY?

I was not in any way limiting the current debate theme to sex, for sure.

Also, what is it with us being so 'educated'? Are we really? Really? We are cattle in the herd. Seriously... WWJD? Do you have to be told that it means 'What would Jesus do?' Or that it is also very likely to mean 'World Wide Jihad Disorder' or something to the effect. It is very difficult to smear anything done the 'American' way because I am not a hater, however, too much seems to just be taken for appearances sake.
Stepping away from 'religion'... girls getting married at such an early age, ie at the onset of their periods making child rearing possible, is something that used to be the way of things here within the US. As for clit removal, and I won't yet touch on the esoteric things, but a woman without her clit is far more dependent upon her man for sex and is far less likely to stray into independent living and into the 'equality' mind set. Veils protect the gems, the women in many ways. Even men wear head coverings yet the issue is somehow that it is unfair for the women. Ask the women. What is it they choose? It seems more than not many of them would not have it much different than they do, if different at all.

It is such a difficult subject, the sharia law, but because so much of our world enslaves itself instead of recognizing the ready given protections, the freedoms for what they potentially mean on the deepest of levels. Some consider a forty hour a week career paying 100,000.00 a year enslavement to a beast... it seems the issue is not within the written laws but rather in the perception of such.

google the 'canvas prison' and get back to me. It lets you see how much 'freedom' and 'liberty' women have in a Sharia society. My favorite part is how it is UNLAWFUL for women to ride in the parts of vehicles designed for passengers. It appears you are much more interested in bowing before all gods than standing up for yours.
Stepping away from 'religion'... girls getting married at such an early age, ie at the onset of their periods making child rearing possible, is something that used to be the way of things here within the US. As for clit removal, and I won't yet touch on the esoteric things, but a woman without her clit is far more dependent upon her man for sex and is far less likely to stray into independent living and into the 'equality' mind set. Veils protect the gems, the women in many ways. Even men wear head coverings yet the issue is somehow that it is unfair for the women. Ask the women. What is it they choose? It seems more than not many of them would not have it much different than they do, if different at all.

It is such a difficult subject, the sharia law, but because so much of our world enslaves itself instead of recognizing the ready given protections, the freedoms for what they potentially mean on the deepest of levels. Some consider a forty hour a week career paying 100,000.00 a year enslavement to a beast... it seems the issue is not within the written laws but rather in the perception of such.

google the 'canvas prison' and get back to me. It lets you see how much 'freedom' and 'liberty' women have in a Sharia society. My favorite part is how it is UNLAWFUL for women to ride in the parts of vehicles designed for passengers. It appears you are much more interested in bowing before all gods than standing up for yours.

Appearances are deceiving and I forgive your assumption.

Our KJV bible does not recognize but a few women within it's pages, is that also a lack of respect toward women or necessary considering the things that are potentially at hand?

It specifically says for us as women to honor and obey our husbands. Submitting ourselves to them. Is this to demean and belittle us? Or to protect us and refine us? It could be better understood that perhaps mental scourging of women better prepares them for the spiritual aspects ahead, yet that is most probably too controversial to discuss considering the equality issues we all seem to face today.
Stepping away from 'religion'... girls getting married at such an early age, ie at the onset of their periods making child rearing possible, is something that used to be the way of things here within the US. As for clit removal, and I won't yet touch on the esoteric things, but a woman without her clit is far more dependent upon her man for sex and is far less likely to stray into independent living and into the 'equality' mind set. Veils protect the gems, the women in many ways. Even men wear head coverings yet the issue is somehow that it is unfair for the women. Ask the women. What is it they choose? It seems more than not many of them would not have it much different than they do, if different at all.

It is such a difficult subject, the sharia law, but because so much of our world enslaves itself instead of recognizing the ready given protections, the freedoms for what they potentially mean on the deepest of levels. Some consider a forty hour a week career paying 100,000.00 a year enslavement to a beast... it seems the issue is not within the written laws but rather in the perception of such.

google the 'canvas prison' and get back to me. It lets you see how much 'freedom' and 'liberty' women have in a Sharia society. My favorite part is how it is UNLAWFUL for women to ride in the parts of vehicles designed for passengers. It appears you are much more interested in bowing before all gods than standing up for yours.

Appearances are deceiving and I forgive your assumption.

Our KJV bible does not recognize but a few women within it's pages, is that also a lack of respect toward women or necessary considering the things that are potentially at hand?

It specifically says for us as women to honor and obey our husbands. Submitting ourselves to them. Is this to demean and belittle us? Or to protect us and refine us? It could be better understood that perhaps mental scourging of women better prepares them for the spiritual aspects ahead, yet that is most probably too controversial to discuss considering the equality issues we all seem to face today.

What would you like to see?
Stepping away from 'religion'... girls getting married at such an early age, ie at the onset of their periods making child rearing possible, is something that used to be the way of things here within the US. As for clit removal, and I won't yet touch on the esoteric things, but a woman without her clit is far more dependent upon her man for sex and is far less likely to stray into independent living and into the 'equality' mind set. Veils protect the gems, the women in many ways. Even men wear head coverings yet the issue is somehow that it is unfair for the women. Ask the women. What is it they choose? It seems more than not many of them would not have it much different than they do, if different at all.

It is such a difficult subject, the sharia law, but because so much of our world enslaves itself instead of recognizing the ready given protections, the freedoms for what they potentially mean on the deepest of levels. Some consider a forty hour a week career paying 100,000.00 a year enslavement to a beast... it seems the issue is not within the written laws but rather in the perception of such.

Most of women in those middle east countries are very[/U] well eduacted, Maybe more than here. Their choice of freedom is very little to nothing, you think Melissa, our problems start with circumcision? it is something women there can not dare to think about. It happens to us at a young age, not even knowing what is going on, we learned to live with it. Maybe now there is awareness of it, that they stopped in SOME areas, and countries but back then it was a must everywhere, like immunization. Still, kids at age of 6 and 8 don't know why they doing it, moms doing it for their daughters bcoz it had been done to them.

Our big problems are not about sex, or circumsicion. Here's an idea, freedom of speech, ignoring women votes and rights as human beings. Treating us like second hand citizens, sexual harrassment at work, discrimnation of christians, poverty, unemployment, rape,... and you telling me sex and circumsicion? REALLY?

I was not in any way limiting the current debate theme to sex, for sure.

Also, what is it with us being so 'educated'? Are we really? Really? We are cattle in the herd. Seriously... WWJD? Do you have to be told that it means 'What would Jesus do?' Or that it is also very likely to mean 'World Wide Jihad Disorder' or something to the effect. It is very difficult to smear anything done the 'American' way because I am not a hater, however, too much seems to just be taken for appearances sake.

You asking if we, women are eduacted, or just you?, is goes, Education, and this is just any 10 grade would know, open our eyes to what we are reading, not JUST read, work our brain that what we read is not just staked up words in a book, it gives us the right of doubt, and give us the right to ask, WHERE IS MY VOTE, MY RIGHT?, why I am not like any other woman or man around the world? why I am less? how can I be better, why should I accept humilation? it gives me the right to open my eyes and CHOOSE what is best for me and my family, it taught me ENGLISH and other languages to comunicate with someone like you, did not appreciate what she has..... and sooooooo many more.

let me ask you this, are you in depression phase or something?
Stepping away from 'religion'... girls getting married at such an early age, ie at the onset of their periods making child rearing possible, is something that used to be the way of things here within the US. As for clit removal, and I won't yet touch on the esoteric things, but a woman without her clit is far more dependent upon her man for sex and is far less likely to stray into independent living and into the 'equality' mind set. Veils protect the gems, the women in many ways. Even men wear head coverings yet the issue is somehow that it is unfair for the women. Ask the women. What is it they choose? It seems more than not many of them would not have it much different than they do, if different at all.

It is such a difficult subject, the sharia law, but because so much of our world enslaves itself instead of recognizing the ready given protections, the freedoms for what they potentially mean on the deepest of levels. Some consider a forty hour a week career paying 100,000.00 a year enslavement to a beast... it seems the issue is not within the written laws but rather in the perception of such.

google the 'canvas prison' and get back to me. It lets you see how much 'freedom' and 'liberty' women have in a Sharia society. My favorite part is how it is UNLAWFUL for women to ride in the parts of vehicles designed for passengers. It appears you are much more interested in bowing before all gods than standing up for yours.

Appearances are deceiving and I forgive your assumption.

Our KJV bible does not recognize but a few women within it's pages, is that also a lack of respect toward women or necessary considering the things that are potentially at hand?

It specifically says for us as women to honor and obey our husbands. Submitting ourselves to them. Is this to demean and belittle us? Or to protect us and refine us? It could be better understood that perhaps mental scourging of women better prepares them for the spiritual aspects ahead, yet that is most probably too controversial to discuss considering the equality issues we all seem to face today.

honor or husbands? I am not sure where do you live, I assume Saudia arabia. This is such mentality that they think and use. Even Saudi women, they came here to be equal with their husbands, they DEMANDED to be free and equal, what are you trying to say here?
I am not even a little depressed. It is the fact that I do appreciate every single inkling of my entire life that has me questioning why some seem so catty in their responses and so limited in their acceptance.

My heart breaks for people of any way that does not have what they need to have to survive, however, it has come to be obvious to me that there are some far more aware of the invisible things at hand than I may ever come to be. For that reason I could not logically discredit something of another religion without ample debate as to what is wrong with it and why the wrong of it is so.
Stepping away from 'religion'... girls getting married at such an early age, ie at the onset of their periods making child rearing possible, is something that used to be the way of things here within the US. As for clit removal, and I won't yet touch on the esoteric things, but a woman without her clit is far more dependent upon her man for sex and is far less likely to stray into independent living and into the 'equality' mind set. Veils protect the gems, the women in many ways. Even men wear head coverings yet the issue is somehow that it is unfair for the women. Ask the women. What is it they choose? It seems more than not many of them would not have it much different than they do, if different at all.

It is such a difficult subject, the sharia law, but because so much of our world enslaves itself instead of recognizing the ready given protections, the freedoms for what they potentially mean on the deepest of levels. Some consider a forty hour a week career paying 100,000.00 a year enslavement to a beast... it seems the issue is not within the written laws but rather in the perception of such.

google the 'canvas prison' and get back to me. It lets you see how much 'freedom' and 'liberty' women have in a Sharia society. My favorite part is how it is UNLAWFUL for women to ride in the parts of vehicles designed for passengers. It appears you are much more interested in bowing before all gods than standing up for yours.

Appearances are deceiving and I forgive your assumption.

Our KJV bible does not recognize but a few women within it's pages, is that also a lack of respect toward women or necessary considering the things that are potentially at hand?

It specifically says for us as women to honor and obey our husbands. Submitting ourselves to them. Is this to demean and belittle us? Or to protect us and refine us? It could be better understood that perhaps mental scourging of women better prepares them for the spiritual aspects ahead, yet that is most probably too controversial to discuss considering the equality issues we all seem to face today.

Did Yeshua have women that served as witnesses to his life? Did these women travel the known world (at the time) spreading His word as equals? Did Mohammed ever elevate women as equals to men? Did Yeshua say that a man shall take a wife and the two shall become one (not three, four or five)?
Yes, there are specific instructions for how 'wives' should act, and right there with it, is how 'husbands' should act. By all means read the differences between the quran and Bible regarding the 'husband's guidlines. It also says if your family is not living according to the Lord, you should cut them out of your life (paraphrased), and that is not by stoning them or killing them, that is by walking away.
google the 'canvas prison' and get back to me. It lets you see how much 'freedom' and 'liberty' women have in a Sharia society. My favorite part is how it is UNLAWFUL for women to ride in the parts of vehicles designed for passengers. It appears you are much more interested in bowing before all gods than standing up for yours.

Appearances are deceiving and I forgive your assumption.

Our KJV bible does not recognize but a few women within it's pages, is that also a lack of respect toward women or necessary considering the things that are potentially at hand?

It specifically says for us as women to honor and obey our husbands. Submitting ourselves to them. Is this to demean and belittle us? Or to protect us and refine us? It could be better understood that perhaps mental scourging of women better prepares them for the spiritual aspects ahead, yet that is most probably too controversial to discuss considering the equality issues we all seem to face today.

Did Yeshua have women that served as witnesses to his life? Did these women travel the known world (at the time) spreading His word as equals? Did Mohammed ever elevate women as equals to men? Did Yeshua say that a man shall take a wife and the two shall become one (not three, four or five)?
Yes, there are specific instructions for how 'wives' should act, and right there with it, is how 'husbands' should act. By all means read the differences between the quran and Bible regarding the 'husband's guidlines. It also says if your family is not living according to the Lord, you should cut them out of your life (paraphrased), and that is not by stoning them or killing them, that is by walking away.

Zing. Ouch
google the 'canvas prison' and get back to me. It lets you see how much 'freedom' and 'liberty' women have in a Sharia society. My favorite part is how it is UNLAWFUL for women to ride in the parts of vehicles designed for passengers. It appears you are much more interested in bowing before all gods than standing up for yours.

Appearances are deceiving and I forgive your assumption.

Our KJV bible does not recognize but a few women within it's pages, is that also a lack of respect toward women or necessary considering the things that are potentially at hand?

It specifically says for us as women to honor and obey our husbands. Submitting ourselves to them. Is this to demean and belittle us? Or to protect us and refine us? It could be better understood that perhaps mental scourging of women better prepares them for the spiritual aspects ahead, yet that is most probably too controversial to discuss considering the equality issues we all seem to face today.

honor or husbands? I am not sure where do you live, I assume Saudia arabia. This is such mentality that they think and use. Even Saudi women, they came here to be equal with their husbands, they DEMANDED to be free and equal, what are you trying to say here?

I live exactly where my profile states and it is all me. It is something to demand physical equality when we have obviously been made different for a reason. I do not know much, obviously, and do not respond to debate, but there are spiritual issues in which arise when women are equal to men. It is not usually good unless done accordingly to the rule of the head of the home. It is not always comfortable to stand for such things that are clearly defined within our Christian bible even within our Christian nation.

Women work and of course are meant to, but the focus of a Godly woman is to be on her inner self, her mental depth, spiritual awareness, devoted and dedicated love toward her husband, their family, and their home.

Aspects of the sharia law appeal to many of us because in all honestly it represents a type of comfort that too few laws have thus far. Yet, I do suppose my way of backward living makes it all the more difficult for some others to understand the potential importance of such.
Appearances are deceiving and I forgive your assumption.

Our KJV bible does not recognize but a few women within it's pages, is that also a lack of respect toward women or necessary considering the things that are potentially at hand?

It specifically says for us as women to honor and obey our husbands. Submitting ourselves to them. Is this to demean and belittle us? Or to protect us and refine us? It could be better understood that perhaps mental scourging of women better prepares them for the spiritual aspects ahead, yet that is most probably too controversial to discuss considering the equality issues we all seem to face today.

honor or husbands? I am not sure where do you live, I assume Saudia arabia. This is such mentality that they think and use. Even Saudi women, they came here to be equal with their husbands, they DEMANDED to be free and equal, what are you trying to say here?

I live exactly where my profile states and it is all me. It is something to demand physical equality when we have obviously been made different for a reason. I do not know much, obviously, and do not respond to debate, but there are spiritual issues in which arise when women are equal to men. It is not usually good unless done accordingly to the rule of the head of the home. It is not always comfortable to stand for such things that are clearly defined within our Christian bible even within our Christian nation.

Women work and of course are meant to, but the focus of a Godly woman is to be on her inner self, her mental depth, spiritual awareness, devoted and dedicated love toward her husband, their family, and their home.

Aspects of the sharia law appeal to many of us because in all honestly it represents a type of comfort that too few laws have thus far. Yet, I do suppose my way of backward living makes it all the more difficult for some others to understand the potential importance of such.

Enlighten us. do tell:eusa_whistle:.....
Appearances are deceiving and I forgive your assumption.

Our KJV bible does not recognize but a few women within it's pages, is that also a lack of respect toward women or necessary considering the things that are potentially at hand?

It specifically says for us as women to honor and obey our husbands. Submitting ourselves to them. Is this to demean and belittle us? Or to protect us and refine us? It could be better understood that perhaps mental scourging of women better prepares them for the spiritual aspects ahead, yet that is most probably too controversial to discuss considering the equality issues we all seem to face today.

honor or husbands? I am not sure where do you live, I assume Saudia arabia. This is such mentality that they think and use. Even Saudi women, they came here to be equal with their husbands, they DEMANDED to be free and equal, what are you trying to say here?

I live exactly where my profile states and it is all me. It is something to demand physical equality when we have obviously been made different for a reason. I do not know much, obviously, and do not respond to debate, but there are spiritual issues in which arise when women are equal to men. It is not usually good unless done accordingly to the rule of the head of the home. It is not always comfortable to stand for such things that are clearly defined within our Christian bible even within our Christian nation.

Women work and of course are meant to, but the focus of a Godly woman is to be on her inner self, her mental depth, spiritual awareness, devoted and dedicated love toward her husband, their family, and their home.

Aspects of the sharia law appeal to many of us because in all honestly it represents a type of comfort that too few laws have thus far. Yet, I do suppose my way of backward living makes it all the more difficult for some others to understand the potential importance of such.

Correction!!! it ONLY appeal to you.
Apparently dear Nahla is not nearly as educated in writing or grammar as she seems to assume she is. Enough. Good night. Sweet dreams.

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