Americans are now utterly intolerant of ever being told they’re wrong about almost anything

The problem is that both sides dig-in and defend their version of fake-news. The version that supports their world view. How do you fix that? now it's popular to think that there is no truth anymore.
Perfect for America hating assholes.
Everyone is misinformed, not just the folks that are screaming and wailing and refusing to listen to the opposition. Everyone is.
The problem is that both sides dig-in and defend their version of fake-news. The version that supports their world view. How do you fix that?

With facts and laying out a credible argument, if the other person is open to reasoning that is. Unfortunately the school system has purposely robbed a noticeable percentage of students of the ability to reason come lately.

There may need to be some free classes offered to unskew their crosswired thinking.
The problem is that both sides dig-in and defend their version of fake-news. The version that supports their world view. How do you fix that? now it's popular to think that there is no truth anymore.
Perfect for America hating assholes.
Everyone is misinformed, not just the folks that are screaming and wailing and refusing to listen to the opposition. Everyone is.

There is no news show that is not slanted one way or another. All we get is propaganda, so how do think you have any idea what the truth is. Its all about getting political power and keeping your base happy. Michael Moore had the 2016 election right, electing Trump was the biggest FU the electorate could muster against the DC establishment. That was the truth. Aside from that its all <<<<spin>>>>...
With facts and laying out a credible argument, if the other person is open to reasoning that is.
And that's the problem, that's when the walls go up and the mind shuts down.

It's not just the argument being made, it's the way it's made. That's where we're really fallen. Add to that the tribal nature of our society, and you get this mess.
i find it awesome how many of the old folks living on this board manage to blame the school system for the alleged faults of the younger generations. what explains the manifold shortcomings of the old folks? senile stubbornness? dementia?

nichols' book seems to be definitely worth reading. you can see how experts in any field are treated on this board. everyone thinks his or her opinion is as valid as the opinion of an expert. being an expert is even a sign of being worse than common joe shmoe. being a politician is bad if you want to be president. it is better to have a complete novice at the helm. bon appetit, maggots.
The problem is that both sides dig-in and defend their version of fake-news. The version that supports their world view. How do you fix that?

With facts and laying out a credible argument, if the other person is open to reasoning that is. Unfortunately the school system has purposely robbed a noticeable percentage of students of the ability to reason come lately.

There may need to be some free classes offered to unskew their cross-wired thinking.

Agree. They are sitting in their parents basement with their degrees in philosophy or Art-History wondering why they can't find work. Even if they do find work they wonder why their takehome pay is so small and why their healthcare cost (premium + deductible) makes healthcare unusable, while the freeloaders get free healthcare...maybe they never heard of supply & demand? If Trump gets us on track like Germany where the job training matches the jobs available, we can get somewhere.
I think it comes back to education and what we learn as we grow up.
People lack the necessary skills to sift information and that leads to an acceptance of persuasively written propaganda.
Its about knowing when you are being played. It irritates me.
The best selling paper in the UK is the Sun. For decades it has spread social and political shite and paid up fortunes to its victims.
But it is still the best selling paper in the UK and all politicians kiss Murdochs ring in order to get the Suns blessing.
Until we can improve our education system and get some critical thinking in there we will not improve.
I think it comes back to education and what we learn as we grow up.
People lack the necessary skills to sift information and that leads to an acceptance of persuasively written propaganda.
Its about knowing when you are being played. It irritates me.
The best selling paper in the UK is the Sun. For decades it has spread social and political shite and paid up fortunes to its victims.
But it is still the best selling paper in the UK and all politicians kiss Murdochs ring in order to get the Suns blessing.
Until we can improve our education system and get some critical thinking in there we will not improve.
When you say "paid up fortunes to its victims" do you mean they sued the paper and won?
The problem is that both sides dig-in and defend their version of fake-news. The version that supports their world view. How do you fix that?

No...the actual problem is the left wing of our politics.....they see politics as war...not a debate...and they treat conservatives and libertarians as evil...and treat them as such...that is why there is so much violence against conservatives and libertarians..which is supported by the education establishment...especially at the college isn't conservatives on college campuses teaching kids that it is okay to violently attack conservative speakers, or to silence anyone they disagree with...

The left sees violence as a legitimate tactic, they always have....fix that, and we can get back to debating the issues....
Young, college educated, left wing millenials are the most suceptible to fake news......because they are trained by left wing professors to dismiss the truth, facts and reality order to feel important....
The problem is that both sides dig-in and defend their version of fake-news. The version that supports their world view. How do you fix that? now it's popular to think that there is no truth anymore.
Perfect for America hating assholes.
Everyone is misinformed, not just the folks that are screaming and wailing and refusing to listen to the opposition. Everyone is.

There is no news show that is not slanted one way or another. All we get is propaganda, so how do think you have any idea what the truth is. Its all about getting political power and keeping your base happy. Michael Moore had the 2016 election right, electing Trump was the biggest FU the electorate could muster against the DC establishment. That was the truth. Aside from that its all <<<<spin>>>>...
If you listen to anything Michael Moore says you obviously haven't a clue. He makes a living off of chaos. He's not rational. He's just a fat fuck making a living bitching about the imaginary evils of American society. He's not a role model or someone you should want to pattern your life after.

I think it comes back to education and what we learn as we grow up.
People lack the necessary skills to sift information and that leads to an acceptance of persuasively written propaganda.
Its about knowing when you are being played. It irritates me.
The best selling paper in the UK is the Sun. For decades it has spread social and political shite and paid up fortunes to its victims.
But it is still the best selling paper in the UK and all politicians kiss Murdochs ring in order to get the Suns blessing.
Until we can improve our education system and get some critical thinking in there we will not improve.
When you say "paid up fortunes to its victims" do you mean they sued the paper and won?
Yes. Murdochs papers are the most sued media organisations in the UK.

The Sun to face trial over phone-hacking claims

There is sheds loads more of this. Some illegal stuff and some lies. And yet people dont punish them by reading something else.
More important, we need to start listening to each other with a greater assumption of good will. Cable news has become a gladiatorial exercise, but that doesn’t mean each of us must approach conversation as a fight to the finish.

I think the right-wing gave up any consideration of courtesy when they supported the Orange Nazi knowing damned well he had no business being president.

They put winning above the good of the country and common decency.

Ironically, they'll be the ones getting the worst of his policies, so it is truly karmic.
I think it comes back to education and what we learn as we grow up.
People lack the necessary skills to sift information and that leads to an acceptance of persuasively written propaganda.
Its about knowing when you are being played. It irritates me.
The best selling paper in the UK is the Sun. For decades it has spread social and political shite and paid up fortunes to its victims.
But it is still the best selling paper in the UK and all politicians kiss Murdochs ring in order to get the Suns blessing.
Until we can improve our education system and get some critical thinking in there we will not improve.
Typical snobbish liberal response.
Democrats cannot be honest to their own base because their base is too stupid to understand the complexities I suppose.
Obamacare was passed filled with "Tortured-Language" with the expressed intent to deny the truth and mislead the public is beyond dispute. Your statement proves that you agree that the public is too stupid to understand the truth even when it's presented to them.
Democrats haven't nominated an honest politician in our lifetime and their only defense is "They all do it", tells us everything we need to know.
It's not because they're too stupid and can't be trusted to make their own decisions. The problem is when you force your values down someone else's throat you tend to piss people off. So you lie to them and try to change their values and remove their principles.

This is how concentration camps became a reality in Germany. They wouldn't be possible without the acceptance of the public.
Young, college educated, left wing millenials are the most suceptible to fake news......because they are trained by left wing professors to dismiss the truth, facts and reality order to feel important....

You mean as opposed to Republicans who really think Obama was born in Kenya?

Considering they are all college educated....and more inclined to believe fake news...yep.

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