An Athiest Student as she has claimed, brings a lawsuit with the help of the ACLU?

Who exactly do you think you are to order me around thusly?

I've explained the situation already. Government property is not your property individually. Additionally, public schools are not for proselytizing for your religion.


So do you believe that our forefathers, meant for the establishment clause to ban all religon from all public and government buildings? And if so, why then do you think they decided to start congress with a prayer? If not, why then do you believe the court was right in this case?

Or is it only Christian religion that you have a problem with?

First off, religion has literally no place in the education of our children for the future to compete with other countries going forwards. We are the only country in the world that has people who consistently attempt to muscle their religion into schools with such fervor.

Second, this prayer was obvious Christian, with phrases such as "heavenly Father" and "Amen" in it. Last I checked not everyone is Christian.

3rd, Thomas Jefferson was very explicit when he said that the US was not founded on Christian principles.
Ohhhhh brother, why don't people understand that these issues are not really all that complex (?), and if handled properly they can be worked out to suit everyone at any given time in America, but there is a group or groups out there, that fight everything in so many idiotic ways, that it is simply pathetic.

The thing that concerns me most, is how the majority who want good to come out of these issues or situations found in America, in which are just trying to keep the good that they already had for the last 49 years, are mostly being denide their rights and/or freedoms more so than these groups who are trying to always take those rights and freedoms away from them.
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The ACLU is a Jewish front organization that is vehemently anti-Christian.

Who's goal is to purge the nation of all Christian morals and values.
well the nation thou govt over the years have done a wonderful job passing laws resticting the churches self given right to persecute imprison, maim or even kill those who disagree with its doctrine .
there are some *values and morals* of the christian religion that needs to be resticted .

like the right of a women to choice what she does with her body .
the right of a person to sleep with whom they choose
.and the right of children not to be molested by priests
we still have a long way to go to purge the nation of these questionable VALUES

What a minute, you said people have a right to sleep with whom they choose, then you say Priest don't have a right to molest children. I think you don't understand what you are saying. The truth is that people don't have the right to sleep with whom they choose, unless both people are consenting adults.

And I don't believe anyone has ever said priests have the right to molest children. NO ONE has the right to do that.
I caught all that to, but I just chalked it up to ignorance, so I didn't even respond to it....ugggh
Who exactly do you think you are to order me around thusly?

I've explained the situation already. Government property is not your property individually. Additionally, public schools are not for proselytizing for your religion.


So do you believe that our forefathers, meant for the establishment clause to ban all religon from all public and government buildings? And if so, why then do you think they decided to start congress with a prayer? If not, why then do you believe the court was right in this case?

Or is it only Christian religion that you have a problem with?

First off, religion has literally no place in the education of our children for the future to compete with other countries going forwards. We are the only country in the world that has people who consistently attempt to muscle their religion into schools with such fervor.

Second, this prayer was obvious Christian, with phrases such as "heavenly Father" and "Amen" in it. Last I checked not everyone is Christian.

3rd, Thomas Jefferson was very explicit when he said that the US was not founded on Christian principles.
Well you had better go and tell your secretary of state and others, that she shouldn't be telling those Saudi's not to teach hate and to kill that old infidel in their school books anymore then.. I mean here we are supposingly being a majority Christian leaning nation when it comes to comparing ourselves to other nations and their religions kept in the world, and so by this we use our morals and values learned as Christians, to judge ourselves against those nations out in the world when we are dealing with them, thus prompting us to speak ill of their teachings on their religion, when it is a religion that targets the west and the so called infidels that they feel strongly about us being or equate us to being upon who we are in this world anymore these days. Now what do they want to do with the infidels?

The other thing about the world, is that if we had no religious leanings at all, then many in the world wouldnot even deal with us, because they would see us as totally evil then, and thus would see it a grave sin that they would be commiting, if they did deal with us at all, so keep it up America, and soon we will have given the world exactly what it thinks of us, in which is that we are now a nation filled with nothing but devils and evilness anymore.
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"Our heavenly father"

If the banner had started "Praise Allah" would it be acceptable?

It doesn't matter because that's not what it says, but if there were a sizable Muslim population in that community, like in Dearborn, Michigan, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if it said "Praise Allah." In fact, I'd be willing to bet if you walk into a public school in Dearborn you will see Islamic displays in some form or another. Does that force anyone in the school to pray to Allah? Does this banner force this child to pray to Jehovah or take part in Christian practices, or force her to convert to a Christian religion?

We have moved towards this thinking that somehow we have a right to not be offended and that therefore means we can suppress the expression of the vast majority of people to secure that "right," yet there is no such doctrine in the U.S. Constitution or any state constitution. The simple, common sense thing for this child to do if this banner bothers her so much is to simply not look at it.

Tyranny of the minority is no better than tyranny of the majority. Common sense is all that needs to be applied here and our legal system has become practically void of it.
that is not how it works you might as well say if the things atheists say negatively about religion **bothers ** you then dont read or post on this board .
every body has a right to speak up and support there beliefs the length of time the banner has been displayed has nothing to do with the girls rights to protest .

another example blacks were called the N word for many more years than the banner was displayed are you saying because they were bothered /insulted / offended by that word for so long they have no right to object they should just ignore it ?
The banner is good, the N word is bad, so the comparison is unfair and you know this, but that is the tactic of the liberal left isn't it ?... I say if it is someting that does or doesn't cause harm to a society, then each has it's own category that it should be placed in, then let the people decide from there.. Simple!
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Whether it was their intent or not, the SCOTUS has made a ruling

True, and it's not the first time they've been wrong. Probably won't be the last either.

The SCOTUS has the job of interpreting the Constitution in constitutional cases as the Founding Fathers would have.

And as Jefferson said this, I doubt they had trouble with the ruling.
Jefferson's Wall of Separation Letter - The U.S. Constitution Online -

Mr. President

To messers Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson, a committee of the Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut.


The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, & in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and more pleasing.

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. [Congress thus inhibited from acts respecting religion, and the Executive authorised only to execute their acts, I have refrained from prescribing even those occasional performances of devotion, practiced indeed by the Executive of another nation as the legal head of its church, but subject here, as religious exercises only to the voluntary regulations and discipline of each respective sect.] Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.

I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves & your religious association assurances of my high respect & esteem.

(signed) Thomas Jefferson
Jan.1.1802. <---Letter to the Danbury Baptist Church.

Art. 11, Treaty of Tripoli. Signed by John Adams as a representation of the laws of the United States Constitution. Constitution, Article VI, Sect.2: "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding."

"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."

It's not really up for dispute.

And again, religion does not belong in an education facility during the school day, no matter how much you want to send us back to the bronze age

Source: US Treaty with Tripoli, 1796-1797

You can attempt to re-write history as much as you want, but welcome to the information age, history is readily available to anyone who wants to know the truth, and the truth is that it was set up to protect your shitty church from being crushed by state doctrine.

I fail to see how Christians are being attacked when there is only a single atheist in congress.
All that work, to then suggest that the numbers game has a part to play in it after all at the end of your words spoken, which did have a comforting message for the Christians in the situation.

It is a message that gave comfort upon what they are now experiencing with so many others whom love the values and morals of true Christiananity in America, where as sadly we see (repression) of the message in which holds those values and morals within the message whom most hold dear unto them, but is fast becoming the norm in this nation to repress or stomp out that message, and this by what they are experiencing or seeing more and more of each day in America. So did your little ole conscience get to you maybe, and see, you do have one of those after all.. It came out, and you probably didn't even realize it..You better control those inner angels against those inner demons, because the angels might just win you over if not careful after all..LOL
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Whether it was their intent or not, the SCOTUS has made a ruling

True, and it's not the first time they've been wrong. Probably won't be the last either.

The SCOTUS has the job of interpreting the Constitution in constitutional cases as the Founding Fathers would have.

And as Jefferson said this, I doubt they had trouble with the ruling.
Jefferson's Wall of Separation Letter - The U.S. Constitution Online -

Mr. President

To messers Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson, a committee of the Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut.


The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, & in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and more pleasing.

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. [Congress thus inhibited from acts respecting religion, and the Executive authorised only to execute their acts, I have refrained from prescribing even those occasional performances of devotion, practiced indeed by the Executive of another nation as the legal head of its church, but subject here, as religious exercises only to the voluntary regulations and discipline of each respective sect.] Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.

I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves & your religious association assurances of my high respect & esteem.
(signed) Thomas Jefferson
Jan.1.1802. <---Letter to the Danbury Baptist Church.

Art. 11, Treaty of Tripoli. Signed by John Adams as a representation of the laws of the United States Constitution. Constitution, Article VI, Sect.2: "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding."

"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."

It's not really up for dispute.

And again, religion does not belong in an education facility during the school day, no matter how much you want to send us back to the bronze age

Source: US Treaty with Tripoli, 1796-1797

You can attempt to re-write history as much as you want, but welcome to the information age, history is readily available to anyone who wants to know the truth, and the truth is that it was set up to protect your shitty church from being crushed by state doctrine.

I fail to see how Christians are being attacked when there is only a single atheist in congress.

Religion belongs everywhere, as TJ proved when he ended his letter with prayers. Even when he said there was a wall of seperation of church and state (nothing of the kind is mentioned in the constitution) he ends his letter with prayers.

I never said we were founded on Christianity. I said we have freedom OF religion not freedom FROM religion. A prayer banner, hanging in a public school since 1963 is hardly sending us back to the stone age.

I'd love for all you people to not use our money simply because it says "In God We Trust".

Schools haven't banned cash have they? What, you don't think that's religion, takes us back to the stone age, what? Face it, the court was wrong in this case as they've been wrong so many times before. And if you think that stupid highschool girl was so influenced by that prayer banner, why did she go to the aclu to have it removed instead of praying? The truth is the only thing it influenced her to do was get rid of the gift of the graduation class of 1963.

Don't worry, I'll be praying for you, and her. :D
So do you believe that our forefathers, meant for the establishment clause to ban all religon from all public and government buildings? And if so, why then do you think they decided to start congress with a prayer? If not, why then do you believe the court was right in this case?

Or is it only Christian religion that you have a problem with?

First off, religion has literally no place in the education of our children for the future to compete with other countries going forwards. We are the only country in the world that has people who consistently attempt to muscle their religion into schools with such fervor.

Second, this prayer was obvious Christian, with phrases such as "heavenly Father" and "Amen" in it. Last I checked not everyone is Christian.

3rd, Thomas Jefferson was very explicit when he said that the US was not founded on Christian principles.
Ohhhhh brother, why don't people understand that these issues are not really all that complex (?), and if handled properly they can be worked out to suit everyone at any given time in America, but there is a group or groups out there, that fight everything in so many idiotic ways, that it is simply pathetic.

The thing that concerns me most, is how the majority who want good to come out of these issues or situations found in America, in which are just trying to keep the good that they already had for the last 49 years, are mostly being denide their rights and/or freedoms more so than these groups who are trying to always take those rights and freedoms away from them.

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

Atheists are the only group in the entire fucking united states that are not allowed to hold a public office in some states.
True, and it's not the first time they've been wrong. Probably won't be the last either.

The SCOTUS has the job of interpreting the Constitution in constitutional cases as the Founding Fathers would have.

And as Jefferson said this, I doubt they had trouble with the ruling.
Jefferson's Wall of Separation Letter - The U.S. Constitution Online -

Mr. President

To messers Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson, a committee of the Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut.


The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, & in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and more pleasing.

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. [Congress thus inhibited from acts respecting religion, and the Executive authorised only to execute their acts, I have refrained from prescribing even those occasional performances of devotion, practiced indeed by the Executive of another nation as the legal head of its church, but subject here, as religious exercises only to the voluntary regulations and discipline of each respective sect.] Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.

I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves & your religious association assurances of my high respect & esteem.
(signed) Thomas Jefferson
Jan.1.1802. <---Letter to the Danbury Baptist Church.

Art. 11, Treaty of Tripoli. Signed by John Adams as a representation of the laws of the United States Constitution. Constitution, Article VI, Sect.2: "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding."

"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."

It's not really up for dispute.

And again, religion does not belong in an education facility during the school day, no matter how much you want to send us back to the bronze age

Source: US Treaty with Tripoli, 1796-1797

You can attempt to re-write history as much as you want, but welcome to the information age, history is readily available to anyone who wants to know the truth, and the truth is that it was set up to protect your shitty church from being crushed by state doctrine.

I fail to see how Christians are being attacked when there is only a single atheist in congress.

Religion belongs everywhere, as TJ proved when he ended his letter with prayers. Even when he said there was a wall of seperation of church and state (nothing of the kind is mentioned in the constitution) he ends his letter with prayers.

I never said we were founded on Christianity. I said we have freedom OF religion not freedom FROM religion. A prayer banner, hanging in a public school since 1963 is hardly sending us back to the stone age.

I'd love for all you people to not use our money simply because it says "In God We Trust".

Schools haven't banned cash have they? What, you don't think that's religion, takes us back to the stone age, what? Face it, the court was wrong in this case as they've been wrong so many times before. And if you think that stupid highschool girl was so influenced by that prayer banner, why did she go to the aclu to have it removed instead of praying? The truth is the only thing it influenced her to do was get rid of the gift of the graduation class of 1963.

Don't worry, I'll be praying for you, and her. :D

Prayer won't help that poor girl, all your so called "Christian" brethren have posted her home address on line and threatened physical violence against her and her family.

You people fucking disgust me. Ghandi is attributed with saying "I Like your Christ, I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ."

Last I checked, we also have protection FROM religion, something that is clearly being oppressed.
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First off, religion has literally no place in the education of our children for the future to compete with other countries going forwards. We are the only country in the world that has people who consistently attempt to muscle their religion into schools with such fervor.

Second, this prayer was obvious Christian, with phrases such as "heavenly Father" and "Amen" in it. Last I checked not everyone is Christian.

3rd, Thomas Jefferson was very explicit when he said that the US was not founded on Christian principles.
Ohhhhh brother, why don't people understand that these issues are not really all that complex (?), and if handled properly they can be worked out to suit everyone at any given time in America, but there is a group or groups out there, that fight everything in so many idiotic ways, that it is simply pathetic.

The thing that concerns me most, is how the majority who want good to come out of these issues or situations found in America, in which are just trying to keep the good that they already had for the last 49 years, are mostly being denide their rights and/or freedoms more so than these groups who are trying to always take those rights and freedoms away from them.

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

Atheists are the only group in the entire fucking united states that are not allowed to hold a public office in some states.

Do you have a link? Anything to prove what you just said?

Remember, not getting elected is not the same as "not allowed".
The SCOTUS has the job of interpreting the Constitution in constitutional cases as the Founding Fathers would have.

And as Jefferson said this, I doubt they had trouble with the ruling.
Jefferson's Wall of Separation Letter - The U.S. Constitution Online -

Art. 11, Treaty of Tripoli. Signed by John Adams as a representation of the laws of the United States Constitution. Constitution, Article VI, Sect.2: "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding."

"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."

It's not really up for dispute.

And again, religion does not belong in an education facility during the school day, no matter how much you want to send us back to the bronze age

Source: US Treaty with Tripoli, 1796-1797

You can attempt to re-write history as much as you want, but welcome to the information age, history is readily available to anyone who wants to know the truth, and the truth is that it was set up to protect your shitty church from being crushed by state doctrine.

I fail to see how Christians are being attacked when there is only a single atheist in congress.

Religion belongs everywhere, as TJ proved when he ended his letter with prayers. Even when he said there was a wall of seperation of church and state (nothing of the kind is mentioned in the constitution) he ends his letter with prayers.

I never said we were founded on Christianity. I said we have freedom OF religion not freedom FROM religion. A prayer banner, hanging in a public school since 1963 is hardly sending us back to the stone age.

I'd love for all you people to not use our money simply because it says "In God We Trust".

Schools haven't banned cash have they? What, you don't think that's religion, takes us back to the stone age, what? Face it, the court was wrong in this case as they've been wrong so many times before. And if you think that stupid highschool girl was so influenced by that prayer banner, why did she go to the aclu to have it removed instead of praying? The truth is the only thing it influenced her to do was get rid of the gift of the graduation class of 1963.

Don't worry, I'll be praying for you, and her. :D

Prayer won't help that poor girl, all your so called "Christian" brethren have posted her home address on line and threatened physical violence against her and her family.

You people fucking disgust me. Ghandi is attributed with saying "I Like your Christ, I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ."

Last I checked, we also have protection FROM religion, something that is clearly being oppressed.

Where, in the constitution are you guarenteed freedom FROM religion?

You can't have both freedom OF and freedom doesn't work.
Ohhhhh brother, why don't people understand that these issues are not really all that complex (?), and if handled properly they can be worked out to suit everyone at any given time in America, but there is a group or groups out there, that fight everything in so many idiotic ways, that it is simply pathetic.

The thing that concerns me most, is how the majority who want good to come out of these issues or situations found in America, in which are just trying to keep the good that they already had for the last 49 years, are mostly being denide their rights and/or freedoms more so than these groups who are trying to always take those rights and freedoms away from them.

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

Atheists are the only group in the entire fucking united states that are not allowed to hold a public office in some states.

Do you have a link? Anything to prove what you just said?

Remember, not getting elected is not the same as "not allowed".


Atheists disqualified from holding office or testifying as witness - Arkansas Constitution - Article XIX. Miscellaneous Provisions - Id 307413 - vLex
Arkansas Constitution bans atheists from holding office or being a witness in court
Constitution Of The State Of Arkansas Of 1874.
Article 19. Miscellaneous Provisions. § 1. Atheists disqualified from holding office or testifying as witness.
No person who denies the being of a God shall hold any office in the civil departments of this State, nor be competent to testify as a witness in any Court.

Maryland Constitution - Declaration of Rights
Article 37 of the Declaration of Rights of the Maryland Constitution That no religious test ought ever to be required as a qualification for any office of profit or trust in this State, other than a declaration of belief in the existence of God; nor shall the Legislature prescribe any other oath of office than the oath prescribed by this Constitution.

General Laws: CHAPTER 272, Section 36
Maryland Constitution - Declaration of Rights
Massachusetts' State Constitution, Article 3 "Any every denomination of Christians, demeaning themselves peaceably, and as good subjects of the commonwealth, shall be equally under the protection of the law: and no subordination of any one sect or denomination to another shall ever be established by law."

Article 14 ("General Provisions"), Section 265
Mississippi State Constitution. No person who denies the existence of a Supreme Being shall hold any office in this state.

North Carolina's State Constitution, Article 6 Section 8
"Disqualifications of office. The following persons shall be disqualified for office: First, any person who shall deny the being of Almighty God."

PA Manual
Special Protection for the religious.
"No person who acknowledges the being of a God and a future state of rewards and punishments shall, on account of his religious sentiments, be disqualified to hold any office or place of trust or profit under this Commonwealth."
The Tennessee Constitution, Article IX, Section 2 No person who denies the being of God, or a future state of rewards and punishments, shall hold any office in the civil department of this state.
The Texas Constitution, Article I, Section 4: No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office, or public trust, in this State; nor shall any one be excluded from holding office on account of his religious sentiments, provided he acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being.
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Religion belongs everywhere, as TJ proved when he ended his letter with prayers. Even when he said there was a wall of seperation of church and state (nothing of the kind is mentioned in the constitution) he ends his letter with prayers.

I never said we were founded on Christianity. I said we have freedom OF religion not freedom FROM religion. A prayer banner, hanging in a public school since 1963 is hardly sending us back to the stone age.

I'd love for all you people to not use our money simply because it says "In God We Trust".

Schools haven't banned cash have they? What, you don't think that's religion, takes us back to the stone age, what? Face it, the court was wrong in this case as they've been wrong so many times before. And if you think that stupid highschool girl was so influenced by that prayer banner, why did she go to the aclu to have it removed instead of praying? The truth is the only thing it influenced her to do was get rid of the gift of the graduation class of 1963.

Don't worry, I'll be praying for you, and her. :D

Prayer won't help that poor girl, all your so called "Christian" brethren have posted her home address on line and threatened physical violence against her and her family.

You people fucking disgust me. Ghandi is attributed with saying "I Like your Christ, I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ."

Last I checked, we also have protection FROM religion, something that is clearly being oppressed.

Where, in the constitution are you guarenteed freedom FROM religion?

You can't have both freedom OF and freedom doesn't work.

Well, that confirms it, you want the right to force your religion on other people.
Bull. Fucking. Shit.

Atheists are the only group in the entire fucking united states that are not allowed to hold a public office in some states.

Do you have a link? Anything to prove what you just said?

Remember, not getting elected is not the same as "not allowed".


Atheists disqualified from holding office or testifying as witness - Arkansas Constitution - Article XIX. Miscellaneous Provisions - Id 307413 - vLex

Maryland Constitution - Declaration of Rights

General Laws: CHAPTER 272, Section 36
Maryland Constitution - Declaration of Rights

Article 14 ("General Provisions"), Section 265

PA Manual
Special Protection for the religious.
The Tennessee Constitution, Article IX, Section 2 No person who denies the being of God, or a future state of rewards and punishments, shall hold any office in the civil department of this state.

Texas Constitution and Statutes - Home
The Texas Constitution, Article I, Section 4: No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office, or public trust, in this State; nor shall any one be excluded from holding office on account of his religious sentiments, provided he acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being.

State constitutions. Hmm...are they upholding those constitutions? If so, why isn't the aclu fighting them instead of the school with the prayer banner. Seems to me that actually is an infringement on an athiests right.
Prayer won't help that poor girl, all your so called "Christian" brethren have posted her home address on line and threatened physical violence against her and her family.

You people fucking disgust me. Ghandi is attributed with saying "I Like your Christ, I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ."

Last I checked, we also have protection FROM religion, something that is clearly being oppressed.

Where, in the constitution are you guarenteed freedom FROM religion?

You can't have both freedom OF and freedom doesn't work.

Well, that confirms it, you want the right to force your religion on other people.

No, I have the right to practice my religion in front of other people and they can do nothing to stop me....not the same thing at all. And guess what, most of the time, you'll never even know it. Scary, isn't it?
Do you have a link? Anything to prove what you just said?

Remember, not getting elected is not the same as "not allowed".


Atheists disqualified from holding office or testifying as witness - Arkansas Constitution - Article XIX. Miscellaneous Provisions - Id 307413 - vLex

Maryland Constitution - Declaration of Rights

General Laws: CHAPTER 272, Section 36
Maryland Constitution - Declaration of Rights

Article 14 ("General Provisions"), Section 265

PA Manual
Special Protection for the religious.

Texas Constitution and Statutes - Home
The Texas Constitution, Article I, Section 4: No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office, or public trust, in this State; nor shall any one be excluded from holding office on account of his religious sentiments, provided he acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being.

State constitutions. Hmm...are they upholding those constitutions? If so, why isn't the aclu fighting them instead of the school with the prayer banner. Seems to me that actually is an infringement on an athiests right.

Cases have been made to attempt to appeal these, and people have been convicted and prevented from holding office using them.

It speaks volumes to the bigotry of the religious right in this country, able to circumvent the supreme law of this land to prevent those with dissenting ideas from participating in government. Laws are regularly submitted to remedy those few that make it into government, those are usually shot down thankfully.
Where, in the constitution are you guarenteed freedom FROM religion?

You can't have both freedom OF and freedom doesn't work.

Well, that confirms it, you want the right to force your religion on other people.

No, I have the right to practice my religion in front of other people and they can do nothing to stop me....not the same thing at all. And guess what, most of the time, you'll never even know it. Scary, isn't it?

You absolutely have the right to do so in public, but you don't have the right to display your religion in a public building permanently unless you respect all those of other religions, and no religions. This display was clearly directed only at those of the Judeo-Christian faith.

State constitutions. Hmm...are they upholding those constitutions? If so, why isn't the aclu fighting them instead of the school with the prayer banner. Seems to me that actually is an infringement on an athiests right.

Cases have been made to attempt to appeal these, and people have been convicted and prevented from holding office using them.

It speaks volumes to the bigotry of the religious right in this country, able to circumvent the supreme law of this land to prevent those with dissenting ideas from participating in government. Laws are regularly submitted to remedy those few that make it into government, those are usually shot down thankfully.

What speaks volumes is the ACLU is going after a prayer banner that's been in a public school since 1963 while such laws are on the books in some states. Don't you think repealing those stupid laws would be more worthy of their time. I mean, that really does deny athiests rights.

You're all hot under the collar becasue of some prayer banner that just hangs there and denies athiests nothing except the right not to see a prayer banner, when you and all athiest should be going after those state constitutions that actually do deny you real rights.
Well, that confirms it, you want the right to force your religion on other people.

No, I have the right to practice my religion in front of other people and they can do nothing to stop me....not the same thing at all. And guess what, most of the time, you'll never even know it. Scary, isn't it?

You absolutely have the right to do so in public, but you don't have the right to display your religion in a public building permanently unless you respect all those of other religions, and no religions. This display was clearly directed only at those of the Judeo-Christian faith.

If it bothered the girl so much, I'm sure she was welcome to donate an athiest banner, instead she chose to ban the religious banner. Not the same thing at all.
Bull. Fucking. Shit.

Atheists are the only group in the entire fucking united states that are not allowed to hold a public office in some states.

Do you have a link? Anything to prove what you just said?

Remember, not getting elected is not the same as "not allowed".


Atheists disqualified from holding office or testifying as witness - Arkansas Constitution - Article XIX. Miscellaneous Provisions - Id 307413 - vLex

Maryland Constitution - Declaration of Rights

General Laws: CHAPTER 272, Section 36
Maryland Constitution - Declaration of Rights

Article 14 ("General Provisions"), Section 265

PA Manual
Special Protection for the religious.
The Tennessee Constitution, Article IX, Section 2 No person who denies the being of God, or a future state of rewards and punishments, shall hold any office in the civil department of this state.

Texas Constitution and Statutes - Home
The Texas Constitution, Article I, Section 4: No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office, or public trust, in this State; nor shall any one be excluded from holding office on account of his religious sentiments, provided he acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being.

Have I mentioned today how much I hate these people?
State constitutions. Hmm...are they upholding those constitutions? If so, why isn't the aclu fighting them instead of the school with the prayer banner. Seems to me that actually is an infringement on an athiests right.

Cases have been made to attempt to appeal these, and people have been convicted and prevented from holding office using them.

It speaks volumes to the bigotry of the religious right in this country, able to circumvent the supreme law of this land to prevent those with dissenting ideas from participating in government. Laws are regularly submitted to remedy those few that make it into government, those are usually shot down thankfully.

What speaks volumes is the ACLU is going after a prayer banner that's been in a public school since 1963 while such laws are on the books in some states. Don't you think repealing those stupid laws would be more worthy of their time. I mean, that really does deny athiests rights.

You're all hot under the collar becasue of some prayer banner that just hangs there and denies athiests nothing except the right not to see a prayer banner, when you and all athiest should be going after those state constitutions that actually do deny you real rights.

No I completely agree, but it helps set presidence. Even then, religion should not be in a school in any form, even displays conveying disbelief shouldn't be allowed because a school is a place to learn.

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