Americans Buying AK47's Like They Are Going Out Of Style

Actually, its about a third - 5770 out of 15094 (2010)
6470 of those 15094 victims were black. (2010)

I wonder if France, Canada, Germany, etc - supposedly comparable to the US - have such a disproportionate representation of minorities in their murder numbers.
That is the neatly watered-down Wiki entry, for sure.
Uniform Crime Report, 2010.
FBI — Expanded Homicide Data

From your link:

Of the offenders for whom race was known, 53.1 percent were black,
Eflat -

The prevalence of guns is linked to the prevalence of deaths by gun shot wound.

Now you're back to supporting your original statement...and it's still untrue.

If the number of firearms among the US population is linked to the prevalence of death by firearm we would see an increasing firearm murder rate over time given that the prevalence of firearms has increased dramatically. Instead, we've seen a massive decrease in "deaths by gun shot wound".

So again, feel free to back up your statement, either one, with facts, logic or reason.
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Again - prevalence of guns is linked to increased deaths of gun-related causes.

Prove it and while doing so, explain how deaths by gun-related causes has decreased dramatically while the prevalence of guns has increased.
Eflat -

The prevalence of guns is linked to the prevalence of deaths by gun shot wound.

Now you're back to supporting your original statement...and it's still untrue.

If the number of firearms among the US population is linked to the prevalence of death by firearm we would see an increasing firearm murder rate over time given that the prevalence of firearms has increased dramatically. Instead, we've seen a massive decrease in "deaths by gun shot wound".

So again, feel free to back up your statement, either one, with facts, logic or reason.

Oh sure.

Kill the thread, why don't you?

It's interesting to see that:

Concerning murder victims for whom race was known, 50.4 percent were black,

Perhaps more of the debate should be not about why blacks commit crime - but why they are the victims of crime.
Actually, no, that would be the US.

No, that would be Europe.

Where 1% of the population control 34% of the wealth, a number inconceivable in Europe.

Yet the American middle class live lives of luxury denied the denizens of England, France, Spain, and Italy.

Europe leads the US both in Gini Index distribution of wealth, and in economic mobility.


Economic mobility is virtually non-existent in most of Europe, in my experience. Where you are born is where you stay.
Homicide in the USA has steadily declined per capita since 1900. If guns were the cause of homicide, the rates would have risen, as there are vastly more guns, and more guns per capita than any time in history. Instead, murder rates are at historical lows and continue to drop.

Blaming an inanimate object for behavior is irrational.

I have never said that guns are the cause of crime.

They aren't.

At least, they aren't the predominant cause of crime.

They are more of an enabling factor, and a method by which a potential killer can kill more people, faster.

Guns are nothing more than a tool chosen by a person in order to carry out their intention to kill. A person intent upon killing another, or others, can and will find a way to do so, whether guns are available, or not.
However, firearms in the hands of responsible citizens serve as a definitive deterrent to those who would prey upon the unarmed.
From your link:
Of the offenders for whom race was known, 53.1 percent were black,
That does not translate to >50% of all murderers are black.

Total 15,094
White 4,849
Black 5,770
Other 251
Unknown 4,224
5770 / 15094 = 38.2%

Of the offenders for whom race was known, 53.1 percent were black.

Statistically, you certainly cannot discount the blacks from the balance of unknowns as you have,. Also, statistically speaking, with a known sample size of 2/3rds of the universe, it is more than fair to project the rest.

Blacks are committing over half the murders in America.
~0.003% of the guns in the US wre used to commit murder.

Wow. The sky is falling.

Well 12,000 Americans died of gun shot sounds last year, and so for them - the sky did fall in, yes.

You might try comforting the familes at the Sikh Temple or movie theatre last week by telling them that most guns are not involved in crime. I doubt they'll be won over.

Umm, gunshot sounds have rarely resulted in death. They are loud, yes, and you can lose your hearing after long, unprotected exposure to gunshot sounds, but they are rarely deadly...well, in this country...
If the number of firearms among the US population is linked to the prevalence of death by firearm we would see an increasing firearm murder rate over time given that the prevalence of firearms has increased dramatically. Instead, we've seen a massive decrease in "deaths by gun shot wound".

This would be true if we were dealing with a neutral scenario in which no other factors existed except guns, but obviously other facts do exist.

These factors are more often the causes of crime - poverty, drug abuse, crime, urbanisation and so forth and so forth.

Although murder rates in the US have dropped, in some states we have also seen the number of murders involving guns increase.

What is key here is to look at studies conducted across a wide range of areas and years, and to establish patterns.

In doing so, there seems to be a universal rule that households in which guns are kept are more likely to experience death by gun shot wound than households without guns.

Also, at least at an international level - the linking of gun possession to homicide rates is virtually statistically perfect. By which I mean, if we rank 20 developed countries by gun ownership, and again by homicide, the two tables are virtually identical.
~0.003% of the guns in the US wre used to commit murder.

Wow. The sky is falling.

Well 12,000 Americans died of gun shot sounds last year, and so for them - the sky did fall in, yes.

You might try comforting the familes at the Sikh Temple or movie theatre last week by telling them that most guns are not involved in crime. I doubt they'll be won over.

Umm, gunshot sounds have rarely resulted in death. They are loud, yes, and you can lose your hearing after long, unprotected exposure to gunshot sounds, but they are rarely deadly...well, in this country...
9mm is fine for killing Europeons; to kill a real man you need a .45.
Guns are nothing more than a tool chosen by a person in order to carry out their intention to kill. A person intent upon killing another, or others, can and will find a way to do so, whether guns are available, or not.
However, firearms in the hands of responsible citizens serve as a definitive deterrent to those who would prey upon the unarmed.

I agree.

Guns enable a person wishing to commit murder to do so quickly and effectively. They do not cause the person to commit the crime.

The problem being that an angry man with a knife may kill one person - an angry man with a gun can kill 10.

Semsible laws will ensure vulnerable groups on society, such as those with psychological problems, are not able to acquire weapons because of this.
This stat is interesting too:

'Of the homicides for which the FBI received weapons data, most (67.5 percent) involved the use of firearms. Handguns comprised 68.5 percent of the firearms used in murders and nonnegligent manslaughters in 2010.'

The % of homicides involving weapons has risen since the stats on Wikpedia.

Could this be related to an increased number of weapons in society?

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