Another lie debunked-Africans did nothing before the white man

Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

The reason why I found this thread interesting is the basic belief that these nutjobs have that all history is from blacks, that all culture and technology is from blacks, and that because blacks were the first people that gives them the right to murder interlopers. This Paul essien fool basically said that even though dutch settlers beat blacks to South Africa by over 100 years, because they are white, their descendants should be killed and their land stolen.

That is such an extreme viewpoint that there is no reasoning with the sort of person who holds those beliefs. You simply kill them and move on.
LOL! Well...many like to think that the Bantu migration was the first time Africans were in that part of Africa..of course..they are wrong:

San people - Wikipedia

Again..this preoccupation with though it has any real relevancy...
totally agree--the blacks are so obsessed with color, it warps their minds
ie -Smollet
Not what I said at all..racist. Nice try at twisting. I've read your posts...YOU are so obsessed with has warped YOUR proven in your posts on the subject.
..I don't think/obsess about race--I am RESPONDING to the 24/7 crap where the blacks/MSM are obsessing over it
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

African Americans want to believe that their people contributed something of great significance to ancient history and not just as slaves. It's sad, really. It truly is.
And you want to prove the reverse...that Africans contributed nothing...which is, of course, total bullshit.
My point is that it doesn't really matter..your point is that it matters whole it helps prop up your false sense of cultural superiority. Which..BTW, you were born into and did nothing to earn. We are not our history...we are what me make of ourselves. Losers prop themselves up with deeds of their provide their ancestors with something to talk about!

Would you tell a black person that they're wrong for feeling a sense of pride at Harriet Tubman's accomplishments? Or is your attitude towards culture only reserved for white people?
Nope...I'd tell a Black person they were wrong if they used that sense of pride to attempt to prove that they were inherently superior to white people....or any other race, for that matter. Taking and using good examples in history is proper.
Pride is one thing..using historical "fact" to attempt to prove inherent superiority to any other race is quite another.

Save your lectures for the black supremacists in this thread.
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

The reason why I found this thread interesting is the basic belief that these nutjobs have that all history is from blacks, that all culture and technology is from blacks, and that because blacks were the first people that gives them the right to murder interlopers. This Paul essien fool basically said that even though dutch settlers beat blacks to South Africa by over 100 years, because they are white, their descendants should be killed and their land stolen.

That is such an extreme viewpoint that there is no reasoning with the sort of person who holds those beliefs. You simply kill them and move on.
LOL! Well...many like to think that the Bantu migration was the first time Africans were in that part of Africa..of course..they are wrong:

San people - Wikipedia

Again..this preoccupation with though it has any real relevancy...
Oh Gawd! Are they going to start with the great San (Hottentot) civilization now? :)
LOL! Don't know about all that...just fact-checking the usual suspects....the San were hunter-gatherers.....not a lot of what we would call civilization.
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

African Americans want to believe that their people contributed something of great significance to ancient history and not just as slaves. It's sad, really. It truly is.
And you want to prove the reverse...that Africans contributed nothing...which is, of course, total bullshit.
My point is that it doesn't really matter..your point is that it matters whole it helps prop up your false sense of cultural superiority. Which..BTW, you were born into and did nothing to earn. We are not our history...we are what me make of ourselves. Losers prop themselves up with deeds of their provide their ancestors with something to talk about!

Would you tell a black person that they're wrong for feeling a sense of pride at Harriet Tubman's accomplishments? Or is your attitude towards culture only reserved for white people?
Nope...I'd tell a Black person they were wrong if they used that sense of pride to attempt to prove that they were inherently superior to white people....or any other race, for that matter. Taking and using good examples in history is proper.
Pride is one thing..using historical "fact" to attempt to prove inherent superiority to any other race is quite another.

Save your lectures for the black supremacists in this thread.
Nope...I treat all racists of whatever the color the the scum-sucking bottom feeders that they are.
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

The reason why I found this thread interesting is the basic belief that these nutjobs have that all history is from blacks, that all culture and technology is from blacks, and that because blacks were the first people that gives them the right to murder interlopers. This Paul essien fool basically said that even though dutch settlers beat blacks to South Africa by over 100 years, because they are white, their descendants should be killed and their land stolen.

That is such an extreme viewpoint that there is no reasoning with the sort of person who holds those beliefs. You simply kill them and move on.
LOL! Well...many like to think that the Bantu migration was the first time Africans were in that part of Africa..of course..they are wrong:

San people - Wikipedia

Again..this preoccupation with though it has any real relevancy...
totally agree--the blacks are so obsessed with color, it warps their minds
ie -Smollet
Not what I said at all..racist. Nice try at twisting. I've read your posts...YOU are so obsessed with has warped YOUR proven in your posts on the subject.
..I don't think/obsess about race--I am RESPONDING to the 24/7 crap where the blacks/MSM are obsessing over it
hahahahahha're a dyed in the wool racist..and you're proud of it. You are not made a victim by the make yourself a victim for some false sense of empowerment..and the freedom to act the ass.
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

African Americans want to believe that their people contributed something of great significance to ancient history and not just as slaves. It's sad, really. It truly is.
And you want to prove the reverse...that Africans contributed nothing...which is, of course, total bullshit.
My point is that it doesn't really matter..your point is that it matters whole it helps prop up your false sense of cultural superiority. Which..BTW, you were born into and did nothing to earn. We are not our history...we are what me make of ourselves. Losers prop themselves up with deeds of their provide their ancestors with something to talk about!

Would you tell a black person that they're wrong for feeling a sense of pride at Harriet Tubman's accomplishments? Or is your attitude towards culture only reserved for white people?

Yes, why feel pride for something you didn't do?

Harriet Tubman was a extraordinary human being. Her accomplishments were because of HER, and her extraordinary will power.

Not the color of her skin.

Black people are allowed to take pride in the accomplishments of their forebears. So should whites and Asians and Jews. Tradition is a beautiful thing.
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

The reason why I found this thread interesting is the basic belief that these nutjobs have that all history is from blacks, that all culture and technology is from blacks, and that because blacks were the first people that gives them the right to murder interlopers. This Paul essien fool basically said that even though dutch settlers beat blacks to South Africa by over 100 years, because they are white, their descendants should be killed and their land stolen.

That is such an extreme viewpoint that there is no reasoning with the sort of person who holds those beliefs. You simply kill them and move on.
LOL! Well...many like to think that the Bantu migration was the first time Africans were in that part of Africa..of course..they are wrong:

San people - Wikipedia

Again..this preoccupation with though it has any real relevancy...
Oh Gawd! Are they going to start with the great San (Hottentot) civilization now? :)
LOL! Don't know about all that...just fact-checking the usual suspects....the San were hunter-gatherers.....not a lot of what we would call civilization.
Weird. The rest of sub-Sahara had glorious civilizations to counter Greece, Rome and Egypt, but somehow only the San were hunter-gatherers?
African Americans want to believe that their people contributed something of great significance to ancient history and not just as slaves. It's sad, really. It truly is.
And you want to prove the reverse...that Africans contributed nothing...which is, of course, total bullshit.
My point is that it doesn't really matter..your point is that it matters whole it helps prop up your false sense of cultural superiority. Which..BTW, you were born into and did nothing to earn. We are not our history...we are what me make of ourselves. Losers prop themselves up with deeds of their provide their ancestors with something to talk about!

Would you tell a black person that they're wrong for feeling a sense of pride at Harriet Tubman's accomplishments? Or is your attitude towards culture only reserved for white people?
Nope...I'd tell a Black person they were wrong if they used that sense of pride to attempt to prove that they were inherently superior to white people....or any other race, for that matter. Taking and using good examples in history is proper.
Pride is one thing..using historical "fact" to attempt to prove inherent superiority to any other race is quite another.
..undeniable, the whites were superior in technology/writing/etc...anyone that does not think so is hiding their head in the sand
LOL! And away you go, eh? Hmmm...did 'White' people invent writing? Were the first examples of tech invented by 'White" people? just PROVED you are ignorant of the subject...
no one said anything about inventing---
..the sub-Saharan area did not have anything like the European/American/etc written languages.....they did not have the blueprints for ships/trains/firearms/etc
..a lot of tribes did not have a written language--plain and simple

the Africans had this:

the whites had this:
The reason why I found this thread interesting is the basic belief that these nutjobs have that all history is from blacks, that all culture and technology is from blacks, and that because blacks were the first people that gives them the right to murder interlopers. This Paul essien fool basically said that even though dutch settlers beat blacks to South Africa by over 100 years, because they are white, their descendants should be killed and their land stolen.

That is such an extreme viewpoint that there is no reasoning with the sort of person who holds those beliefs. You simply kill them and move on.
LOL! Well...many like to think that the Bantu migration was the first time Africans were in that part of Africa..of course..they are wrong:

San people - Wikipedia

Again..this preoccupation with though it has any real relevancy...
totally agree--the blacks are so obsessed with color, it warps their minds
ie -Smollet
Not what I said at all..racist. Nice try at twisting. I've read your posts...YOU are so obsessed with has warped YOUR proven in your posts on the subject.
..I don't think/obsess about race--I am RESPONDING to the 24/7 crap where the blacks/MSM are obsessing over it
hahahahahha're a dyed in the wool racist..and you're proud of it. You are not made a victim by the make yourself a victim for some false sense of empowerment..and the freedom to act the ass.
...the term ''racist'' means nothing now because you people use it for lies and crap
..we laugh when we see that term
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

The reason why I found this thread interesting is the basic belief that these nutjobs have that all history is from blacks, that all culture and technology is from blacks, and that because blacks were the first people that gives them the right to murder interlopers. This Paul essien fool basically said that even though dutch settlers beat blacks to South Africa by over 100 years, because they are white, their descendants should be killed and their land stolen.

That is such an extreme viewpoint that there is no reasoning with the sort of person who holds those beliefs. You simply kill them and move on.
LOL! Well...many like to think that the Bantu migration was the first time Africans were in that part of Africa..of course..they are wrong:

San people - Wikipedia

Again..this preoccupation with though it has any real relevancy...
Oh Gawd! Are they going to start with the great San (Hottentot) civilization now? :)
LOL! Don't know about all that...just fact-checking the usual suspects....the San were hunter-gatherers.....not a lot of what we would call civilization.
Weird. The rest of sub-Sahara had glorious civilizations to counter Greece, Rome and Egypt, but somehow only the San were hunter-gatherers?
Uhh...not sure where all that is coming from..but I'm pretty sure that i didn't say any of it. You might, if you wish to actually engage historically...learn some actual facts..and some timelines....
The reason why I found this thread interesting is the basic belief that these nutjobs have that all history is from blacks, that all culture and technology is from blacks, and that because blacks were the first people that gives them the right to murder interlopers. This Paul essien fool basically said that even though dutch settlers beat blacks to South Africa by over 100 years, because they are white, their descendants should be killed and their land stolen.

That is such an extreme viewpoint that there is no reasoning with the sort of person who holds those beliefs. You simply kill them and move on.
LOL! Well...many like to think that the Bantu migration was the first time Africans were in that part of Africa..of course..they are wrong:

San people - Wikipedia

Again..this preoccupation with though it has any real relevancy...
Oh Gawd! Are they going to start with the great San (Hottentot) civilization now? :)
LOL! Don't know about all that...just fact-checking the usual suspects....the San were hunter-gatherers.....not a lot of what we would call civilization.
Weird. The rest of sub-Sahara had glorious civilizations to counter Greece, Rome and Egypt, but somehow only the San were hunter-gatherers?
Uhh...not sure where all that is coming from..but I'm pretty sure that i didn't say any of it. You might, if you wish to actually engage historically...learn some actual facts..and some timelines....
....plain--simple-undeniable--sub-Sahara [ that's racist-sorry ] Africa was far behind the whites in technology/written books-language/farming/etc--and they still are
The reason why I found this thread interesting is the basic belief that these nutjobs have that all history is from blacks, that all culture and technology is from blacks, and that because blacks were the first people that gives them the right to murder interlopers. This Paul essien fool basically said that even though dutch settlers beat blacks to South Africa by over 100 years, because they are white, their descendants should be killed and their land stolen.

That is such an extreme viewpoint that there is no reasoning with the sort of person who holds those beliefs. You simply kill them and move on.
LOL! Well...many like to think that the Bantu migration was the first time Africans were in that part of Africa..of course..they are wrong:

San people - Wikipedia

Again..this preoccupation with though it has any real relevancy...
Oh Gawd! Are they going to start with the great San (Hottentot) civilization now? :)
LOL! Don't know about all that...just fact-checking the usual suspects....the San were hunter-gatherers.....not a lot of what we would call civilization.
Weird. The rest of sub-Sahara had glorious civilizations to counter Greece, Rome and Egypt, but somehow only the San were hunter-gatherers?
Uhh...not sure where all that is coming from..but I'm pretty sure that i didn't say any of it. You might, if you wish to actually engage historically...learn some actual facts..and some timelines....
Perhaps you thought this thread was about the colonization of South Africa?
LOL! Well...many like to think that the Bantu migration was the first time Africans were in that part of Africa..of course..they are wrong:

San people - Wikipedia

Again..this preoccupation with though it has any real relevancy...
totally agree--the blacks are so obsessed with color, it warps their minds
ie -Smollet
Not what I said at all..racist. Nice try at twisting. I've read your posts...YOU are so obsessed with has warped YOUR proven in your posts on the subject.
..I don't think/obsess about race--I am RESPONDING to the 24/7 crap where the blacks/MSM are obsessing over it
hahahahahha're a dyed in the wool racist..and you're proud of it. You are not made a victim by the make yourself a victim for some false sense of empowerment..and the freedom to act the ass.
...the term ''racist'' means nothing now because you people use it for lies and crap
..we laugh when we see that term
How convenient you must find that? As an excuse, I me, of course..a false matter how many times you repeat still false. You and your ilk have attempted to divest the term 'racist' of emotional impact by devaluing it..saying it is used too casually..and too commonly. But still means the same thing..when applied to racists.
LOL! Well...many like to think that the Bantu migration was the first time Africans were in that part of Africa..of course..they are wrong:

San people - Wikipedia

Again..this preoccupation with though it has any real relevancy...
Oh Gawd! Are they going to start with the great San (Hottentot) civilization now? :)
LOL! Don't know about all that...just fact-checking the usual suspects....the San were hunter-gatherers.....not a lot of what we would call civilization.
Weird. The rest of sub-Sahara had glorious civilizations to counter Greece, Rome and Egypt, but somehow only the San were hunter-gatherers?
Uhh...not sure where all that is coming from..but I'm pretty sure that i didn't say any of it. You might, if you wish to actually engage historically...learn some actual facts..and some timelines....
Perhaps you thought this thread was about the colonization of South Africa?
Nope...i think this thread is about two groups..each trying to prove the misquoting and cherry-picking history...and flinging poo.
totally agree--the blacks are so obsessed with color, it warps their minds
ie -Smollet
Not what I said at all..racist. Nice try at twisting. I've read your posts...YOU are so obsessed with has warped YOUR proven in your posts on the subject.
..I don't think/obsess about race--I am RESPONDING to the 24/7 crap where the blacks/MSM are obsessing over it
hahahahahha're a dyed in the wool racist..and you're proud of it. You are not made a victim by the make yourself a victim for some false sense of empowerment..and the freedom to act the ass.
...the term ''racist'' means nothing now because you people use it for lies and crap
..we laugh when we see that term
How convenient you must find that? As an excuse, I me, of course..a false matter how many times you repeat still false. You and your ilk have attempted to divest the term 'racist' of emotional impact by devaluing it..saying it is used too casually..and too commonly. But still means the same thing..when applied to racists.

Black people are, on average, better at sports than than Asian people. Is that a racist statement?
LOL! Well...many like to think that the Bantu migration was the first time Africans were in that part of Africa..of course..they are wrong:

San people - Wikipedia

Again..this preoccupation with though it has any real relevancy...
Oh Gawd! Are they going to start with the great San (Hottentot) civilization now? :)
LOL! Don't know about all that...just fact-checking the usual suspects....the San were hunter-gatherers.....not a lot of what we would call civilization.
Weird. The rest of sub-Sahara had glorious civilizations to counter Greece, Rome and Egypt, but somehow only the San were hunter-gatherers?
Uhh...not sure where all that is coming from..but I'm pretty sure that i didn't say any of it. You might, if you wish to actually engage historically...learn some actual facts..and some timelines....
....plain--simple-undeniable--sub-Sahara [ that's racist-sorry ] Africa was far behind the whites in technology/written books-language/farming/etc--and they still are
You say that like it matters..not even knowing how laughable you are to someone with a bit of historical knowledge. For all you know...farming was invented in that region...why..some might even think that the Sahara was created/exacerbated by over-farming..when Europeans were living in caves and being farmed for slaves..some might say...LOL
And you want to prove the reverse...that Africans contributed nothing...which is, of course, total bullshit.
My point is that it doesn't really matter..your point is that it matters whole it helps prop up your false sense of cultural superiority. Which..BTW, you were born into and did nothing to earn. We are not our history...we are what me make of ourselves. Losers prop themselves up with deeds of their provide their ancestors with something to talk about!

Would you tell a black person that they're wrong for feeling a sense of pride at Harriet Tubman's accomplishments? Or is your attitude towards culture only reserved for white people?
Nope...I'd tell a Black person they were wrong if they used that sense of pride to attempt to prove that they were inherently superior to white people....or any other race, for that matter. Taking and using good examples in history is proper.
Pride is one thing..using historical "fact" to attempt to prove inherent superiority to any other race is quite another.
..undeniable, the whites were superior in technology/writing/etc...anyone that does not think so is hiding their head in the sand
LOL! And away you go, eh? Hmmm...did 'White' people invent writing? Were the first examples of tech invented by 'White" people? just PROVED you are ignorant of the subject...
no one said anything about inventing---
..the sub-Saharan area did not have anything like the European/American/etc written languages.....they did not have the blueprints for ships/trains/firearms/etc
..a lot of tribes did not have a written language--plain and simple

the Africans had this:

the whites had this:
This appears to be very important to're still a racist though..and all your carefully cherry-picked shyte..means nothing to anyone with half a brain and a working moral compass.

Oh..and you might want to give some i suggested to in..what was going on in Europe 10,000 years ago...vs what was going on in Africa..or Asia..for that matter. White people were latecomers to the world scene. They were definite over-achievers..benefited from stealing a lot of tech from other places....which is all to the good. But they did not invent writing..or farming....or brewing....or sea travel.....or----
Last edited:
Oh Gawd! Are they going to start with the great San (Hottentot) civilization now? :)
LOL! Don't know about all that...just fact-checking the usual suspects....the San were hunter-gatherers.....not a lot of what we would call civilization.
Weird. The rest of sub-Sahara had glorious civilizations to counter Greece, Rome and Egypt, but somehow only the San were hunter-gatherers?
Uhh...not sure where all that is coming from..but I'm pretty sure that i didn't say any of it. You might, if you wish to actually engage historically...learn some actual facts..and some timelines....
....plain--simple-undeniable--sub-Sahara [ that's racist-sorry ] Africa was far behind the whites in technology/written books-language/farming/etc--and they still are
You say that like it matters..not even knowing how laughable you are to someone with a bit of historical knowledge. For all you know...farming was invented in that region...why..some might even think that the Sahara was created/exacerbated by over-farming..when Europeans were living in caves and being farmed for slaves..some might say...LOL
.......MORE proof you are ignorant of the subject = they STILL have problems with BASIC farming techniques used in the 1800s!!!!!
---and please stop posting so much evidence and links [ hahahahahha ]
While the Green Revolution of the 1960s allowed Asian and Latin American countries to triple crop yields, food production in Sub-Saharan Africa has remained stagnant and in many cases has even declined.
The root of the problem lies in poor farming practices
Getting to the Root of Africa's Agriculture Challenges: TropAg and AfSIS Partner to Improve Soil Fertility
Would you tell a black person that they're wrong for feeling a sense of pride at Harriet Tubman's accomplishments? Or is your attitude towards culture only reserved for white people?
Nope...I'd tell a Black person they were wrong if they used that sense of pride to attempt to prove that they were inherently superior to white people....or any other race, for that matter. Taking and using good examples in history is proper.
Pride is one thing..using historical "fact" to attempt to prove inherent superiority to any other race is quite another.
..undeniable, the whites were superior in technology/writing/etc...anyone that does not think so is hiding their head in the sand
LOL! And away you go, eh? Hmmm...did 'White' people invent writing? Were the first examples of tech invented by 'White" people? just PROVED you are ignorant of the subject...
no one said anything about inventing---
..the sub-Saharan area did not have anything like the European/American/etc written languages.....they did not have the blueprints for ships/trains/firearms/etc
..a lot of tribes did not have a written language--plain and simple

the Africans had this:

the whites had this:
This appears to be very important to're still a racist though..and all your carefully cherry-picked shyte..means nothing to anyone with half a brain and a working moral compass.

Oh..and you might want to give some i suggested to in..what was going on in Europe 10,000 years ago...vs what was going oon in Africa..or Asia..for that matter. Whate people were latecomers to the world scene. They were definite over-achievers..benefited from stealing a lot of tech from other places....which is all to the good. But they did not invent writing..or farming....or brewing....or sea travel.....or----
even MORE evidence and links from EvilEye
please, can you cut down on the links/evidence--we need more time to read all of that
[ hahahhahahahahahhahahah ]
= you have NO proof of what you claim = your posts are crap

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