America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

I am a steadfast sturdy minded Christian Oldsalt and there are arguments best not had about my KJV bible.

Too often the instigators reveal far more about themselves in their attempt to debate than a drawn out long winded argument could solve, or so my experience has been thus far.

The, as you called them, instigators ( which, on your part, the verbiage is very telling) didn't start the argument or discussion. Personally, I think sunni is a liar, and his agenda is obvious. You, on the other hand, are purposely circuitous in your posting.

That is a little presumptuous. Perhaps I am not purposefully any such thing. :( I posted before that I was taught differently than to argue.

Perhaps, But also, perhaps, I am correct. I believe I am. This is not my first rodeo....
Hey dumbass, did you notice that sharia ISN'T voluntary in any nation that adopts it seriously?

Do you honestly think and expect us to BELIEVE that the goal of muslims like Burkah Boy is to have "voluntary" sharia law?

Much like jewish law alive today in the US of A?
Halakha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, those bodies of people tortured, stoned to death, beheaded, blown up and murdered in their beds by those wacko radical Jews are really starting to pile up. Jewish law in Israel is democracy based, is it not??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Okay, now let's compare the "tortured, stoned to death, beheaded, blown up and murdered in their beds by those wacko radical" muslims, come on, you know you care about facts.

I do not see why you want to be so cruel to her Nahla?

Never seen her attack our say an unkind word to anyone.

No, she is acting like the passive Germans that stood by and "let" Hitler do the terrible things to Europe.

:evil: I am certain that very few if any of us really understand the dynamics that were at work during that time. I am not necessarily passive, I just choose my words and my battles more carefully than most seem to. It would not be an accomplishment for me to belittle anyone here unnecessarily outside of playing.

I do not see why you want to be so cruel to her Nahla?

Never seen her attack our say an unkind word to anyone.

No, she is acting like the passive Germans that stood by and "let" Hitler do the terrible things to Europe.

:evil: I am certain that very few if any of us really understand the dynamics that were at work during that time. I am not necessarily passive, I just choose my words and my battles more carefully than most seem to. It would not be an accomplishment for me to belittle anyone here unnecessarily outside of playing.

Very telling of you. Please describe said dynamics that led you to this conclusion:eusa_pray:
That would take time to gather and put together a new thread which seems to not necessarily be worth the effort considering how many other threads I have started to have very few if any responses/replies.

Most Germans blamed the Jews for the failing economy which is one of the most major factors worth mentioning, hijacking sunni's thread. For this reason many of the supposed quiet ones may not have been in a position that they could have rebelled because of the poverty level being what it was. One thing to keep in mind considering our fragile economic state here and now. What is worth the fight to us? Our religion? Our borders? Our people? Our independence and freedoms? What is going to best preserve and protect all of those things? I'm not being contrary or slim shady's slithering snake, I am asking because it seems everyone here has more figured out than I do.
That would take time to gather and put together a new thread which seems to not necessarily be worth the effort considering how many other threads I have started to have very few if any responses/replies.

Most Germans blamed the Jews for the failing economy which is one of the most major factors worth mentioning, hijacking sunni's thread. For this reason many of the supposed quiet ones may not have been in a position that they could have rebelled because of the poverty level being what it was. One thing to keep in mind considering our fragile economic state here and now. What is worth the fight to us? Our religion? Our borders? Our people? Our independence and freedoms? What is going to best preserve and protect all of those things? I'm not being contrary or slim shady's slithering snake, I am asking because it seems everyone here has more figured out than I do.
That would take time to gather and put together a new thread which seems to not necessarily be worth the effort considering how many other threads I have started to have very few if any responses/replies.

Most Germans blamed the Jews for the failing economy which is one of the most major factors worth mentioning, hijacking sunni's thread. For this reason many of the supposed quiet ones may not have been in a position that they could have rebelled because of the poverty level being what it was. One thing to keep in mind considering our fragile economic state here and now. What is worth the fight to us? Our religion? Our borders? Our people? Our independence and freedoms? What is going to best preserve and protect all of those things? I'm not being contrary or slim shady's slithering snake, I am asking because it seems everyone here has more figured out than I do.

Thank you for answering! What are you suggesting here?
I for one want to live in an America that tolerates religious diversity in its public life and in private one can live any strict religious code he or she wishes. Wear your burka in public if you like, don't eat pork if you don't want to, don't get an abortion if you think it is wrong, go to your religious services any day of the week you like, wear whatever jewlery you like, but don't push for state-supported implementation of your beliefs on the rest of us.
I for one want to live in an America that tolerates religious diversity in its public life and in private one can live any strict religious code he or she wishes. Wear your burka in public if you like, don't eat pork if you don't want to, don't get an abortion if you think it is wrong, go to your religious services any day of the week you like, wear whatever jewlery you like, but don't push for state-supported implementation of your beliefs on the rest of us.
And that's what America's all about. :clap2:
That would take time to gather and put together a new thread which seems to not necessarily be worth the effort considering how many other threads I have started to have very few if any responses/replies.

Most Germans blamed the Jews for the failing economy which is one of the most major factors worth mentioning, hijacking sunni's thread. For this reason many of the supposed quiet ones may not have been in a position that they could have rebelled because of the poverty level being what it was. One thing to keep in mind considering our fragile economic state here and now. What is worth the fight to us? Our religion? Our borders? Our people? Our independence and freedoms? What is going to best preserve and protect all of those things? I'm not being contrary or slim shady's slithering snake, I am asking because it seems everyone here has more figured out than I do.

Thank you for answering! What are you suggesting here?

I'm not sure if I have any suggestions that would be fitting considering the separation of church and state issues that would arise from my ideals. It may seem that I support what some consider barbaric living but I would hope that protecting and preserving families and family life to be a shared concern.

I for one want to live in an America that tolerates religious diversity in its public life and in private one can live any strict religious code he or she wishes. Wear your burka in public if you like, don't eat pork if you don't want to, don't get an abortion if you think it is wrong, go to your religious services any day of the week you like, wear whatever jewlery you like, but don't push for state-supported implementation of your beliefs on the rest of us.

I almost completely agree with this.

A tiny bit of my ideal would be: Smaller communities/villages by which strict religious laws could be enforced should be possible. Not unlike the French Quarter in New Orleans, just different according to specific religions. Each state, in my opinion, should have more control over it's legislature, too. No one would be forced to live in any way they are not comfortable with but they'd have to find a community in which best suites their lifestyle choices. Each community be as self-sufficient as possible and sharing/trading be done through border controls. Paper money should not have to be handled by anyone other than major businesses and professionals for their business and professional needs/requirements. A bartering system be established for families and individuals otherwise. To go from one community to another to live there should be a swearing in, an oath, or something to the effect representing a dedication to the ways of specific communities.

The US is the motherland and it should be a little more difficult to cross our borders, yet it should not ever be made impossible, especially when there are women and children.

It honestly seems that as the free nation we are we are manipulated into keeping our borders loosely guarded regardless of the border control attempts. Perhaps if we had a different type of diversity available it would not be so difficult to manage according to levels of citizenship.

Anyways. For the most part my thoughts are not barbaric as there is always the modernizations available to upgrade and support each private sector accordingly to their needs/wants.
That would take time to gather and put together a new thread which seems to not necessarily be worth the effort considering how many other threads I have started to have very few if any responses/replies.

Most Germans blamed the Jews for the failing economy which is one of the most major factors worth mentioning, hijacking sunni's thread. For this reason many of the supposed quiet ones may not have been in a position that they could have rebelled because of the poverty level being what it was. One thing to keep in mind considering our fragile economic state here and now. What is worth the fight to us? Our religion? Our borders? Our people? Our independence and freedoms? What is going to best preserve and protect all of those things? I'm not being contrary or slim shady's slithering snake, I am asking because it seems everyone here has more figured out than I do.

Thank you for answering! What are you suggesting here?

I'm not sure if I have any suggestions that would be fitting considering the separation of church and state issues that would arise from my ideals. It may seem that I support what some consider barbaric living but I would hope that protecting and preserving families and family life to be a shared concern.

I for one want to live in an America that tolerates religious diversity in its public life and in private one can live any strict religious code he or she wishes. Wear your burka in public if you like, don't eat pork if you don't want to, don't get an abortion if you think it is wrong, go to your religious services any day of the week you like, wear whatever jewlery you like, but don't push for state-supported implementation of your beliefs on the rest of us.

I almost completely agree with this.

A tiny bit of my ideal would be: Smaller communities/villages by which strict religious laws could be enforced should be possible. Not unlike the French Quarter in New Orleans, just different according to specific religions. Each state, in my opinion, should have more control over it's legislature, too. No one would be forced to live in any way they are not comfortable with but they'd have to find a community in which best suites their lifestyle choices. Each community be as self-sufficient as possible and sharing/trading be done through border controls. Paper money should not have to be handled by anyone other than major businesses and professionals for their business and professional needs/requirements. A bartering system be established for families and individuals otherwise. To go from one community to another to live there should be a swearing in, an oath, or something to the effect representing a dedication to the ways of specific communities.

The US is the motherland and it should be a little more difficult to cross our borders, yet it should not ever be made impossible, especially when there are women and children.

It honestly seems that as the free nation we are we are manipulated into keeping our borders loosely guarded regardless of the border control attempts. Perhaps if we had a different type of diversity available it would not be so difficult to manage according to levels of citizenship.

Anyways. For the most part my thoughts are not barbaric as there is always the modernizations available to upgrade and support each private sector accordingly to their needs/wants.

koresh and jones tried that, didn't work out so well.
My suggestion is more that the individual states monitor the safety of the sects and support/supplement certain leadership aspects that would limit if not prevent those things from being likely repeats. :(

There are levels of 'living' that have to be accommodated for mental development and some times it is the very things that 'educated' societies dismiss or reject that keep them from a healthy psyche. There are many things that should be considered but there are just as many potentials and though there be bad examples they are not always the rule.
1melissa have you ever been to a Muslim country? do you really know what you are asking for?

High_Gravity I should not have to live any place other than America to ask for a little consideration be given to aspects of a law that represents parallel principles in which our own way of life, our own religion has. Or does Christianity indeed need to be redefined?

You seem to be endorsing have sharia law here in the US however you seem to know very little about it, under strict Islamic law little things that you take for granted would be taken away, even you posting on this board would not be allowed.
Where did you come up with that?

Posting on an Internet board is not against sharia law.

In strict Islamic societies like the Taliban Afghanistan they are not allowed to own computers, even listening to music is forbidden unless it is sermons from the Quran. Hell they just allowed the internet in Syria like 4-5 years ago.
1melissa have you ever been to a Muslim country? do you really know what you are asking for?

High_Gravity I should not have to live any place other than America to ask for a little consideration be given to aspects of a law that represents parallel principles in which our own way of life, our own religion has. Or does Christianity indeed need to be redefined?

You seem to be endorsing have sharia law here in the US however you seem to know very little about it, under strict Islamic law little things that you take for granted would be taken away, even you posting on this board would not be allowed.

I understand that. :( That is something that may forever keep me floored. It is also something that keeps me from being ungrateful for America and all that is represented here, even the potentially destructive things. I am not endorsing the sharia law yet because of the apparent erosion of our Christianity and issues that may completely destroy our country's foundation I am pointing out that there are aspects of the sharia law that represents a level of enforcement, preservation and protection that should be considered, period.

Perhaps the issue isn't that Christianity needs to be redefined. Perhaps Christians who are not true to the ways of Christianity should not carry the label. Perhaps that should be the stimulation of America to come for any religion, faith. Yet, I suppose, then that would be limiting our freedoms here in such a way that life here would not be as comfortable and there would not be as many 'fluffy bunnies' for the world's entertainment purposes. :evil:
High_Gravity I should not have to live any place other than America to ask for a little consideration be given to aspects of a law that represents parallel principles in which our own way of life, our own religion has. Or does Christianity indeed need to be redefined?

You seem to be endorsing have sharia law here in the US however you seem to know very little about it, under strict Islamic law little things that you take for granted would be taken away, even you posting on this board would not be allowed.

I understand that. :( That is something that may forever keep me floored. It is also something that keeps me from being ungrateful for America and all that is represented here, even the potentially destructive things. I am not endorsing the sharia law yet because of the apparent erosion of our Christianity and issues that may completely destroy our country's foundation I am pointing out that there are aspects of the sharia law that represents a level of enforcement, preservation and protection that should be considered, period.

Perhaps the issue isn't that Christianity needs to be redefined. Perhaps Christians who are not true to the ways of Christianity should not carry the label. Perhaps that should be the stimulation of America to come for any religion, faith. Yet, I suppose, then that would be limiting our freedoms here in such a way that life here would not be as comfortable and there would not be as many 'fluffy bunnies' for the world's entertainment purposes. :evil:

To be honest I am not a religious person, if you are saying America as a nation is not Christian enough maybe you are correct I don't know. I do know more people in the US go to Church than in Europe, and the Euros consider Americans too uptight about religion with puritan values that you don't find over there. I have to been overseas to Islamic countries and gotten a look at how strict Islamic laws work and I just don't want that system over here in any kind of way, you can live the life of a Muslim in the US without having to change the laws for everyone else.
Where did you come up with that?

Posting on an Internet board is not against sharia law.

In strict Islamic societies like the Taliban Afghanistan they are not allowed to own computers, even listening to music is forbidden unless it is sermons from the Quran. Hell they just allowed the internet in Syria like 4-5 years ago.

I grew up in the woods with no running water and only electricity for lights. We had tvs but I don't watch tv because it bores me to sleep usually. Yes I live here in America but we only just got our computer to the internet about two years ago and this message board is almost my only real social outlet as I am a wife and mother who only works within family atmospheres. I also do not listen to much music because it is noise to me. If my husband is not home I am even known to unplug all the major appliances because I frankly have no use for them and they hum.

I am not unaware of the wonderful life we have here in America. I am also not one that takes what I have lightly. Every thing, every person matters to me. I love living here. I also love limiting my exposure to 'some things' not because I don't appreciate them but because I recognize they are not nearly as free as they appear to be. :eusa_whistle:
Where did you come up with that?

Posting on an Internet board is not against sharia law.

In strict Islamic societies like the Taliban Afghanistan they are not allowed to own computers, even listening to music is forbidden unless it is sermons from the Quran. Hell they just allowed the internet in Syria like 4-5 years ago.

I grew up in the woods with no running water and only electricity for lights. We had tvs but I don't watch tv because it bores me to sleep usually. Yes I live here in America but we only just got our computer to the internet about two years ago and this message board is almost my only real social outlet as I am a wife and mother who only works within family atmospheres. I also do not listen to much music because it is noise to me. If my husband is not home I am even known to unplug all the major appliances because I frankly have no use for them and they hum.

I am not unaware of the wonderful life we have here in America. I am also not one that takes what I have lightly. Every thing, every person matters to me. I love living here. I also love limiting my exposure to 'some things' not because I don't appreciate them but because I recognize they are not nearly as free as they appear to be. :eusa_whistle:[/QUOTE]

Thats fine but that doesn't mean these things should be taken away from everyone else, I really wish an exchange programs of some sorts could be worked out with an Islamic country like Pakistan or Yemen where people from the US could go for a few weeks and see what living under Islamic law is really like.

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