America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

Give him time, he has to get back to his master in Riyadh for instructions,

Until then, more on his version of peace:

Sectarian tensions between Shiites and Sunnis are on the rise in Saudi Arabia, where, like
most of the Muslim world, Shiites are a minority. The current trouble started last month when
the religious police reportedly harassed Shiite women worshipping in Islam's second-holiest

Saudi Arabia is the second?
Boycott, I think if we waited a little bit, they will eat each other up.. :lol::lol::lol:
Muslim women are far from being treated as second-class citizens.

Unlike women in the western nations Muslim women are treated with dignity and respect .

Sunni Man:
You'd have more success improving the laws and system in this country
if you state the standards and principles in CONSTITUTIONAL terms that
people RESPECT.

If you are REALLY concerned about raising the standards, reducing abuses
and costs of them, then I suggest using language that the people support.

If you keep pushing it as Shariah you unnecessarily increase alienation and rejection.

Why would you do that?

I am happy to work with you to make the laws/system in this country
more consistent with CONSTITUTIONAL values and ethics.
That is what the government is SUPPOSED to be doing anyway!

I just met with the local head of CAIR in Houston
and am proposing we focus on CONSTITUTIONAL corrections
and stopping abuses that are UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

that applies to ALL groups, religious corporate or government, public or private,
to encourage a consistent ethical code of standards based on CONSTITUTIONAL values.

And no, if you are pushing for some religious based agenda,
I would not support or encourage that, with respect to Constitutional laws.
You would alienate people even more from working with Muslims and you would discredit
all the work people are doing to stop this hype and negative confusion over Islam
projected as a "political religion" so you would be harming the Muslim community.

Christianity has the same problems, so why would you want to make the same mistakes?

I am happy to help you and Christians as well, on common outreach
to raise standards and prevent abuses.

You and others personally are free to believe and follow what your religious convictions are, but to make public policy requires sticking with Constitutional standards
and not imposing any religious-based ideology especially where people do not consent!

That would be in violation of Constitutional principles
so you would just come across as abusive and defeat your purpose.

Again I am happy to work with you on successful and effective
outreach and legislation that agree with your values as well as
anyone else's.

We are not that all that different, though we all have different traditions, preferences or biases, and diverse cultural institutions for expressing common principles and values that are basically good and universal to all people.

Where we stick to common Constitutional values, then we can agree
and that is how the authority of law is supposed to be, it is supposed to
reflect the consent of the governed and represent the public interest.

Salaam Malaikum
Peace Be Yours

Yours truly,
Emily, if you didn't get a chance to read all Sunni's posts, I think he would NOT agree with you. He wants to START with imposing the shariah law first on people, so they have no choice but consenting to the law, to be the first step for a total reform of the whole country to be another Iran, or Saudi Arabia. A country that women are covered from tip to toe, a country that a man can beat up his WOMEN and not be charge for it, a country than women voice, and votes DO NOT count, a country that a man can marry 3 or 4 women, a country that apply the 14 century death penalty law, by stoning, gun shots, and hanging in the middle of the street. No respect for human being, no respect for women. Violence and fear will be the only thing running between people. I hope I was clear enough
Emily, if you didn't get a chance to read all Sunni's posts, I think he would NOT agree with you. He wants to START with imposing the shariah law first on people, so they have no choice but consenting to the law, to be the first step for a total reform of the whole country to be another Iran, or Saudi Arabia. A country that women are covered from tip to toe, a country that a man can beat up his WOMEN and not be charge for it, a country than women voice, and votes DO NOT count, a country that a man can marry 3 or 4 women, a country that apply the 14 century death penalty law, by stoning, gun shots, and hanging in the middle of the street. No respect for human being, no respect for women. Violence and fear will be the only thing running between people. I hope I was clear enough
R U muslim too?
Emily, if you didn't get a chance to read all Sunni's posts, I think he would NOT agree with you. He wants to START with imposing the shariah law first on people, so they have no choice but consenting to the law, to be the first step for a total reform of the whole country to be another Iran, or Saudi Arabia. A country that women are covered from tip to toe, a country that a man can beat up his WOMEN and not be charge for it, a country than women voice, and votes DO NOT count, a country that a man can marry 3 or 4 women, a country that apply the 14 century death penalty law, by stoning, gun shots, and hanging in the middle of the street. No respect for human being, no respect for women. Violence and fear will be the only thing running between people. I hope I was clear enough

It is amazing how many lies you can tell in one post.

I never once talked about "imposing" or "forcing" sharia law on people.

I have always said if it comes about it would be through the democratic process of voting and legal changes by the court.

Also, I have never ever advocated domestic violence upon women.

For you to say that is another blatant lie.

To say that I am against women voting is another lie that you told.

There is more but I am not going to go over each one.

You are a very dishonest person Nahla. :evil:
Because it's probably you having gay sex with an animal or something.

Since there was no mention of those things either you are guilty of projection,

because those thoughts were on the tip of your mind or...

bearing false witness against me because its slander to suggest i would try to trick someone into sinning when i dint.

No matter both are grave sins to commit, and you were blinded by a lack of faith not to see it.

Proof the sunni path is the wrong path, your kind will never govern a dogs life let alone anyone in the west,

God willing. Allah U Akbar!

Or maybe he's afraid what in this site is true and then he wouldn't have any answers of the stoning, violent, killing, so-called peace religion of his

Did you see the news in Afganistan: one young boy was tortured and strangled, another was forced by Al quaeda. Another example of how islam is turned to death and destruction, easily.
Emily, if you didn't get a chance to read all Sunni's posts, I think he would NOT agree with you. He wants to START with imposing the shariah law first on people, so they have no choice but consenting to the law, to be the first step for a total reform of the whole country to be another Iran, or Saudi Arabia. A country that women are covered from tip to toe, a country that a man can beat up his WOMEN and not be charge for it, a country than women voice, and votes DO NOT count, a country that a man can marry 3 or 4 women, a country that apply the 14 century death penalty law, by stoning, gun shots, and hanging in the middle of the street. No respect for human being, no respect for women. Violence and fear will be the only thing running between people. I hope I was clear enough

That isn't how it would "start". That is how it would end. Look at the countries in the ME. ALL of them have muslim leaders, what happens? It would not be any different here. If a descent man did become leader, chances are when he was gone, it would be absolute tyranny. Leftist/communists/socialists/islamists, all say the same thing: this time it will be different. So far, EVERY time has been a total mess, or is headed that way, now.
It amazes me that so many people will not even look at "evidence" of how these tyrantical gov'ts work, but want to tell you to follow the hole ridden science of evolution, because of the "evidence".
I have always said if it comes about it would be through the democratic process of voting and legal changes by the court.
You compound your idiocy with ignorance.

Did you see the news in Afganistan: one young boy was tortured and strangled, another was forced by Al quaeda. Another example of how islam is turned to death and destruction, easily.

These are acts representative of criminals, not Muslims – their faith is incidental. Christians commit equally heinous crimes, most recently in Norway, and the entire faith is not indicted.
Emily, if you didn't get a chance to read all Sunni's posts, I think he would NOT agree with you. He wants to START with imposing the shariah law first on people, so they have no choice but consenting to the law, to be the first step for a total reform of the whole country to be another Iran, or Saudi Arabia. A country that women are covered from tip to toe, a country that a man can beat up his WOMEN and not be charge for it, a country than women voice, and votes DO NOT count, a country that a man can marry 3 or 4 women, a country that apply the 14 century death penalty law, by stoning, gun shots, and hanging in the middle of the street. No respect for human being, no respect for women. Violence and fear will be the only thing running between people. I hope I was clear enough

It is amazing how many lies you can tell in one post.

I never once talked about "imposing" or "forcing" sharia law on people.

I have always said if it comes about it would be through the democratic process of voting and legal changes by the court.

Also, I have never ever advocated domestic violence upon women.

For you to say that is another blatant lie.

To say that I am against women voting is another lie that you told.

There is more but I am not going to go over each one.

You are a very dishonest person Nahla. :evil:

Oh, you calling me a liar? you're mad? why? what I have said is True... It happenes in ALL Middle East counties, including mine -WAS-. I have seen it, and lived in it and still know people live it too. Besides, these news are not new, it is ALL OVER the arab news, but of course in different names. You don't want to see, it is up to you. You think your religion is really peaceful, if YOU apply it YOUR way, but it is applied differently everywhere else, and people suffered from it, even muslims. Call me whatever you want, I KNOW the truth.
Your statements were directed explicitly at me.

And you lied by telling the board that I believe certain things which I don't.

You really need to get a grip and figure out that you are not in Egypt anymore.

If you haven't noticed Islam in America is different than Islam in other countries.

Actually now I see why they kicked you out.

You are a bad woman who spreads lies and calls it truth. :evil:
Your statements were directed explicitly at me.

And you lied by telling the board that I believe certain things which I don't.

You really need to get a grip and figure out that you are not in Egypt anymore.

If you haven't noticed Islam in America is different than Islam in other countries.

Actually now I see why they kicked you out.

You are a bad woman who spreads lies and calls it truth. :evil:

You mean every muslim country apply Islam differently? Did you just say that? do you hear yourself? If I am telling the board lies, and you are not, why you're mad? the truth will preveil, Right? You are telling people that sharia law is the best law to be applied in this country, (and as YOU say, you are not trying to enforce it or anything) so, I am trying to show other countries that ALREADY applying this law and compare. What's wrong with that?
By the way, NOBODY kicked me out, I chose to leave, and actually I go back to visit EVERY year. FOR MY FAMILY. I have the right to go anywhwere as I please. I AM FREE.
I believe certain things which I don't[/B].

YOU DON'T believe? So you don't believe in Veil (Hejab)? you don't believe in empowering men? you don't believe in stoning, gunshots, and hanging which your book and law allow? You don't believe that Islam is the peace, Right, and fair religion of all? so you don't believe in Islam!!! :eusa_eh:
Emily, if you didn't get a chance to read all Sunni's posts, I think he would NOT agree with you. He wants to START with imposing the shariah law first on people, so they have no choice but consenting to the law, to be the first step for a total reform of the whole country to be another Iran, or Saudi Arabia. A country that women are covered from tip to toe, a country that a man can beat up his WOMEN and not be charge for it, a country than women voice, and votes DO NOT count, a country that a man can marry 3 or 4 women, a country that apply the 14 century death penalty law, by stoning, gun shots, and hanging in the middle of the street. No respect for human being, no respect for women. Violence and fear will be the only thing running between people. I hope I was clear enough

Hi Nahla: I forwarded some of the conversation from Sunni Man
to my friend with CAIR to try to address issues on both sides.

First the fear of the abuses oppression and injustice going on in other countries
that adds to the fear that such will occur here in America if this is not checked.

Secondly the language and statements made such as Sunni Man's
that are easy to see how these are perceived as mixing
religion with politics in an unconstitutional or otherwise unwelcome way.

These two factors are being combined together, so it is hard to tell
how much is coming from where. I just know that ALL abuses would have
to be addressed, and these other problems will be resolved in the process.

I'm not just talking about Islam, but even when Christians and Atheists
or Pro-Life or Pro-Choice lobbyists start using the political system to
pursue corrections or agenda they feel are necessary for freedom, this causes the
threat of imposition against the consent of the public who isn't of that group.

So that is a recurring problem, and I have the same talks with my Christian Pro-Life friends about staying within the bounds of Constitutional protections of equal religious freedom and not to push religion-based arguments or biases.

As for the genocidal abuses and political oppression in other countries,
I believe a united coalition of Muslims, Christians and Jews can stop the violence
in the Middle East and set a better example for other hotbeds worldwide.

I will try to start locally by uniting people on Constitutional values, first,
with the freedom to express these and identify with whatever cultural or
religious background they come from without conflict with any other.

And then I think with that unity we can do more to help these
other places in the world suffering terribly from political aggression and abuses,
due to the lack of due process and equal protections we have in America.

Whether the genocide, such as you described, is projected onto targeted populations by way of race or by religion, it is a human rights issue which is what
Constitutional laws and principles are based on, natural laws for all humanity.
I find the Bill of Rights and First Amendment state these principles stronger than
any religion, so that is why I use that language to defend natural rights for all people.

Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, likewise, are ALL supposed to be teaching
universal laws that affect all humanity, but the language and traditions have become
separated and "exclusive" by cultural affiliations so that we lose the higher meaning and message to the religious rhetoric. I am hoping the Constitutional language may help to unify the different religious or political factions in America on common ground and common values, while preserved the freedom to express diverse religious identity and practice of all individuals and groups; and educating more individuals on Constitutional checks against abuses by teaching due process and conflict resolution to protect interests equally (instead of fear of bullying or threats to impose or overrule others as today).

Nahla I am so sorry to hear about the painful experiences you have suffered,
and I hope that in bringing together all people and groups concerned to address the cause and cure for these problems, these horrible wars will become a thing of the past.

Thank you for sharing
and I look forward to working together toward real solutions
we can all take a vested interest in, including our own language for them.

The fact that people like us here are all coming from different experiences
and perceptions, even clashing as opponents, will turn out to be a benefit to us
in learning how to communicate and interact effectively, instead of deadlocking at odds.

The real solutions will satisfy all of our concerns, and solve
all the problems we see from different angles,
so that is what I am looking to put together.
The diversity of experiences helps, so thank you.

Yours truly,
so you don't believe in Islam!!! :eusa_eh:

You know, if everyone did everything the bible said to do, oy vey....

It wouldnt be a pretty world,

so we now seem to pick and choose from the Books we call the word of God

Christian jew muslim, everyones doing it...get called a moderate for it.

Butt, if they are the word of God who are we to ignore certain parts.

I know can of worms, just got bike from riding my dirt bike and it expands my mind

so you don't believe in Islam!!! :eusa_eh:

You know, if everyone did everything the bible said to do, oy vey....

It wouldnt be a pretty world,

so we now seem to pick and choose from the Books we call the word of God

Christian jew muslim, everyones doing it...get called a moderate for it.

Butt, if they are the word of God who are we to ignore certain parts.

I know can of worms, just got bike from riding my dirt bike and it expands my mind


No one live the way the books tells us to, even priests and shaiks don't do what they suppose to do.. NoT all the way any way. We do what we can, but there are basics in every religion and book, which express our identity, for christians and muslims or jews, or... Do not go to the extreme and hurt other people and say the book told me to do so (which in Islam it kinda does)... this is insanity, and inhuman. To preach and spread the word of Islam, ro Christianity has its people. Not because one read the bible or Quran think he/she is a preacher or great teacher!! I don't know why I am telling you that, but don't take it personaly Boycott.

By the way, where are you Sunni? you lost your reasons, or don't have answers?
Emily, if you didn't get a chance to read all Sunni's posts, I think he would NOT agree with you. He wants to START with imposing the shariah law first on people, so they have no choice but consenting to the law, to be the first step for a total reform of the whole country to be another Iran, or Saudi Arabia. A country that women are covered from tip to toe, a country that a man can beat up his WOMEN and not be charge for it, a country than women voice, and votes DO NOT count, a country that a man can marry 3 or 4 women, a country that apply the 14 century death penalty law, by stoning, gun shots, and hanging in the middle of the street. No respect for human being, no respect for women. Violence and fear will be the only thing running between people. I hope I was clear enough

Hi Nahla: I forwarded some of the conversation from Sunni Man
to my friend with CAIR to try to address issues on both sides.

First the fear of the abuses oppression and injustice going on in other countries
that adds to the fear that such will occur here in America if this is not checked.

Secondly the language and statements made such as Sunni Man's
that are easy to see how these are perceived as mixing
religion with politics in an unconstitutional or otherwise unwelcome way.

These two factors are being combined together, so it is hard to tell
how much is coming from where. I just know that ALL abuses would have
to be addressed, and these other problems will be resolved in the process.

I'm not just talking about Islam, but even when Christians and Atheists
or Pro-Life or Pro-Choice lobbyists start using the political system to
pursue corrections or agenda they feel are necessary for freedom, this causes the
threat of imposition against the consent of the public who isn't of that group.

So that is a recurring problem, and I have the same talks with my Christian Pro-Life friends about staying within the bounds of Constitutional protections of equal religious freedom and not to push religion-based arguments or biases.

As for the genocidal abuses and political oppression in other countries,
I believe a united coalition of Muslims, Christians and Jews can stop the violence
in the Middle East and set a better example for other hotbeds worldwide.

I will try to start locally by uniting people on Constitutional values, first,
with the freedom to express these and identify with whatever cultural or
religious background they come from without conflict with any other.

And then I think with that unity we can do more to help these
other places in the world suffering terribly from political aggression and abuses,
due to the lack of due process and equal protections we have in America.

Whether the genocide, such as you described, is projected onto targeted populations by way of race or by religion, it is a human rights issue which is what
Constitutional laws and principles are based on, natural laws for all humanity.
I find the Bill of Rights and First Amendment state these principles stronger than
any religion, so that is why I use that language to defend natural rights for all people.

Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, likewise, are ALL supposed to be teaching
universal laws that affect all humanity, but the language and traditions have become
separated and "exclusive" by cultural affiliations so that we lose the higher meaning and message to the religious rhetoric. I am hoping the Constitutional language may help to unify the different religious or political factions in America on common ground and common values, while preserved the freedom to express diverse religious identity and practice of all individuals and groups; and educating more individuals on Constitutional checks against abuses by teaching due process and conflict resolution to protect interests equally (instead of fear of bullying or threats to impose or overrule others as today).

Nahla I am so sorry to hear about the painful experiences you have suffered,
and I hope that in bringing together all people and groups concerned to address the cause and cure for these problems, these horrible wars will become a thing of the past.

Thank you for sharing
and I look forward to working together toward real solutions
we can all take a vested interest in, including our own language for them.

The fact that people like us here are all coming from different experiences
and perceptions, even clashing as opponents, will turn out to be a benefit to us
in learning how to communicate and interact effectively, instead of deadlocking at odds.

The real solutions will satisfy all of our concerns, and solve
all the problems we see from different angles,
so that is what I am looking to put together.
The diversity of experiences helps, so thank you.

Yours truly,

Emily, you are very kind to take the time and explain all that. But I am sorry, in my point of view and experience, I haven't met any reasonable muslim, if they exist, I believe they are very rare. I am NOT talking about the pain I had or my people (Egypatian christians) had and still having. But in general, they say something but act and do the opposite, totally. I am sorry, but there is no way I can believe other than that. I don't deny, there MUST be some muslims who MIGHT be reasonable, normal, not extremist. but haven't seens that yet. ONLY in TV.
Perhaps the whole issue 'way back when' is that some of us were taught as young girls that we had to learn the trades that would have been best beneficial to our living conditions. Alot of men in the past have not always been able or interested in meeting the needs of his family... Sharia Law ensures chastisement of such men (infidel) just as it has expectations of women...

So, you are saying the men that raped the reporter in Egypt were fine upstanding muslims? Were they ridiculed, arrested, punished? Or do you believe if a woman is in public, any man that spots her has the "duty" to rape her?

Americans like to point fingers about women being raped in other countries.

Yet, rape is epidemic in the U.S.

With one of the highest rape/population rates in the world. :doubt:
Yeah like women in other nations will report a rape when your so called sharia law says they have to have 4 men to witness it. I am sure they will jump on the bandwagon to do that so they can get accused of adultery and be stoned..

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