Another lie debunked-Africans did nothing before the white man

Never really checked that out. I do know African civilizations like the Nubians and Egyptians honored their women and the lineage of rulership passed through the womans side of the family. This was in the BC's and I believe Africa was the only place to have women rulers in the ancient world.
That's right. Despite Elizabeth Taylor playing the role, Cleopatra was not white. And she ruled quite powerfully I should say. Another Great Queen, Sheba also was black. I think these ladies were a few years before the Vikings.
Even before both of them you have Queen Hatshepsut 1479-1458 BCE and for the Nubians AmaniShakheto 10BC to 1AD

Don't forget Nefertiti.
View attachment 289075

Here are some black people.


Remember this the next time you talk about Nefertiti.

Egypt ain't in Europe son.

Haha that guy on the right is almost as white as me. What the fuck are you smoking?

These are 2 black people. I am smoking nothing. Just learn this lesson and understand what it means when you start making Africans white.
Even before both of them you have Queen Hatshepsut 1479-1458 BCE and for the Nubians AmaniShakheto 10BC to 1AD

Don't forget Nefertiti.
View attachment 289075
Thats not Nefertiti. Thats the wife of the white dude that discovered Nefertiti.

Sure it is.
Remember. They hadnt invented SPF back then. Check the story of that bust. Its obvious the white guy falsified the whole thing.

"Berlin author and historian Edrogan Ercivan's new book, Missing Link in Archaeology, which was published last week, adds to Stierlin's argument. Ercivan has also called the Nefertiti bust a fake, saying it was modelled on Borchardt's wife, the Guardian newspaper reported."

Not sure about the first one but the middle is Tiye, wife of Amenhotep III, not Nefertiti. This is what Tiye's mummy looks like:

So yeah, that's a headdress not an afro. Sorry.

The one on the right is Akhenaten. A man.
Wrong picture. Here is Nefertiti. She is obviously Black. Matter of fact she kind of looks like my wife.


The picture of the mummy is what my cousins hair looked like after they had perms or what happens during the mummification process.
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Don't forget Nefertiti.
View attachment 289075
Thats not Nefertiti. Thats the wife of the white dude that discovered Nefertiti.

Sure it is.
Remember. They hadnt invented SPF back then. Check the story of that bust. Its obvious the white guy falsified the whole thing.

"Berlin author and historian Edrogan Ercivan's new book, Missing Link in Archaeology, which was published last week, adds to Stierlin's argument. Ercivan has also called the Nefertiti bust a fake, saying it was modelled on Borchardt's wife, the Guardian newspaper reported."

Not sure about the first one but the middle is Tiye, wife of Amenhotep III, not Nefertiti. This is what Tiye's mummy looks like:

So yeah, that's a headdress not an afro. Sorry.

The one on the right is Akhenaten. A man.
Wrong picture. Here is Nefertiti. She is obviously Black. Matter of fact she kind of looks like my wife.


The picture of the mummy is what my cousins hair looked like after they had perms or what happens during the mummification process.

Looks quite different in this photo:
Thats not Nefertiti. Thats the wife of the white dude that discovered Nefertiti.

Sure it is.
Remember. They hadnt invented SPF back then. Check the story of that bust. Its obvious the white guy falsified the whole thing.

"Berlin author and historian Edrogan Ercivan's new book, Missing Link in Archaeology, which was published last week, adds to Stierlin's argument. Ercivan has also called the Nefertiti bust a fake, saying it was modelled on Borchardt's wife, the Guardian newspaper reported."

Not sure about the first one but the middle is Tiye, wife of Amenhotep III, not Nefertiti. This is what Tiye's mummy looks like:

So yeah, that's a headdress not an afro. Sorry.

The one on the right is Akhenaten. A man.
Wrong picture. Here is Nefertiti. She is obviously Black. Matter of fact she kind of looks like my wife.


The picture of the mummy is what my cousins hair looked like after they had perms or what happens during the mummification process.

Looks quite different in this photo:
View attachment 289078
Only if youre blind.

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Thats not Nefertiti. Thats the wife of the white dude that discovered Nefertiti.

Sure it is.
Remember. They hadnt invented SPF back then. Check the story of that bust. Its obvious the white guy falsified the whole thing.

"Berlin author and historian Edrogan Ercivan's new book, Missing Link in Archaeology, which was published last week, adds to Stierlin's argument. Ercivan has also called the Nefertiti bust a fake, saying it was modelled on Borchardt's wife, the Guardian newspaper reported."

Not sure about the first one but the middle is Tiye, wife of Amenhotep III, not Nefertiti. This is what Tiye's mummy looks like:

So yeah, that's a headdress not an afro. Sorry.

The one on the right is Akhenaten. A man.
Wrong picture. Here is Nefertiti. She is obviously Black. Matter of fact she kind of looks like my wife.


The picture of the mummy is what my cousins hair looked like after they had perms or what happens during the mummification process.

Looks quite different in this photo:
View attachment 289078
Here is another good one of Nefertiti.

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Look at the expression on Tuts face. I can just imagine his wife telling him that one day people would claim he was white. :laughing0301:

These are 2 black people. I am smoking nothing. Just learn this lesson and understand what it means when you start making Africans white.

Do you mean like Michael Jackson or

That's right. Despite Elizabeth Taylor playing the role, Cleopatra was not white. And she ruled quite powerfully I should say. Another Great Queen, Sheba also was black. I think these ladies were a few years before the Vikings.
Even before both of them you have Queen Hatshepsut 1479-1458 BCE and for the Nubians AmaniShakheto 10BC to 1AD

Don't forget Nefertiti.
View attachment 289075

Here are some black people.


Remember this the next time you talk about Nefertiti.

Egypt ain't in Europe son.

Haha that guy on the right is almost as white as me. What the fuck are you smoking?

These are 2 black people. I am smoking nothing. Just learn this lesson and understand what it means when you start making Africans white.

Something Africans gave the world...............

Scientists have identified the first new strain of HIV since the year 2000. It the first time a new subtype of Group M HIV has been identified since classification guidelines were established at the turn of the century.

Group M viruses are responsible for the global pandemic, which can be traced back to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Researchers say the new discovery helps them to stay one step ahead of a mutating virus and avoid new pandemics. Before an unusual virus can be determined a new subtype, three cases of it must be discovered independently.
First new strain of HIV discovered in 19 years

Just sayin'.

I don't start fights. I end them.
You just said to let the race wars begin. Sounds like a start to me. I'm just waiting for them to start so I can end it.

You and Paul have claimed that all the Earth is rightfully yours. Come and take it. Or shut the fuck up with your idiotic claims.
When we take it that will be on our schedule. When you get strong enough to make me shut up then come give it a swing and see what happens.

Oh, trust me little one, even at 75 I can wipe the floor with you and your ilk.

You whites here talk a lot of shit about whipping ass. You're 75, it's probably best you quit talk that kind of shit.

Make me honey. I have worked outside for my entire life. I am in very good condition for a man my age. Wimps who work in offices are no threat.
If we are not here they will go extinct. The last time they lost contact with Blacks they fell into the Dark Ages.

Wrong. The 6th Century Climate Catastrophe is what plunged Europe into the Dark Ages.

Had nothing to do with Africa. However. That was one of those energy crunches that cause evolution.

That evolution was the Renaissance.

That's not how things went.

That is PROVABLY how things went. You clowns are a hoot. I wonder what personality disorder you suffer from.
None. It's provable that Africa had an equal or advanced civilization compared to Europe but you don't accept the proof shown. So fuck what you claim is provable.
Its really worse than that. Whites have no civilization they can point to that didnt come about from other civilizations. They were late to civilization then forgot all about it for thousands of years until Blacks came back to europe and reeducated them.

Really? Show me a building in Africa not built by the Egyptians, and Great Zimbabwe, that has lasted for more than a hundred years.

I have to say, your level of fantasy beliefs is pretty amazing.
History says otherwise. Sheesh, your fantasy that Africa was all beautiful and everyone lived in harmony is belied by every record we have.

The black tribes tried to wipe out the bushmen for fucks sake.

Show me the history. No white boy history. I want the real history.

You won't believe anything I provide because you are a warped human being. So, you look up as much history as you can find on your own from various sources and then get back to us.

Even better you should travel to Zimbabwe and see how long you last. I wouldn't give you a week.
I will believe it when you provide it from a Black source.

Oops Too late. I spent two weeks in Zimbabwe. Far as I can tell I'm ok.

Bullshit. You couldn't last two days unless you stayed in the airport. The blacks there consider you a pussy and would flay you.

I visited Harare 20 years ago and never felt more at home. Whites like you don't understand the brotherhood we have with Africans. They might consider you a pussy though. American whites are always trying to tell us how everybody hates us. But it's YOU that they hate.

Then why didn't you stay there?
Last edited:
That is PROVABLY how things went. You clowns are a hoot. I wonder what personality disorder you suffer from.
None. It's provable that Africa had an equal or advanced civilization compared to Europe but you don't accept the proof shown. So fuck what you claim is provable.
Its really worse than that. Whites have no civilization they can point to that didnt come about from other civilizations. They were late to civilization then forgot all about it for thousands of years until Blacks came back to europe and reeducated them.
The Vikings had women's rights in the 800's. They were pretty white out.
Never really checked that out. I do know African civilizations like the Nubians and Egyptians honored their women and the lineage of rulership passed through the womans side of the family. This was in the BC's and I believe Africa was the only place to have women rulers in the ancient world.
That's right. Despite Elizabeth Taylor playing the role, Cleopatra was not white. And she ruled quite powerfully I should say. Another Great Queen, Sheba also was black. I think these ladies were a few years before the Vikings.

So few you can count them on one hand. And Cleopatra was Greek, moron. She was a Ptolemy. A GREEK family.
None. It's provable that Africa had an equal or advanced civilization compared to Europe but you don't accept the proof shown. So fuck what you claim is provable.
Its really worse than that. Whites have no civilization they can point to that didnt come about from other civilizations. They were late to civilization then forgot all about it for thousands of years until Blacks came back to europe and reeducated them.
The Vikings had women's rights in the 800's. They were pretty white out.
Never really checked that out. I do know African civilizations like the Nubians and Egyptians honored their women and the lineage of rulership passed through the womans side of the family. This was in the BC's and I believe Africa was the only place to have women rulers in the ancient world.
That's right. Despite Elizabeth Taylor playing the role, Cleopatra was not white. And she ruled quite powerfully I should say. Another Great Queen, Sheba also was black. I think these ladies were a few years before the Vikings.
Even before both of them you have Queen Hatshepsut 1479-1458 BCE and for the Nubians AmaniShakheto 10BC to 1AD

Oh boy, add another four or five why don't you.
Don't forget Nefertiti.
View attachment 289075
Thats not Nefertiti. Thats the wife of the white dude that discovered Nefertiti.

Sure it is.
Remember. They hadnt invented SPF back then. Check the story of that bust. Its obvious the white guy falsified the whole thing.

"Berlin author and historian Edrogan Ercivan's new book, Missing Link in Archaeology, which was published last week, adds to Stierlin's argument. Ercivan has also called the Nefertiti bust a fake, saying it was modelled on Borchardt's wife, the Guardian newspaper reported."

Not sure about the first one but the middle is Tiye, wife of Amenhotep III, not Nefertiti. This is what Tiye's mummy looks like:

So yeah, that's a headdress not an afro. Sorry.

The one on the right is Akhenaten. A man.
Wrong picture. Here is Nefertiti. She is obviously Black. Matter of fact she kind of looks like my wife.


The picture of the mummy is what my cousins hair looked like after they had perms or what happens during the mummification process.

Really? What about that bust looks black to you? Lips? Nope. Eye brows? Nope. Nose? Possibly, but there is no flaring of the nostrils that I can see. Ears? Nope. Eye lids? Possibly.

However, she looks more asian than black to me.
Thats not Nefertiti. Thats the wife of the white dude that discovered Nefertiti.

Sure it is.
Remember. They hadnt invented SPF back then. Check the story of that bust. Its obvious the white guy falsified the whole thing.

"Berlin author and historian Edrogan Ercivan's new book, Missing Link in Archaeology, which was published last week, adds to Stierlin's argument. Ercivan has also called the Nefertiti bust a fake, saying it was modelled on Borchardt's wife, the Guardian newspaper reported."

Not sure about the first one but the middle is Tiye, wife of Amenhotep III, not Nefertiti. This is what Tiye's mummy looks like:

So yeah, that's a headdress not an afro. Sorry.

The one on the right is Akhenaten. A man.
Wrong picture. Here is Nefertiti. She is obviously Black. Matter of fact she kind of looks like my wife.


The picture of the mummy is what my cousins hair looked like after they had perms or what happens during the mummification process.

Looks quite different in this photo:
View attachment 289078

Yup, now she really looks asian.
Sure it is.
Remember. They hadnt invented SPF back then. Check the story of that bust. Its obvious the white guy falsified the whole thing.

"Berlin author and historian Edrogan Ercivan's new book, Missing Link in Archaeology, which was published last week, adds to Stierlin's argument. Ercivan has also called the Nefertiti bust a fake, saying it was modelled on Borchardt's wife, the Guardian newspaper reported."

Not sure about the first one but the middle is Tiye, wife of Amenhotep III, not Nefertiti. This is what Tiye's mummy looks like:

So yeah, that's a headdress not an afro. Sorry.

The one on the right is Akhenaten. A man.
Wrong picture. Here is Nefertiti. She is obviously Black. Matter of fact she kind of looks like my wife.


The picture of the mummy is what my cousins hair looked like after they had perms or what happens during the mummification process.

Looks quite different in this photo:
View attachment 289078

Yup, now she really looks asian.

Lots of modern-day Egyptians have similar facial features and they'd stick a boot up your ass if you called them "black".
Remember. They hadnt invented SPF back then. Check the story of that bust. Its obvious the white guy falsified the whole thing.

"Berlin author and historian Edrogan Ercivan's new book, Missing Link in Archaeology, which was published last week, adds to Stierlin's argument. Ercivan has also called the Nefertiti bust a fake, saying it was modelled on Borchardt's wife, the Guardian newspaper reported."

Not sure about the first one but the middle is Tiye, wife of Amenhotep III, not Nefertiti. This is what Tiye's mummy looks like:

So yeah, that's a headdress not an afro. Sorry.

The one on the right is Akhenaten. A man.
Wrong picture. Here is Nefertiti. She is obviously Black. Matter of fact she kind of looks like my wife.


The picture of the mummy is what my cousins hair looked like after they had perms or what happens during the mummification process.

Looks quite different in this photo:
View attachment 289078

Yup, now she really looks asian.

Lots of modern-day Egyptians have similar facial features and they'd stick a boot up your ass if you called them "black".

Yes, I know. It is becoming very clear to me that these people are just simply insane. The level of fantasy that infests their brains is amazing. Regardless, until they start something they are relatively harmless.

When they start something they will quickly figure out why they shouldn't have.
Not sure about the first one but the middle is Tiye, wife of Amenhotep III, not Nefertiti. This is what Tiye's mummy looks like:

So yeah, that's a headdress not an afro. Sorry.

The one on the right is Akhenaten. A man.
Wrong picture. Here is Nefertiti. She is obviously Black. Matter of fact she kind of looks like my wife.


The picture of the mummy is what my cousins hair looked like after they had perms or what happens during the mummification process.

Looks quite different in this photo:
View attachment 289078

Yup, now she really looks asian.

Lots of modern-day Egyptians have similar facial features and they'd stick a boot up your ass if you called them "black".

Yes, I know. It is becoming very clear to me that these people are just simply insane. The level of fantasy that infests their brains is amazing. Regardless, until they start something they are relatively harmless.

When they start something they will quickly figure out why they shouldn't have.

Afrocentric history revisionism is basically a religious belief rooted in pathological insecurity.. No amount of proof will ever sway true believers. Honestly, I feel kinda guilty for even trying.

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