Andrew Breitbart is Dead

To my knowledge, nobody ever stopped Brietbart from saying what he wanted, printing what he wanted, or broadcasting what he wanted, regardless of how inaccurate or misleading it was.

No one ever stopped Huffingglue, ThinkProgess, MoveOn, DemocraticUnderground, DailyKOS, et al, either.

I guarantee the accuracy of Breitbart is dozens of times higher than Olbermann or Maddow.
One hateful muddafuker down. Hope Rush bites the bullet next. Goes round comes round. Would prove there is a God. And that he has a sense of humor.

It would not be at all surprising, Rush, Hannity, Larry Elder, any conservative journalist should now be watching their back and their food too. What it would prove is that the democrats are now the equivalent of the KGB, but we all knew that anyway.

The Democrats are the equivalent of the KGB? You really think they are going around murdering people? Tell me, when did your mind jump the shark?
One hateful muddafuker down. Hope Rush bites the bullet next. Goes round comes round. Would prove there is a God. And that he has a sense of humor.

What goes around comes around goes for you as well. Keep spewing out all that hatred and disregard for a human life, and that is what you'll get in return.
I liked Breitbart. Genius is rare these days.
Did not agree with a lot of his views but he will be missed.
RIP and prayers and thoughts to his family and close friends.
One hateful muddafuker down. Hope Rush bites the bullet next. Goes round comes round. Would prove there is a God. And that he has a sense of humor.

It would not be at all surprising, Rush, Hannity, Larry Elder, any conservative journalist should now be watching their back and their food too. What it would prove is that the democrats are now the equivalent of the KGB, but we all knew that anyway.

The Democrats are the equivalent of the KGB? You really think they are going around murdering people? Tell me, when did your mind jump the shark?

When the democrats became just that corrupt. Yes, the democrats are rapidly becoming our very own KGB. Andrew Breitbart was very likely murdered before he could make his findings public. It could happen to anyone who challenges the dictator.
It would not be at all surprising, Rush, Hannity, Larry Elder, any conservative journalist should now be watching their back and their food too. What it would prove is that the democrats are now the equivalent of the KGB, but we all knew that anyway.

The Democrats are the equivalent of the KGB? You really think they are going around murdering people? Tell me, when did your mind jump the shark?

When the democrats became just that corrupt. Yes, the democrats are rapidly becoming our very own KGB. Andrew Breitbart was very likely murdered before he could make his findings public. It could happen to anyone who challenges the dictator.

Oh my yes....Very likely. Now, check out your door, the men with the dark sun glasses are knocking. Bye Bye.
Breitbart had last laugh -
...liberal after liberal lined up to prove his thesis that the left has devolved into a movement of humorless hatred.
As novelist Stephen England said yesterday, “It’s taken the death of Andrew Breitbart to convince the left that there is a God.” Then he added, “Tells you a lot about them.”
Oh, and for all the libtards out there who swear by HuffPo... it wouldn't be there for you without Breitbart.

"swear by HuffPo"? Where in your mind do you get this nonsense? HuffPo is just a news aggregate site. What does that mean? It means that they just collect news stories from around the internet and put them in one website. That's all.

So how can anyone 'swear by HuffPo'? That's like saying "swear by Wal*Mart" because they collect food from all over the world and put it in one place, so that I don't have to go to a farmers market for veggies, the liquor store for beer, etc.

You are so hypnotized by Republican talking points, you can't even make a simple statement without fucking up the facts. :lol:

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