"Anchor baby" is offensive and hurtful?


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
Is there anything a left loon can't make politically correct? This garbage is getting really old

Trump Defiant After Reporter Says 'Anchor Baby' Is an Offensive Term

At a town hall event in New Hampshire yesterday, a reporter challenged Donald Trump on his repeated use of the term "anchor baby."

The reporter asked Trump if he is aware that the term is "offensive" and "hurtful."

"You mean it's not politically correct and yet everybody uses it? Ya know what? Give me a different term," he shot back.

The reporter suggested he modify his language and instead say "American-born children of undocumented immigrants."

"You want me to say that? No, I'll use the word anchor baby," Trump said, as the reporter tried to interject again.

"Excuse me. I'll use the word anchor baby," he concluded before moving on to another question.

WATCH: Trump Defiant After Reporter Says 'Anchor Baby' Is an Offensive Term
You guys should be happy, people want a better life for their children, in America...
absolutely brilliant...That man is not going to pull out at the last minute to make way for ANYONE. Foolish liberals only WISH that were so....They see the writing on the wall. americans are sick and tired of the same old okey doke career politicians wrecking the country.
I believe he means exactly what he says....and how refeshing THAT is....
absolutely brilliant...That man is not going to pull out at the last minute to make way for ANYONE. Foolish liberals only WISH that were so....They see the writing on the wall. americans are sick and tired of the same old okey doke career politicians wrecking the country.
I believe he means exactly what he says....and how refeshing THAT is....
He can say whatever he likes, free speech is a liberal value, but he doesn't have a chance in hell of being elected.
"Anchor baby" is offensive and hurtful?

ANYTHING is offensive and hurtful to liberals.

Ignore them.
No it isn't offensive and it is a great phrase for Republicans to campaign on.

More like "to the victors go the spoils". Just a fact
And they are taking their land back one brown baby at a time, and you let them. So be it...

I'm not letting them, it's pansy ass left loons like you that are. If it were up to me they'd all be put on slow boats. Besides there is no such thing as "native American" we all migrated here
Some came before there were others, that's as "native" as it gets, and for 60 years no matter who owned the White House, and it was mostly the GOP, the borders weren't closed. The capitalists here didn't want them closed and they run the show. You'll just have to deal with that.
Sixteen kajillion topics on illegal immigrants in the past few weeks. Trump is a genius. He is actually forcing the issue.

The GOP has been too cowardly to put a plan on the table. They have been blocking any move on immigration reform.

Trump has steamrolled right over those spineless jellyfish and catapulted the issue to the forefront. AND he has put a plan on the table.

Have I not been asking for any motherfucking Republican to put a plan on the table for the issues facing America for, like, ever now?

It's too effective a term, so the PC Police is gonna do whatever they can to rid it from public discourse.

Most likely by calling anyone who uses it a "racist".

Right on cue, that's how they roll.
You guys should be happy, people want a better life for their children, in America...
Nothing wrong with that at all,but it must be done legally,if laws are ignored,what does that do for all the one that did it the right way??

Look, kids, at some point you are going to have to deal with the fact, Reagan did, that you left the door wide open, they walked in, and now they have roots and American children. This isn't going to be fixed by a Hitler-lite packing them into the Wetback Express to Mexico City...
It's too effective a term, so the PC Police is gonna do whatever they can to rid it from public discourse.

Most likely by calling anyone who uses it a "racist".

Right on cue, that's how they roll.
I believe the term was "offensive", which it is in most cases. Most of them just had babies, like normal Americans. You like babies, right Mac?
absolutely brilliant...That man is not going to pull out at the last minute to make way for ANYONE. Foolish liberals only WISH that were so....They see the writing on the wall. americans are sick and tired of the same old okey doke career politicians wrecking the country.
I believe he means exactly what he says....and how refeshing THAT is....
He can say whatever he likes, free speech is a liberal value, but he doesn't have a chance in hell of being elected.
As long as you say what liberals want the way they want you to say it. :/

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